Good Morning D-League,
I'm tired after a hectic weekend. I drove up to Lexington for a big wedding bash; first time I'd been up there since May.
Now, for the local weather. It's currently 47 degrees on my thermomoeter with Sunny, clear, crisp skies, headed up to 68 degrees and a nice Fall day. I have one of those "Ambient" home weather stations with all my data linked to the Weather Underground network, so you, me, and anyone else that cares can view my current and past weather conditions from anywhere.
What happened to UK football the other night? I was at the above-mentioned wedding, so I missed it. I thought that we were supposed to go 11-1 this year and fans everywhere we upset because of the "lack of RESPECT" that the sports world was denying us. Next is the UT vols and we could be in for trouble. I believe that we will have to play like we did against UF or LSU in order to beat the vols......and hope that they make some mental errors/penalities against themselves. I hope I'm wrong.
Anyway, lots of crazy going on in the world, including that globalist UN conference featuring the pope francis and obumma as keynote speakers. From my understanding, they are unveiling the 7-year global plan, which is centered around the platform of Climate Change. It's pure evil and I wonder how much of this is setting the stage for the upcoming 7-year tribulation and anti-christ rule that we read about in the Bible (see Daniel, Revelation, and 1st---2nd Thessalonians for more details). If you haven't already, please admit you're a sinner and believe the gospel, good news of Jesus paying the penalty for your sins by his blood shed on the cross. See John 3:16.....1st Corinthians 15:1-4 Time is short.