
For those in the D League who do not want to share your cookies.


1. Are there members who think it's ok to share cookies and
2. Who are they?
3. Would be good to have a list of names
Thank you guys for all of the well wishes and prayers for my daughter. She did the pre surgery prep this morning and we are now back home. She is still very calm and seems to be actually looking forward to tomorrow. My wife has to have her there at the OU Medical Center at 0530 in the morning and the surgery will start at 0730. Did not know doctors operated that early. Wife originally said she will drive her there since she will be staying up there the next couple of days. Now, since it takes us about an 1hr and 20min to get there it means they will have to leave our house at around 0400 in the morning. She is now trying to talk me into driving them there and picking them up when the doctor says my daughter can be released. My wife is not an early morning person.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 79°F and cloudy. We may receive rain around noon or so. High predicted at 94°F. Cold front coming in, so summer should finally let go. Yesterday, we topped out at 102°F.

Pup woke us up early wanting outside. We always get up when she barks or grows restless because we never know if a fire or break-in is happening.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning D, well starting out as a bad day and going to get worse, lots of rain moving in!!!

I am about 99% sure I am not going on the fishing trip. I have been up since 11 last night try to convince myself that everything is ok to go but my body is saying something different!!! I am getting by with my TENS device and ice-packs, plus over 6 hour trip there and back, 8 hours in a boat, don't think I can do it!!!!!! Plus here when I start hurting I can just go to the living room turn the TV on and ice it down, can't there!!!!

I hope the D has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!!

WC, Prayers for your daughter my cyber-friend!!!!
Hi D-leauge,
Good Tuesday morning to you all. I hope you all are managing well out there. My thoughts/prayers are with those that are still sick or dealing with other heavy issues that life brings across our paths.

Cloudy, foggy, 71 degrees to start off around here and soaking wet from over 4.5" inches of rain the last few days. Very muggy as well, a "Gulf Coast" feeling in the air for sure. The weather gurus are saying that a cold front will sweep through here tonight, making the way for less humid, cooler weather for the next week with high in the 70s and lower humidity. We'll see.

Otherwise, another meat-grinder of a day ahead for this week at work. The stress is getting to me and I've somehow got to learn to relax a bit. I guess that's why they call it "work", right?

Alright, you all have a good day and we'll check back later.
Hows errbody in Catland doing?
A little bit of moisture in the area today, s'posed to get a lot the next day or 2.
I figured the Cats would win by a little bit bigger margin...kinda looks as if they did too.
Bert I'm probably really late here, but are you a preferred Buc-ees member yet?
Didn't accomplish a lot this weekend. Thats OK, you need those every now & then.
Grand daughter turned 1 on Saturday. Amazing what new parents put themselves through these days for a 1 yr old....
Good to see you post OldEvilleCat.

Our Buc-ee's store just got cleared to build in June. Leon Tarter, a relative of mine, sold or leased the land for it. Leon just turned 98 last week (a D-day veteran) and he has been trying to get approval to develop that land for 40 years.
We got a little rain yesterday evening and about an inch overnight......I watered my sweet potatoes Thursday.........hey do you folks like spicy the spring when I start training birds I plan on stopping in and meeting/ you......
awf, Sherry used to love spicy food but now it tears and tears her up. But there are other foods that are not spicy things!

I want to met you and I want to met a couple of your pigeons.
For those who know me personally you know I love local history and I like to study the roots of our nation. One thing I really enjoy is how our agriculture base developed and expanded and that includes cattle and other livestock. The Spanish explorer, Ponce de Leon, brought the first cattle and horses to America in 1521 long before the Pilgrims showed up.

The original cattle line still remains and they are ranched in various areas through the state, one in Withlachoochee State Preserve which is very close to where I live. If you like agriculture and cattle ranching here is a interesting video on how the cattle were preserved and survive for 500 years in the swamps of Florida. One neat thing about the Cracker Cattle in the video is they can not be artificial inseminated. Much like Kentucky thoroughbreds .

Morning D-League. It is a cloudy 70.2°F here. Since Saturday morning at 4:00 am we have gotten 2.89" of rain. We have an 80% chance of rain today. I actually got to see the sun for a couple hours yesterday and the moon shown through around 8 pm.

Boy it is good seeing some of the posters back: bertfan, Rooster, OldEville, backer, Don We even got this page introduced correctly by Rooster.
For those who know me personally you know I love local history and I like to study the roots of our nation. One thing I really enjoy is how our agriculture base developed and expanded and that includes cattle and other livestock. The Spanish explorer, Ponce de Leon, brought the first cattle and horses to America in 1521 long before the Pilgrims showed up.

The original cattle line still remains and they are ranched in various areas through the state, one in Withlachoochee State Preserve which is very close to where I live. If you like agriculture and cattle ranching here is a interesting video on how the cattle were preserved and survive for 500 years in the swamps of Florida. One neat thing about the Cracker Cattle in the video is they can not be artificial inseminated. Much like Kentucky thoroughbreds .

Just for a history lesson Jamestown was settled nearly two decades before the Pilgrims. My Mass. friends told me I was wrong. They want to be the first.

My 8th great grandfather was in St. Phillip Parish, Barbados, British West Indies about 1630. Those islands and stick-em out things (peninsulas) were easy to get to as the southern currents in the Atlantic ran East to West. Additionally the natives were not as dangerous as those on the mainland!

I have seen those cows and they look similar to our milk cows on our farm when I was growing up (Jersey and Guernsey). I did some reading. They are a special breed and are grown for meat instead of milk. Hummm.

I learned something today and that is hard for a 75 year old. I just wonder what I threw out to make room for Cracker Cattle?
Morning D-League. It is a cloudy 70.2°F here. Since Saturday morning at 4:00 am we have gotten 2.89" of rain. We have an 80% chance of rain today. I actually got to see the sun for a couple hours yesterday and the moon shown through around 8 pm.

Boy it is good seeing some of the posters back: bertfan, Rooster, OldEville, backer, Don We even got this page introduced correctly by Rooster.
Raining here as I type this. It’s getting ridiculous. Gonna have to cut my yard with a bush hog.
This would be titled "oh crap"!
Back in the day, a looonng time ago, I woke up one morning before school and looked out my bedroom window to check out what I was dealing with. Saw a huge buck in the orchard out back and went to get my 30-30. I got back to my room and eased the window open. He was standing broadside to me presenting an easy 60yd shot for a guy who practiced on pie pans at 100yds+.

As I raised my rifle I heard a noise and knew in my gut what was about to happen. Our dog bolted out toward the orchard barking, yelping, slobbering all over the place. The deer bolted and easily cleared the fence on his way back to the woods.

No, I didn't. Yes, I did think about it.
Here's a good one to leave on in the background as you go about your day. Blues music is feel good music. I can listen to it and say "dang, I don't feel as bad as that guy does" and it makes me feel better. Nothing is as good, or as bad, as it seems to be at the time. Quote me on that.