
Good Friday morning

We have 63° with clear skies that will bring sunshine and get us up to a high of 81°. There is a little chance of rain.

I see where a liberal actor named Alec Baldwin shot and killed somebody on a movie set. I think I heard that right as I listen to the radio. It was an accident so they say. Well I see it as just another example where liberals with guns are lethal and dangerous because they are scared to death of them and have no concept of gun safety. He has always been a jerk. Prayers for his victim..

This is another day that will find me working outside as I try to finalize my fall plantings. I have a few banana peppers in bloom and will be enjoying a plate of fried banana peppers before you know it. Life is good.

Take care all, prayers continue for Cord and his grieving family. '

Sitting here watching Festus as I was typing/reading. I've got every episode (600+) on DVD...but PlutoTV now has a Gunsmoke channel. Festus 24/7.
Good morning all.
The Mrs is still in Seattle and it seems that I've been working more than usual. Had some work to do on one of our rental properties. Woodworking project is about finished and now I need to start on the yard/property. Got a lot to do before it gets any colder than it is. Weather hasn't been too bad...but it's coming.

Anyway, wanted to drop by and say 'hi'. Hope all are doing well....last I remember @cordmaker (I believe) was having some hip (?) problems. Hope he's doing better.
Hello stranger, it is good to have you back. :p Take a little break from work often and keep us posted.

Good morning! Alexa just told me the high would be 58° today. That sounds like Fall to me.

I've had some kind of allergy acting up for the last couple of days and this morning it is in full swing. I move kinda slow when I first wake up and sneezing 10 times in row this early does not set well with me.

Blue/White game is tonight! Looking forward to seeing our new guys in action. The change from last year will be drastic, I promise you. Don't know if CJ will play or not but it sounds like he'll at least get some limited minutes. Nothing to sweat, he had minor surgery on a leg over Summer and they're taking it slow. He says he's better than before the surgery.

Had some fun back and forth with a Vol fan on the lair yesterday. Tennessee's punishment should have been no fans in the stands for their next home game or forfeit. That would have been a real punishment and would have served to prevent a recurrence in the future. The fine they received would be like me being fined $.02 for speeding. Better just get out of the way the next time I decide to skedaddle.

Have a good day, or not, no pressures in the D...
Good morning D League. Very happy it’s Friday.

Looking forward to the Blue-White game tonight. We should know quite a bit more about the season ahead after seeing this bunch going (mostly) full speed.

I’m optimistic about this team. But I guess I always am. BBN could use a big bounce back year.

Hope it’s a good day and weekend for everyone.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 67°F and clear with periodic clouds. Expect today's high reaching 85°F. Fall may return again one of these days.

Took pup to vet yesterday for post-op visit. She got on the water treadmill and performed really well. Still favors that leg.

No Wildcat football this weekend. Bah! Nevertheless, Go Cats!

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

I didn't know Antifa had their own day.
Funny how the things you thought you were sick of would be the things you’d crave. I’ll put pinto beans and cornbread, along with turnip greens, up against any meal you can imagine,.
Oh my. The Queen of England has probably never eaten that well. Of course the turnip greens needs some pork flavoring in them, like bacon and its grease.
Just realized when I saw the date that my wife's birthday is in 5 days. I'm going to do good this year and check on what she's been spying on Amazon.

So Alec Baldwin has killed somebody on the set of his new movie. That will happen from time to time because blanks are still dangerous. What's weird though is that he shot the director of photography. Hmmm, why would he be shooting at her? Doesn't really matter because he's Alec Baldwin and it happened in Hollywood. Tragic accident in his case. Reckless homicide for you and I.

I've had 3 people close to me get corono in the last couple of months. 1 of them was vaccinated and he felt pretty bad for over a week, no hospital though. 2nd one was not vaccinated and ended up in the hospital for 10 days. He's back to work for the last week or so and feels fine now. 3rd one got it and went to the hospital for about week before he died. He was not vaccinated. Each of them are about my same age within a year or two.
Oh my. The Queen of England has probably never eaten that well. Of course the turnip greens needs some pork flavoring in them, like bacon and its grease.
I love turnip tops and bottoms cooked together. I am also a big collard green fan and when I made this pot I did it with ham hocks. A little secret. My Kentucky country girl wife does not like cooking with ham hocks. But I do. So I make my own pot. She will eat the collards but will not get close to the ham hocks. She doesn't like gizzards either. I guess you can say I married into a mixed or rather mixed up marriage. She is a picky eater.

In honor of national nut day.

Good late morning all,
Been out and about on my day off. I have a tremendous stash of nuts. A normal delicacy area where I indulge.

My Darling and I took the Booger Butt to pre-school and hit the markets. Just arrived home. My next jaunt is to my oldest daughters apartment to where she has already moved out and I must get it in preparation for it's inspection. (Patch holes, check the carpets for stains. (Will have my Bissell carpet cleaner in the trunk if needed.), after that I will take a little break, go to my youngest daughters home (After she gets up. Works nights. Is a travel nurse now.) and install the four window blinds she asked me to purchase, (Sold her washer and dryer, her new ones were installed the day before yesterday.) I have to make a couple measurements too for other blinds, won't go into all the other details I have to undertake but that should round out my day until we pick the Booger Butt back up at 3. Yadda yadda yadda... (A normal day off...) I hope all your days are going great for you...
I love turnip tops and bottoms cooked together. I am also a big collard green fan and when I made this pot I did it with ham hocks. A little secret. My Kentucky country girl wife does not like cooking with ham hocks. But I do. So I make my own pot. She will eat the collards but will not get close to the ham hocks. She doesn't like gizzards either. I guess you can say I married into a mixed or rather mixed up marriage. She is a picky eater.


Nothing personal Sir but I guess your Darling doesn't carry all her sense/ cents in her pockets. (At least in the gizzard area...) ;)
I love turnip tops and bottoms cooked together. I am also a big collard green fan and when I made this pot I did it with ham hocks. A little secret. My Kentucky country girl wife does not like cooking with ham hocks. But I do. So I make my own pot. She will eat the collards but will not get close to the ham hocks. She doesn't like gizzards either. I guess you can say I married into a mixed or rather mixed up marriage. She is a picky eater.

My wife makes killer white beans with ham hock. I’m siding with your wife on the gizzards though 😊
Good morning from ATX. Currently 67°F and clear with periodic clouds. Expect today's high reaching 85°F. Fall may return again one of these days.

Took pup to vet yesterday for post-op visit. She got on the water treadmill and performed really well. Still favors that leg.

No Wildcat football this weekend. Bah! Nevertheless, Go Cats!

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


My wife makes killer white beans with ham hock. I’m siding with your wife on the gizzards though 😊
Personally I fried gizzards but sunfish & hush puppies "Dilly" as well.
So just got DW's CR-V maintenance service done. Bought it new in June '17.

Guess the number of miles on it. Those miles include 1400, 1000, & 500 miles vacations plus a 400 miles trip. Of course it includes covid time. Hint: It's not a real big number. 😂
Thanks for all the responses. :cool: 18,500 or <300/month excluding the trips. But she's out in it 5+ days per week.
All the D-League folks are funny as hell; however, we have to get some good gizzards to BBUK and Backercutter.

They need to learn the better things in life. Geeze. :)

I suggest gator gizzards.
It’s odd. I’ve eaten almost anything that’s been put in front of me in my life, and having been raised on and worked on a farm all my life, I’ve eaten some interesting stuff. And liked most of it, because, growing up on the farm, you ate what was available. Something about gizzards though, I’ve seen my mama pull too many of them things out. All I can see is slime. Can’t do it.
Good afternoon D, read Mark 2.

First of all I want to thank each one of the D for their prayers during this horrific week that we have been through, I cannot even begin to describe the heart break we have gone through with the loss of our grandson! Bert I hope I don't upset you my friend. This loss is so senseless!!! Our grandson was the kindest young man I have ever met! If he stepped on your toe it would be like are ok, I didn't hurt you did I?!!!!! He was a great soccer player, kind hearted, funny and a joy to be around!!!! The best thing I heard that could be said about JP was, HE had a great life story to tell, it was just a short one!!!! I know I am wrong in saying this, but I hope someone pays for this!!!!!! Our hearts are still breaking! If you pray for anything, please pray for my son and daughter in law and my granddaughter!!!

Now D, please do me a favor, talk to you children and grandchildren friends children about bulling, if they see someone bulling someone tell someone!!! If they stop it they may save a life!!!!!! So what if your different (and HE WASN'T) that doesn't mean some pieces of $hit have the right to do what they did!!!! I hope some of his friends stand up for JP and take care of some things!!!!! Sorry D, I just had to get this off my chest!!!! Sorry D, I am hurting!!!

I hope the D, has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!!! Thank you D for your cyber friendship and to Bert for the times we have talked!!!!!
Edge of civilization here in Horseville is blessed being located between the Nearctic & Neotropical biogeographic realms. One of the species I adore are these Black Hawks. I had to share the visual when I saw this.
I first met them on the Tonto. Awesome birds. These are indeed small eagles from the south and here in Arizona at the nothern edge of their subtropical distribution. Enjoy.
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It’s odd. I’ve eaten almost anything that’s been put in front of me in my life, and having been raised on and worked on a farm all my life, I’ve eaten some interesting stuff. And liked most of it, because, growing up on the farm, you ate what was available. Something about gizzards though, I’ve seen my mama pull too many of them things out. All I can see is slime. Can’t do it.

I'm wit ya BC, I'm wit ya!
Good afternoon D, read Mark 2.

First of all I want to thank each one of the D for their prayers during this horrific week that we have been through, I cannot even begin to describe the heart break we have gone through with the loss of our grandson! Bert I hope I don't upset you my friend. This loss is so senseless!!! Our grandson was the kindest young man I have ever met! If he stepped on your toe it would be like are ok, I didn't hurt you did I?!!!!! He was a great soccer player, kind hearted, funny and a joy to be around!!!! The best thing I heard that could be said about JP was, HE had a great life story to tell, it was just a short one!!!! I know I am wrong in saying this, but I hope someone pays for this!!!!!! Our hearts are still breaking! If you pray for anything, please pray for my son and daughter in law and my granddaughter!!!

Now D, please do me a favor, talk to you children and grandchildren friends children about bulling, if they see someone bulling someone tell someone!!! If they stop it they may save a life!!!!!! So what if your different (and HE WASN'T) that doesn't mean some pieces of $hit have the right to do what they did!!!! I hope some of his friends stand up for JP and take care of some things!!!!! Sorry D, I just had to get this off my chest!!!! Sorry D, I am hurting!!!

I hope the D, has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!!! Thank you D for your cyber friendship and to Bert for the times we have talked!!!!!
Cord, I’m so sorry for you and your family. I’m not a really religious man, at least not the kind most people would associate with as being perceived as religious. But I believe in, and talk to God daily. And sometimes, he answers in ways I can understand, sometimes he doesn’t. But I’m praying for you and your family. It’s hard to understand why things happen. I believe you are a good man, though I don’t know you. God bless.
It’s odd. I’ve eaten almost anything that’s been put in front of me in my life, and having been raised on and worked on a farm all my life, I’ve eaten some interesting stuff. And liked most of it, because, growing up on the farm, you ate what was available. Something about gizzards though, I’ve seen my mama pull too many of them things out. All I can see is slime. Can’t do it.
My mother always ate the gizzard and liver from the chicken. She was the only one who had direct access to them.

I took the long way home with the beef stew and fixed it all in a cast iron dutch oven. I had some time to kill anyway. I'll definitely be freezing some of this. Turned out well.

I had classic rock playing on youtube on the tv while I was doing dishes and cooking. I heard what I thought was the intro to a tune I didn't remember. Turns out the video changed over to classical music. Modern classical mind you. Anyway, there are birds chirping in this song and I had a couple of cats running around looking at the ceiling. That's hi fi.
My mother always ate the gizzard and liver from the chicken. She was the only one who had direct access to them.

I took the long way home with the beef stew and fixed it all in a cast iron dutch oven. I had some time to kill anyway. I'll definitely be freezing some of this. Turned out well.

I had classic rock playing on youtube on the tv while I was doing dishes and cooking. I heard what I thought was the intro to a tune I didn't remember. Turns out the video changed over to classical music. Modern classical mind you. Anyway, there are birds chirping in this song and I had a couple of cats running around looking at the ceiling. That's hi fi.
I’ll take another one for the team. It might show my colors. WTF? Yep, it does. Down home.
It’s odd. I’ve eaten almost anything that’s been put in front of me in my life, and having been raised on and worked on a farm all my life, I’ve eaten some interesting stuff. And liked most of it, because, growing up on the farm, you ate what was available. Something about gizzards though, I’ve seen my mama pull too many of them things out. All I can see is slime. Can’t do it.
No gizzards here for me either. My step father ate them like they were candy. My mother would make them for him he loved them.