OK, listen up. It's 2021 and we humans are fairly advanced in a technological way. I'm not going to talk about us being in a regressive mode socially. What I want to talk about is the cloning of pets. If we can agree that nurture is more important than nature when we talk about individual animal personality, wouldn't it stand to reason that the clone would closely resemble the original in many ways? Provided it is raised in the same environment, in the same manner, I would think it would be a pretty cool imposter.
My wife is going to lose a cat in the near future. Might be a year but I doubt it. He's a very old dude and he came to meet us the day we moved in. He's a Maine Coon and about the coolest cat I've ever been around. I can't clone him but I'm thinking about getting her one. I think as far as cats go, they look pretty badass.
If we could clone our pets and have them spayed and neutered, we could also cut down on the number of strays.
Now that we've all accepted the cloning of pets, let's talk about people. It will happen eventually and be illegal until it becomes just unpopular. Then it will become accepted leading it to be thought of as normal. It will eventually become mandatory.
Rinse repeat for the next taboo.
Proud to have ridden this big wet rock through the cosmos with you guys all these years but, the wrong people are driving the bus and there's no telling when we're going in the ditch. But we are. Going in the ditch.
Sleep tight!