
Good Monday morning

The temperature is 71° at the present and our high should reach 89° by midafternoon. We will have plenty of sunshine and a rain chance of 15%. Typical summer day.

After church yesterday we took in the beach and enjoyed a nice Sunday sunset. I noticed 11 California tags (car)s on our roads yesterday which is highly unusual. It is a long way for them to drive to the beach but I doubt they came down for vacation. Chances are they are scouting out a place to relocate.

I see where Disney personnel in California recently demanded a transfer to Florida. These are 2,000 professional employees, not the girls running the bumper cars. Apparently Disney is building another planned city for them on their Disney property near Orlando. They are welcome if they do not vote the way they did in California.

The rumor is Disney will someday pull out of California altogether and relocate with a new park in Texas. That makes sense but Disney was one of the prime reasons California became an undesirable place to live. There is a lesson to be learned,

Have a great Monday. I read Hosea Chapter 8. A nation gone astray will reap the whirlwind


Orca's gonna slide up on the beach and snatch you Sir....




Oh, I could set like that for a straight week and do nothing all day except to hit the John and eat a little. (Wouldn't need much food.) Just would do that to get my mind right again...
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Hope y'all have a great day and week! I'll be banned here shortly. No idea how long. Make the best of it!
I have never understood the banning process. Especially the Political Board. Politics will breed controversy and differences. It is expected. About the only reason to ban someone is if they are vulgar in their language. And I know you are not that type of a person.

But liberals love to squash freedom of speech and it seems most of the moderators are liberal leaning. It is what is it.. If I ever get banned I will call Bert so he can get out the word. seems once again I have spoken out of turn as they say................we were on the deck when the Director announced we was going to can more green we picked almost two 5 gal buckets full........probably enough for three runs in the pressure cooker......(21 quarts)........I thought we had enough green beans in the pantry for the next ten years.......teaches me for talking out of turn......
What did you do? On the political board?

Maybe they will overlook it!
FaceBook gave me a permanent ban because I brought up the point that the
DOJ wasn't interested in the LMPD after it was discovered that they had a bunch of pedophiles running their explorer program..................then they shoot and killed a chronic criminal in Briana Taylor and they DOJ was suddenly interested.........I also pointed out that with JB in the was fitting that they overlooked the pedophiles running the explorer program at LMPD......since he was like the head pedophile.......I guess it is like they say.........sometimes the truth hurts........ seems once again I have spoken out of turn as they say................we were on the deck when the Director announced we was going to can more green we picked almost two 5 gal buckets full........probably enough for three runs in the pressure cooker......(21 quarts)........I thought we had enough green beans in the pantry for the next ten years.......teaches me for talking out of turn......
I should be so lucky Awf. When my wife gets bored she shops. I'd be better off if she canned enough green beans to destabilize Green Giant and Libby's stock value...
I have never understood the banning process. Especially the Political Board. Politics will breed controversy and differences. It is expected. About the only reason to ban someone is if they are vulgar in their language. And I know you are not that type of a person.

But liberals love to squash freedom of speech and it seems most of the moderators are liberal leaning. It is what is it.. If I ever get banned I will call Bert so he can get out the word.

What I cannot stand, no matter who says it, is when some idiot or moron calls someone who disagrees with them an "idiot" or "moron."
Morning folks. It is a warm 77.5°F on my back porch and on its way 90°. Very little chance of rain and we could use some. I got the yard mowed yesterday afternoon when the thunderclouds moved in and cooled things down. It never rained so I got the front and back done.

You all have a good day.
Okay folks, my in-"accu" weather is wrong. It is now 93.7°F on my back porch. So much for 90°. It may beat 93.7.
Good afternoon D, Bert We have 95 right now with the heat index at 102, so I am doing nothing and I really think I am doing a good job at it!!!!!

Waiting for the grandsons to get here!

Read Hosea 8 and it sounds like He is writing to the US!!!!

Update 97!

I hope the D has a great rest of the day and Prayers!!!!

A lot of people charge for being good but most of us D guys are good for nothing.
Good afternoon D, Bert We have 95 right now with the heat index at 102, so I am doing nothing and I really think I am doing a good job at it!!!!!

Waiting for the grandsons to get here!

Read Hosea 8 and it sounds like He is writing to the US!!!!

Update 97!

I hope the D has a great rest of the day and Prayers!!!!
I played golf today with my BIL. Teed off at was a sweat fest. We ended up playing only 12 holes. Thank goodness it was free golf!
Okay folks, my in-"accu" weather is wrong. It is now 93.7°F on my back porch. So much for 90°. It may beat 93.7.

Good afternoon D, Bert We have 95 right now with the heat index at 102, so I am doing nothing and I really think I am doing a good job at it!!!!!

I played golf today with my BIL. Teed off at was a sweat fest. We ended up playing only 12 holes. Thank goodness it was free golf!
I stayed indoors, and ......

Okay folks, my in-"accu" weather is wrong. It is now 93.7°F on my back porch. So much for 90°. It may beat 93.7.
Good afternoon D, Bert We have 95 right now with the heat index at 102, so I am doing nothing and I really think I am doing a good job at it!!!!!

Waiting for the grandsons to get here!

Read Hosea 8 and it sounds like He is writing to the US!!!!

Update 97!

I hope the D has a great rest of the day and Prayers!!!!
I just finished at 2-mile hike. Temp = 98°F with 104°F heat index. We may break 100°F again today.
MdW...what area do you live in the DC area? Just curious. I spent 9 plus years in that area...working in DC and living in Frederick, MD. I HATED DC but I did love Frederick, MD and especially western MD.

Anyway, hopefully you'll escape that mess in the near future...unless you like it.
Forced myself to listen to our guvnah this afternoon. I'm really afraid we might be heading towards another lockdown and mask mandate. If that happens I might wind up in jail for non-compliance.
I didn't bother listening to the Love Gov but I figured that he probably wants to go back to MASK ON. I guess he likes being a one term Gov.
MdW...what area do you live in the DC area? Just curious. I spent 9 plus years in that area...working in DC and living in Frederick, MD. I HATED DC but I did love Frederick, MD and especially western MD.

Anyway, hopefully you'll escape that mess in the near future...unless you like it.
CatinIl: I live in Montgomery County, about 30 miles due south of Frederick. If you were commuting from Frederick you passed by my stomping grounds on your way.

I’m walking distance from the subway but still in an area that isn’t overly developed - single family homes on decent sized lots, some woods and a good sized lake nearby.

I like it here fine. I’m a history buff and never get tired of exploring that aspect of the region, love the Smithsonian Museums, and spend lots of weekends hiking in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley. There are things that aren’t perfect, of course, but I can roll with all that.
CatinIl: I live in Montgomery County, about 30 miles due south of Frederick. If you were commuting from Frederick you passed by my stomping grounds on your way.

I’m walking distance from the subway but still in an area that isn’t overly developed - single family homes on decent sized lots.

I like here it fine. I’m a history buff and never get tired of exploring that aspect of the region, love the Smithsonian Museums, and spend lots of weekends hiking in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley. There are things that aren’t perfect, of course, but I can roll with all that.
Yep, I rolled right by that area EVERY MORNING. When I moved to the DC the first time it was the Quince Orchard Cluster APTs. there in MD just outside of DC. Then the second time was Frederick/New Market , MD. Much better. The one thing I miss about living in that area was bike riding through the National Battlefield parks...

Other than that, I don't miss the DC area...I did my time there...
Yep, I rolled right by that area EVERY MORNING. When I moved to the DC the first time it was the Quince Orchard Cluster APTs. there in MD just outside of DC. Then the second time was Frederick/New Market , MD. Much better. The one thing I miss about living in that area was bike riding through the National Battlefield parks...

Other than that, I don't miss the DC area...I did my time there...
Many feel that way, including lots of my home town buddies. I get where they are coming from.

All I can say is for my particular blend of interests, it fits me very well. To watch a play at Ford’s Theater under the booth where Lincoln was shot, to bike out to George Washington’s Mt Vernon, to have brunch in Martin’s Tavern where JFK proposed to Jackie, or in the Chinese Restaurant on Connecticut Avenue where Kissinger met in secret with Chinese diplomats to iron out Nixon’s visit in 1972, to meet visiting friends at the hotel where both the Battle Hymn of the Republic and the “I Have a Dream” speech were written, these are the kinds of things I never get tired of.
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Many feel that way, including lots of my home town buddies. I get where they are coming from.

All I can say is for my particular blend of interests, it fits me very well. To watch a play at Ford’s Theater under the booth where Lincoln was shot, to bike out to George Washington’s Mt Vernon, to have brunch in Martin’s Tavern where JFK proposed to Jackie, or in the Chinese Restaurant on Connecticut Avenue where Kissinger met in secret with Chinese diplomats to iron out Nixon’s visit in 1972…these are the kinds of things I never get tired of.
That's the thing, there's SO MUCH to see/do in the DC area. BUT, it can suck so much as well.

With that said, I would love to live up in the Gettysburg, PA or Harpers Ferry WV area...or especially Cumberland, MD...but that's NOT going to happen. But like I said before, I did my time in the DC area. [laughing]
How Great Thou Art... Canyon Junction

Matthew Hagee sings solo some about midway through. The entire rendition is a good one. This singing seems to be in honor of Pastor John Hagee who they show a glimpse of at the end.

Just an aside; while we attended Cornerstone, early in our attendance I was anointed by Pastor John Hagee in a long line of other people one service. While I was thankful to be prayed for and receive a blessing, It was like he sopped a biscuit and dabbed it on my head. He spared no expense on the anointing oil in my case anyway. (Brings a tear when I think about it.)(I probably needed it.) It may only be me (But that's okay) as I have been anointed by other Pastors.

Once years ago in the Detroit area during a Bill Gaither concert. (It was a pastor that was at the singing.) The singings back in the day were no where near as large as they later became.

Another aside, Pastor John Hagee used to play a heck of a saxophone...

I have never understood the banning process. Especially the Political Board. Politics will breed controversy and differences. It is expected. About the only reason to ban someone is if they are vulgar in their language. And I know you are not that type of a person.

But liberals love to squash freedom of speech and it seems most of the moderators are liberal leaning. It is what is it.. If I ever get banned I will call Bert so he can get out the word.

I appreciate the kind words, but I can be vulgar at times. One of my worst habits when it comes out. I do my best to keep it clean, but lately I've just gotten real tired of trying to lead some folks to reason and actual thinking/ researching/common sense.... any of it.

Some of this is grade school level stuff, but people are so brainwashed and ideologically motivated that they don't understand when someone is abusing them and their trust. seems once again I have spoken out of turn as they say................we were on the deck when the Director announced we was going to can more green we picked almost two 5 gal buckets full........probably enough for three runs in the pressure cooker......(21 quarts)........I thought we had enough green beans in the pantry for the next ten years.......teaches me for talking out of turn......
That's awesome!
September 4th is getting close and still no word on who gets the nod as starting QB. My guess is either Gatewood or Levis.

As good of a guess as any. I just want them to give all of the QBs a fair shot at the job through fall camp. REALLY wish they had some practices on to the public. Miss that a ton. Used to go with a friend and he taught me a ton about what to look for from different position groups. Got me fired up for football
Good morning from ATX. Currently 78°F and clear. Today's high may again approach 100°F.

Received an invite yesterday for our annual SEC Kickoff Picnic on August 28. COVID cancelled last year. I'll definitely attend. Free food, free beer. No, I won't handle the keg this time around. [winking]

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.
