Well my avocado crop is pretty much wiped out by critters. Squirrels, coons, possums and groundhogs have taken their toil on my tree. An avocado is pretty much free from insects and common diseases that an orange tree would have but critters are the problem. They can wipe you out.
I counted 21 seeds on the ground this morning and so far I have lost over 100. They eat the peeling, fruit and leave the hard seed scattered on the ground. It is too late to stop them this year but next year I will be ready.
The lesson in this is you can not grow fruit trees and plants next to a swamp. A swamp is beautiful and the wildlife are plentiful but you don't farm next to one.
The fruit is not mature so I don't know. I have grown some nice trees from seed but they were mature. I think I will try just for the heck of it.Are any of the seeds good to sprout and grow from?
Good morning D League. Hazy and warming up in the east.
Off to a bad start in neighborhood relations today. I grabbed a t-shirt randomly knowing it’d be sweaty after my morning walk and go right into the dirty clothes.
As I left the house I bumped into the 30-something neighbor couple heading out for a jog. They seemed a little off but I didn’t think much if it.
Then I looked at my t-shirt. I’d grabbed one I got in Crawford Texas back in 2003 that says - TEXAS - it’s bigger than FRANCE. Then it has a map showing that. And then I recall the wife of the couple grew up in Paris. France, not Texas.
Ah well. Hope the D-League avoids insulting the neighbors today.
Good morning D-League.
Read Hosea 111 and 12
It's currently 74° and the sun he is a rising. This afternoon we have a 25% chance of rain and a high of 84°. Not bad for late July.
The sign below reminds me of a time I drove into New York City on the George Washington bridge. They were filling in a pothole and a couple of men were shoveling tar and another dozen or so were standing around watching. SMH
I trust all have a great day.
When she was young, my daughter used to get mad at her mother. I would tell her that I was going to go get the refrigerator and throw it at her mother. She would start laughing and the mad would be over.As my Dad used to say a lot. Tell them to "rub your mad spot".
Here's the t-shirt BBUK. I don't see how a jeune femme parisienne could be offended. It's just a geography lesson, and has nothing to do with the French refusing to help fight global Islamic terrorism...As my Dad used to say a lot. Tell them to "rub your mad spot".
Gary cooper, one of my favorite actors and sgt york one of my all time favorite movies. the only musical movies i ever cared for are wizard of oz and paint your wagon.Best Actor Oscar goes to....
James Cagney- Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942)
One of my all time favorite movies. I own it and normally watch it at least once a year. (Gary Cooper presenting.)
Gary Cooper won the year before for.................. "Sergeant York" (I own that one too.)
I took my family on vacation to Navarre Beach, Fl in the late 1970's and they were filming Jaws II while we were there. The crew was staying at the same hotel we were at. It was a Holiday Inn Resort complete with a Dome that had a huge indoor pool and play area for kids.Always watched Jaws the week before our family rented a beach house in Delaware for ten days to get in the mood. We did that every summer from the year our first was born til they were both away from home.
I also enjoyed the book. A little different. A little darker. Spoiler alert…in the book the Richard Dreyfus character has an affair with the chief’s wife, then gets eaten by the shark in the end…
I one time read an article (maybe on IMDB) that Gary Cooper would eat an entire pecan pie (think it was pecan) during breaks in filming.Gary cooper, one of my favorite actors and sgt york one of my all time favorite movies. the only musical movies i ever cared for are wizard of oz and paint your wagon.
Good story Sawnee. It's funny how a Kentucky win in a big game or over a rival can punctuate a moment and make it so much sweeter.I took my family on vacation to Navarre Beach, Fl in the late 1970's and they were filming Jaws II while we were there. The crew was staying at the same hotel we were at. It was a Holiday Inn Resort complete with a Dome that had a huge indoor pool and play area for kids.
Floating out in the Gulf of Mexico was a giant mechanical shark and it was fun watching them manipulate the thing. The crew was pretty friendly as well.
But the thing that really stuck with me that week of vacation was talking with a group of Tennessee football fans. They talked constantly about firing their football coach and bringing back Johnny Majors. Majors was at Pittsburg and winning big with Tony Dorsett and Tennessee was losing to Kentucky. It was a fun week.
Here's the t-shirt BBUK. I don't see how a jeune femme parisienne could be offended. It's just a geography lesson, and has nothing to do with the French refusing to help fight global Islamic terrorism...
I have watched KA for a long time, I was in Grand Rivers one time at the Candyland candy shop and when I walked out, there was Hope Carleton, he spoke to me first, then we just started talking about the show, super nice guy, it's like we were best buds!!!!!I'm watching a couple of episodes of Kentucky Afield. I love these shows.
Here's the t-shirt BBUK. I don't see how a jeune femme parisienne could be offended. It's just a geography lesson, and has nothing to do with the French refusing to help fight global Islamic terrorism...
It's amazing Kentucky Afield has been around continuously since 1953. KET really increased popularity around the state.I have watched KA for a long time, I was in Grand Rivers one time at the Candyland candy shop and when I walked out, there was Hope Carleton, he spoke to me first, then we just started talking about the show, super nice guy, it's like we were best buds!!!!!
My son works from home. He has an office dedicated to the job. Here he is Tuesday during a crisis at work:Yes Sir,
I sit in many meetings regularly. In some meetings I listen to some gripe about how hard they've been working. Using that term "Working Hard"....
I have stated it to the groups many times when they get to that point. "Yeah, you work as hard as you can work and still sit in a chair."
A couple laugh but it goes off like the Calipari yelping dog statement to that Jerry character.
Good morning, already 80 degrees, humidity is 98% and the dew point must be like 1,000 or close to it!!!! Just walking out you start sweating!!!! I got my orders today YOU DO NOT MOW!!!!!!
I read 11, GOD never stops loving!!!!
We got supper ready for me to put in the over this morning, meat loaf, squash and onions, then I am going to try something new called Lighthouse Inn Potatoes, I saw a video and I thought I have got to try that!!!!
I hope the D has a great day and Prayers!!!
D, I may have to quit posting, I misspelt two words and now I am going to take a step back and evaluate myself, the stress is awful, but I will be cheering the D, from the other side of the computer!!! No I'm not!!!
Like that ARMY hat!!!!!Morning D-League. It is a warm 75.0°F on its way to 94°.
My son works from home. He has an office dedicated to the job. Here he is Tuesday during a crisis at work:
Some times it is an overnight job.
I am working on it!!! I am down to 173 this morning!!!! My fat fingers are caused by arthritis, over 35 years of carpet work!!!! I am amazed that my knees are not shot, every thing else has worn out!!!Go on a diet Sir.... Your misspelled words may be revealing a greater problem. Called fat-fingering. Not sure what foods are good for slimming the fingers... May be TMI but watch your diet...
Morning D-League. It is a warm 75.0°F on its way to 94°.
My son works from home. He has an office dedicated to the job. Here he is Tuesday during a crisis at work:
Some times it is an overnight job.
Yeap, he put in 20 years, most of it with the Army guard. The first 8 years he was full time Florida Guard. Then the war in Iraq came along in 2002 so he was activated for 16 months. He got a job in Franklin, KY and moved from the Florida Guard to Tennessee Guard in 2005, than another job in Louisville so he then joined the Kentucky Guard to finish out his time.Like that ARMY hat!!!!!
I am working on it!!! I am down to 173 this morning!!!! My fat fingers are caused by arthritis, over 35 years of carpet work!!!! I am amazed that my knees are not shot, every thing else has worn out!!!
Yeap, he put in 20 years, most of it with the Army guard. The first 8 years he was full time Florida Guard. Then the war in Iraq came along in 2002 so he was activated for 16 months. He got a job in Franklin, KY and moved from the Florida Guard to Tennessee Guard in 2005, than another job in Louisville so he then joined the Kentucky Guard to finish out his time.
He wanted to put in 30 but his wife did not want that.
Barefoot is what I am right now and how I stay most of the day. I worked out of my house most of my career. My cases were usually out of state and I had to fly to them. I used my office for paper work and to make phone calls.Morning D-League. It is a warm 75.0°F on its way to 94°.
My son works from home. He has an office dedicated to the job. Here he is Tuesday during a crisis at work:
Some times it is an overnight job.
They may have crossed paths.My son was in the Kentucky Guard in Louisville for a time until he transferred to Florida before they deployed him. It was right around that time frame!
They may have crossed paths.