
For the second week in a row I have had to go to a funeral. Last week my best friend lost his daughter. Today my deceased brother in law lost his daughter. It is bad.

I declare that next Saturday I am not going to a funeral; however, I am not in control of that.

Anyway while I was dressed we took pictures after the funeral. I am the first old dude and the next is my wife and two kids.



Any use of these pictures can and will be used against you in a court of law!
For the second week in a row I have had to go to a funeral. Last week my best friend lost his daughter. Today my deceased brother in law lost his daughter. It is bad.

I declare that next Saturday I am not going to a funeral; however, I am not in control of that.

Anyway while I was dressed we took pictures after the funeral. I am the first old dude and the next is my wife and two kids.



Any use of these pictures can and will be used against you in a court of law!
Looking like quite the distinguished gentleman Bert!
I guess this forum is a type of social media, don’t know. It’s the only internet interaction I have or have ever had to be honest, with other people. I don’t even do email, drives my family crazy. Guess I’m just old fashioned, but to be honest, technology isn’t my thing. But if I were ever inclined to meet people that I interact with on the internet, it would definitely be y’all people on here. I don’t doubt that you are all as genuine as you seem to be. Enough about that. Got my farm work done for the day and looking forward to a Tiger ass whipping tonight, with a few drinks. Enjoy the game all, I think it’s going to be a good one. Hopefully we come out on top!
They are good guys. One photo:

For the second week in a row I have had to go to a funeral. Last week my best friend lost his daughter. Today my deceased brother in law lost his daughter. It is bad.

I declare that next Saturday I am not going to a funeral; however, I am not in control of that.

Anyway while I was dressed we took pictures after the funeral. I am the first old dude and the next is my wife and two kids.



Any use of these pictures can and will be used against you in a court of law!
You bore some fine looking kids ( and married up for sure 🤪). Just kidding, sorry for your losses. I know the feeling. Funerals aren’t fun, and multiple ones are hard to deal with. Been there, and, unfortunately, going there soon again soon. It’s just part of life I’m told. Prayers for you and your family.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 65°F and clear with 89% humidity. Today's high topping out at 91°F. Front coming in next week bringing rain and cooler temperatures.

Happy Caturday! Let's go, UK!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Coincidence the day falls on Saturday during football season? Pizza chains and breweries probably had a say in this. We've got a Papa Murphy's ordered and obviously there's plenty of beer in the fridge.
Ribs on the smoker along with smoked baked beans, macaroni salad, cole slaw, tater salad, and of course some ground brisket bacon burgers....IT'S GAME DAY!!!

Don gave us a recipe for hamburger. 1/2lb brisket, 1/2lb chuck, 1/4 cup mayo. Made some good burgers.
Same here with this being the only social media I am on.
Me too. Have no desire for any more than this.

We won the first 9 today and tied for the second 9. So we got 1.5 pts and they got .5. It's a win! Tomorrow is individual play and I won't have a partner get drunk on me.
I drink a max of 1 beer most days. The rest has to be bourbon, whiskey, or good scotch (occasionally vodka or rum if mixed). I don't get hangovers yet, but I will feel too full if I drink more than one beer.

Craft beers... or dark beers, and I feel like a balloon that needs to be popped.
I had too much fun last week so I started last night with the Sun Devils tonite UK CATS
Feel like crap. Drank too many Margaritas plus Makers & Coke (MY UK FB Go To drink.). Also stayed up rewatching game.

I love feeling like crap on Fall Sundays.
What happens with too much fun.
I put salt and pepper on my medium rare steaks and nothing else but maybe a little butter. I would eat the rare but my wife tells me it is better medium rare. If you are going to cover up the taste of a steak then buy cheap steaks.

Just my opinion! :)
I enjoy the taste of beef. I depend on the fat to give me the flavor that is why we do not grill out lean beef. I want fat on it, such as a rib eye. No sirloins, no flank steaks or anything similar. I enjoy beef short ribs because you get rich broth out of them. And the meat is very tasty too. I will put them on the grill and BBQ as I would pork ribs and a rich BBQ sauce. But never a steak or even a hamburger.
Salt and pepper only
Afternoon (for some) D Leaguers
Congrats to you dedicated long time UK football supporters.
Wedding & reception on Saturday, didnt get a chance to watch but was checking phone quite often. I didn't remember the outcome til the next morning. Ranked 16 in AP poll, higher than Auburn, Florida, and Texas.
Changed out a fuel pump, put on rear brake pads and wiper blades for daughters SUV, well...I watched my brother do most of it. Put a loft bed together for granddaughter...she's going to be a big sister.
We may be kin!
I wonder about that too! Scary thought.
The loin side of a T bone or Porterhouse is the best meat known to man.
I have a big awkward custom made brace I'm supposed to wear, but I use a smaller store bought brace because it's more comfortable. Not meaning as a brag, but I've had 2 MD's tell me I'm the toughest man they ever met. I just do what I have to do to get by.
They're Doctors get a third opinion. you need about seven competent independent decider conformations without decent to have genuine confidence. without scientific analysis.
Wife told me one time, "why don't we just get a T-bone, I like the small side and you like the big side and we only have to cook one"? I told her EVERYBODY likes the small side sweetheart, it's the best part of a cow.

Congratulations D League! Now I'm hungry.

I think i found your dog. Damn democratic son of a bitch only wants whole wheat crackers and cream cheese for supper. And welcomes possums and foxes into the garage for steak scraps. Damndest thing I’ve ever seen. My vet is going to be perplexed, if I can schedule a visit between the rabid pussycat and the traffic traumatized squirrels. Mercy.
My Dog is a democrat.too. Most of them probably are.

My Guard Dog Pomeranian..... Pebbles... he guarded all the food in the house.

I still miss that dog. He is buried on my property in South Carolina...

This was at our home in San Antonio... He was a goodun...

I'm shakin"

How are the skeeters around your place?
Anopheles are nasty in horseville. Skeeter's a favorite.

Long night with pup
I've been fighting them this week on rebuild.

Day 2. She's in much better spirits today. Painkillers work great.

A happy buckethead.
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