Good afternoon D, read Mark 2.
First of all I want to thank each one of the D for their prayers during this horrific week that we have been through, I cannot even begin to describe the heart break we have gone through with the loss of our grandson! Bert I hope I don't upset you my friend. This loss is so senseless!!! Our grandson was the kindest young man I have ever met! If he stepped on your toe it would be like are ok, I didn't hurt you did I?!!!!! He was a great soccer player, kind hearted, funny and a joy to be around!!!! The best thing I heard that could be said about JP was, HE had a great life story to tell, it was just a short one!!!! I know I am wrong in saying this, but I hope someone pays for this!!!!!! Our hearts are still breaking! If you pray for anything, please pray for my son and daughter in law and my granddaughter!!!
Now D, please do me a favor, talk to you children and grandchildren friends children about bulling, if they see someone bulling someone tell someone!!! If they stop it they may save a life!!!!!! So what if your different (and HE WASN'T) that doesn't mean some pieces of $hit have the right to do what they did!!!! I hope some of his friends stand up for JP and take care of some things!!!!! Sorry D, I just had to get this off my chest!!!! Sorry D, I am hurting!!!
I hope the D, has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!!! Thank you D for your cyber friendship and to Bert for the times we have talked!!!!!