
Good morning all. It's a wet 55 degrees out....which is scheduled to be our high. One of those weird days where the temp really doesn't move much at all either up or down.

Gagged on oatmeal as a kid. Can remember Mom making it and I would refuse to eat it. Unlike parents (mothers in particular) of today who will make two or three different things because one or two of their kids don't like what's prepared to eat....when I was a kid you ate what was on the table or you didn't eat. So when it came time for oatmeal for breakfast...I didn't eat.

Now I love it. Go figure.
Funny how so much of what we like, dislike, think, etc change as we get older. Or smarter.

Y'all have a good day.
The Army is a good way of life, it is a few idiot people that mess it up. I always thought I should have spent 20 years in but only did four. (Injury, a recruiter told me not to try reenlisting.)

I was in the second of my AIT's (96D) at Fort Huachuca. My Platoon Sergeant made NCO of the year that year. I cannot remember his name but he was as top notch as top notch can get in my eyes.

I was dress right dress as far as soldiers went but I also was kind of a card. (Harmless but I like to have good clean fun as it seems you do.) I had good times in the Army at all my stops. At Fort Huachuca we had a couple weeks to go and we were off a certain day but had a GI party back at our barracks. A couple buddies and I were at the shopette about a half mile or so from the barracks across what I called the desert, sandy with a tuft of weeds every so often. I got a wild hair of some kind but I decided I was going to drink some MD 20/20 that I saw on the shelf. I can't remember if they were $.89 or $1.89 a bottle but I spent my last dough before pay day and bought two of them. My buddies bought but didn't drink. I popped the first one and chugged it way before we got to the barracks in what seemed to be 110 or 115 degree heat.. dry heat. I chugged the other one before we got to the barracks. MAN what a head rush I had while standing at ease in our room as the Platoon Sergeant came in. I know I must have been wobbling or something but I was buzzing like a bumble bee.

My Platoon Sergeant did the Sergeant Carter thing with Gomer and got nose to nose with me. ( I was at attention when he came in as the others followed my lead and snapped to.) He stated; "My last name, are you drunk?" I replied immediately, "Yes Sergeant!" (I never had an expression and was dead serious.) He paused a couple seconds and walked out of the room. After he left and cleared, my buddies were laughing to beat all laughs. I was scared sober. (I never heard about that episode again.) A week or so before that, we did our PT test and I was in the best shape of my life due to that Platoon Sergeant. Much respect to him. That was the only time I ever maxed a PT test and he gave me five seconds on the run at that by repeating 3:12 or 3:05 about five times. (Whatever the max was.)

If I have a glory moment other than my family in my life about a week after that MD 20/20 incident he had me in his office and told me straight up. "My last name, if I had a 100k like you, I could win any war!" That stuck with me to date and is how I try to carry myself now and I expect until the Lord calls me home.

That's what the Army did for me! I am thankful! (Thanks for letting me ramble. Not even drinking.) ;)
I look back at my Army days as a good thing for me, it made me a man and taught me to work with others as a team. A few months before I graduated from college I received a letter from my Selective Service board advising me my college deferment was over and get prepared for service. Back then you could not get a career job without doing your duty in the military; No company or firm would hire you. You had to have that record and honorable discharge. In those days if you could walk you would get drafted unless your daddy was a politician or millionaire)

So I went down and joined the Army and signed up for Armor. Fort Knox was the Armor Center then. I always liked tanks and their big guns. My objective was to do my three years and go home. I breezed through basic and enjoyed every aspect of it. The I went to AIT and did well there.

Two weeks before i was graduating from Armor AIT I was asked to report to the Battalion Commander. I arrived with 49 other soldiers from other companies. We were told the Vietnam war was going to crank up even more than it already was and the Army needed instructors and they had graded and chosen 50 of us to make a deal. We were told 25 would pass the NCO Academy and 25 would fail. If you passed you would be given the rank of Corporal with acting Sgt stripes. Your pay would be corporal but you would be addressed as Sergeant and wear E-5 stripes. Then you would be assigned to a basic training company for one month and continued grading. If your company commander "passed" you, you would report to Drill Sgt School. Graduating from Drill Sgt School was automatic E-5, Buck Sergeant.

Now for the deal the Army gave me. My time would be reduced from 3 years to 2 years. I could go to any Basic Training Unit in America for assignment. I got to pick it. Finally after my two years I would be in the inactive reserve and would not have meeting requirements or additional training. I would get my discharge and that would be the end of it. Since I was engaged to be married and my wife to be was in Kentucky, picking Fort Knox was a godsend. I had no intentions of being a "lifer" so I signed up and the rest is history. Had I washed out from any of the NCO schools I would go back to 3 year obligation and a private rank.

I enjoyed the military and still have friends i served with. But I doubt I would volunteer for todays military. I have a granddaughter who is graduating this spring and she can get an appointment to the Air Force Academy. This is her decision but if it were up to me I would say NO. Not in a WOKE military. But then again name me a college or university that is not. Even religious institutions are over the edge WOKE now. ( P.S. sorry for the book report, I ran a little longer than I wanted to )
Good Friday morning D-League.

Gale Warning until FRI 11:00 PM EDT​

We have 71°, with no rain but we are still under "Gale Warnings" Stay out of the Gulf in a small craft. . This afternoon we have a rain chance of 24% and a high of 75°. At the present we have a very strong steady wind coming off of the Gulf that is refreshing.

While it is dry outside I am going to pick up some debris from yesterday and piddle around. I will keep my pick up in the garage.

I read Mark 7 and 8

Found $5.53 so far this week along with a large stash of tomato sauce, tomato soup and beans. Expiration dates on the cans are late next year. Left at the car wash. No way to carry. Would have donated to a local food pantry.

I live about two blocks from an elementary school......they give food to the children on Friday to take home.......when I got a dog and started walking him I started noticing canned and boxed foods laying along the sidewalk.......our schools are not schools any longer......................I don't really keep track of what money I find......I put it in a coffee can.......I call it the dog toy money..........I did count it a year or so ago and there was a little over thirty dollars and that was for about two years of dog walking........Much like Austin Cat.......I know where the coin hot spots are..............the big expansion joints at intersections are like a treasure trove.......
I live about two blocks from an elementary school......they give food to the children on Friday to take home.......when I got a dog and started walking him I started noticing canned and boxed foods laying along the sidewalk.......our schools are not schools any longer......................I don't really keep track of what money I find......I put it in a coffee can.......I call it the dog toy money..........I did count it a year or so ago and there was a little over thirty dollars and that was for about two years of dog walking........Much like Austin Cat.......I know where the coin hot spots are..............the big expansion joints at intersections are like a treasure trove.......

In three years in Korea I never found the first penny laying on the ground. It is what I do when walking, look for money.
Good Friday morning D-League.

Gale Warning until FRI 11:00 PM EDT​

We have 71°, with no rain but we are still under "Gale Warnings" Stay out of the Gulf in a small craft. . This afternoon we have a rain chance of 24% and a high of 75°. At the present we have a very strong steady wind coming off of the Gulf that is refreshing.

While it is dry outside I am going to pick up some debris from yesterday and piddle around. I will keep my pick up in the garage.

I read Mark 7 and 8


Funny. My neighbor just talked to Gale yesterday. He works for Windstream in our area
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Good morning all. It's a wet 55 degrees out....which is scheduled to be our high. One of those weird days where the temp really doesn't move much at all either up or down.

Gagged on oatmeal as a kid. Can remember Mom making it and I would refuse to eat it. Unlike parents (mothers in particular) of today who will make two or three different things because one or two of their kids don't like what's prepared to eat....when I was a kid you ate what was on the table or you didn't eat. So when it came time for oatmeal for breakfast...I didn't eat.

Now I love it. Go figure.
Funny how so much of what we like, dislike, think, etc change as we get older. Or smarter.

Y'all have a good day.

My buddy's sister told me a story about her brother making green oatmeal for the family on St Patrick's day one year. She already didn't like oatmeal and wasn't feeling well that day.... you can guess what she did when she saw it

I think she said she still doesn't eat it
Good morning! Woke up at the crack of 10 again. Looks like I'm transitioning just fine into Fall/Winter sleep mode. Up later, down longer.

Late to bed, late to rise, makes a man lumpy, grumpy, and wide!

Looking forward to the game tonight. I think we'll win.

Wife is working from home today so I think I'll pick up and hit a couple of piddler malls later. Not gonna deal with office politics.

Have a good day!
In three years in Korea I never found the first penny laying on the ground. It is what I do when walking, look for money.
I walked many many miles when I was in England.........I did find a 1p coin.......once...........they don't have money to lose.......I live in a depressed area.........these fools find no value in coins.....I have a two gallon vase that a dear friend gave is almost full of coins.......I have a coffee can that I put dog walking found coins in.......I call it the toy fund.......but I haven't made them reimburse me so maternal grandfather told me it was bad luck to spend found money..........He was so right about so many things.....I am almost scared to go against his advice/preaching................
I'm not much of a coin finder, but I am a coin saver. For several years I brought my packed lunch to work, then bought a coke in the cafeteria that was something like $1.60. I saved those coins left over from handing the gal two dollar bills in a big two-gallon sized potato chip can. I counted the change a while back, and I have over $600 in quarters, dimes and nickels. I have no idea what to do with it.

Rainy and cold here in the east. A good day for a Merle Haggard ballad.
Just walked back in the house and I am going to grab a bite to eat and drink some sweet tea. I tell you the weather today has been ideal.. It is mid 70's with a strong breeze and I doubt there will be any rain today. Just plenty of sunshine.

I didn't realize I had so many palm fronds blown off the trees but I have about 35 sable palms and all of them are mature. Having them blow off saves me from getting out my 26' ladder and chain saw. My wife is thankful because she tells me I have no business messing with ladders and chain saw. I know that is true but how do you walk away from work.

Speaking of money I think I lose more than find. I had a $20.00 bill fall out of my pocket and a nice man behind me picked it up and gave it to me. So I bought his meal. It feels good to meet good honest people.
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Speaking of money I think I lose more than find. I had a $20.00 bill fall out of my pocket and a nice man behind me picked it up and gave it to me. So I bought his meal. It feels good to meet good honest people.
My wife hit a pothole with her car one morning on the way to work and it bent the rim. I found one on Craigslist but we had to drive to the Florence Mall to meet the guy. I paid $10 for the wheel and then turned around and saw a $20 bill laying on the ground. The guy suggested we split the money because we were there together. I laughed a little as I got in my car and left.
I won't believe this until Rooster confirms it.

I have not been blessed with a poor sense of smell. It's a blessing to have a strong olfactory sense, but sometimes it is a shock to the system. I'm no where near to a squirrel or any other animal, but it is significant.

A friend of mine knew a man that could smell something from a half mile away due to a brain tumor the size of a golf ball near his olfactory center. Changed his life/lifestyle for the better in so many ways. He gave God credit for sending it and for saving him, as he was not living right beforehand. Docs gave the guy 6mos to live with or without surgery and my friend met him at least 12 years after the diagnosis. He never had the surgery or chemo even. Just changed his ways
I can't smell at all most days. Occasionally, I will pick up the scent of something but it is short lived. Even skunk spray does not affect me. Wife and daughter have on a few occasions started gagging about a strong skunk smell in the air either around our home or out and about and on each occasion, nothing. I believe it probably has to do with all of the chemicals I inhaled in the military. Cannon smoke, gas chamber training where each cycle as a DI we would take our mask off to show privates that they were not going to die (CS tear gas). CS powder being dropped on us during field exercises and burning human feces in the desert every morning to clear out the out house feces containers. Below is a picture of the out houses with the bottoms of 50 gallon drums (black) pulled out of the bottom doors of the outhouse and gas or diesel poured in them to burn the feces until gone and then put back under the doors. PVC pipes pictured sticking in the sand were our urinals.
According to the NIH, variability in human olfactory sensitivity has been attributed to individual-level factors such as genetics, age, sex, medical history of infections and trauma, neurogenerative diseases, and emotional disorders. I suspect cultural bs is coming soon.
These posts confirm that offaction sensitivity varies greatly amoung our posters. I know my wife smells when she wants to and enlightens me. I'm apparently incognizant about what stinks and what doesn't. I have had assignments in water treatment environments and sensitivities are dulled by offactory fatigue.​

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I walked many many miles when I was in England.........I did find a 1p coin.......once...........they don't have money to lose.......I live in a depressed area.........these fools find no value in coins.....I have a two gallon vase that a dear friend gave is almost full of coins.......I have a coffee can that I put dog walking found coins in.......I call it the toy fund.......but I haven't made them reimburse me so maternal grandfather told me it was bad luck to spend found money..........He was so right about so many things.....I am almost scared to go against his advice/preaching................
Afternoon D, read Mark 9.

Mrs. M made Stale Bread soup yesterday, if you haven't had this soup, you need to try it, what a great comfort meal with cornbread, great for a cold day!!!

Thanks Mr. Rooster I will fix one for JP's tree!!!

Love the MILITARY stories, especially about armor, my MOS!

I hope the D has a great day and Prayers!!!

Waiting my friend to come by and service our heating unit for the winter.
I walked many many miles when I was in England.........I did find a 1p coin.......once...........they don't have money to lose.......I live in a depressed area.........these fools find no value in coins.....I have a two gallon vase that a dear friend gave is almost full of coins.......I have a coffee can that I put dog walking found coins in.......I call it the toy fund.......but I haven't made them reimburse me so maternal grandfather told me it was bad luck to spend found money..........He was so right about so many things.....I am almost scared to go against his advice/preaching................
Between 1984-2010, I spent roughly 3 months in the British Isles. I never found any loose change at all. During 11 years in Germany, I found maybe equivalent of 10 cents total while out walking or on public transportation. Residents of both countries seem more conscious of their surroundings.

Germany mandates Pfand or bottle deposit fees on glass and plastic bottles. If you attempt throwing away a plastic bottle in larger train stations, such as Frankfurt, someone is always standing by a receptacle and will ask for it before you toss. German bottle deposit fees now pay 0.25 cents EU or 30 cents US. Needless to say, I've only found a couple bottles over the years, including my last visit in 2013.

All wild, (and domestic) animals are smart, as we see it (it’s more instinct). My dog Mace, is the smartest non human I’ve ever seen, (pretty easy catch these days). And it’s easy to feel sorry for and pander to wild critters. I’ve been guilty myself. But, they are critters, none the less. Put here for our use. If I remember nothing else from early years bible school, it’s that.
I had an experience with a pet raccoon and it was one of the saddest things I have been involved in. When I was a young insurance rep one of our home owners owned a pet raccoon. She was walking it in Crest Lake Park when it got loose. A 5 year old boy was swinging in the park and the coon attacked the child ripping him between the legs and castrating him. The homeowner had a $25,000 personal injury limit for liability.

I met with the family expressing my sorrow and immediately offered them the policy limits. This happened in Florida which required a "friendly suit" when a minor was involved meaning a judge had to approve the settlement. When the Judge heard the facts he said no way would he approve only $25,000 for a 5 year old boy's loss of his sex organs. We put the $25,000 in a trust for the child and the homeowner was on the hook for what the judge thought was fair. If it was me no amount would have made it "fair".

The lesson I learned was if I had a wild animal, no matter what it was I would keep it away from a human. You just never know.
Just found out our local Catfish Parlour is closing November 6 after 48 years. Wow. Owner retiring. Two other locations remaining open.

Love their catfish and oysters. Hush puppies are long and thin, and leave much to be desired, but wife loves 'em.

We'll be dining there over at least twice more over the next several days.

Just found out our local Catfish Parlour is closing November 6 after 48 years. Wow. Owner retiring. Two other locations remaining open.

Love their catfish and oysters. Hush puppies are long and thin, and leave much to be desired, but wife loves 'em.

We'll be dining there over at least twice more over the next several days.

That is sad, sad news. A Catfish and oyster restaurant is my favorite type of restaurant. Maybe someone can take it over and keep it going.
I walked many many miles when I was in England.........I did find a 1p coin.......once...........they don't have money to lose.......I live in a depressed area.........these fools find no value in coins.....I have a two gallon vase that a dear friend gave is almost full of coins.......I have a coffee can that I put dog walking found coins in.......I call it the toy fund.......but I haven't made them reimburse me so maternal grandfather told me it was bad luck to spend found money..........He was so right about so many things.....I am almost scared to go against his advice/preaching................

I never heard that one before... Hmmm...

Check your email when you get a chance too. (Give me a couple minutes)
He was an accomplished drinker as well.
That is sad, sad news. A Catfish and oyster restaurant is my favorite type of restaurant. Maybe someone can take it over and keep it going.
Someone like...Austin! Do it man. I will invest some cash and I bet there are other people here who might want to get involved. You know all you need to know about what good food is and you have the business sense to pull it off as well. In case you didn't know it, you are frugal. Excellent quality to have for a new business owner!

He was an accomplished drinker as well.

Someone like...Austin! Do it man. I will invest some cash and I bet there are other people here who might want to get involved. You know all you need to know about what good food is and you have the business sense to pull it off as well. In case you didn't know it, you are frugal. Excellent quality to have for a new business owner!


Thanks, but not my style. I'd rather open a french fry stand serving craft beer.
Just want to put this out there for Fall and Winter

Stale Bread Soup
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1- Large onion
4-5 cloves garlic 1-large can crushed tomatoes
1- small can diced tomatoes
1- Qt. chicken stock
2- cans drained white beans
1- Loaf French bread

Coat bottom of pot with EVOO
Add chopped onions and garlic to pot and cook for a few minutes.
Add tomatoes and chicken stock, bring to boil.
Add the beans, salt , pepper to taste
Add pieces of bread and serve

We have never used the French Bread, I had rather eat cornbread with this soup!!!
This may be my favorite George Jones tune depending on how I feel that day. I would rank it in my all time Top 10. I never get tired of George Jones.
Same with me Sawnee. His talent was so immense that every time he sang or recorded this song it is a bit different, and has a distinctive feel. This is my favorite version because the pace is just a bit slower, his tone a bit darker, and because of the way he soars through the bridge. Gives me chills.