They told you the truth. Fake scallops are usually cut out of sting ray or sharks. The meat will all look identical, usually as perfect cylinders, and be more solid and dense because they are cut out of a mold. "A cookie cutter". They are all the same size and easy to recognize.A lot of people who think they have eaten a scallop haven't either. A lot of what is sold as scallops is trash fish scooped out with a melon baller. At least that's what i was told in my Florida days...
If you buy a bag of fake scallops they will all have the same color and will not have the fibers or muscle that holds the scallop to the shell. Now shark and sting ray are good eating but they are not on par with a scallop. A scallop is one of the healthiest of seafood.
This is a fake scallop. You are probably eating sting ray