
@starchief5 @Bert Higginbotha

We're gonna be here when the morning comes Ain't no haint gonna run us off.

Good Wednesday Morning D League

Waiting for the sun to come up. We should have a typical day with a current temperature of 73° and a high expected at 84°. We have a 63% chance of rain in the early evening.. I may get in some yard work this morning and relax in the pool tis afternoon.

When I travel I like to find off the beaten path places to eat and a found a dandy on highway 100 outside of Nashville, the Loveless Cafe. What a place. I enjoyed a plate of gizzards, fried pork chops with my eggs and grits and the biscuits were to die for. Especially with their peach preserves. Check out the link and if you are in the area I highly recommend a stop.

Enjoy your day and stay safe


Good Wednesday Morning D League

Waiting for the sun to come up. We should have a typical day with a current temperature of 73° and a high expected at 84°. We have a 63% chance of rain in the early evening.. I may get in some yard work this morning and relax in the pool tis afternoon.

When I travel I like to find off the beaten path places to eat and a found a dandy on highway 100 outside of Nashville, the Loveless Cafe. What a place. I enjoyed a plate of gizzards, fried pork chops with my eggs and grits and the biscuits were to die for. Especially with their peach preserves. Check out the link and if you are in the area I highly recommend a stop.

Enjoy your day and stay safe

My mom and sister live ten or fifteen minutes away. Been there a few times. It is good and you get plenty to eat.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 71°F, clear and calm. Today's high forecast for around 100°F. Just a few more weeks of this.
Happy Hump Day! We're at mid-week.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

I read that and said "national ampersand day". then, I wondered what that word was and if I had made it up. I checked and it is the word. Small world, huh?
Good morning D-League. It's currently 67° and foggy. This afternoon will bring mostly cloudy skies and a chance of rain, with a high of 77°.

Everyone stay safe on this hump day.

Ah yes! Chattanooga! Lots of good memories there. Went to the Aquarium several times. (it's the spherical building, on the right, for those of you who haven't been)
Good morning D-League. It’s a beautiful one in the east as the sun comes up. Cool, a gentle breeze and some majestic clouds picking up the first light of the day.

I’m excited about the commitment of Shaedon Sharpe and the other kids who are leaning Kentucky’s way. I’d like to think with this new staff and Cal looking to restore his reputation that the Cats are headed into another run like the Wall-to-Davis-to-Towns days. We’ll see.

Two more days at my home desk and then a brief break at the beach. We took the kids there for 20 straight summers so lots of good times for us to remember, and a few restaurants and bars I’m looking forward to visiting.

Hope you all are having a good week.
Always interesting to read your posts. Have you ever considered writing as a vocation?
Vancouver sure knows how to celebrate coronaviruses. Ahead of their time really

Is "Vancouver in Tennessee?
Been streaming episodes of The Virginian on IMDB the last few days. Like all free streaming apps they have a bunch of short commercials (thank goodness not 5-8 minutes like the networks). One they show over and over is Southern New Hampshire U. (Is that a real college or just online? Don't know...don't care). But the one commercial shows the graduation and the president (I guess) is talking and one of the things he say (I'll paraphrase) is .....
the world in which we live equally distributes ability, but not opportunity equally.
Total idiot and what is wrong with education of all levels.
If he was come I wasn't as good as Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods?
Been streaming episodes of The Virginian on IMDB the last few days. Like all free streaming apps they have a bunch of short commercials (thank goodness not 5-8 minutes like the networks). One they show over and over is Southern New Hampshire U. (Is that a real college or just online? Don't know...don't care). But the one commercial shows the graduation and the president (I guess) is talking and one of the things he say (I'll paraphrase) is .....
the world in which we live equally distributes ability, but not opportunity equally.
Total idiot and what is wrong with education of all levels.
If he was come I wasn't as good as Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods?
Speaking of The Virginian. I used to live in Paducah. They had a telethon on television every year to raise money for charity. The guy who played Trampas was supposed to be a guest. He went to a strip club, got drunk and never showed up for the show.
Speaking of The Virginian. I used to live in Paducah. They had a telethon on television every year to raise money for charity. The guy who played Trampas was supposed to be a guest. He went to a strip club, got drunk and never showed up for the show.
Doug McClure. Pretty sure he was an alcoholic that contributed to his early death. May not have direct cause of, but seems I read where it was part of it.
Speaking of The Virginian. I used to live in Paducah. They had a telethon on television every year to raise money for charity. The guy who played Trampas was supposed to be a guest. He went to a strip club, got drunk and never showed up for the show.

Doug McClure. Pretty sure he was an alcoholic that contributed to his early death. May not have direct cause of, but seems I read where it was part of it.
Condolences on your loss of Doug McClure.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 71°F and clear. Calm with 70% humidity. Our high today should top out around 100°F. We hit 101°F yesterday, but low humidity made a huge difference. I barely broke a sweat during late-afternoon walk.

I've got nothing else.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning all. Well I guess Fall is slowly creeping in. Feels like it again. 54 out now heading up to 74. The last few days have been the type I like....not too hot with little humidity. Unfortunately you only get a few weeks of the Fall and in the Spring.

Not much going on today. May start the mowing process. Getting to the point where I may get by with mowing the fields one, or maybe two, more times. The yard will be more.

Y'all have a good day.
Good afternoon D, beautiful day here!!!

First thing I want to praise GOD for answered Prayers!!!! My daughters tests came back all clear and Praise GOD for bringing home a 6 weeks old baby, her parents goes to our church, she got chocked last week and they had to take her to Louisville. When she got chocked, she asperated and water got in her lungs, then got pneumonia, but she is on her way home today!!!!

Now I just need Prayers for our granddaughter is sick with RSV, seems like every time she get in a routine something happens to set her back a little. Her being autistic needs school. My daughter said Saturday morning she came into her bedroom, pulled the covers off of her, she can't talk but my daughter knew what she wanted!!!

Hope the D, has a great rest of the day and Prayers!!!

Been watching Star Trek movies, it's 55th anniversary and they started with the first one, Star Trek the Movie!
Prayers for your daughter and granddaughter sent.

Did not know about the 55th anniversary but, I have been watching the movies last few days. Watched the pilot episode of the old series where Jeffery Hunter was captain Christopher Pike and this young lady was his love interest yesterday. Beautiful eyes

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Good morning D, another beautiful day instore for us, high of 79!!

Watched the ISS fly over this morning, supposed to do another fly-over in the morning at 4:45.

I have got to remember to go get Mrs. M's birthday present today, a gift certificate to her favorite spa, always thankful for it!!!

I hope the D has a great day and Prayers!!!
Prayers for your daughter and granddaughter sent.

Did not know about the 55th anniversary but, I have been watching the movies last few days. Watched the pilot episode of the old series where Jeffery Hunter was captain Christopher Pike and this young lady was his love interest yesterday. Beautiful eyes

Susan Oliver. Another who died young...58.
Was one of the world's most accomplished female pilots....

Oliver experienced an event in February 1959 that underscored her later aviation accomplishments. She was a passenger aboard Pan Am Flight 115, a Boeing 707 on a transatlantic flight from Paris to New York City when it dropped from 35,000 to 6,000 feet (10,700 to 1,800 m). It was February 3, 1959, the same day Buddy Holly died in an airplane crash. These events caused her to avoid flying for the next year, even turning down job offers, with the exception of auditioning for BUtterfield 8, if they were so short notice that she could only travel by air. She eventually underwent hypnosis to overcome her fear of flying.[10]

In July 1964, local Los Angeles area news anchor Hal Fishman introduced her to personal flying when he took her on an evening flight over Los Angeles in a Cessna 172.[10] The experience motivated her to return the next day to the Santa Monica Airport to begin training for a private pilot certificate. In 1966, while preparing for her own transatlantic flight, she was a passenger in a Piper J-3 Cub when the pilot ran into wires while "show-boating";[10] the airplane flipped and crashed. She and the pilot escaped injury.[11]

In 1967, piloting her own Aero Commander 200, she became the fourth woman to fly a single-engined aircraft solo across the Atlantic Ocean and the second to do it from New York City. Although she was attempting to fly to Moscow, her odyssey ended in Denmark after the government of the Soviet Union denied her permission to enter its air space. She wrote about her aviation exploits and philosophy of life in an autobiography published in 1983.[10]

In 1968, she was contacted by Learjet to see if she was interested in obtaining a type rating on one of their jets with the intent to set record flights for them. She earned the rating and even flew some charters (having by that time acquired a commercial pilot certificate in single- and multiengined land airplanes), but did not fly any record flights in their jets.[10]

In 1970, Oliver co-piloted a Piper Comanche to victory in the 2760-mile transcontinental race known as the "Powder Puff Derby", which resulted in her being named Pilot of the Year. The pilot was Margaret Mead (not the famous anthropologist), an experienced pilot who had flown in several derbies with different co-pilots. In 1972, her training for a glider rating was chronicled for an episode of the television series The American Sportsman, and the segment aired in March 1973.[12]
Heard a joke last night, guy is always getting drunk, so he tries to slip in one morning about 2, slips in the house, goes to the bathroom looks in the mirror, his face is bloody , so he cleans his face up and decides to put band-aids on his cuts, slips into bed thinking he had made it ok. Wakes up the next morning and the wife says, you were drunk again last night wasn't you. He asks how did you know? Her reply was there are band-aids all over the mirror!!!! Well it was funnier last night when I heard it!!!
Good morning D-League. Thanks to Warrior and Colonel for bringing up Susan Oliver, who a lot of boys my age (8-14) had a crush on in the early 1960s. I didn't know the fascinating stuff about her piloting exploits.

But I did remember one iconic role -- The Green Girl from early Star Trek. Man, was that weird and hot to me when I was 10 or 11 or whatever.

I looked it up - it turns out someone either did or is trying to make a documentary about her, which would be worth a watch. Here's a trailer..
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That’s what my wife calls them. Good morning D League. Been awhile since I have checked in and thought that since football season has begun, I needed to renew my membership here. Hope all the regulars have been doing well. I know 2 persons that have died from Covid, in the past month. Neither was vaccinated . If you choose not to take the vaccine, please mask up and be careful.
Good morning D-League.

Hard rain and more hard rain that may end around 9:00 AM. It's currently 74° and a high of 83° is expected.

Trust all have a nice day. Beware of illegals in your neighborhood.. They are everywhere.

Local news comes from Duke Energy's $540M takedown of our defunct 860-MW Nuclear Power. It is decommissioned and work to dismantle was started last year on October 1. It is ahead of schedule. I am Pro Nuclear Power and think this is a huge mistake. But I have no say and politicians do.

That’s what my wife calls them. Good morning D League. Been awhile since I have checked in and thought that since football season has begun, I needed to renew my membership here. Hope all the regulars have been doing well. I know 2 persons that have died from Covid, in the past month. Neither was vaccinated . If you choose not to take the vaccine, please mask up and be careful.
Welcome back Ben, you were missed. Now we need Wildcat Don back, I trust he is OK
That’s what my wife calls them. Good morning D League. Been awhile since I have checked in and thought that since football season has begun, I needed to renew my membership here. Hope all the regulars have been doing well. I know 2 persons that have died from Covid, in the past month. Neither was vaccinated . If you choose not to take the vaccine, please mask up and be careful.
Wow, that sounds pretty rough. We've had two people from our church family die in the last two weeks from Corona and many others hospitalized.
Good morning D-League.

Hard rain and more hard rain that may end around 9:00 AM. It's currently 74° and a high of 83° is expected.

Trust all have a nice day. Beware of illegals in your neighborhood.. They are everywhere.

Local news comes from Duke Energy's $540M takedown of our defunct 860-MW Nuclear Power. It is decommissioned and work to dismantle was started last year on October 1. It is ahead of schedule. I am Pro Nuclear Power and think this is a huge mistake. But I have no say and politicians do.

Just south of you, the Gulf waters look more choppy and "wavy" than ususal.....
Good morning D-League.

Hard rain and more hard rain that may end around 9:00 AM. It's currently 74° and a high of 83° is expected.

Trust all have a nice day. Beware of illegals in your neighborhood.. They are everywhere.

Local news comes from Duke Energy's $540M takedown of our defunct 860-MW Nuclear Power. It is decommissioned and work to dismantle was started last year on October 1. It is ahead of schedule. I am Pro Nuclear Power and think this is a huge mistake. But I have no say and politicians do.

That's a great point Sawnee. If you want to name ONE PERSON who the lefties should be blaming for what they see as ruinous Global Warming it'd have to be Jane Fonda. The movie China Syndrome with its ludicrous claims about the dangers of nuclear energy -- and Fonda's subsequent loud-mouthed activism -- helped greatly curtail a promising source of relatively clean power.
Just south of you, the Gulf waters look more choppy and "wavy" than ususal.....
Lots of white caps on the waves. We are experiencing hard rain now. The marshes to the West of me will be full by tonight. My lake is way up and that is a good thing too.

I was going to run down to Clearwater to pick up a desk my wife bought but I don't want to get my pickup wet so I will put it off until tomorrow.
That's a great point Sawnee. If you want to name ONE PERSON who the lefties should be blaming for what they see as ruinous Global Warming it'd have to be Jane Fonda. The movie China Syndrome with its ludicrous claims about the dangers of nuclear energy -- and Fonda's subsequent loud-mouthed activism -- helped greatly curtail a promising source of relatively clean power.
