
It's less than 1,000 by now. Used to be per capita the richest town in the USA in the riverboat boom days. President Grant used to vacation with his rich friends there and it made a list of finalists for being the US capital city before DC was chosen.
No offense, but DC was chosen as capital as part of the Constitution in 1787. Cairo wasn't founded till 1818 - the year IL became a state. Yes, was a boomtown.
Well, my old 50" Panasonic plasma (14 years old) tv finally bit the dust. It was top of the line when I bought it. I watch youtube and old documentaries about 90% of the time so I don't need anything fancy to replace it. Guess I'll finally move up to one of them thar fancy 4K smart tvs.
We had a 42" Pan plasma. Loved it. It gave out long ago & that technology was passed by. The thing weighed a ton.
Well, my old 50" Panasonic plasma (14 years old) tv finally bit the dust. It was top of the line when I bought it. I watch youtube and old documentaries about 90% of the time so I don't need anything fancy to replace it. Guess I'll finally move up to one of them thar fancy 4K smart tvs.
Think I see you starchief in there somewhere in a few weeks......
I'm sure this has happened to most (all) of you. Grass is a little high. Been raining for week/two weeks and you haven't gotten to it. Finally get out and start mowing and find that the grass/weeds are about 3, 4 times higher than what you thought.
What a mess. Especially in the field. Hadn't been over there for awhile and the grass was much higher than I thought it was. So....instead of today being the last mowing of the year, looks like I'll have to do it one more time over there. Guess I could leave it in that it looks better than before...but even though it's just a field, I'd like for it to look better. The perfectionist in me.
Still here Brother BC. Only had one last night (Thought I would have had more.) and one this evening. Getting ready to hit the hay but always seem to check this thread once before I go. Hank made some seriously good music for a good long while then he went ignant. I'm still as rowdy as I ever was, just not for as long each time.

Been running hard these last couple of weeks and started to rebel a little but I had a couple family members come to my rescue too. I guess 60 is not too old but I wish I was in my forties with the pace these last couple weeks. It seemed too that no one cared. I really called on my broad shoulders and the Lord to help. He did.

God Bless you all and your families, and thanks for all you do that you do not realize!
Yeah, been going at it so hard all summer, finally getting a chance to unwind and live a little. Probably got a little carried away yesterday with the football Cats and Braves, but I enjoyed it. Sucks about the football team, but I still believe we can have a good year, by our standards anyway. And lately, I talk to God everyday, and He talks back. Sometimes it takes awhile, but He always responds. I may not like what He says, but that’s another thing entirely. Anyway, go Braves tonight!
I'm guessing it was soon after the Civil War when Grant as prez was visiting Cairo where the wealthy steamboat owners lived. It was probably in that time period when there was talk of Cairo possibly becoming the capital. Some of the most wealthy people in the US lived there and Grant was friends with them. There was/is a street called Millionaire's Row (and that was late 1800's millionaires, though it's also falling into disrepair.

The trick or treaters are out in force tonight. Unfortunately not at our house. We live on a busy street but looking out at the neighbors across the road they're everywhere. The only brave souls to journey to the other side of the tracks are usually the older variety.
I'm guessing it was soon after the Civil War when Grant as prez was visiting Cairo where the wealthy steamboat owners lived. It was probably in that time period when there was talk of Cairo possibly becoming the capital. Some of the most wealthy people in the US lived there and Grant was friends with them. There was/is a street called Millionaire's Row (and that was late 1800's millionaires, though it's also falling into disrepair.

It's best that Cairo didn't become the capital. With where it's situated...and how the 'swamp' has spread over the would have ruined Ky, Tenn, Missou, and Arkansas.
It is none of my business, but when it comes to TV's I have a lot of experience. Probably bad advise because if you get it on my advise it will blow up in the first week, but I recommend Sony.

I have had 4 Sony flat screen TV's and bought two for my kids. They are good. The last four that I bought the best price was at Amazon.

* "Any use of this advise will be used against you in a court of law."

I may end up getting a Sony but if it is no good it will be all your fault.

I actually have six tvs in my house. Two of them are Sonys, older flat screens that I bought a couple of years ago at garage sales for $20 each. I loved that old plasma Panasonic though..
I use my feet to get mine rolling then pop the clutch....;) I was trying to beat your hoopty story.

I do have a 2012 Mazda 3 that is totalled due to the San Antonio hail storm five or so years ago. Has a salvage title but a perfect commuter car. If I cleaned the windshield I'd drive it to Colorado. 77k on it.
I actually saw the tree fall on it. It was a big pine tree. I was watching out the window of the house as the wind started to pick up. The tree looked kind of funny, so I started to get up and go move the truck. It fell before I could stand up. Lucky thing I didn't get up a bit earlier I guess.

I made a big pot of pinto beans (seasoned with salt pork), a skillet of cornbread and a pan of fried taters (fried in lard) Saturday. They were the best I had made for a while. I finished them off yesterday. They got better each day. I'm the only one who will eat them. What can I say? I was raised in the hills.
Got one just like that. I make my “world famous” vegetable beef soup in it. I use 3 or sometimes 4 quarts of canned tomatoes and the same 3 or 4 lbs. of browned ground beef and then all kinds of vegetables and a couple of cans of rotel season salt, one onion and table spoon of sugar and black pepper. Cook for four hours or so. It’s better on the second day too!
It is none of my business, but when it comes to TV's I have a lot of experience. Probably bad advise because if you get it on my advise it will blow up in the first week, but I recommend Sony.

I have had 4 Sony flat screen TV's and bought two for my kids. They are good. The last four that I bought the best price was at Amazon.

* "Any use of this advise will be used against you in a court of law."

Sony replaced a tv for a guy I know. They had the tv 4.75 years. One of those old monstrosity size TVs from the mid 2000s. Almost 18" thick and 50+" or so. He was thinking maybe he could repair it, so he called a repair guy in Richmond, KY. The repair guy asked him the make, what was wrong, and then guessed what the TV looked like exactly as if he was looking over the guy's shoulder at it.

Said he'd attempted to repair a lot of those for Sony warranty services and that I should send the repair request through them. He called Sony and to his surprise they did send the service guy out at no charge, even though the refular warranty had been expired for a couple years. The circuit board needed to be replaced, but they didn't have them anymore.

Seems they had a recall and went through every last one of them. He was disappointed he couldn't fix it, but then the Sony rep asked him, "What kind of TV do you want?" Shocked, he asked how much it would cost him.

Sony ignored the question and asked if he wanted a 55" plasma (the kind they had previously) or a 40+" ___ (whatever the newer kind was then before OLED and such). He said he'd rather have the larger screen size, and the Sony guy said they'd send it out the next day.

No shipping. No fees. Just sent him a new TV. $969 TV. Because he had a "hunch" (what I called it) that he could fix it.

He always said it was God taking care of him and never to discount such "hunches" as pur own, but a gift of the spirit. So I try to do that and pay attention to them now.
The offensive player initiated the contact on the helmet to helmet.

There's been a TON of that lately and they never call it. That's how you know it's not a rule about player safety.

Also saw a ball carrier facemask a defender without a call in the 15min I got to watch the biffle yesterday. Flat out pulled the defender down to the ground by his grill to get the first down. Was glad to see that team didn't win after the refs blew that call and others to escort them into the end zone.

What WAS amazing was that Troy Aikman shut up anout the great stiff arm long enough to look at the screen and mention the facemask with some surprise. There is hope in the world after all.

Morning legionnaires!

New month and new week for our football and basketball team. Things will start ramping up now. A win against Tenn. would help soften the blow from Saturday and my Bengals yesterday.

One of my brothers B-day is today, another is 1 Dec and mine is 1 Aug. I have a sister who's is the 2nd of Jan. I guess my mother liked the first days of the month as delivery days. Only one is later on in the month and that is the 19th of Aug. If you did not know Jim Varney was dead and you saw the one who's birthday is today you would (if a fan) ask him for his autograph. They could almost be twins. Doppleganger?
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There's been a TON of that lately and they never call it. That's how you know it's not a rule about player safety.

Also saw a ball carrier facemask a defender without a call in the 15min I got to watch the biffle yesterday. Flat out pulled the defender down to the ground by his grill to get the first down. Was glad to see that team didn't win after the refs blew that call and others to escort them into the end zone.

What WAS amazing was that Troy Aikman shut up anout the great stiff arm long enough to look at the screen and mention the facemask with some surprise. There is hope in the world after all.
That is something I have noticed about face mask, hands to the face, and targeting which happens all of the time. If it is initiated by the offense when running with the ball it is not called against them. It makes no sense. Just like the breaking the plane rule for touchdowns. Why not call a catch a non catch if the ball is caught after it breaks the out of bounds plane but both feet are in.
I may end up getting a Sony but if it is no good it will be all your fault.

I actually have six tvs in my house. Two of them are Sonys, older flat screens that I bought a couple of years ago at garage sales for $20 each. I loved that old plasma Panasonic though..

We have a Panasonic (and a Sony now), but they're not as nice as the newer screens and are having a hard time with some of the tech hooked up to them. Don't want a "smart" tv. Can you still by tvs that aren't smart tvs?