
I think CatinIL is ahead of the curve, if anything.

I was watching the 2-3 year old TV series version of "The War of the Worlds" last night, and it's a cautionary tale about fooling around with aliens.

If you haven't seen it, the plot line is that we send out a message to space like a bunch of Cosmic Hippies, including songs of love and peace, and the aliens hone in on our signal to come down and kick our ass. After hearing the lame songs we sent, I didn't blame them at all...
Was that Mars Attacks! LOL
Well, worked out from 0630-0730, ate a quick breakfast, started cleaning the house before 0800 finished by 1000 and then went out to cut the grass. almost 3 hours later drenched in sweat I came back in, showered, and am now rehydrating. Weighed in at 221 this morning but weighed in at 216 after the shower. loss 5lbs of water weight because it was so humid this morning. I did drink along the way but man was it hot.
Well, worked out from 0630-0730, ate a quick breakfast, started cleaning the house before 0800 finished by 1000 and then went out to cut the grass. almost 3 hours later drenched in sweat I came back in, showered, and am now rehydrating. Weighed in at 221 this morning but weighed in at 216 after the shower. loss 5lbs of water weight because it was so humid this morning. I did drink along the way but man was it hot.
We are now in a cold wave. It is 1:45 pm and it is only 92.3°F.

I am having to drink Maker Mark at only 1:45pm, things are bad in Smiths Grove.
Well, worked out from 0630-0730, ate a quick breakfast, started cleaning the house before 0800 finished by 1000 and then went out to cut the grass. almost 3 hours later drenched in sweat I came back in, showered, and am now rehydrating. Weighed in at 221 this morning but weighed in at 216 after the shower. loss 5lbs of water weight because it was so humid this morning. I did drink along the way but man was it hot.

Beepada beepada that's all folks....

Oh, keep your eyes on God. He watches over you all. Give him praise. God Bless you all...
Unlike warrior...I didn't work out. 😉 To me a 'work out' is much too much like 'work'. Plus my Total Gym is put up for a few weeks while the g'daughter uses that room while they're here. There's plenty of room but the Mrs wanted it put up and out of the way...and between her and her little brother they view it as a toy it's best put up.

Also unlike warrior...I mowed the grass and for the first time in a long shirt was relatively dry when I got done. Started about 8 or so and just got done a while ago. So...not too hot and not humid at all. The way the fronts have been moving the last day or two it may drop the temp/humidity down Bert's way.

Unlike warrior...I didn't work out. 😉 To me a 'work out' is much too much like 'work'. Plus my Total Gym is put up for a few weeks while the g'daughter uses that room while they're here. There's plenty of room but the Mrs wanted it put up and out of the way...and between her and her little brother they view it as a toy it's best put up.

Also unlike warrior...I mowed the grass and for the first time in a long shirt was relatively dry when I got done. Started about 8 or so and just got done a while ago. So...not too hot and not humid at all. The way the fronts have been moving the last day or two it may drop the temp/humidity down Bert's way.
I like the new and improved workout machines, you can hang more clothes on them!!!!
Unlike warrior...I didn't work out. 😉 To me a 'work out' is much too much like 'work'. Plus my Total Gym is put up for a few weeks while the g'daughter uses that room while they're here. There's plenty of room but the Mrs wanted it put up and out of the way...and between her and her little brother they view it as a toy it's best put up.

Also unlike warrior...I mowed the grass and for the first time in a long shirt was relatively dry when I got done. Started about 8 or so and just got done a while ago. So...not too hot and not humid at all. The way the fronts have been moving the last day or two it may drop the temp/humidity down Bert's way.
I have a couple of total gyms. One in the shop and the other in the garage I can bring in the house when I don't feel like going to the shop. But, this morning was a martial arts workout in the shop. Tomorrow is total gym day.

Still hydrating, on my 4th Ice drink. 2 Peach Mango's and 2 Black Cherry's. Water just sucks. I did have one water afterwards though.
It's been a hectic day. We're doing the Grub Hub thing tonight because neither of us feels like cooking. To be honest I've never had a great meal from either Grub Hub or Door Dash. Expensive but convenient. Sometimes you just suck it up. We won't have to worry about dinner tomorrow either. The neighbors are throwing a party and they go all out. Spare no expense. Plenty of food and drink.
I have a couple of total gyms. One in the shop and the other in the garage I can bring in the house when I don't feel like going to the shop. But, this morning was a martial arts workout in the shop. Tomorrow is total gym day.

Still hydrating, on my 4th Ice drink. 2 Peach Mango's and 2 Black Cherry's. Water just sucks. I did have one water afterwards though.
I've been a home gym guy since 1974. Mostly free weights with some machines thrown in. I had a gym membership for a year and hated it. Nothing beats working out in the comfort of your own home.
I've been a home gym guy since 1974. Mostly free weights with some machines thrown in. I had a gym membership for a year and hated it. Nothing beats working out in the comfort of your own home.
I used to work out a lot till I went in business for myself. I will be 74 soon and still regularly work 70 plus hours a week. I load 100 to 150 pound rolls of material on my sheeter. The bar the rolls fit on weigh another 40 to 80 pounds, depending on which bar I use. Hard work kind of makes up for the sports I can no longer play.
I've been a home gym guy since 1974. Mostly free weights with some machines thrown in. I had a gym membership for a year and hated it. Nothing beats working out in the comfort of your own home.
Privacy and less time consuming are the best reasons. I never liked someone else coming up to me to tell me that I need to do this exercise this way because it is the better way. Don't need a personal trainer to motivate. If I can't motivate myself, 400lbs here I come.
I used to work out a lot till I went in business for myself. I will be 74 soon and still regularly work 70 plus hours a week. I load 100 to 150 pound rolls of material on my sheeter. The bar the rolls fit on weigh another 40 to 80 pounds, depending on which bar I use. Hard work kind of makes up for the sports I can no longer play.
That will do it too.

I will be 64 soon (1 Aug) but never quit working out because of my military days. Old habits and all.
That will do it too.

I will be 64 soon (1 Aug) but never quit working out because of my military days. Old habits and all.
Never worked out and never been to a gym. I’m 61 , and starting to feel it lol. Farmed all my life, with tobacco keeping me in shape until maybe 20 years ago. Now, it’s mostly tractor work. And I can tell the difference big time, with the strength and use of my legs. I can see why my parents and forefathers lived so long. Hard work.
Never worked out and never been to a gym. I’m 61 , and starting to feel it lol. Farmed all my life, with tobacco keeping me in shape until maybe 20 years ago. Now, it’s mostly tractor work. And I can tell the difference big time, with the strength and use of my legs. I can see why my parents and forefathers lived so long. Hard work.
And fresher non processed foods.
If you all "take a notion", give Ole Cowtown Cat a vote... (It will serve two good purposes.)

Looks like a good day weather-wise shaping up. Mid 60s now with a high of mid 70s with low humidity.

Little to nothing on the docket today. Some things I've got on the to-do list might get done....or may go in another direction. Probably will mow one of the fields and piddle in the garden some. And will probably straighten up the garage AGAIN. Someone has been leaving my tools all over the place! Bert knows what I'm talking about.

Y'all have a good Saturday.
Good Saturday Morning D

Read Hosea 13. God was very angry.

On to our daily weather report: The current temperature is 74° with winds South West at 12 mph, our humidity is a very pleasant 95%. Our high will reach 87°. We have not hit 90 this summer but we are getting close. I notice our temperature is often less than up North but the thing that gets folks not use to our area is the humidity.

Humidity is a deal breaker but if you want to really get in shape work outdoors in this weather. It will take the vinegar out of you so you best have a bucket or water close by. You are going to sweat boy sweat, "drop down and give me another 50 as we use to say in the Army".

OK enough of that. My wife is meeting our daughter who lives in Ocala for an appointment to have their hair done. The woman who does their hair was a childhood friend of my daughter and her mother and my wife are best friends.

I am going to piddle around, maybe take in some outdoor markets around here and hit the pool. I will figure it out with another cup of coffee.

Looks like a good day weather-wise shaping up. Mid 60s now with a high of mid 70s with low humidity.

Little to nothing on the docket today. Some things I've got on the to-do list might get done....or may go in another direction. Probably will mow one of the fields and piddle in the garden some. And will probably straighten up the garage AGAIN. Someone has been leaving my tools all over the place! Bert knows what I'm talking about.

Y'all have a good Saturday.
Wife wants to go shopping today and buy me lunch and my B-day present that I pick out at Academy Sports (more fishing gear). Sundays are her relaxation days so instead of celebrating Sunday (the actual day), we are celebrating today. Hers is Tuesday so, I will pamper her tomorrow but, still prepare a little surprise for Tuesday.
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Wife wants to go shopping today and buy me lunch and my B-day present that I pick out at Academy Sports (more fishing gear). Sundays are her relaxation days so instead of celebrating Sunday, we are celebrating today. Hers is Tuesday so, I will pamper her tomorrow but, still prepare a little surprise for Tuesday.
Good morning D-Leaguers. I hope all us well with you.

It's a cool, beautiful morning in the east.

I heard from an old friend last night, and thought some of you -- former military and those of strong faith -- would be interested.

Col. David Eberly was the highest ranking American POW of Desert Storm. He was shot down over Baghdad in the early days of the air campaign in January, 1991. His family initially thought he was killed. But he survived nearly two months in very tough conditions, enduring some rough treatment by the Iraqis.

I had interviewed David at the Al Kharj air base in Saudi Arabia just a couple days before he was shot down, and had written a full story on him and what he was expecting from combat that was published in The Washington Times. His family saw it, and he later told me it gave them comfort during the time they assumed he was KIA. So we have stayed friends for 30 years.

He wrote a book called Faith Beyond Belief about those days. It talks about how his Christian faith got him through everything. He was kind enough to reprint the profile I'd written in the book. I'd recommend it to the D-League veterans and men of faith.

Amazon product ASIN 1883911478
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Good morning D-Leaguers. I hope all us well with you.

It's a cool, beautiful morning in the east.

I heard from an old friend last night, and thought some of you -- former military and those of strong faith -- would be interested.

Col. David Eberly was the highest ranking American POW of Desert Storm. He was shot down over Baghdad in the early days of the air campaign in January, 1991. His family initially thought he was killed. But he survived nearly two months in very tough conditions, enduring some rough treatment by the Iraqis.

I had interviewed David just a couple days before he was shot down, and had written a full story on him and what he was expecting from combat in that was published in The Washington Times. His family saw it, and he later told me it gave them comfort during the time they assumed he was KIA. So we have stayed friends for 30 years.

He wrote a book called Faith Beyond Belief about those days. It talks about how his Christian faith got him through everything. He was kind enough to reprint the profile I'd written in the book. I'd recommend it to the D-League veterans and men of faith.

Thank you , I look forward to reading it.
Thank you , I look forward to reading it.
I think you'll like it Sawnee. David Eberly is the real deal when it comes to American heroes. And he has the Right Stuff - his book is a matter of fact portrayal of what he went through, in which he gives all credit to God for seeing him through.

We talked last night about meeting up soon over in Arlington, Va. I hope that comes to pass.
Wife wants to go shopping today and buy me lunch and my B-day present that I pick out at Academy Sports (more fishing gear). Sundays are her relaxation days so instead of celebrating Sunday (the actual day), we are celebrating today. Hers is Tuesday so, I will pamper her tomorrow but, still prepare a little surprise for Tuesday.
Happy early Birthday. Enjoy!
I have 4.7 miles in for today!

Which ever one of the D posted the Far Side for me one day, can you post it again for today, the one about the nudist colony!!!! Funny!!!!

I was not near my computer most of yesterday and I cannot do those type things on my phone. (If there is a way I don't know it, yet..) Anyway Sir... (It seems they have the link blocked from past days but you can click on the below...)

Oh, I hope all's days today are fruitful. May your blessings be multiplied and may you have a ton of blessings to multiply. God's strength to you all. God Bless you all...
Good morning from ATX. Currently 80°F and sunny. We're expecting today's high around 95°F. Slight rain chance.

Happy Birthday Warrior! Wishing you many, many more.

Also wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


I ate a decent sized bowl of raspberry's about ten days ago, does that count? They were edible...

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