
Cool! I guess in Santa Fe, Mississippi.
Is it OK if a grandpa brags a little on the D

Just got a text from my grand daughter who lives in Lexington, KY. Last night she was way way under the weather and wheezing and feeling horrible. Her daddy and mama nursed her all night. Now why is that important? Today at 4 o'clock she had to run in the State Championship. She runs track and also cross country.

So I received a text a few minutes ago that she ran the fastest time in her track history and the team is the Kentucky High School State Champs. Mind over matter. She was determined her final high school run would be her best and she would leave everything on that track. Congrats to a Champion.
I guess I'll be looking for another health insurance provider for 2022. Another ridiculous increase from our current provider. Open enrollment begins Monday.
Wished you lived closer to Owensboro 82, my wife's nephew deals with Medi-care and moves me every year to the best plan out there. He put me on mutual of Omaha last year
Just want to put this out there for Fall and Winter

Stale Bread Soup
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1- Large onion
4-5 cloves garlic 1-large can crushed tomatoes
1- small can diced tomatoes
1- Qt. chicken stock
2- cans drained white beans
1- Loaf French bread

Coat bottom of pot with EVOO
Add chopped onions and garlic to pot and cook for a few minutes.
Add tomatoes and chicken stock, bring to boil.
Add the beans, salt , pepper to taste
Add pieces of bread and serve

We have never used the French Bread, I had rather eat cornbread with this soup!!!
Plan on preparing in a few weeks. Thanks!
He was an accomplished drinker as well.

Someone like...Austin! Do it man. I will invest some cash and I bet there are other people here who might want to get involved. You know all you need to know about what good food is and you have the business sense to pull it off as well. In case you didn't know it, you are frugal. Excellent quality to have for a new business owner!

I will share my rolled oyster recipe.....
Darn it SC Sir you got me started. I am peeling back a few Yuenglings..Been driving all day with many stops along the way. My Darling and I even voted.... I may even drink three...

Try this one on for size... Just an amazing rendition...

The Ole girl can sing but she was trying hard to keep up... ;) (Didn't let it get her down, heck, I'd have been nervous too..)

Much better on her part in this rendition...

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This has to be a joke.

A dirty, nasty joke but I am betting it is true. Just filthy for those who claim to represent anything. It's like they are in some sort of gross eat it all challenge... I am a big ole fella and I love food but I top out at 215 at 5'11" (Army never would give me 6 feet.) but at my worst and I lost thirty pounds a bunch of years ago when I sold my business and got lazy for a year before I self-adjusted my intake but, I never envisioned that slop. That is past double your weight territory with a few going past that...

I will stop...
Communist! Seriously though, my wife hates coconut.

My wife "dislikes coconut" with every fiber of her being... sort of. She has no problem with macaroons nor german chocolate cake (with coconut in the icing).

I can't eat almonds anymore. Appear to have developed a sensitivity, but it's non-life threatening. Have a couple friends that have also developed something similar. We ALL ate way too many almonds when we were younger.

I used to eat a Mounds candy bar once a week during the fall and winter when I was a kid.

Three flavor coconut cake/bar candy thingy

Hard to find locally...
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Good morning, D-L!

Game day! Time to prove the doubters wrong again! Hope we put the stink on MSU like we did on LSU.

Hope y'all enjoy your end to the week, and that you don't forget who gave it all to you, and made it all possible! Let God's word run deep, and through His son will flow rivers of living water into your soul! He is the vine! We are the branches!

NO ONE placed in His hand will be snatched out, so hold on to Him for all you're worth
Good morning from ATX. Currently 49°F and clear. 56% humidity. Today's high may reach around 82°F.

Watched basketball team vs KY Wesleyan last night. Saw lots of talent and many things they can build on. Make that extra pass. Seemed like a few too many turnovers early on. They'll be okay.

Happy Caturday! Big game tonight in Starkville. Go Cats!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

My wife "dislikes coconut" with every fiber of her being... sort of. She has no problem with macaroons nor german chocolate cake (with coconut in the icing).

I can't eat almonds anymore. Appear to have developed a sensitivity, but it's non-life threatening. Have a couple friends that have also developed something similar. We ALL ate way too many almonds when we were younger.

I used to eat a Mounds candy bar once a week during the fall and winter when I was a kid.

Three flavor coconut cake/bar candy thingy

Hard to find locally...
This should make it taste better for her.

Good morning! It's gameday! Hope the fellas are all healed up and hungry tonight. I watched SEC network for a while after the game last night and those guys are all pretty high on UK going 11-1. It's not going to be a cakewalk tonight but we are good enough to go down there and take their lunch money this year. UK 31 - MSU 24

Ended up shooting 38% from 3 last night. Not bad but will get a little better I would think. Oscar and Sahvir are going to make a huge difference in this team all by themselves. 2 best transfers yet.

Duke in about 9 days and then it's on! 40-0 baby!
Good Saturday Game Day morning

Woke up to a nice morning, lots of clouds in the sky. We have 54° and a 15% chance of rain by mid afternoon. We should get up to 69°. Not bad for a football game. There will be an interesting game up in Jacksonville and history tells us you seldom know how this one will go.. I miss Larry Munson. In fact I miss all of the old timers who called games in the SEC. They were colorful and knew their football. RIP Cawood.

So my game face is on and my BBQ grill is clean and ready to fire up. This is game day and I am putting on my game face. We have a big hurdle to get by up there in Mississippi. We haven't won their since 2006 or 08 or something like that. Let's stop the streak and win number 7.

Take care all,


Morning Legionnaires!

Weather is a nice 52° with light winds. Last grass cutting day for the year will be today. Will wait until in laws come over before I start (Heh, heh, heh).

Serious question for you good people. Dentures or implants. I am missing three teeth upper right side and going to have two pulled upper left side soon. Already had one pulled upper left in 1977 so will have as many missing on both sides. Implants seem good but are expensive. Dentures seem to be limited in what you can eat. Thoughts?

Oh yeah, one last thing.

It's game day people so you better be ready!
Good morning! It's gameday! Hope the fellas are all healed up and hungry tonight. I watched SEC network for a while after the game last night and those guys are all pretty high on UK going 11-1. It's not going to be a cakewalk tonight but we are good enough to go down there and take their lunch money this year. UK 31 - MSU 24

Ended up shooting 38% from 3 last night. Not bad but will get a little better I would think. Oscar and Sahvir are going to make a huge difference in this team all by themselves. 2 best transfers yet.

Duke in about 9 days and then it's on! 40-0 baby!
I also watched SEC network postgame. Gene and Chris indeed seems pretty high on our Cats. Hoping for a Wildcat W.

Oscar is a load, but I worry about him getting in foul trouble. Sahvir is a sparkplug all by himself bringing amazing energy. He's a huge difference maker on the floor. Big upgrade over last season.