
We're dealing with this right now. Lots of pain. She's whining. Can't blame her. Bone was broken, Not an torn ACL as previously suspected. Her and pit bull next door often got into bark fests through the fence. Pup overextended herself. Chasing birds was the breaking point, so to speak.


Better than knee joint reconstruction at least. Our pup was out 6mos when we had it done
Good morning, D-L!

Done with regular chores. Need to go pick out a new phone and run some errands before I meet friends to get a san'wich for lunch. Smoked prime rib or smoked brisket? Every few weeks I get to choose and it's difficult every time.

Cats should be able to run on the Tigers. Watched LSU play a couple games and their run defense wasn't as strong as I'd expect from them. Pass defense was pretty strong, good pressure from the DL, but the teams I watched them play didn't run the ball well, so no idea if that DL can get pressure while worrying about the run.

Defensively, the Tigers pass extremely well. They have the receivers you'd expect them to have. Tall fast and good after the catch. Their quick passing game is better than most we'll face this year. If we're soft they can turn those short passes into big plays. I hope the D is ready and rebounded from the emotional vic last week.

We need to stay healthy if any of this is to matter long term. Keep our QB off the turf, and keep their D on its heels. Get the ball out quick when we do throw. I hope CRod runs for over 200 the way Moe ran on them the first game I saw him at CWS.

Gotta get back to good-for-nothin status. Have a great day!
Good morning, D-L!

Done with regular chores. Need to go pick out a new phone and run some errands before I meet friends to get a san'wich for lunch. Smoked prime rib or smoked brisket? Every few weeks I get to choose and it's difficult every time.

Cats should be able to run on the Tigers. Watched LSU play a couple games and their run defense wasn't as strong as I'd expect from them. Pass defense was pretty strong, good pressure from the DL, but the teams I watched them play didn't run the ball well, so no idea if that DL can get pressure while worrying about the run.

Defensively, the Tigers pass extremely well. They have the receivers you'd expect them to have. Tall fast and good after the catch. Their quick passing game is better than most we'll face this year. If we're soft they can turn those short passes into big plays. I hope the D is ready and rebounded from the emotional vic last week.

We need to stay healthy if any of this is to matter long term. Keep our QB off the turf, and keep their D on its heels. Get the ball out quick when we do throw. I hope CRod runs for over 200 the way Moe ran on them the first game I saw him at CWS.

Gotta get back to good-for-nothin status. Have a great day!
For that lunch san'wich, I'd go with the brisket. Other than that, I hope you're right about the LSU game. I'm firmly persuaded that UK has what it takes to get the "W" and have a solid back to back victory; UF and LSU would be pretty sweet for our season.
Good morning everyone out there; I hope you're doing well. It's 68 degrees outside, muggy, sticky, humid air along with fog and clouds. After getting deluged yet again with tons of rain over the last few days. Good news is that, for the next several days, we are supposed to be rain-free. While others are praying for rain, I am praying for DRY weather. High temps in the low 80s. It really doesn't cool off around here until November. With all the rain and humidity, my yard needs mowing in the most terrible way.

I'm expecting the UK football cats to have a tough game tomorrow night. LSU will be playing desperate football with Coach O fighting to save his job; well, that's what Paul Finebaum and some of his famous callers are saying. It still puzzles me how a coach can win a championship two years ago, then the masses are calling for his head just a couple years later. Some folks just have no patience at all and act entitled. Chill out, it's just a game (to me it is anyway)/

Who else is watching the MLB playoffs!!!!!!???? Tampa Bay took down Boston last night in game one and Houston Astros won big against the White Sox. Now, today, this Braves take on the Brewers along with LA Dodgers/San Fran Giants.

Intesting stat about the young, future star of the Tampa Bay Rays, 20- year old Wander Franco. He reached base in 43 consecutive games, passing Mickey Mantle's 36 game mark and tying Frank Robinson for consective games reaching base for 20 year old or younger players. Crazy, isn't it? That guy is fun to watch and a true "gamer" for the Rays.

You all have a nice day; make the best of it in this crazy world we live in that growing darker by the day. Trust God and acknowedge Him in all your ways and he'll make your path straight.

I was watching until the Cards got put out. One thing I noticed that I did not know, I did not know that the umpires checked the pitchers for foreign substance after they leave the mound!!!!!
Ah Cajun food. Does it get any better? This is LSU weekend so Cajun is mandatory. We have several little Cajun places around here and one has a "food trailer" that pops up all over the county. This is the menu. I always walk out with some boudin for $6.25


That smoked mullet don't taste like hair does it, asking for a friend.
Good morning D, read Matthew 16 this morning.

Pt going good. My friend, the owner of the place started asking me questions about my leg last Friday, then started putting his thumb on a place and started pushing really hard, what ever he did changed the way my leg has felt every since, I feel like i am almost there!!!

I don't think I have seen any predictions of the score of the game Saturday, Mine is UK 24-LSU 18.

I hope the D has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!

Going to try and piddle around today without over doing it!!! My boss has laid down the law!!!! But she's not here! Just like eating something your not supposed to, if nobody's around it didn't count!!!

Speaking of that, I have this weakness for Munchos Chips, I have to be careful because I could eat a whole bag of them if I am not careful!!!!!
Same thing as Shad, right!!!LOL
Maybe a little similar. Mullet swim in schools and are vegetarians. You don't fish for them with bait and a line. They will not strike so you have to use a cast net. They also have gizzards like a chicken. The meat is oily like a mackerel and this is why they make good smokers. But fried mullet was my mothers favorite fish and probably mine too. Catfish is a close second. Mullet also produces some very delicious roe.

The key to eating steak is to chew it up before you attempt to swallow it. When chewed properly, the steak transforms into ground beef. Presto!

Didn't get a chance to get caught up because now I'm running late. I shouldn't have agreed to play this morning because I have to play both days this weekend. I don't have a phone or I would have called him yesterday and cancelled.

Have a good day!

I was eating a steak in a steakhouse about 40 years ago and began choking on a piece. My wife saw what was happening and went into the next room where some firefighters were sitting at a table. She is not an outgoing person and meekly went up to their table and said "Excuse me. My husband is choking in the next room. Could any of you please help?" In the meantime I was up pacing in the next room. Somehow, the piece of steak flew out of my mouth and plopped onto the floor. My only thought during this big crisis was, "What an embarrassing way to die." I have always been careful to cut my steak into very small bites and chew it well since then.
I was watching until the Cards got put out. One thing I noticed that I did not know, I did not know that the umpires checked the pitchers for foreign substance after they leave the mound!!!!!
They started doing it this year, due to pitchers using Spider Tack to increase their spin rates on pitches. It was leading to increased velocity and movement on pitches.
The key to eating steak is to chew it up before you attempt to swallow it. When chewed properly, the steak transforms into ground beef. Presto!

Didn't get a chance to get caught up because now I'm running late. I shouldn't have agreed to play this morning because I have to play both days this weekend. I don't have a phone or I would have called him yesterday and cancelled.

Have a good day!

Got to be smarter than what you are working on. That is from my Dad through me. (That mindset has served me well over the years. I am thankful.)

Speaking of meat. Went to the Commissary today and got a couple packs of Chuck Eye steaks. (About 10 to 12 pounds worth as the meat processor behind the counter packaged the meat for us.) They don't even put the Chuck Eye steak out now, you have to ask for it. It is a delicacy. Any selling concern wants to sell their other more expensive product first so I am happy the way they are doing it.

Speaking of biscuits, I am liking my once a week biscuit baking cadence. It has worked well except for a couple weeks ago. Actually got some whole buttermilk at the commissary today! (Anxious to see how it changes the bread in the AM if the Lord doesn't take me home.)

Speaking of Yuengling... I only have one of those in the fridge. Have not had time to consider drinking one for a few days. GAO came calling and I am assisting my leadership hard now. (They need me after all...) I need a 24 pack of Yuengling lager and a 12 pack or two of Yuengling Black and Tan (Walmart was out the last time I was there.). That lasts me a couple months at least.

Have a great evening and super weekend! Go CATS!
They started doing it this year, due to pitchers using Spider Tack to increase their spin rates on pitches. It was leading to increased velocity and movement on pitches.

Yeah cheating is an acceptable way of life now. So many can look you dead in the eye and lie lie lie, cheat cheat cheat.... Show me a person who can be shamed and I will show you a decent person.

Morning Legionnaires!

Today's weather is going to be mid to upper 90's with tomorrow going to possibly be record breaking for this time of year. Once again, I need my cooler weather.

Praying for those animals with the problems here. They are part of the family after all. No matter how annoying they can be sometimes. 4 Dogs and 3 cats at my house does sometimes grate on me but, for the most part they are more of a blessing than a hinderance. It is only when they all want attention at the same time that it gets bothersome.

Looking forward to the game this weekend. Will probably go fishing tomorrow or Sunday morning. With the weather still being hot it will be short lived.

Catch a bigun...
Maybe a little similar. Mullet swim in schools and are vegetarians. You don't fish for them with bait and a line. They will not strike so you have to use a cast net. They also have gizzards like a chicken. The meat is oily like a mackerel and this is why they make good smokers. But fried mullet was my mothers favorite fish and probably mine too. Catfish is a close second. Mullet also produces some very delicious roe.


I caught many of those with my cast net on the Navy base at Corpus Christi when we lived in SA. Had plenty of takers when I offered to give them to people. My Darling and I mostly crabbed and fished for Croaker there along with some whiting. Caught a few Flounder there as well.

It was about a 170 mile trip so we did not go as often as we liked but we went a lot.
Home again. First words I heard from a human today..."it's cart path only today". Played the first 18 and honored their request the entire way around. I did pretty good aiming at cart paths but there were a few times I had to take a hike. It was probably good for me to get a little exercise while I play my sport of choice.

Came home and checked the mail box expecting to find my new phone. What I got was a pink slip saying they brought it to me but I wasn't there to sign for it. No one told me I needed to be here when I bought it or I would have had them deliver it the golf course.

Wife came home an hour later and brought my phone in from the front porch. It's charging now.
Home again. First words I heard from a human today..."it's cart path only today". Played the first 18 and honored their request the entire way around. I did pretty good aiming at cart paths but there were a few times I had to take a hike. It was probably good for me to get a little exercise while I play my sport of choice.

Came home and checked the mail box expecting to find my new phone. What I got was a pink slip saying they brought it to me but I wasn't there to sign for it. No one told me I needed to be here when I bought it or I would have had them deliver it the golf course.

Wife came home an hour later and brought my phone in from the front porch. It's charging now.
"it's cart path only today"...[laughing][laughing][laughing]

Cart path only means that you will most likely hit the ball away from the cart path...
"it's cart path only today"...[laughing][laughing][laughing]

Cart path only means that you will most likely hit the ball away from the cart path...
I did some walking today but not nearly as much as Walt did. To make matters even worse, it was very foggy when we started. Visibility was about 50 yards at the most. Sometimes you just have to remind yourself every couple of minutes that golf is fun.
I did some walking today but not nearly as much as Walt did. To make matters even worse, it was very foggy when we started. Visibility was about 50 yards at the most. Sometimes you just have to remind yourself every couple of minutes that golf is fun.
I love playing in the swing and think...that felt straight... [laughing]
Home again. First words I heard from a human today..."it's cart path only today". Played the first 18 and honored their request the entire way around. I did pretty good aiming at cart paths but there were a few times I had to take a hike. It was probably good for me to get a little exercise while I play my sport of choice.

Came home and checked the mail box expecting to find my new phone. What I got was a pink slip saying they brought it to me but I wasn't there to sign for it. No one told me I needed to be here when I bought it or I would have had them deliver it the golf course.

Wife came home an hour later and brought my phone in from the front porch. It's charging now.
I play , when I can, at Dale Hollow. Don’t know if you’ve ever played there, but cart path only means you better be in good physical shape. Well, I ain’t. Knees are shot. I’d as soon cut tobacco all day as play 18 holes there cart path only. Well, maybe not, but you get the idea. It’s HILLY, both ways.
:p :p

Love this video because the man understands. He fries the mullet gizzards the way all the Old Florida folks do. @BBUK

This is totally unrelated to the subject, and I apologize in advance. The reason I’m posting on Sawnee’s Post is in reference to a post I made earlier today. I noticed Sawnee liked a post I made about the passing of another poster, who posted mainly on the Rafters. I had never met him, but really felt I knew him, because we corresponded through Rafters. I know it sounds silly, but I’ve got a heavy heart today after hearing the news. I won’t bore with detail, but will say this. We are all sharing a kinship, whether we know it or not. We love UK. When that kinship is amplified by other variables, it becomes like family. And when family passes, we grieve. So, don’t really know what I’m trying to say, other than, y’all are like family to me, even if I don’t post every day. I will eventually miss you if I don’t see your post when I check in. So take care, and enjoy every day. I will try and do the same.
This is totally unrelated to the subject, and I apologize in advance. The reason I’m posting on Sawnee’s Post is in reference to a post I made earlier today. I noticed Sawnee liked a post I made about the passing of another poster, who posted mainly on the Rafters. I had never met him, but really felt I knew him, because we corresponded through Rafters. I know it sounds silly, but I’ve got a heavy heart today after hearing the news. I won’t bore with detail, but will say this. We are all sharing a kinship, whether we know it or not. We love UK. When that kinship is amplified by other variables, it becomes like family. And when family passes, we grieve. So, don’t really know what I’m trying to say, other than, y’all are like family to me, even if I don’t post every day. I will eventually miss you if I don’t see your post when I check in. So take care, and enjoy every day. I will try and do the same.

Yes Sir, beyond my immediate family I do not get involved to the point of a personal investment. Not that I am not a friendly guy but I don't run into people I'd really like to associate with (They probably feel the same way about me.)

I will take a line out of the movie (The real movie) Rooster Cogburn (John Wayne) concerning the posters in this thread...

"Being around you, ...pleases me."

God Bless you all and your families...
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Yes Sir, Out of my immediate family I do not get involved to the point of a personal investment. Not that I am not a friendly guy but I don't run into people I'd really like to associate with (They probably feel the same way about me.)

I will take a line out of the movie (The real movie) Rooster Cogburn (John Wayne) concerning the posters in this thread...

"Being around you, pleases me."

God Bless you all and your families...
Thanks BB. Yes, understand. This one has hit me hard. Where I’m from, this poster and I grew up less than 5 miles from each other. Knew the same people very well. Yet, because of the age difference, didn’t know each other. Maybe because of the age of my parents, both 89, I’ve started to think differently. I don’t know, and can’t say why right now. Just feels different.
This is totally unrelated to the subject, and I apologize in advance. The reason I’m posting on Sawnee’s Post is in reference to a post I made earlier today. I noticed Sawnee liked a post I made about the passing of another poster, who posted mainly on the Rafters. I had never met him, but really felt I knew him, because we corresponded through Rafters. I know it sounds silly, but I’ve got a heavy heart today after hearing the news. I won’t bore with detail, but will say this. We are all sharing a kinship, whether we know it or not. We love UK. When that kinship is amplified by other variables, it becomes like family. And when family passes, we grieve. So, don’t really know what I’m trying to say, other than, y’all are like family to me, even if I don’t post every day. I will eventually miss you if I don’t see your post when I check in. So take care, and enjoy every day. I will try and do the same.
Nicely stated Backer!
I play , when I can, at Dale Hollow. Don’t know if you’ve ever played there, but cart path only means you better be in good physical shape. Well, I ain’t. Knees are shot. I’d as soon cut tobacco all day as play 18 holes there cart path only. Well, maybe not, but you get the idea. It’s HILLY, both ways.
Sorry about your loss BC. I understand what you mean about the kinship. We're all UK fans and most of us have home roots in KY. I've met 7 posters from the D and hope to meet more in the future.

I've played DH but it's been a long time. It was hilly both ways back then too.
Sorry about your loss BC. I understand what you mean about the kinship. We're all UK fans and most of us have home roots in KY. I've met 7 posters from the D and hope to meet more in the future.

I've played DH but it's been a long time. It was hilly both ways back then too.
Yeah, hasn’t changed much either. I’ve never met another poster, and have no plans to do so. I’m kinda new to this internet stuff, and really don’t understand or trust it, to be honest. But the situation I referred to is different. He posted enough, and I posted enough, we knew. Hell, he figured out what family I married into. And I figured out what his last name was, and , hence, his family. It’s a small community lol. But I know you love golf, and I love golf, and, though he is no longer with us, he loved golf. So I can talk to someone and have a common bond about something we all loved, and not feel like I’m talking shit for the sake of talking shit.
Yeah, hasn’t changed much either. I’ve never met another poster, and have no plans to do so. I’m kinda new to this internet stuff, and really don’t understand or trust it, to be honest. But the situation I referred to is different. He posted enough, and I posted enough, we knew. Hell, he figured out what family I married into. And I figured out what his last name was, and , hence, his family. It’s a small community lol. But I know you love golf, and I love golf, and, though he is no longer with us, he loved golf. So I can talk to someone and have a common bond about something we all loved, and not feel like I’m talking shit for the sake of talking shit.
Don't knock it if you haven't tried it.
I did some walking today but not nearly as much as Walt did. To make matters even worse, it was very foggy when we started. Visibility was about 50 yards at the most. Sometimes you just have to remind yourself every couple of minutes that golf is fun.
Fifty yards visibility is about all I would need for most of my drives.