
A lot of people who think they have eaten a scallop haven't either. A lot of what is sold as scallops is trash fish scooped out with a melon baller. At least that's what i was told in my Florida days...
They told you the truth. Fake scallops are usually cut out of sting ray or sharks. The meat will all look identical, usually as perfect cylinders, and be more solid and dense because they are cut out of a mold. "A cookie cutter". They are all the same size and easy to recognize.

If you buy a bag of fake scallops they will all have the same color and will not have the fibers or muscle that holds the scallop to the shell. Now shark and sting ray are good eating but they are not on par with a scallop. A scallop is one of the healthiest of seafood.

This is a fake scallop. You are probably eating sting ray

They told you the truth. Fake scallops are usually cut out of sting ray or sharks. The meat will all look identical, usually as perfect cylinders, and be more solid and dense because they are cut out of a mold. "A cookie cutter". They are all the same size and easy to recognize.

If you buy a bag of fake scallops they will all have the same color and will not have the fibers or muscle that holds the scallop to the shell. Now shark and sting ray are good eating but they are not on par with a scallop. A scallop is one of the healthiest of seafood.

This is a fake scallop. You are probably eating sting ray


Sharks. Sometimes you eat them. Sometimes they eat you.
Good morning D, we have 92 here right now and we have alerts for here today!!! Read Hosea 10

Went out early this morning 5:45, got 2 miles in.

Funny story from keeping the boys Monday night. We were just setting talking to them and Mrs. M asked the oldest, what are you mom and dad going to BG for, he said they are going to get a convertible car, I just laughed and said yeah sure they are! I text my son and ask are yawl getting a car, no he said Avery has a big imagination!
Well about dark my son rolls in by himself and I ask where his wife is and about that time she drives up in a beautiful red Mustang convertible! 2002 and it looks like a brand new one!!!!

Keep our church in your prayers, 3 tested positive, called off services for a week!

I may have to put off mowing until late tomorrow evening or Friday or Saturday, till it cools down a bit!!!

Stay safe and Prayers for the D!!!!
File this under the "you never get to old to learn something"

When I was researching my family line to join the Mayflower Society I ran across a Peregrine White, born on the Mayflower. His father was William White. I had never heard of a person being name Peregrine so I decided to do more research and try to figure how they come up with that name. I am still searching for the reason for that but I did discover some very interesting things about Peregrine.

A peregrine is a member of the falcon family and is found all over the world. It is also the fastest animal on earth and reaches speeds of 200 mph. The fastest recorded speed of a peregrine is 242 mph.(Per Wikipedia) I can't imagine a bird flying that fast.


I've never researched my family line but I suspect they came across chained to the oars.
It's good to know, even indirectly, the mayor of Smith's Grove. I was raised in the town of Silver Grove, Kentucky, and now live in an area called Shady Grove, Maryland. So, S-Grove towns are lucky for me.

I told my wife on my last birthday that it had taken me over six decades to get from Silver Grove to Shady Grove. I'm not sure if that rate of progress is going to work for me. Maybe I'll end up in Smith's Grove.
Headed to the SS Peter & Paul 12 Mile Church picnic/festival Saturday.
Headed to the SS Peter & Paul 12 Mile Church picnic/festival Saturday.
That's a pretty spot. My high school girlfriend and I used to park up on that hill at Gubser Mill where there is an old cemetery, I think associated with that church (its been a while.) She thought she saw a ghost one night. I was concentrating more inside the car...
That's a pretty spot. My high school girlfriend and I used to park up on that hill at Gubser Mill where there is an old cemetery, I think associated with that church (its been a while.) She thought she saw a ghost one night. I was concentrating more inside the car...
LOL. Well, the church - which is half-buried underground by design, is on top of a hill (that hill?) with the cemetery alongside it. Set of gr-gr-gr parents, two sets of gr-gr grandparents, a set of gr grandparents, and several of grandfather's brothers and sisters buried there.
They told you the truth. Fake scallops are usually cut out of sting ray or sharks. The meat will all look identical, usually as perfect cylinders, and be more solid and dense because they are cut out of a mold. "A cookie cutter". They are all the same size and easy to recognize.

If you buy a bag of fake scallops they will all have the same color and will not have the fibers or muscle that holds the scallop to the shell. Now shark and sting ray are good eating but they are not on par with a scallop. A scallop is one of the healthiest of seafood.

This is a fake scallop. You are probably eating sting ray

. . . . however, fake scallop is also good. It is not as good as the real thing. Lemon shark is some of the best meat that I have ever had.

Back to the scallop: it is the Shell oil emblem.

I notice in the picture above that there may be some capers. I love smoked salmon, capers and sour cream. Oh my goodness I am getting hungry.
. . . . however, fake scallop is also good. It is not as good as the real thing. Lemon shark is some of the best meat that I have ever had.

Back to the scallop: it is the Shell oil emblem.

I notice in the picture above that there may be some capers. I love smoked salmon, capers and sour cream. Oh my goodness I am getting hungry.

Yes Sir, the true scallops are to me a delicacy. A morsel to ingest in a savory manner. Man, why do I feel like I am talking like Charles...

It's good to know, even indirectly, the mayor of Smith's Grove. I was raised in the town of Silver Grove, Kentucky, and now live in an area called Shady Grove, Maryland. So, S-Grove towns are lucky for me.

I told my wife on my last birthday that it had taken me over six decades to get from Silver Grove to Shady Grove. I'm not sure if that rate of progress is going to work for me. Maybe I'll end up in Smith's Grove.
You do not have to know me indirectly. I am here, too old to move around much but you are welcomed to drop off the kid at UK and come down.

Smiths Grove is a great area if you like the county. We do not even have a caution light; let alone a traffic light. To get one of them you have to go to Bowling Green. I googled Silver Grove and it is bigger than my Smiths Grove!

We are country. Oh course we are wonderful country. Below is a picture from my front yard, my house is to the immediate left and the picture is the end of my street. You can see the field in the back ground.
You do not have to know me indirectly. I am here, too old to move around much but you are welcomed to drop off the kid at UK and come down.

Smiths Grove is a great area if you like the county. We do not even have a caution light; let alone a traffic light. To get one of them you have to go to Bowling Green. I googled Silver Grove and it is bigger than my Smiths Grove!

We are country. Oh course we are wonderful country. Below is a picture from my front yard, my house is to the immediate left and the picture is the end of my street. You can see the field in the back ground.
Thank you sincerely for that invitation Bert. I'd certainly like to take you up on it someday. Silver Grove was about 900 people when I was a kid. They claim a 'Greater Metropolitan Area' stretching up on a ridge and down a dead-end gravel road by a creek, so those figures are probably inflated online. They did add one traffic light when I was about 20 and immediately what had been a safe intersection where people just stopped and looked both ways became a scene of carnage because no one could get used to the light. I'm sure they did eventually. Your property looks very fine and like a nice place to visit. I never got to spend as much time in the western part of the state as I would have liked, so maybe I'll be lucky enough to do that someday.
You do not have to know me indirectly. I am here, too old to move around much but you are welcomed to drop off the kid at UK and come down.

Smiths Grove is a great area if you like the county. We do not even have a caution light; let alone a traffic light. To get one of them you have to go to Bowling Green. I googled Silver Grove and it is bigger than my Smiths Grove!

We are country. Oh course we are wonderful country. Below is a picture from my front yard, my house is to the immediate left and the picture is the end of my street. You can see the field in the back ground.
This is my kind of town or village. This is the America that I grew up loving
Thank you sincerely for that invitation Bert. I'd certainly like to take you up on it someday. Silver Grove was about 900 people when I was a kid. They claim a 'Greater Metropolitan Area' stretching up on a ridge and down a dead-end gravel road by a creek, so those figures are probably inflated online. They did add one traffic light when I was about 20 and immediately what had been a safe intersection where people just stopped and looked both ways became a scene of carnage because no one could get used to the light. I'm sure they did eventually. Your property looks very fine and like a nice place to visit. I never got to spend as much time in the western part of the state as I would have liked, so maybe I'll be lucky enough to do that someday.
The back yard is better!

You would have to stay in the upper place on the left side above the shop. We are not nice to guest! :)
You do not have to know me indirectly. I am here, too old to move around much but you are welcomed to drop off the kid at UK and come down.

Smiths Grove is a great area if you like the county. We do not even have a caution light; let alone a traffic light. To get one of them you have to go to Bowling Green. I googled Silver Grove and it is bigger than my Smiths Grove!

We are country. Oh course we are wonderful country. Below is a picture from my front yard, my house is to the immediate left and the picture is the end of my street. You can see the field in the back ground.

Bert, you wuz country when country wudn't cool.
Bert I had been a registered Democrat all my life, but I change my party affiliation to Republican in 2019. I don't feel like I left the Dems, just that they left me. Seems like they are all nuts in every sense of the word. Western Kentucky has always for the most part been a Democratic strong hold, but not any more. Little Andy is eat up with Liberalism!
I was a lifelong Democrat.......then Bill decided to get cute with a young lady in the oval office.........the politicians all agreed he was a moral POS but said he was doing a good job and didn't vote to impeach I am an Independent.....but I vote republican.......straight ticket the last two elections.........I always thought that it was being simple pulling a single party lever.........I would die before I would vote Democrat again.......I am in the middle of a very good book by Mark Levine......American's worth the read..........
I was a lifelong Democrat.......then Bill decided to get cute with a young lady in the oval office.........the politicians all agreed he was a moral POS but said he was doing a good job and didn't vote to impeach I am an Independent.....but I vote republican.......straight ticket the last two elections.........I always thought that it was being simple pulling a single party lever.........I would die before I would vote Democrat again.......I am in the middle of a very good book by Mark Levine......American's worth the read..........

Just double-check your vote once you pull that straight ticket lever..... I had that happen to me once in of all places South Carolina, voted straight ticket Republican and all the democrat names populated.
Pretty much been a conservative first...Repub second kind of guy. Can remember telling Mom & Dad when I went to school to be sure to vote for Ike...which they did (not because of me). Have voted for some Dems....voted Carter (big mistake...corrected it four years later). Voted for a couple Dems when I lived in Georgia 'cause I knew them...Sam Nunn and Joe Frank Harris. But probably starting about mid-late 80s starting going pretty straight ticket. A couple Dems I liked that sounded like they believed in what I do ... but if they're voted in it just leads to a stronger Dem majority or a stronger, especially with Dems...they get in office and then vote as the Dem leadership wants...which is not at all what I want.
And when there is a Repub I don't like/agree with/etc....I don't vote for that office. Didn't care for McCain so didn't vote for Prez in '08, haven't voted for Portman the last two cycles he's run (and won), and won't vote again for DeWine.
Spent about half the day out working in the yard. Wasn't going to but there's always a lot to do. Was getting too hot and my foot (still having problems) was aching (probably a result of a lot of walking at the lake while fishing know how little kids are with fishing...don't catch something, time to move on to another spot).
So, spent the afternoon indoors reading and watching a couple westerns. I is tough.
Rescue From Gilligan's Island {full movie 1978}

In case any are interested in an old classic.....

I haven't watched this one but it states that it is the full movie. I saved it.
Since it's been a few years since I've watched it, I might sit down and watch it this weekend myself.
Always watched Jaws the week before our family rented a beach house in Delaware for ten days to get in the mood. We did that every summer from the year our first was born til they were both away from home.

I also enjoyed the book. A little different. A little darker. Spoiler alert…in the book the Richard Dreyfus character has an affair with the chief’s wife, then gets eaten by the shark in the end…
Pretty much been a conservative first...Repub second kind of guy. Can remember telling Mom & Dad when I went to school to be sure to vote for Ike...which they did (not because of me). Have voted for some Dems....voted Carter (big mistake...corrected it four years later). Voted for a couple Dems when I lived in Georgia 'cause I knew them...Sam Nunn and Joe Frank Harris. But probably starting about mid-late 80s starting going pretty straight ticket. A couple Dems I liked that sounded like they believed in what I do ... but if they're voted in it just leads to a stronger Dem majority or a stronger, especially with Dems...they get in office and then vote as the Dem leadership wants...which is not at all what I want.
And when there is a Repub I don't like/agree with/etc....I don't vote for that office. Didn't care for McCain so didn't vote for Prez in '08, haven't voted for Portman the last two cycles he's run (and won), and won't vote again for DeWine.
I'm from a family that was always Democrat. Went to school with some of the Julian Carroll family. His brother was the principal at the grade school I attended. But I voted for the man, not the party. By the time Reagan came around, I registered Republican so I could vote for the more conservative candidate in a primary. Its kind of funny in that my 93 year old mother has become very conservative.
I'm from a family that was always Democrat. Went to school with some of the Julian Carroll family. His brother was the principal at the grade school I attended. But I voted for the man, not the party. By the time Reagan came around, I registered Republican so I could vote for the more conservative candidate in a primary. Its kind of funny in that my 93 year old mother has become very conservative.
Julian Carroll - that’s a name I hadn’t heard in a long time. When I was a high school junior I got picked for Boys State and went to Richmond, the Eastern campus, for some hootenanny of fake governing. Julian Carroll was Lt. governor then and he came and chatted with us in small groups. I guess he was the first “famous” person I ever met.