
Just for you

Name this fish. It is delicious

Darcizzle sures know how to entertain. This gator hunting darling is just awesome fun.

I've got spaghetti sauce simmering for later. It's been on for about an hour and a half and the house smells Italian.
That was a great idea.
Wasn't flipper a porpoise rather than a dolphin? Lol. I'm feeling a bit like I'm crazy, but I'd swear that was true
Dolphins are interesting creatures. I donot know if this "Flipper" exhibits a display of dominance, a trans-species psychiatic disorder resulting from PTSD or just getting even. But I now know I've seen enough to not trust one of these things.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and cloudy. We're under severe thunderstorm watch. Front moving in. Stronger winds coming. Pup will start going crazy here in a few from all the booming and banging. Temperatures probably dipping down near lower 60s before climbing into upper 70s a bit later.

Braves beat Astros last night, 6-2. I watched first four innings. ATL looked good, but also lost starting pitcher, Charlie Morton, to a comebacker (right fibula fracture). Morton actually pitched really well the next inning.

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Well almost a beer.
As I was enjoying the Alan Parson's song the Director informed me that she desired a stereo system.......we have a new turn table in the box still........I need to get what ever I need to complete a stereo........amplifier, receiver and speakers..........I can sit and discuss playing music for days.......when it comes to stereo equipment the knowledge that I have.........wouldn't blow a thimble off of my head if it was gunpowder........I have seen discusions on here that appear to be about stereo equipment but looks like mostly a foreign language to me............will $1K buy me a nice set up or do I need to dig another jar up.......also........................................................................................I NEED HELP! Can someone give me some recommendations on what to buy...........willing to buy lunch to discuss if you are in the Louisville area........
Don't know If you were serious or not but I thought about you when I was snooping around Newegg and said self, Wow! Nice Value Klipsch
Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and cloudy. We're under severe thunderstorm watch. Front moving in. Stronger winds coming. Pup will start going crazy here in a few from all the booming and banging. Temperatures probably dipping down near lower 60s before climbing into upper 70s a bit later.

Braves beat Astros last night, 6-2. I watched first four innings. ATL looked good, but also lost starting pitcher, Charlie Morton, to a comebacker (right fibula fracture). Morton actually pitched really well the next inning.

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Since you insisted...

Some pics of The Castle on the Cumberland. Considered one of most haunted places in Ky.
Don't remember why I quoted this
My bro' told me the other day where he had read an article where those freighter ships are running out of food. Told him that's bad but should be no big deal...fill a small ship with food and take it out there. But he said the article said that some of these ship owners are losing so much money that they can't even do that. I find that hard to believe in that some of these shipping companies are huge...but maybe there's a couple smaller ones who are running on the edge so to speak (as a lot of companies do) and can't even do that.
Also, that many of the crew members are not being paid and are leaving the ships when/how they can.

But no worries...we have Joe and Pete in charge of things.
The shortages are a good thing. It shows we have demand. Joe said so.
Good morning D League. It got down to 35 degrees in suburban Ashland last night as we had out first frost. Doesn't look like we will have any more for the next 8-9 days. Saw where Klobuchar wants to give Prince a Medal of Freedom because he "made our lives cooler." I didn't realize that was a criteria. Since it is, I am going to nominate Bert for one. Everyone have a great day.
Here's the plan. Let's have a war on drugs, but if someone dies doing illegal drugs, let's lionize them! Why? Because of science!
Destroy everything. Build back stupider. - DNC 2022

Good morning, D-L!

A bit nippy out there in the Bluegrass. Foggy bottoms and frosted tops until the sun got to it a little while ago. Ran an early errand and just got back. Gonna do some work around the house today. Gonna add some insulation and find a cold beer at lunch... No idea why that's on my mind.

Isn't Klobuchar the one whose husband had the covid and was treated with hcq. "Saved his life" iirc was the quote. In spite of that, she ridiculed the president for taking it. Piece of work that one.

I'm interested in a bill that would lock up politicians and judges that lie, demonstrate hypocrisy, and sponsor or pass anythingthat violates the constitution or rule on anything against constitutional mandates. Instant revocation of their seats and new elections with appointments that must be ratified by the people.

No more excuses. When there are that many weeds in a field, it might just as well be bushhogged and plowed under. Start over again in the spring
If only our founding fathers had thought to make the government, of the people, by the people, for the people. We could do something about it.
Last time I went to WDW was 20 years or so ago. With the "woke" bs, don't plan on going back. Used to be you could go at certain times of the year and crowds weren't bad. You just had to do research on the best times to go. We went one year and just missed by a few days being there during some kind of gay awareness week. Lots of people were real upset as they didn't let the general public in on it. I'd of been pissed if we were there that week. I think several church groups were there and they tried to make a stink about it. Apparently it didn't phase Disney.
A girlfriend and I went to Kings Island one time and it was gay day. We didn't know until we got there. Bunch of people, mostly dudes, wearing pink shirts. We had a blast that day and didn't really have to wait in line for anything.
Isn't Winter where the group performed that done the tricks on water skis? Back in the 50's & 60's.....your post almost activated a memory you can see by my post, I said...almost.........
See below
I think that was Cypress Gardens, in Winter Haven. We went there in 1976.
I was there in 68
Good morning from ATX. Currently 57°F and clear with 47% humidity. Today's high expected around 77°F. Is fall finally here again? Stay tuned. Should make for a nice morning walk

Wildcat volleyball swept #21 Volunteers 3-0 last night in Knoxville. Go Cats!

Braves got pounded in 2nd inning last night by Astros in World Series, lost 7-2. Bah!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Just for you

Darcizzle sures know how to entertain. This gator hunting darling is just awesome fun.

That was a great idea.

Dolphins are interesting creatures. I donot know if this "Flipper" exhibits a display of dominance, a trans-species psychiatic disorder resulting from PTSD or just getting even. But I now know I've seen enough to not trust one of these things.
Welcome to Florida. Hide you wives and daughters
Good Morning D Leaguers


Well things sure changed overnight. We will have a 100% chance of rain and a little wind. My wife is loving this because she lives for stormy weather. Currently it 71° and it will get up to 78°. Right now outside it is dry as a bone but with an hour or two you better find cover.

Gale Warning from THU 8:00 PM EDT until FRI 11:00 PM EDT​

Action Recommended​

Avoid the subject event as per the instructions

Issued By​

Ruskin - FL, US, National Weather Service

Affected Area​

Coastal waters from Tarpon Springs to Suwannee River FL out 20 NM, Coastal waters from Englewood to Tarpon Springs FL out 20 NM, Waters from Tarpon Springs to Suwannee River FL out 20 to 60 NM and Waters from Englewood to Tarpon Springs FL out 20 to 60 NM


...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM THIS MORNING TO 8 PM EDT THIS EVENING... ...GALE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM EDT FRIDAY... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM FRIDAY TO 8 AM EDT SATURDAY... WHAT...For the Gale Warning, west winds 30 to 40 kt with gusts up to 60 kt and seas to 15 feet expected. For the first Small Craft Advisory. WHEN...For the Gale Warning, from 8 PM this evening to 11 PM EDT l Craft Advisory, from 11 PM Friday to 8 AM EDT Saturday. IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions.

So bottom line, keep your water craft in the marina or in your back yard. There is nothing for you to see on the Gulf today. I trust all have a great day


Good Morning, D-League!

Gorgeous pink, purple, and violet sunrise before the weather turns violent. Going to feel my share of the storms today as I take some brush to the landfill (closed on Wednesdays, the most beautiful day of this week of course). Hope it stays in the truck ok.

Hearing from my peeps in other states that the hospitals are seeing tons of side effect cases from the pokes. Blood clots, heart issues, nerve issues, etc. Seems the boosters (they said no one would need) might be worse than the initial doses (that they now say they "couldn't tell were safe unless they started giving them to people").

Our Father in heaven will hold them accountable for what they've done to so many with their lies. I'm praying the first round of justice for them occurs here and before too long. They are criminals. No two ways around it. This country will be held accountable for its lack of justice in these and other matters. I hope the people don't pay the steep price the gov planned for them.

Thankful that y'all have made it through this so far, and praying you make it through the rest with minimal discomfort! A friend of mine posted something I will share later that gave me hope this morning.

Back to work for me! Have a great day!
Hey, good morning, I hope everyone is doing well.

It's a cloudy, rainy, windy morning around here; my thermometer says 59 degrees. I went for a walk around my neighborhood this morning, like I do each morning at 5:30am, and some of the wind gusts nearly toppled me over, trees bending sideways. I guess that big storm system is passing through today and we're getting some of it. It looks like Fall has arrived for good.

I'm going up to Lexington this weekend to see family and to attend a wedding Saturday afternoon and evening, which means I'll miss a lot of the good football games. Oh well, I'll just have to read about them later on.

I"m a little bit bummed to see the Braves go down last night, the World Series is now 1-1, with ATL missing two of their best pitchers and the best overall superstar MLB all-world Ronald Acuna. All of them out with injuries. Can the Braves overcome this and win?

Bible study wise, I'm now going through Mark and doing an in-depth, verse-by-verse study of Colossians.
Hey, good morning, I hope everyone is doing well.

I'm going up to Lexington this weekend to see family and to attend a wedding Saturday afternoon and evening, which means I'll miss a lot of the good football games. Oh well, I'll just have to read about them later on.
Who in Lexington gets married on game day? It has to be a non football fan.
Yeah, I knowf that's right! I might have to use the streaming app on my phone, turn the volume down, and watch it discretely that way.
Good idea. That is why they invented an app for our phone. I did that during a birthday party I attended in Nashville in September. It was a surprise party thrown for one of our cousins by her agent and publicity manager. The party was right during the UK game so I turned on my app for local Spectrum TV and didn't miss a thing. Her brother had it going on his phone too :p

We Shall Overcome
Who in Lexington gets married on game day? It has to be a non football fan.

Precisely why we got married in August and had to honeymoon before football season started... What are people thinkin? Lol

I've heard some folks are moving up their nuptials since the economy has gotten sketchy. Trying to avoid more shortages I guess.
The more I see and hear from Attorney General Garland the more thankful I become he was blocked from being on the U.S. Supreme Court. They marketed him as a "moderate" and he is crazier than Ginsberg was.

Sicing the FBI on mamas and daddies because they are concerned what is being taught in school. What a brave man he is.
This one is for you Sawnee, in case you haven't seen it. Tom Cotton, with whom I once interviewed for a job as staff investigator (I decided I wanted to stay with what I was doing at the time) really gives Merrick Garland the business here.

As a total aside, living here in the DC area you end up with a couple degrees of separation from a lot of people. Garland's sister was my kids' guidance counselor in high school, and really a smart, helpful educator. I have wondered what she thinks of her brother's meddling in the interaction between parents and schools.
This one is for you Sawnee, in case you haven't seen it. Tom Cotton, with whom I once interviewed for a job as staff investigator (I decided I wanted to stay with what I was doing at the time) really gives Merrick Garland the business here.

As a total aside, living here in the DC area you end up with a couple degrees of separation from a lot of people. Garland's sister was my kids' guidance counselor in high school, and really a smart, helpful educator. I have wondered what she thinks of her brother's meddling in the interaction between parents and schools.


I rarely comment in this area. I am very good at my job, (Not bragging but to state a point.) I KNOW what must be done in every facet of my area of expertise (Which encompasses a HUGE spectrum.) Since the change, I find nearing HALF of our time spent is going to EEO and sensitivity training/ meetings/ optional attendances. I state that to state this: IF we have time to do all this now, we have TOO many people on staff. Period. (Note: I have stated this concerning my area of expertise for many years now. Now way if you are gainfully employed can you do this amount of C or D time training. You cannot.)

I have several like-minded counterparts but we are indeed, an island...

I won't state, in a swamp, but I should.
The more I see and hear from Attorney General Garland the more thankful I become he was blocked from being on the U.S. Supreme Court. They marketed him as a "moderate" and he is crazier than Ginsberg was.

Sicing the FBI on mamas and daddies because they are concerned what is being taught in school. What a brave man he is.

100% dodged a bullet there.
Good morning! Just heard the new budget has 550 billion in it for "clean" energy. I doubt there is anyone in our federal government who isn't invested with several green energy companies.

I don't know when it happened but our government became overpopulated with people out for personal gain rather than protecting the Constitution like they swore to do.
Good morning D, raining here in the Berg too Bert! Got .04 so far.

Kind of lost here this morning, Mrs. M went back to work this morning since all this happened, but her heart sure wasn't in it!!! Wouldn't surprise me if she just walks in one day soon and say "I'M DONE!!!!!

Read mark 8 this morning.

Spent the day with our son and daughter-in-law yesterday, heard lots of stories about JP! I heard her tell Mrs. M to go on FB and type in #bekind or just be kind and see all the toast's and messages that were left. Again she and my son wanted me to thank to D for their kindness to JP!!!!

I hope the D has a great day and thanks D! Prayers for the D!!!!
Good morning! Just heard the new budget has 550 billion in it for "clean" energy. I doubt there is anyone in our federal government who isn't invested with several green energy companies.

I don't know when it happened but our government became overpopulated with people out for personal gain rather than protecting the Constitution like they swore to do.
If America really wanted clean energy they would go Nuclear. Even France knows that. I will never understand why America is so afraid of nuclear.

There was a nuclear power plant just up the road from me and they decommissioned it. I guess the nuclear lobby is not as powerful as the wind mill lobby
Speakin' of suckin'....I miss ymmot. Anybody heard anything outta him?
Ymmot = Bertfan
I"m a little bit bummed to see the Braves go down last night, the World Series is now 1-1, with ATL missing two of their best pitchers and the best overall superstar MLB all-world Ronald Acuna. All of them out with injuries. Can the Braves overcome this and win?

Bible study wise, I'm now going through Mark and doing an in-depth, verse-by-verse study of Colossians.
Trump headed to an Atlanta game will give them a lift. That should be an entertaining hoot. I might even watch that one.
Who in Lexington gets married on game day? It has to be a non football fan.

Precisely why we got married in August and had to honeymoon before football season started... What are people thinkin? Lol

I've heard some folks are moving up their nuptials since the economy has gotten sketchy. Trying to avoid more shortages I guess.
We chose St. Patrick's Day
Are you Remo Williams?

I got a "friendly warning" when I tracked down a troll harassing Don and shot him with a gif of a shotgun blast.
Last edited:
If America really wanted clean energy they would go Nuclear. Even France knows that. I will never understand why America is so afraid of nuclear.

There was a nuclear power plant just up the road from me and they decommissioned it. I guess the nuclear lobby is not as powerful as the wind mill lobby
Not as easy for the thieves to get their hands in the nuclear cookie jar. How did Solendra go bankrupt so soon after they received our money? Never was meant to be anything other than what it was. A money grab.
Hey, good morning, I hope everyone is doing well.

It's a cloudy, rainy, windy morning around here; my thermometer says 59 degrees. I went for a walk around my neighborhood this morning, like I do each morning at 5:30am, and some of the wind gusts nearly toppled me over, trees bending sideways. I guess that big storm system is passing through today and we're getting some of it. It looks like Fall has arrived for good.

I'm going up to Lexington this weekend to see family and to attend a wedding Saturday afternoon and evening, which means I'll miss a lot of the good football games. Oh well, I'll just have to read about them later on.

I"m a little bit bummed to see the Braves go down last night, the World Series is now 1-1, with ATL missing two of their best pitchers and the best overall superstar MLB all-world Ronald Acuna. All of them out with injuries. Can the Braves overcome this and win?

Bible study wise, I'm now going through Mark and doing an in-depth, verse-by-verse study of Colossians.
Why ask goober or siri when we have Mr. Rooster? Mr. Rooster, we planted a Silver Maple in Honor of our Grandson JP, it's about 24" tall, what's the best thing we can do to protect HIS tree this winter?
As I remember the "Water Maple" is a Silver maple and they're very weedy with a massive invasive root system so concern yourself with nearby sidewalks, driveways, water and sewage pipes. With the bladed whirling seeds these trees are considered a nuisance by many. Unless that tree is special, and it obviously is, I'd consider replacing with a walnut or other nut bearing tree this winter then as it matures squirrels will plant nuts and create a forest. Now to protect your sapling. After the leaves drop, to protect from weather hazards. Tap a couple of stakes close to trunk, Wrap or tie the strips of carpet with burlap, strong cloth to the top of stakes. Remove in spring for natural growth.​
A good afternoon to all.
Finally done with my woodworking project. Made a daybed...bought a gel mattress...and it's sitting in the new TV room (old office). Went to Sherwin Williams and matched the stain color on the top of a two drawer file cabinet that we left in there to stain the trim of the daybed. A quart...little less than $25...used maybe 4 tablespoons. Ouch.

So now I get to relax a little...but outside work needs to be done before it gets cold.
As I remember the "Water Maple" is a Silver maple and they're very weedy with a massive invasive root system so concern yourself with nearby sidewalks, driveways, water and sewage pipes. With the bladed whirling seeds these trees are considered a nuisance by many. Unless that tree is special, and it obviously is, I'd consider replacing with a walnut or other nut bearing tree this winter then as it matures squirrels will plant nuts and create a forest. Now to protect your sapling. After the leaves drop, to protect from weather hazards. Tap a couple of stakes close to trunk, Wrap or tie the strips of carpet with burlap, strong cloth to the top of stakes. Remove in spring for natural growth.​
Last Fall/Winter I posted about two of our trees in the front yard...maples....where they don't turn an orange or red, but just kind of go 'blah' and keep their leaves until very late in the season. Think you told me they were silver maples...with the same advice of them being a nuisance. And yes....they have the whilybird seeds all over the yard in the Spring. The Mrs hates those seeds...constantly has to pull seedlings out of her flower gardens, flowers beds by the house, etc.

We've got a bunch of walnut trees on the property. One is huge. We've got a picture from the 1920s showing it, so no telling how old it is. Therefore we have a very healthy squirrel population. Funny how they can hide/bury those nuts all over the place...and know exactly where they all are.
As I remember the "Water Maple" is a Silver maple and they're very weedy with a massive invasive root system so concern yourself with nearby sidewalks, driveways, water and sewage pipes. With the bladed whirling seeds these trees are considered a nuisance by many. Unless that tree is special, and it obviously is, I'd consider replacing with a walnut or other nut bearing tree this winter then as it matures squirrels will plant nuts and create a forest. Now to protect your sapling. After the leaves drop, to protect from weather hazards. Tap a couple of stakes close to trunk, Wrap or tie the strips of carpet with burlap, strong cloth to the top of stakes. Remove in spring for natural growth.​
Thanks Mr. Rooster, it's planted in a spot where there is none of that, the closet thing is an old concrete slab. Just to be clear with you, you talking about making like small enclosure for it. If you have some crayons and a piece of paper handy you may have to draw it out!!!LOL
Thanks Mr. Rooster, it's planted in a spot where there is none of that, the closet thing is an old concrete slab. Just to be clear with you, you talking about making like small enclosure for it. If you have some crayons and a piece of paper handy you may have to draw it out!!!LOL
We have tons of silver maples lining the creek that runs through our property. Always was told a good sign of rain is the backside (silver) of the leaves were showing in the wind. It’s a pretty good indicator too.