
A photo for you Train fans. Someone posted this on the blog for my home town. It's a C&O train passing through my home town of Silver Grove, then site of the Stevens Yard and about 900 people, many of them railroaders in 1960. I guess four-year-old me is somewhere back beyond that row of houses in front. That was River Road, also known as Mary Ingles Highway and Kentucky Rte 8. We lived on Second street.
What is real funny is driving in Korea. Trying to vacation in Korea, just many things in Korea. (Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed my time in Korea.)

I laugh at so many things they do. Lots of bikes and scooters in Korea. Many deliveries are made this way in Korea. With snow on the ground they do not slow down (Many, not all.). I cannot tell you how many times I saw scooters spin out, bikes fall over, and bedlam occur simply due to not slowing down.

I saw roads with crooked lines painted. Just crazy things you'd swear were doctored for a movie.

Take trying to go on vacation. everyone goes on vacation at the same time. Go in the off season, the prices are the same. The hotels are empty but the prices are the same. I asked an owner one time of a hotel why he didn't lower his prices in the off-season? All he stated to me was, why. I let it go at that.


My Brother in Law... dude is beyond a Black belt in Tae Kwon Do. (May not be such a thing as beyond but he has some serious skills.)(We are the same age.) (That is supper he is holding.)

Yes, you see this correctly. This person is in the road on purpose...




Through the town.... Just an amazing place...(Try navigating these type curves in traffic or driving 25 or 30 MPH...Good Luck)(These curved lines are the norms and not the exceptions.)

I have tons more pictures but thought I'd share a few...
There is such a thing as beyond but, it depends on the style. Many adopt levels of black all they way up to 10. Some once you get past 5 or 6 (considered in many to be master level) adopt red and white striped belts. Others go black with however many stripes indicate your rank. It varies from style to style. Belting system was created by Judo practitioners first I believe way back when to signify a level of proficiency while teaching whole classes so as to let other students know who was at what levels and give them a goal to reach for. It has been over blown however once it reached America and now around the world and is inflated for status purposes. I know many at the master level that I would not consider masters. I hold a 3rd degree in Tang Soo Do (a relative to Tae Kwon Do), 5th degree in Kyokushin (look that one up, rough style) and a 6th degree in Shotokan. Below is my bonifidies

A photo for you Train fans. Someone posted this on the blog for my home town. It's a C&O train passing through my home town of Silver Grove, then site of the Stevens Yard and about 900 people, many of them railroaders in 1960. I guess four-year-old me is somewhere back beyond that row of houses in front. That was River Road, also known as Mary Ingles Highway and Kentucky Rte 8. We lived on Second street.
Memories for me. Used to play ball about 100 yards beyond that last house in picture. And yes, in about 1960. Put pennies on those tracks to get them smashed out. Now there's a food truck set up on the riverbank (to right) on weekends at the Brent underpass where you used to catch the ferry over to the old Coney Island Amusement Park.
@AustinTXCat .... this hit your local news? Per Fox...

'The Buffalo Bills are reportedly looking at a move to Austin, TX if they are unable to secure a new home venue in Buffalo.'
Yes, early this morning. Unlike pro-soccer team movement here, city council not consulted. Many in local government believe the Bills ownership are bluffing.
That's kind of what I thought in reading the article. Owner wants a public funded stadium so he's making this threat to get the city to pony up the funds.
DKR Texas Memorial Stadium downtown is massive and seats over 100,000. Doubt the Bills go for it unless some sharing agreement worked out. Problem is everything is burnt-orange. A new soccer stadium just recently opened two miles west of our place called Q2 Stadium for Austin FC pro soccer team, but it only seats 20,000.

In my opinion, I can't see anybody locally approving more bond money after this new transportation initiative (Project Connect) passed by city council last year.
DKR Texas Memorial Stadium downtown is massive and seats over 100,000. Doubt the Bills go for it unless some sharing agreement worked out. Problem is everything is burnt-orange. A new soccer stadium just recently opened two miles west of our place called Q2 Stadium for Austin FC pro soccer team, but it only seats 20,000.

In my opinion, I can't see anybody locally approving more bond money after this new transportation initiative (Project Connect) passed by city council last year.

Don't count out the liberal spending governments. They are not spending their money, they are spending your money and that's okay!
Chuck Norris knocked my Brother down once... (Serious)
May have posted this before (can't remember)...had a friend in Atlanta that was into whatever it is that Steven Seagal does. Went to an event/exhibition that featured Seagal. Some guy kept giving him a hard time all day...Seagull picked him out to come up and help demonstrate a move....Seagal broke the guys arm.
May have posted this before (can't remember)...had a friend in Atlanta that was into whatever it is that Steven Seagal does. Went to an event/exhibition that featured Seagal. Some guy kept giving him a hard time all day...Seagull picked him out to come up and help demonstrate a move....Seagal broke the guys arm.


I like his movies and have a bunch of them but I have read and saw him on TV in different settings. He reeks of having a bad attitude.

Chuck was referring a tournament my brother was involved in. My brother was 16 or 17 at the time. My Brother knocked the guy out he was sparring (I guess he wasn't supposed to do that.) with and when Chuck grabbed my brothers clothing and threw him backwards he threw him down to the mat. No harm, no foul I guess.

I never held it against Chuck....maybe I should have being my brother and all...😋
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Chuck Norris knocked my Brother down once... (Serious)
I was at a Friday night spar invitation at another Dojo in Lawton OK during my latter army days and I was putting my sparring pads on when some one sat down next to me and said "Nice haircut". I had a high and tight and when I looked over to see who it was there was Bill "Super foot" Wallace putting his pads on. He was in town for a Saturday seminar/skill display at the local coliseum and knew the owner and main instructor of the dojo I was at for sparring so, he dropped by that night. I told him my hair cut was because of the military (pretty much like it was below) and we talked for a few and he talk about his time in the Air Force and thank me for my service before going on to the floor to spar with everyone there. Before sparring though he says " One thing, this is a light spar night, anyone who cheap shots me or gets rough, I will return the favor". He was a really nice guy though just making sure no one was trying to make a name for themselves.

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I was at a Friday night spar invitation at another Dojo in Lawton OK during my latter army days and I was putting my sparring pads on when some one sat down next to me and said "Nice haircut". I had a high and tight and when I looked over to see who it was there was Bill "Super foot" Wallace putting his pads on. He was in town for a Saturday seminar/skill display at the local coliseum and knew the owner and main instructor of the dojo I was at for sparring so, he dropped by that night. I told him my hair cut was because of the military and we talked for a few and he talk about his time in the Air Force and thank me for my service before going on to the floor to spar with everyone there. Before sparring though he says " One thing, this is a light spar night, anyone who cheap shots me or gets rough, I will return the favor". He was a really nice guy though just making sure no one was trying to make a name for themselves. Pretty much like my hair below. Similar time frame


I used to love watching him fight. Just fast with his kicks.
May have posted this before (can't remember)...had a friend in Atlanta that was into whatever it is that Steven Seagal does. Went to an event/exhibition that featured Seagal. Some guy kept giving him a hard time all day...Seagull picked him out to come up and help demonstrate a move....Seagal broke the guys arm.
Aikido. I studied a little of that under a professor Ray Woods out of West Point when I was an instructor at the Drill Sergeant school at Sill. He came here for a month to train us in some of the new hand to hand instructions and a couple of Drill Sergeants from each unit went to learn some of the take downs and arm bars to incorporate in to our hand to hand training. Since the 1st Sergeant of the Drill Sergeant school knew I was in to the martial arts he sent me with another Drill instructor.
Aikido. I studied a little of that under a professor Ray Woods out of West Point when I was an instructor at the Drill Sergeant school at Sill. He came here for a month to train us in some of the new hand to hand instructions and a couple of Drill Sergeants from each unit went to learn some of the take downs and arm bars to incorporate in to our hand to hand training. Since the 1st Sergeant of the Drill Sergeant school knew I was in to the martial arts he sent me with another Drill instructor.

Brudder, switch to CtC over on RR in the head to head match up. Nothing against that Dr poster but CtC has the cred....either way is good though ..

Da Brudder needs a D-League nudge but in any event all is well. Who CtC is up against is an okay "peoples"....
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and cloudy, We received about 1" rain yesterday. 20% chance today. Expecting 89°F for today's high. We'll take it.

According to local news, it appears leaky capped oil wells have become a problem around the world. Just here in Texas, estimated oil 2.1 million wells were not properly documented and capped.

Must run a few errands at lunch. I'm also sitting in virtually on a Microsoft security seminar between 9 am - 12 noon CST.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning D-League. It's currently 57° and overcast here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring a mix of clouds and sun, with a stray shower or thunderstorm possible and a high of 79°.

Has anyone heard from Rooster or Ben lately?

Everyone stay out there today.


Yes I am hoping they are okay. The other Ben poster who used to be another poster hasn't been around in a long while either. I don't think they'd be away by choice. This place is addictive.

Oh, I DO keep all of you in prayer. This is a special place. An enjoyable place. I am thankful. May you all have peace, joy, and love. My your families be blessed. God Bless you all...
Good morning to all.

Still cool mornings in the Buckeye State. Today looks to be a repeat of yesterday...low 50s now and getting up about the mid 70s for a high. Sunny and no chance of rain.

Again...not much going on.; Dog days' I guess (it is August, even though it doesn't feel like it).
The Mrs and the company are heading off this morning to the Ohio Caverns. Never been there but the kids have never been in a cave so I'm sure they'll enjoy.

Will just be sitting here for a couple hours. Woke up and first thing I went to the bathroom. Suddenly thought of sawnee's post the other day regarding hygeine. Couldn't find the soap...only thing we had was alcohol wipes.....

Y'all have a good day.
Good morning to all.

Still cool mornings in the Buckeye State. Today looks to be a repeat of yesterday...low 50s now and getting up about the mid 70s for a high. Sunny and no chance of rain.

Again...not much going on.; Dog days' I guess (it is August, even though it doesn't feel like it).
The Mrs and the company are heading off this morning to the Ohio Caverns. Never been there but the kids have never been in a cave so I'm sure they'll enjoy.

Will just be sitting here for a couple hours. Woke up and first thing I went to the bathroom. Suddenly thought of sawnee's post the other day regarding hygeine. Couldn't find the soap...only thing we had was alcohol wipes.....

Y'all have a good day.

Good morning, DLeague!

Tons of craziness in store the rest of this week. Invented crises after invented crises so keep your head down! Was told there would be something big in health care industry.

Excited about the UK football season! Finished one project to sell and on to try to get the next done! Friend of mine is selling some Kentucky themed stuff and doing a give away of autographed photos. If a fan buys 2 of his items, they'll be entered into a drawing to win an autographed 16x20 of a UK player. Other prints (unsigned) for 2nd and 3rd place in the drawing.

Don't know if we can link that stuff here. Told his wife I'd mention it on here if I could.

Liking the cooler weather. Hope you're enjoying it, too!
@AustinTXCat .... this hit your local news? Per Fox...

'The Buffalo Bills are reportedly looking at a move to Austin, TX if they are unable to secure a new home venue in Buffalo.'
Don't know who's paying what, but clearly Austin has more potential going forward (w/SA nearby also) than Buffalo does. Stadium on southside would make it more convenient to SA folks.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and cloudy, We received about 1" rain yesterday. 20% chance today. Expecting 89°F for today's high. We'll take it.

According to local news, it appears leaky capped oil wells have become a problem around the world. Just here in Texas, estimated oil 2.1 million wells were not properly documented and capped.

Must run a few errands at lunch. I'm also sitting in virtually on a Microsoft security seminar between 9 am - 12 noon CST.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Just flame them off.
Catching up a bit late D-League. My daughter got in last night after a bit of drama when her car broke down in West Memphis, Arkansas. Just a battery issue but not the place for a pretty 23-year-old woman to deal with trouble.

I had visions of a version of this happening.

But all turned out well and we had a small welcome home party.
Catching up a bit late D-League. My daughter got in last night after a bit of drama when her car broke down in West Memphis, Arkansas. Just a battery issue but not the place for a pretty 23-year-old woman to deal with trouble.

I had visions of a version of this happening.

But all turned out well and we had a small welcome home party.
Glad she's okay. West Memphis can get a little tricky sometimes. I'll be happy when I-40 Mississippi River Bridge fully reopens. Drove alternate bridges/routes out and back last month through Memphis. What a mess.
Glad she's okay. West Memphis can get a little tricky sometimes. I'll be happy when I-40 Mississippi River Bridge fully reopens. Drove alternate bridges/routes out and back last month through Memphis. What a mess.
Thanks Austin. She had mixed feelings about leaving your namesake city, but is glad to be home for awhile. Weighing opportunities in Montreal and Charlottesville, Va.
Any of you Campbell County KY residents remember George Rattermans, former sheriff during early 1960s? Interesting gent. 4-letter athlete at Notre Dame. Gifted. Played pro football for 10 years. I've been reading a few accounts about him lately. It seems Newport KY was quite lively -- and corrupt -- during the decades following WWII.

