
There is no doubt, and history has shown this over the years, you have to beat the referees to knock off a Georgia or Alabama or any top tier SEC program to come out a winner. That is a given. The SEC wants one of its favorite teams to go unblemished into the playoffs. Georgia is the team this year now that Bama went down.

Mark Stoops did something in the game that made me very very proud. He called a timeout with only seconds left in the game to try to score. I cheered when he did that. I know the sports writers and the sports world thought that was low class since the game was won by the Dawgs. But was it? Our Cats are trying to improve and one way you improve is to play the complete game. The world had us about 23 points underdogs so why wouldn't a team try to beat those odds when only a few yards from the goal line. So props to you Coach Stoops and I hope that one act caused millions. of people betting on the game a ton of money. Fight until the bitter end.
Why wouldn't we try to score? The people complaining are the people who were already counting their money before the dealing was done. Never do that.

Kirby had his starters in until the game was over even though the outcome had been decided for quite a while. Why did he do that? No one cares because it didn't cost them any money.
There is no doubt, and history has shown this over the years, you have to beat the referees to knock off a Georgia or Alabama or any top tier SEC program to come out a winner. That is a given. The SEC wants one of its favorite teams to go unblemished into the playoffs. Georgia is the team this year now that Bama went down.


Mark Stoops did something in the game that made me very very proud.

Me too! We have a FOOTBALL COACH!! And I hope we keep him!

He called a timeout with only seconds left in the game to try to score. I cheered when he did that.

I was ready to go in the game for him at that point, bad back, feet, and shoulder be darned!

. I know the sports writers and the sports world thought that was low class since the game was won by the Dawgs.

Georgia didn't run the clock out on their last drive, so no reason we should let up one inch on ours. Sportswriters are worth the paper they no longer use.

But was it? Our Cats are trying to improve and one way you improve is to play the complete game. The world had us about 23 points underdogs so why wouldn't a team try to beat those odds when only a few yards from the goal line. So props to you Coach Stoops and I hope that one act caused millions of people betting on the game a ton of money. Fight until the bitter end.

Perfectly said!

This man has told his team "play for 60 minutes" and "finish" for years! He finally showed me that killer instinct necessary to win the East at the end of the game last night. I WANT TO SEE THAT EVERY GAME! Make THEM stop YOU!

Kirby Smart respected it. I think it shocked him a little bit, too. Did we just witness a "someone just woke the sleeping bear" type moment? Cause Georgia ran the ball 16 out of 17 plays at the end of their game with Auburn, yet decided to air it out when up 21 on us in the 4th.

I loved it!
Good morning D-League. It's currently 42° and sunny here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring sunny skies and a high of 65°.

Everyone stay safe on this Sunday.

Did the Romans really build a ramp up to there? Looks near impossible.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 54°F and sunny. Today's high predicted around 74°F. Fall is finally in the Central Texas air.

I watched Ole Miss vs UT last night. Vol fans really suffered a meltdown with one minute something left in the 4th and Ole Miss up 31-26. They literally trashed the field for 20 minutes by throwing plastic bottles, golf balls and at least one mustard bottle down at Rebels sideline. Things grew so intense, UT band, cheerleaders and pep squads left the field. Danger from falling debris resulted in a 20-minute delay. Welcome back to Knoxville, Lane Kiffin. Reminds me of the good old days bar hopping when I lived up in them thar parts.

Normal chores on the agenda for later.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Morning legionnaires!

Temp will be in the mid 70's today, I will take it. 70's and 80's on tap for the week.

About the game, the missed fumble recovery, dropped passes, and a predictable run game did the most damage last night but, as one poster eluded to, we scored 2 touchdowns on Georgia which no one else has done this year. Moral victory? Yes but also remember for those who were complaining that when we called a time out to try and score the last touch down with seconds to go that was more of a teaching situation and practice for the future just in case that scenario comes up with the game on the line. Some of those so called experts who call the games should know this but alas, just like in government they all too often put people in positions who are likeable and not necessarily knowledgeable about the subject being evaluated.
Georgia, Alabama and Ole MIss are the SEC schools ranked higher than us. I think there is a good chance we can finish up 3rd highest ranked in the SEC. That will guarantee a very good bowl game. I would call that a great season.

I feel really good about the future of this team
Me too Sawnee. Recruiting has been trending upward for several years and this year has done more to help so far. I guess we could fall apart in the second half of the season, it's happened before, but I think we'll take care of business and see our recruiting get a huge boost after this year.
Me too Sawnee. Recruiting has been trending upward for several years and this year has done more to help so far. I guess we could fall apart in the second half of the season, it's happened before, but I think we'll take care of business and see our recruiting get a huge boost after this year.
And now that we have this transfer portal we can add 3 or 4 top players every year, most with some game experience. If we can do that consistently we will not need to be in the Top 10 every year in recruiting. I do think we will be in the Top 20 or higher in football recruiting on a consistent basis.
Me too Sawnee. Recruiting has been trending upward for several years and this year has done more to help so far. I guess we could fall apart in the second half of the season, it's happened before, but I think we'll take care of business and see our recruiting get a huge boost after this year.
Levis will only get better too. Next year (and the remainder of this year) he'll improve big time. The guy has a big time upside.
Levis will only get better too. Next year (and the remainder of this year) he'll improve big time. The guy has a big time upside.
No doubt. We've seen improvements with him lately and I think he played fairly well yesterday. Most of the dropped balls could have been thrown better, but nearly every one they got two hands on should have been caught. I see too many guys catch them for other teams.

Too bad we didn't have Ali to pose another downfield threat they would have to respect. We had a tightend drop a pass that was easily catchable. How often does that happen? Those dudes are dying to get a pass thrown their way and they hold on tight till the end. Hence...tight end.
I was thinking the same thing. You know Stoops and Marrow will keep their ear to the ground
Just like we thought, the loss to UK broke that camels back. Read where this happened midweek after the loss to UK. Might be a struggle to get a player to come to the school that got his coach fired.

Business is business though and we could use a couple of those receivers they've got.
No doubt. We've seen improvements with him lately and I think he played fairly well yesterday. Most of the dropped balls could have been thrown better, but nearly every one they got two hands on should have been caught. I see too many guys catch them for other teams.

Too bad we didn't have Ali to pose another downfield threat they would have to respect. We had a tightend drop a pass that was easily catchable. How often does that happen? Those dudes are dying to get a pass thrown their way and they hold on tight till the end. Hence...tight end.
I could make an old joke about tight ends but this is a PG rated thread. Isn't it?

There once was a man from Nantucket....
Last edited:
Putting on The Exorcist right now. Halloween month continues.

Fun fact:

Much of Regan’s moaning and grunting were created by remixing pig squeals. When the demon is finally exorcised from her body, the sound you hear is a group of pigs being led to slaughter.
Just like we thought, the loss to UK broke that camels back. Read where this happened midweek after the loss to UK. Might be a struggle to get a player to come to the school that got his coach fired.

Business is business though and we could use a couple of those receivers they've got.
The biggest weakness the Cats have is their speed/athleticism at the skilled positions imo. Other than Wan'Dale, no other receiver strikes any fear into a defense right now. Wan'Dale had over 337 yards receiving the first 3 games, 229 the last 4. Defenses have learned to take him away from us, because of that weakness. Stoops is making headway on the recruiting trail at the position, with Crowdus, and most likely Key to join.
Putting on The Exorcist right now. Halloween month continues.

Fun fact:

Much of Regan’s moaning and grunting were created by remixing pig squeals. When the demon is finally exorcised from her body, the sound you hear is a group of pigs being led to slaughter
Fun fact, Jesus commanded demons out of two men that went in to swine.
Good morning D, Read 26.

Our hearts are breaking , we lost our 13 year old grandson yesterday! I ask the D to keep us in your prayers. Thank you my D league friends!
Cord, so sorry to hear this tragic news. Our prayers are with .you and your precious family during these sad and sorrowful times. May God be with you.

Read Matthew 26
Good morning D-League.

I have been on the lanai drinking my coffee and enjoying a cool, for us, 53° and clear skies. We will get close to 80 this afternoon with sunny skies and a high of 79°.

This pattern should continue all week. I trust all have a good day and prayers for those who are hurting in body and spirit.

Good morning, D-League!

I've been kicking back outside in the upper 30s this morning in just a tshirt at first. Then I picked up my nipples and went back inside for a long sleeve thermal. What happened to Fall? Lol

I'll envy you for a few months starting in December, Sawnee Cat. Probably spend a few days in Florida if the politicians don't close down the highways and put trolls under the bridges.

It's going to be a tough winter for a lot of people. We'll be trying to help the food pantry from here through next summer. These forced shortages are gonna be rough. They're trying to start a panic so they can bring the military into it, declare martian law, and force people into Area 51.

Gotta get back to work. Never know when a golf ball will be thrown at you and keep you from getting a job done.
Very sorry for your loss, Cordmaker.

I was thinking about the death of so many loved ones these days. I think they are being taken from this world to keep them from corruption by this world and spare them the pain and suffering to come, but it makes our suffering seem all the greater. A friend lost her only son to drowning and I don't know how she keeps on, yet she does and has for years.

It will seem like an instant to them since you last saw them, for now they rest. We have to hold on that much tighter to our Savior and His ways so we can be assured to see them again one day.

Praying for your peace and that of your family
RIP Colin Powell. The ultimate melding of military man and politician. I met him a couple times and he seemed like a genuine person at that level. More impressive - when my son was about ten he seemed to have a real interest in military history and a career at West Point or Annapolis (that infatuation didn't last long.) I had good contacts in those days and was able to get close enough to Powell that he sent my son a copy of his book with a short encouraging note. So, I have nothing but respect for him.

He died of COVID complications despite being fully vaccinated, for what that's worth.