
Good morning D, read Matthew 11 this morning.

Just got back from therapy, feel pretty good right now! I have not had a good nights sleep since Labor Day week, usually up by 12:30, did sleep till 2:30 so I guess I will take that. I have been thru some things in my life, 5 surgeries, both hips replaced. both rotator cuff, and neck, but never have I dealt with something like this. My friend who I am going to at PT, we discussed some things Friday and changed my PT a little, have felt better since then, so maybe we are on the right road to recovery!!! I have not been in bed since this started either, sleeping in the recliner. He asked me what my pain level was and I told him, when one of those spasms hits, between 1-10 it's about a 15!!! But I have not had one since Friday.

Great win by the wildcats, I have already watched it 3 times, when you don't sleep you can watch lots of stuff. Defense looked great, I hope our QB gets better and I think he will!!!

I have been lurking around and saw yawl talking about Ky Legends hams, I had a sister that worked where they processed them in Owensboro and they could get employee discount on them but you had to buy a case, she would get a case, my cost for a WHOLE ham, $8, quiet a deal!!!!!

I hope the D has a great day! Bert jessie's family is on our GOD KNOWS LIST!!!!! Prayers for the D!!!!!
Best of luck to you Cord!
About my rotator cuff surgery, true story. Dr. Alan Anderson did mine in Nashville (he tragically died in a chainsaw accident) he was a huge Tennessee Vols fan and we had some discussion about UK and tennorsee sports. So he tells me I am going to sew you together inside your shoulder with blue thread, I said that would be great, I get the photos of where it is sewed up and guess what color I have, ORANGE!!! I ask him about it and he just smiled!

Now I see why you mentioned the chain saw. Let that be a lesson to ye vols
Shows have hit really tough times starting last year, but were struggling a bit already until 2017. I know a lot of crafters/artisans that have folded up shop since 2016. The shows had been their bread and butter. Some just retired altogether and sold their tools and equipment.

Things got better for a couple years 2018 and 19 before last year imploded

The people that got out of the business are glad they did, and some that stayed in made good money in those 2 yrs because of the shortage of competition. Hopefully they banked some of that money before 2020. Very quiet on that front the entire summer 2021 though, so who knows
The fair still has over 600 artists so I'm assuming it's doing well but what do I know. Not sure what the attendance was but since it was cancelled last year I'd guess quite high.
Thankful that MASH intro uses the still picture it does before you press play. Is it me or did women in the 60s and 70s just have better shape? More form and curve I mean. So many straight lines or circles these days. Hardly any farm girl shapes these days... Maybe it's just me seeing it
Shows have hit really tough times starting last year, but were struggling a bit already until 2017. I know a lot of crafters/artisans that have folded up shop since 2016. The shows had been their bread and butter. Some just retired altogether and sold their tools and equipment.

Things got better for a couple years 2018 and 19 before last year imploded

The people that got out of the business are glad they did, and some that stayed in made good money in those 2 yrs because of the shortage of competition. Hopefully they banked some of that money before 2020. Very quiet on that front the entire summer 2021 though, so who knows
We have a customer who paints his lampshades in oceanic type scenes and then sends us the pattern and we turn it into a shade and ship them back to him. He sets up at St James as part of his tour. He imports the paint from France.
I really hope you weren't making fun at this. Dr. Anderson died in a horrible tragic accident, cut the main artery in his leg when his chain saw slipped. It was reported he called his wife, told her what had happened and told her that he would be dead by the time they got there! Nobody deserves to die that way! Whether they are a Vol or not!!!

No. I thought YOU were.

I would expect a chain saw accident to be horrible, and guessed it happened exactly as you said. If you are assuming I think someone deserves to die that way or any way, then that's on you.

I reread your entire post that is posted as a humorous post, unless somehow "tenorsee" is somehow respectful of the tragedy in a way I don't understand. Where I'm from we don't so casually mix tragedy and humor if we can't handle the mix being reciprocated
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I really hope you weren't making fun at this. Dr. Anderson died in a horrible tragic accident, cut the main artery in his leg when his chain saw slipped. It was reported he called his wife, told her what had happened and told her that he would be dead by the time they got there! Nobody deserves to die that way! Whether they are a Vol or not!!!
Earlier I mentioned my accident. They called a surgeon in that night for emergency surgery. A couple of months later he was getting ready to go to work one night in the emergency room. His wife complained of a very bad headache. He told her to take aspirin (or something like that) and he would see her in the morning. She was dead when he got home. He quit doctoring and never started again.
If I had a dog I would go with wheat germ... Last dog I had ran away though, I wonder why...[laughing]
I think i found your dog. Damn democratic son of a bitch only wants whole wheat crackers and cream cheese for supper. And welcomes possums and foxes into the garage for steak scraps. Damndest thing I’ve ever seen. My vet is going to be perplexed, if I can schedule a visit between the rabid pussycat and the traffic traumatized squirrels. Mercy.
Oh wow that's impressive! I even had a UK hat on! That's a super high quality TV you have. I had shoes on as well!
I'll have to take your word for that. Couldn't see.
$250,000 fine for rushing field.
When I read that the other day, I didn't realize they were going back to when the rule started. I hope we don't rush the field after the LSU game but I understand if some do go out there.
Was he the guy telling the refs they wanted their money back? That was hilarious. Even the announcers commented on it
HaHa, we heard that too and my wife thought it was a UK player. I told her I was pretty sure it wasn't a player. She asked how I knew and I told her to listen to the game. SOP
I can still move faster than I ought to. Older guy fell at the golf course about 4 months ago and broke one shoulder, dislocated the other and still busted his face on the cart path. He's just now coming back a little.

Not a fan of the sirloin. Prefer ribeye but will settle for a thick Tbone.

One of the great delicacies... Chuck Eye (I've shared that before in this thread but do not mention it to many.) It is a hidden gem and due to that it is very reasonable when you can find it. We get it at the Fort Belvoir Commissary here.

Nearly the entire piece of meat is tender to cutting with a fork...

Good morning from ATX. Currently 61°F, clear and dry. Today's high topping out around 91°F.

As stated yesterday, our pup has a torn ACL. Quickest they can get her in for surgery is November 9. Probably looking at $3,400 for the medical costs. Surgeon's fee alone is $2,600. Wow. She's currently on pain medication. Her rehab could affect whether or not I travel out to KY over Thanksgiving. Sigh.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Thankful that MASH intro uses the still picture it does before you press play. Is it me or did women in the 60s and 70s just have better shape? More form and curve I mean. So many straight lines or circles these days. Hardly any farm girl shapes these days... Maybe it's just me seeing it
No you are correct about that. I believe. All one has to do is get out old family photos and look at the difference in size and shapes. Both men and women. It is hard to find a large woman in those photos and curves were plentiful. Look at a class picture today and you might find 3 girls out of 10 that have the shape and form of someone of two or three generations ago. The old folks covered up more than they do today and had a little more modesty but they were nice looking women.

And the size of men today is a whole 'nother subject. They are big boys waking the steets.