
OK, listen up. It's 2021 and we humans are fairly advanced in a technological way. I'm not going to talk about us being in a regressive mode socially. What I want to talk about is the cloning of pets. If we can agree that nurture is more important than nature when we talk about individual animal personality, wouldn't it stand to reason that the clone would closely resemble the original in many ways? Provided it is raised in the same environment, in the same manner, I would think it would be a pretty cool imposter.

My wife is going to lose a cat in the near future. Might be a year but I doubt it. He's a very old dude and he came to meet us the day we moved in. He's a Maine Coon and about the coolest cat I've ever been around. I can't clone him but I'm thinking about getting her one. I think as far as cats go, they look pretty badass.

If we could clone our pets and have them spayed and neutered, we could also cut down on the number of strays.

Now that we've all accepted the cloning of pets, let's talk about people. It will happen eventually and be illegal until it becomes just unpopular. Then it will become accepted leading it to be thought of as normal. It will eventually become mandatory.

Rinse repeat for the next taboo.

Proud to have ridden this big wet rock through the cosmos with you guys all these years but, the wrong people are driving the bus and there's no telling when we're going in the ditch. But we are. Going in the ditch.

Sleep tight!
I'll see your link and raise you one!

ut do you have a story! Have you ever written anyone a check for $1.09?

I told several people over the years who disagreed with my verdict on their substandard work, "you might as well be rasslin with a pig in the mud, because sooner or later you're gonna realize the pig likes it".

pick a bale a day

If I had to pick a bale of hay, I don't know what I'd do. Probably take the alfalfa though.

I walked to school in two feet of snow and it was uphill both ways. (The snow part was true.) I did sell food stamps two for one... My Mammy slapped me silly four ways to Sunday too...
@UK82 I've changed my mind about building an amp and preamp. I'm going to just purchase an NAD C328 instead. That should do me fine and it will be cheaper than what I was going solder together.

What I want to know though, is can I use that splitter you gave me to run two sets of speakers and one amp, rather than the two amps and one set of speakers written on it?
OK, listen up. It's 2021 and we humans are fairly advanced in a technological way. I'm not going to talk about us being in a regressive mode socially. What I want to talk about is the cloning of pets. If we can agree that nurture is more important than nature when we talk about individual animal personality, wouldn't it stand to reason that the clone would closely resemble the original in many ways? Provided it is raised in the same environment, in the same manner, I would think it would be a pretty cool imposter.

My wife is going to lose a cat in the near future. Might be a year but I doubt it. He's a very old dude and he came to meet us the day we moved in. He's a Maine Coon and about the coolest cat I've ever been around. I can't clone him but I'm thinking about getting her one. I think as far as cats go, they look pretty badass.

If we could clone our pets and have them spayed and neutered, we could also cut down on the number of strays.

Now that we've all accepted the cloning of pets, let's talk about people. It will happen eventually and be illegal until it becomes just unpopular. Then it will become accepted leading it to be thought of as normal. It will eventually become mandatory.

Rinse repeat for the next taboo.

Proud to have ridden this big wet rock through the cosmos with you guys all these years but, the wrong people are driving the bus and there's no telling when we're going in the ditch. But we are. Going in the ditch.

Sleep tight!
Y’all D leaguers have risen above my raising. Too much thinking, I don’t think I belong. Cloning anyone on here, I don’t know. Maybe Sawnee, as he’s older than earth and still going strong. But he lives on fantasy island. Who wouldn’t look good there? And Bert? You’re dreaming of clones of your likeness man. Everyone wants to be a retiree in Smiths Grove, right? Next stop, Belayre, or however it’s spelled.And, last but not least, BBUK. 😂. (Hope y’all know I’m joking). Mostly.
Well we received not good news about our house kitty. His kidneys were shut down. They have put him on fluids to see if there is any change. The prognosis is not good. The odds of having to put him down are pretty good. He's eleven years old. I got pretty used to having him around the house. He was a package deal when I married the wife. Me and him had gotten pretty close and had many a conversation. I will definitely miss him. My wife is taking it pretty hard. The year 2020 took my grandmother and now almost a year apart 2021 is gonna take my kitty friend. Fall time is becoming my least favorite part of the year when it used to be my favorite.

Carry on D league......if you got furry friends give them an extra scratch on the head tonight and when they do something to annoy you tonight or tomorrow just let it go. Might not get the chance to do it the next day. Sure wish I had the extra chance to do so.
OK, listen up. It's 2021 and we humans are fairly advanced in a technological way. I'm not going to talk about us being in a regressive mode socially. What I want to talk about is the cloning of pets. If we can agree that nurture is more important than nature when we talk about individual animal personality, wouldn't it stand to reason that the clone would closely resemble the original in many ways? Provided it is raised in the same environment, in the same manner, I would think it would be a pretty cool imposter.

My wife is going to lose a cat in the near future. Might be a year but I doubt it. He's a very old dude and he came to meet us the day we moved in. He's a Maine Coon and about the coolest cat I've ever been around. I can't clone him but I'm thinking about getting her one. I think as far as cats go, they look pretty badass.

If we could clone our pets and have them spayed and neutered, we could also cut down on the number of strays.

Now that we've all accepted the cloning of pets, let's talk about people. It will happen eventually and be illegal until it becomes just unpopular. Then it will become accepted leading it to be thought of as normal. It will eventually become mandatory.

Rinse repeat for the next taboo.

Proud to have ridden this big wet rock through the cosmos with you guys all these years but, the wrong people are driving the bus and there's no telling when we're going in the ditch. But we are. Going in the ditch.

Sleep tight!

I'll be a suck egg mule...
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Y’all D leaguers have risen above my raising. Too much thinking, I don’t think I belong. Cloning anyone on here, I don’t know. Maybe Sawnee, as he’s older than earth and still going strong. But he lives on fantasy island. Who wouldn’t look good there? And Bert? You’re dreaming of clones of your likeness man. Everyone wants to be a retiree in Smiths Grove, right? Next stop, Belayre, or however it’s spelled.And, last but not least, BBUK. 😂. (Hope y’all know I’m joking). Mostly.

I thought the hook was on his foot...
@UK82 I've changed my mind about building an amp and preamp. I'm going to just purchase an NAD C328 instead. That should do me fine and it will be cheaper than what I was going solder together.

What I want to know though, is can I use that splitter you gave me to run two sets of speakers and one amp, rather than the two amps and one set of speakers written on it?
Is that the Mapletree model SP-1? If so then yes you can reverse the hook-up and run 2 sets of speakers with one amp. All speaker terminals on the back right? No RCA jacks? Better still, it's a switch not a splitter.
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I walked to school in two feet of snow and it was uphill both ways. (The snow part was true.) I did sell food stamps two for one... My Mammy slapped me silly four ways to Sunday too...
Sounds like you went to the same school my Mother did.
Is that the Mapletree model SP-1? If so then yes you can reverse the hook-up and run 2 sets of speakers with one amp. All speaker terminals on the back right? No RCA jacks? Better still, it's a switch not a splitter.
Yes. I thought it should work since it's pass through.
Y’all D leaguers have risen above my raising. Too much thinking, I don’t think I belong. Cloning anyone on here, I don’t know. Maybe Sawnee, as he’s older than earth and still going strong. But he lives on fantasy island. Who wouldn’t look good there? And Bert? You’re dreaming of clones of your likeness man. Everyone wants to be a retiree in Smiths Grove, right? Next stop, Belayre, or however it’s spelled.And, last but not least, BBUK. 😂. (Hope y’all know I’m joking). Mostly.

Since his back operation, a couple of flaps of skin and one of these and you can have a clone of Sawnee.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 62°F, dry and clear. Today's high expected to top out at 91°F. Our daily high in the 90s forecast for next 7-8 days.

Must take pup back to vet at 8:30 am. Vet's office is located over by the new stadium, roughly 3 miles from our place. Pup's injury has been a nightmare so far for us humans. Can only imagine what it's been like for her. It's about to get worse because of surgery and therapy.

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 62°F, dry and clear. Today's high expected to top out at 91°F. Our daily high in the 90s forecast for next 7-8 days.

Must take pup back to vet at 8:30 am. Vet's office is located over by the new stadium, roughly 3 miles from our place. Pup's injury has been a nightmare so far for us humans. Can only imagine what it's been like for her. It's about to get worse because of surgery and therapy.

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

I am going to make sure my wife is aware of the today's National Day.
Since his back operation, a couple of flaps of skin and one of these and you can have a clone of Sawnee.
Ole' Sawnee does not have much value as a clone. Oh you can probably get a lot of money from the titanium in my back But that is about it. I envision in 1,000 years a bunch of anthropologist digging for bones and running across my remains. "Come over here Floyd and look. This ole boy sure had some back problems" Wait until I tell the professor about this guy.

Even with a perfect body I doubt the future generations would want to clone me. I am a white, male, Christian conservative who does not like a strong federal government. I even hate the FBI. That puts me at the bottom of American culture. I'd say I am more a target for genocide than cloning. The sooner my type are gone the better for the New Amerika.

My future is being laid to rest under a 400 year old live oak tree where my bones will rest in peace until the college kid shows up with a shovel.

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Good Wednesday Morning

The sun is on the horizon and should give us another nice day. Late yesterday afternoon when the sun was going down, heavy rain came off of the Gulf and soaked us good for about two hours. It was refreshing. We have 64° now and should hit 84° by midafternoon.

My wife has a list of chores to do that I will get to today but something more on my mind is my well pump. It bit the dust. I have a 1.5 HP submersible pump that provides clear, fresh water I use to fill my pool and irrigate my lawn and plants. It is pure enough to drink. Which I do when working outside. I need to get that well back up and running as soon as possible. As they say there is always something I trust all have a great day.

Read Matthew 14
Hey Everyone,
I hope you all are off to a nice Wednesday. It's a cloudy, foggy, damp, muggy, humid 68 degrees here, headed up only 76 with all the clouds and rain forecasted. Yeah, once again, we are in for another 2-4 inches of rain in our area. Flash Flood watches are out.....yet again.

We have a new teacher at our school from Florida and she asked me the other day...."does it do anything besides rain around here?"

Baseball playoffs are up and running. I know I'm one of the very few baseball fans around here, but it's shaping up to be very interesting with the matchups of some outstanding teams and super star, future hall of fame players going at it. Personally, I would love to see Tampa Bay Rays make it to the World Series again, facing off against the Atlanta Braves. We will see how it all plays out over the upcoming days. Here is Tampa Bay, once again, one of the best records in baseball, yet with 2nd lowest payroll in all of MLB (almost minimum wage by MLB standards) and the worst facilities in all of baseball, along with one of the worst attendance. The mighty Yankees went down yesterday, eliminated from the playoff.

I'll probably make my UK/LSU prediction later on today. I'm still not sure what to make of LSU this season. If we can beat them, wouldn't that be a wonderful "W" to have back to back with UF.

Anyway, you all take care out there in this world that's growing darker by the day. If you haven't done so already, put your trust/faith in Jesus and his payment for your sins. This ship is sinking and Jesus is the lifeboat. I've finished Matthew and now moved on to 1st Peter for Bible reading.

Baseball playoffs are up and running. I know I'm one of the very few baseball fans around here, but it's shaping up to be very interesting with the matchups of some outstanding teams and super star, future hall of fame players going at it. Personally, I would love to see Tampa Bay Rays make it to the World Series again, facing off against the Atlanta Braves. We will see how it all plays out over the upcoming days. Here is Tampa Bay, once again, one of the best records in baseball, yet with 2nd lowest payroll in all of MLB (almost minimum wage by MLB standards) and the worst facilities in all of baseball, along with one of the worst attendance. The mighty Yankees went down yesterday, eliminated from the playoff.
Tampa Bay hit the 100 season win total this year. I have noticed a lot of interest lately for baseball and heard a couple of interesting things about players playing for Tampa Bay. They like the area, the lack of income taxes and the fact they can make a permanent home and have family and kids living close by. Some have said they will remain in the area permanently even after baseball.

I guess you can take less salary if you enjoy where you are. Especially if you have children.

Tampa Bay vs Atlanta would be a fun series.
Tampa Bay hit the 100 season win total this year. I have noticed a lot of interest lately for baseball and heard a couple of interesting things about players playing for Tampa Bay. They like the area, the lack of income taxes and the fact they can make a permanent home and have family and kids living close by. Some have said they will remain in the area permanently even after baseball.

I guess you can take less salary if you enjoy where you are. Especially if you have children.

Tampa Bay vs Atlanta would be a fun series.
Good morning! Slept for only 7 hours but it was a good solid sleep with no wakeups.

Headed to the course where it is more than likely going to rain. Only 2 more weeks of league play after today.

I've got a good feeling about the LSU game and I'm basing that off of what I saw in their game against Auburn. Georgia on the other hand...I've seen our Cats play between the hedges and it wasn't pretty my friends. We were down 2 touchdowns in that game before I could even get to my seat.

But, BUT! History is littered with 16th ranked teams upsetting 2nd ranked teams. That's right, I'm saying there's a chance! Go Cats!
Tampa Bay hit the 100 season win total this year. I have noticed a lot of interest lately for baseball and heard a couple of interesting things about players playing for Tampa Bay. They like the area, the lack of income taxes and the fact they can make a permanent home and have family and kids living close by. Some have said they will remain in the area permanently even after baseball.

I guess you can take less salary if you enjoy where you are. Especially if you have children.

Tampa Bay vs Atlanta would be a fun series.
We get a lot of Tampa games here on our Youtube TV network, since they blacked out the Braves, so I've become quite familiar with them. They have a unique approach to the game with their defensive strategies and pitching lineups. Oftentimes, they'll start the game with the relief pitcher going a couple of innings, then bring in the "starting pitcher" for 4/5 innings. Their manager, Kevin Cash, is a local guy from Tampa, along with a few of their players. They don't really have any superstar, well known players, but they sure do all buy into the team aspect and get the most out of it. They're easy to root for with their working-man, more humble attitude toward each other.
Good morning! Slept for only 7 hours but it was a good solid sleep with no wakeups.

Headed to the course where it is more than likely going to rain. Only 2 more weeks of league play after today.

I've got a good feeling about the LSU game and I'm basing that off of what I saw in their game against Auburn. Georgia on the other hand...I've seen our Cats play between the hedges and it wasn't pretty my friends. We were down 2 touchdowns in that game before I could even get to my seat.

But, BUT! History is littered with 16th ranked teams upsetting 2nd ranked teams. That's right, I'm saying there's a chance! Go Cats!
I would give anything for 7 hours of sleep. That would be a big win for me. I like your optimism about the cats chances against LSU and UGA; I hope you're right!!
Good mid morning, D-L!

Taking a break from work to watch a little of the LSU-Auburn game.

LSU D is great sideline to sideline because of their DBs and MLB. MLB is something else. Speed and rage. Auburn could've thrown all day though. They dropped a lot of passes. Should've scored maybe 2 more TDs. I think we can run on them, but will have more success with it if we complete passes.

They have some DL that can really pressure well. Nix had some incredible plays avoiding the pressure that extended drives. We do need to get the ball out quick whenever possible.

LSU O can really throw the ball well. They get the ball out quick and their receivers can run after the catch so you can't play soft. Gonna be a tough game. Their running game isn't stellar, but if you try to shut down their passing game completely, they do have some speed at RB to burn you in play action.

I think we will win, but it's gonna be a hard fought game regardless of the final score.

Back to work! Have a great day everyone.
Good mid morning, D-L!

Taking a break from work to watch a little of the LSU-Auburn game.

LSU D is great sideline to sideline because of their DBs and MLB. MLB is something else. Speed and rage. Auburn could've thrown all day though. They dropped a lot of passes. Should've scored maybe 2 more TDs. I think we can run on them, but will have more success with it if we complete passes.

They have some DL that can really pressure well. Nix had some incredible plays avoiding the pressure that extended drives. We do need to get the ball out quick whenever possible.

LSU O can really throw the ball well. They get the ball out quick and their receivers can run after the catch so you can't play soft. Gonna be a tough game. Their running game isn't stellar, but if you try to shut down their passing game completely, they do have some speed at RB to burn you in play action.

I think we will win, but it's gonna be a hard fought game regardless of the final score.

Back to work! Have a great day everyone.
Good analysis. Yes it is going to be a hard fought game but we are in the SEC and you get few games where you can just coast. I like the sound of 6-0.
67.8°F and raining. We are supposed to get to 75°. Yesterday (.20") and this morning we are up to .59" for the two day and we stand to get quite a bit today.

I hope and pray we beat LSU. I only watched a little of the LSU Auburn game as I was too juiced about the Florida game.

About the gator getting the kids fish; something similar happened to my son, except he was 25 years old, he was fishing the lake in my back yard and caught a 4 lb. bass. While he was reeling him in he saw the gator come after it. He out reeled the gator but he came over to the bank and watched my son take the fish off the hook. Gators are good at what they do. @BBUK they say the gator gizzards are to die for! :)
Speaking of M.A.S.H. I thought McLean Stevenson was much better than Harry Morgan.
For me, the best MASH scene ever is when the helicopter came & lifted Henry Blake's desk away because it had been traded away for something or another. Stevenson stood there dumbfounded with the best WTF look on his face as the tent walls fell down & the desk lifted away. I still laugh thinking about that.
67.8°F and raining. We are supposed to get to 75°. Yesterday (.20") and this morning we are up to .59" for the two day and we stand to get quite a bit today.

I hope and pray we beat LSU. I only watched a little of the LSU Auburn game as I was too juiced about the Florida game.

About the gator getting the kids fish; something similar happened to my son, except he was 25 years old, he was fishing the lake in my back yard and caught a 4 lb. bass. While he was reeling him in he saw the gator come after it. He out reeled the gator but he came over to the bank and watched my son take the fish off the hook. Gators are good at what they do. @BBUK they say the gator gizzards are to die for! :)

🤣 Sir, I just hope the gator gizzards are fully cooked. I heard a rumor that some liked those sushi chicken gizzards... Just a rumor mind you...
Ole' Sawnee does not have much value as a clone. Oh you can probably get a lot of money from the titanium in my back But that is about it. I envision in 1,000 years a bunch of anthropologist digging for bones and running across my remains. "Come over here Floyd and look. This ole boy sure had some back problems" Wait until I tell the professor about this guy.

Even with a perfect body I doubt the future generations would want to clone me. I am a white, male, Christian conservative who does not like a strong federal government. I even hate the FBI. That puts me at the bottom of American culture. I'd say I am more a target for genocide than cloning. The sooner my type are gone the better for the New Amerika.

My future is being laid to rest under a 400 year old live oak tree where my bones will rest in peace until the college kid shows up with a shovel.


Considering the cost of funerals and even cremations anymore (0ver $2K) I think you should consider having your body tossed into the gator pond out back. That way you are gone but, in a manner of speaking, still hanging around nearby.
Considering the cost of funerals and even cremations anymore (0ver $2K) I think you should consider having your body tossed into the gator pond out back. That way you are gone but, in a manner of speaking, still hanging around nearby.
Don't give my wife any ideas. About 25 years ago we bought our gravesites and prepaid our funeral expenses. I did not want to leave this world with someone else paying my expenses. All paid up.

Now if I take your advice my $3,500 lots I paid for in cash can be sold for $16,500 each. Funeral costs have increased 30% since I paid mine off. I may as well hang where I am.
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