

It's nice to have a friend who will keep an eye out for you.
Wife and daughter just got back from the OU Medical Center in OKC for my daughters 2nd follow up since surgery and she is in a rotten mood. It takes a little over an hour to get there and when they showed up (at 14:30) the receptionist said that the appointment had been canceled. My wife told them we were not notified and the woman argued that we were. After a while another person working there said they had canceled it in the computer but, never sent out a message informing us. My wife said once she heard that the first receptionist said well, we will just have to reschedule. My wife then told her that she would not make that appointment because of how far she had to drive. Then the receptionist (according to my wife) said in a rude tone that they would just have to try and fit them in today. They did after about an hour of waiting and the doctor spent only about 10 minutes with my daughter and said if she does not want physical therapy she does not have to do it because she was healing well. He told my wife that there will be another follow up in 6 months. She (my wife) said to me that we may not go to that one.

Good thing the Blue and White scrimmage is on in a few because she will leave me alone then. She does not want 2 of us pissed for the night.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F and cloudy. Expect 87°F for our high.

Cats looked good in the Blue-White game last night. Exhibition game next Friday night. November 9th brings a real test.

Watched UK volleyball last night. Close match between Arkansas and UK. Cats won in 5 sets.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good Saturday morning

It is football Saturday and the Cats have an off week. I hate off weeks but I know they are necessary. College football is about the only sport i follow anymore so I will bear through it. I am sure I can find a game or two of interest.

We have 65° with clear skies that will bring sunshine and get us up to a high of 82°. There is 2% chance of rain.

Well we ran out of milk this morning so that means I am headed to Publix. While there I will buy out all of the gizzards in the meat cooler and also oxtails. When I was young the butcher would give you the oxtails. But then people discovered them and now they cost as much as prime beef. And they are mostly soup bones. Go figure.

I trust all have a nice Saturday. If you see this guy walking around take him out. He is a Super Spreader

Good morning D League. I liked what I saw from the Cats last night. The stat that stood out: 18-46 from 3. And that was without CJ Fredrick who looked like the best shooter Kentucky has had in a long time at Big Blue Madness.

Oscar, Wheeler, Washington and Hopkins all look like huge upgrades from anything UK had last year. Collins may surprise. Grady was a little quiet but clearly is a scorer.

I’d say we can afford some optimism.
My mother always ate the gizzard and liver from the chicken. She was the only one who had direct access to them.

I took the long way home with the beef stew and fixed it all in a cast iron dutch oven. I had some time to kill anyway. I'll definitely be freezing some of this. Turned out well.

I had classic rock playing on youtube on the tv while I was doing dishes and cooking. I heard what I thought was the intro to a tune I didn't remember. Turns out the video changed over to classical music. Modern classical mind you. Anyway, there are birds chirping in this song and I had a couple of cats running around looking at the ceiling. That's hi fi.
You can put that stew in jars and put lids on it while it is hot and they will seal just like you canned them.......we turn our jars upside down until they cool and seal.......I don't know how long it will last on the shelf like this......I always eat it in a couple of weeks or so.........It seems I have lost my cooking I grab about anything I can warm up in the microwave..........
Good morning! Not much planned for today other than some random sports on tv.

Our returning players from last year all looked good last night. Toppin didn't play because of a minor injury. This transfer portal thing should work out well for us. Seems there are a lot of guys around the country that want to play for the greatest tradition in college basketball.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F and cloudy. Expect 87°F for our high.

Cats looked good in the Blue-White game last night. Exhibition game next Friday night. November 9th brings a real test.

Watched UK volleyball last night. Close match between Arkansas and UK. Cats won in 5 sets.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

My wife and I watched that too. How about that chick for Arky with the long frizzy red hair? She has to have a 40" vertical leap. Pretty sure she was the best player on the floor and only 5' 7". Do they have a transfer portal for volleyball?
I have the Alan Parsons music library........I was quite the fan back in...........well a long time ago.....he was with Pink Floyd before he started recording his own music....I think he was a producer or sound manager.........I haven't had enough coffee for all of my memory banks to be awake yet......The Raven......great music......
You can put that stew in jars and put lids on it while it is hot and they will seal just like you canned them.......we turn our jars upside down until they cool and seal.......I don't know how long it will last on the shelf like this......I always eat it in a couple of weeks or so.........It seems I have lost my cooking I grab about anything I can warm up in the microwave..........
I've done that with spaghetti sauce I've made but I didn't intend to keep it long. You really need to boil the jars before you put the food in.
As I was enjoying the Alan Parson's song the Director informed me that she desired a stereo system.......we have a new turn table in the box still........I need to get what ever I need to complete a stereo........amplifier, receiver and speakers..........I can sit and discuss playing music for days.......when it comes to stereo equipment the knowledge that I have.........wouldn't blow a thimble off of my head if it was gunpowder........I have seen discusions on here that appear to be about stereo equipment but looks like mostly a foreign language to me............will $1K buy me a nice set up or do I need to dig another jar up.......also........................................................................................I NEED HELP! Can someone give me some recommendations on what to buy...........willing to buy lunch to discuss if you are in the Louisville area........
I've done that with spaghetti sauce I've made but I didn't intend to keep it long. You really need to boil the jars before you put the food in.
It also helps to turn your jars upside down until they have cooled down...........My MIL would make vegetable soup but not put the meat in it until she was ready to fix it for supper.......
When the Director and myself travel by car.......we seldom talk..........we drove to Clovis, NM a few times when the kids were stationed down there........probably never spoke 100 word to each other............she likes to take in the scenery and I like to focus on the task at hand.......
Just be careful and don't turn left when you should turn right or you may be driving through the ghetto. Buddy Brown knows

Just be careful and don't turn left when you should turn right or you may be driving through the ghetto. Buddy Brown knows
Broke down one late night on I40 in west Memphis headed for E-town and got a wrecker from a local shop there that towed me to their maintenance shop. This was an all night shop and the employees were all black. They told me it would be a while and for me to just get comfortable. I ask if there were any restaurants around that were open for me to grab a bite to eat. They all just chuckled and the night manager advise me for my own safety that it was best I stayed with them. He told me being white in that area made me a target and it was best just to eat from their vending machine. I took their advice and stayed there for about 3 hours until they had me ready to travel. They were a great bunch of guys and were very friendly but knew that not everyone around there was.
Just be careful and don't turn left when you should turn right or you may be driving through the ghetto. Buddy Brown knows

You just don't know........We took the daughter and grand kids to Baltimore to catch a MAC flight to England.......It was 1 AM when the Director spotted the sign for the DC exit........we got lost in DC.......I pulled into a 24hr gas station to ask directions......they had bullet proof glass about 3" think on the front of the place........the place was deserted until I got out of my less than 7-8 people were coming at me asking for money........I got back in the car and took off........I didn't know that DC had any areas that were down trodden like that place.......
Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F and cloudy. Expect 87°F for our high.

Cats looked good in the Blue-White game last night. Exhibition game next Friday night. November 9th brings a real test.

Watched UK volleyball last night. Close match between Arkansas and UK. Cats won in 5 sets.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Good Morning, I will take it as my duty to serve as a modern day Boston Tea party participant and throw a few of the above items my way to keep others from paying taxes on them. I will seek, search, and destroy some of the above TODAY as you all are my witness(es)....
As I was enjoying the Alan Parson's song the Director informed me that she desired a stereo system.......we have a new turn table in the box still........I need to get what ever I need to complete a stereo........amplifier, receiver and speakers..........I can sit and discuss playing music for days.......when it comes to stereo equipment the knowledge that I have.........wouldn't blow a thimble off of my head if it was gunpowder........I have seen discusions on here that appear to be about stereo equipment but looks like mostly a foreign language to me............will $1K buy me a nice set up or do I need to dig another jar up.......also........................................................................................I NEED HELP! Can someone give me some recommendations on what to buy...........willing to buy lunch to discuss if you are in the Louisville area........
I don't know where @UK82 is but he's a guru for what you need. I know enough to know that for $1K you can put together a system that is probably better than your ears. ROI drops off very quickly for audio equipment because a lot of times you can't hear the difference you're paying for.
It also helps to turn your jars upside down until they have cooled down...........My MIL would make vegetable soup but not put the meat in it until she was ready to fix it for supper.......
Gotta disagree with turning them upside down. Mom never did that. Think about what you're trying to do and inverting the contents of the jar seems counterintuitive. I can't think of any reason to do it that way because the lids should be sterilized along with the jars.
Thin at the 5 though.
Maybe. Ware looked a lot better last night, quicker and stronger. Collins is thin but very athletic and showed a shooter’s touch.

Are the Cats thinner at the 5 than the Final Four team of 2011 that had Jorts backed only by Eloy Vargas? Or even the 2012 champs who only had Vargas behind AD?

I hope Oscar has AD’s flair for avoiding fouls and we don’t need to find out often.
Morning D, read Mark 3 this morning.

Found out that JP's favorite song was Copperhead road, it's always been mine ever sense it came out!!!

Didn't watch the game last night, it will probably be on again.

Making some chicken stock this morning while Mrs. M is baby setting the grandsons this morning at their house.

Feels like I am moving in slow motion!!!

I hope the D, has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!!
I haven't posted in awhile. Though in my profile, I have chosen no email notifications, I'm flooded with emails, so I've just stayed off the site. Thought I'd try again.
I am getting a bunch as well. I just went and looked and there is more than one place you have to tell them not to send an email. Tricky lot they are.
That's the first thing I thought of.
Can I ask a favor of the D? I know some of you like to take a drink ever once in a while, Tonight at about 7 would you make a toast to JP for me, I'm going too!!!!
I'll be there!