
I've got more images from our trip but I think you folks get the idea. GNP is a GREAT park. Now that we've been there we will definitely go back. We did get to see a Momma grizzly with two of her cubs. The cubs were chasing each other in a tree and momma bear was trying to keep them in line!
Great pics! Your trip was obviously a success.
Many years ago, I went to Detroit to visit my ex wife's folks. We crossed over to Windsor and caught a train to Niagara Falls. It was about 8 hours as I recall. You see so much scenery on a train that you can't see in a car. Btw, if you ever go to the falls, you have to ride The Maid of the Mist.
The maid of the mist takes you as close to the falls as you would sensibly want to be. i always tell anyone who’s thinking about going you have to ride the mm.
Many years ago, I went to Detroit to visit my ex wife's folks. We crossed over to Windsor and caught a train to Niagara Falls. It was about 8 hours as I recall. You see so much scenery on a train that you can't see in a car. Btw, if you ever go to the falls, you have to ride The Maid of the Mist.
Better than going over in a barrel.
Amtrak trying to help the geographically challenged at the station across from the GNP East lodge. Edit...this arrow was "probably" placed from the GN RR that provided passenger service there ...

One of the little touches they used to do back in the day. At the old front door of our house (circa 1857) there's something similar carved in the old/original hardwood floor pointing due South.
Down stream a bit from the Falls the canyon narrows, creating a tremendous amount of water in a relatively small space. That causes a white water scenario that is almost as amazing as the Falls. Back in the seventies, they tried to set up a jet boat for white water rafting. Trial runs went poorly and the idea was abandoned. At a point where the white water ends and the river turns is a huge whirlpool.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F in North Austin. Today's high expected at 99°F.

I'll admit I'm keeping up with the Olympics. Perhaps not watching, but keeping up. Love it when amateur Americans, like Will Shaner, win gold for the USA. NBA and USWNT can kiss my you know what.

Monday, Monday....

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from the Buckeye State. High 60s out now to begin the day and feels nice...but getting up to about 90 so it will be a hot one. Not as hot as Austin, but hot still.

Love it when amateur Americans, like Will Shaner, win gold for the USA. NBA and USWNT can kiss my you know what.
It's a shame that the true America loving athletes get/got caught up in all this crap. Train and work all your your country....perhaps dream as a kid growing up of winning gold and wrapping yourself in an American flag as you have it overshadowed by these morons...and nobody/few of your fellow citizens watching because of the actions of idiots.

Y'all have a good day.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F in North Austin. Today's high expected at 99°F.

I'll admit I'm keeping up with the Olympics. Perhaps not watching, but keeping up. Love it when amateur Americans, like Will Shaner, win gold for the USA. NBA and USWNT can kiss my you know what.

Monday, Monday....

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Think I'll have one of those here in a few...without the 'milk' and without the 'shake'.
I've got more images from our trip but I think you folks get the idea. GNP is a GREAT park. Now that we've been there we will definitely go back. We did get to see a Momma grizzly with two of her cubs. The cubs were chasing each other in a tree and momma bear was trying to keep them in line!
Thank you for the spectacular photos of your trip. Beautiful does not adequately describe them. We visited Alaska in May of 2015 and would love to return.
Think I'll have one of those here in a few...without the 'milk' and without the 'shake'.

Me too Sir... though I wouldn't mind the shake and the milk....too...(The same, but different...)


Start this morning with a prayer, end this day with a prayer, think through your praying all day long. Yeah pray without ceasing. (Still working on that too and I wish I had that answer but I don't...yet.) In the interim I will try focusing on God as much as I can and keep him on my mind all I can during my day.

May keep me from yelling at a passing driver that didn't hear me anyway but my Darling did...(Ouch) (It's the little things.)

Yeah a day in the life of a sinner saved by grace...

God Bless you all...
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I've got more images from our trip but I think you folks get the idea. GNP is a GREAT park. Now that we've been there we will definitely go back. We did get to see a Momma grizzly with two of her cubs. The cubs were chasing each other in a tree and momma bear was trying to keep them in line!

Thanks for the pictures...

Was that Momma Grizz wearing lipstick?

Where is Ole SP lately? I read that her and her husband was having some trouble. I hope they got it worked out.
Good Monday morning

The temperature is 71° at the present and our high should reach 89° by midafternoon. We will have plenty of sunshine and a rain chance of 15%. Typical summer day.

After church yesterday we took in the beach and enjoyed a nice Sunday sunset. I noticed 11 California tags (car)s on our roads yesterday which is highly unusual. It is a long way for them to drive to the beach but I doubt they came down for vacation. Chances are they are scouting out a place to relocate.

I see where Disney personnel in California recently demanded a transfer to Florida. These are 2,000 professional employees, not the girls running the bumper cars. Apparently Disney is building another planned city for them on their Disney property near Orlando. They are welcome if they do not vote the way they did in California.

The rumor is Disney will someday pull out of California altogether and relocate with a new park in Texas. That makes sense but Disney was one of the prime reasons California became an undesirable place to live. There is a lesson to be learned,

Have a great Monday. I read Hosea Chapter 8. A nation gone astray will reap the whirlwind

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Howdy D-League. Very hot day here in the east. I'm back from a 5-mile morning walk, and drenched in sweat. The humidity is off the charts.

Looking to power through Monday, which of course is always bad enough but has become endless ZOOM meetings day for me. Ah well. I shouldn't complain. I'm thinking of hot places I've worked in my life when the idea of sitting in my air-conditioned home office would have been a fantasy and boredom would have trumped heat exhaustion.

I hope all of you are in a cool place and those who are retired are appreciating the freedom to do what you want.
I posted the below on FB about 9 years ago... (About the same now...) I am thankful... (I was about to go to Korea at the time...)

When I start complaining I always catch myself. I look in the mirror and realize; I could be doing this as a soldier. While I love the United States Armed Forces, I feel for what they go through in my unique way. My admiration and respect runs deep. I also realize; I'd rather be around a member of the Armed Forces than about anyone I know. They are good people!
Morning folks. It is a warm 77.5°F on my back porch and on its way 90°. Very little chance of rain and we could use some. I got the yard mowed yesterday afternoon when the thunderclouds moved in and cooled things down. It never rained so I got the front and back done.

You all have a good day.
Good Monday morning

The temperature is 71° at the present and our high should reach 89° by midafternoon. We will have plenty of sunshine and a rain chance of 15%. Typical summer day.

After church yesterday we took in the beach and enjoyed a nice Sunday sunset. I noticed 11 California tags (car)s on our roads yesterday which is highly unusual. It is a long way for them to drive to the beach but I doubt they came down for vacation. Chances are they are scouting out a place to relocate.

I see where Disney personnel in California recently demanded a transfer to Florida. These are 2,000 professional employees, not the girls running the bumper cars. Apparently Disney is building another planned city for them on their Disney property near Orlando. They are welcome if they do not vote the way they did in California.

The rumor is Disney will someday pull out of California altogether and relocate with a new park in Texas. That makes sense but Disney was one of the prime reasons California became an undesirable place to live. There is a lesson to be learned,

Have a great Monday. I read Hosea Chapter 8. A nation gone astray will reap the whirlwind


They will vote the same. Guaranteed
Good Monday morning

The temperature is 71° at the present and our high should reach 89° by midafternoon. We will have plenty of sunshine and a rain chance of 15%. Typical summer day.

After church yesterday we took in the beach and enjoyed a nice Sunday sunset. I noticed 11 California tags (car)s on our roads yesterday which is highly unusual. It is a long way for them to drive to the beach but I doubt they came down for vacation. Chances are they are scouting out a place to relocate.

I see where Disney personnel in California recently demanded a transfer to Florida. These are 2,000 professional employees, not the girls running the bumper cars. Apparently Disney is building another planned city for them on their Disney property near Orlando. They are welcome if they do not vote the way they did in California.

The rumor is Disney will someday pull out of California altogether and relocate with a new park in Texas. That makes sense but Disney was one of the prime reasons California became an undesirable place to live. There is a lesson to be learned,

Have a great Monday. I read Hosea Chapter 8. A nation gone astray will reap the whirlwind


Orca's gonna slide up on the beach and snatch you Sir....




Oh, I could set like that for a straight week and do nothing all day except to hit the John and eat a little. (Wouldn't need much food.) Just would do that to get my mind right again...
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Hope y'all have a great day and week! I'll be banned here shortly. No idea how long. Make the best of it!
I have never understood the banning process. Especially the Political Board. Politics will breed controversy and differences. It is expected. About the only reason to ban someone is if they are vulgar in their language. And I know you are not that type of a person.

But liberals love to squash freedom of speech and it seems most of the moderators are liberal leaning. It is what is it.. If I ever get banned I will call Bert so he can get out the word. seems once again I have spoken out of turn as they say................we were on the deck when the Director announced we was going to can more green we picked almost two 5 gal buckets full........probably enough for three runs in the pressure cooker......(21 quarts)........I thought we had enough green beans in the pantry for the next ten years.......teaches me for talking out of turn......
What did you do? On the political board?

Maybe they will overlook it!
FaceBook gave me a permanent ban because I brought up the point that the
DOJ wasn't interested in the LMPD after it was discovered that they had a bunch of pedophiles running their explorer program..................then they shoot and killed a chronic criminal in Briana Taylor and they DOJ was suddenly interested.........I also pointed out that with JB in the was fitting that they overlooked the pedophiles running the explorer program at LMPD......since he was like the head pedophile.......I guess it is like they say.........sometimes the truth hurts........ seems once again I have spoken out of turn as they say................we were on the deck when the Director announced we was going to can more green we picked almost two 5 gal buckets full........probably enough for three runs in the pressure cooker......(21 quarts)........I thought we had enough green beans in the pantry for the next ten years.......teaches me for talking out of turn......
I should be so lucky Awf. When my wife gets bored she shops. I'd be better off if she canned enough green beans to destabilize Green Giant and Libby's stock value...
I have never understood the banning process. Especially the Political Board. Politics will breed controversy and differences. It is expected. About the only reason to ban someone is if they are vulgar in their language. And I know you are not that type of a person.

But liberals love to squash freedom of speech and it seems most of the moderators are liberal leaning. It is what is it.. If I ever get banned I will call Bert so he can get out the word.

What I cannot stand, no matter who says it, is when some idiot or moron calls someone who disagrees with them an "idiot" or "moron."
Morning folks. It is a warm 77.5°F on my back porch and on its way 90°. Very little chance of rain and we could use some. I got the yard mowed yesterday afternoon when the thunderclouds moved in and cooled things down. It never rained so I got the front and back done.

You all have a good day.
Okay folks, my in-"accu" weather is wrong. It is now 93.7°F on my back porch. So much for 90°. It may beat 93.7.
Good afternoon D, Bert We have 95 right now with the heat index at 102, so I am doing nothing and I really think I am doing a good job at it!!!!!

Waiting for the grandsons to get here!

Read Hosea 8 and it sounds like He is writing to the US!!!!

Update 97!

I hope the D has a great rest of the day and Prayers!!!!

A lot of people charge for being good but most of us D guys are good for nothing.
Good afternoon D, Bert We have 95 right now with the heat index at 102, so I am doing nothing and I really think I am doing a good job at it!!!!!

Waiting for the grandsons to get here!

Read Hosea 8 and it sounds like He is writing to the US!!!!

Update 97!

I hope the D has a great rest of the day and Prayers!!!!
I played golf today with my BIL. Teed off at was a sweat fest. We ended up playing only 12 holes. Thank goodness it was free golf!
Okay folks, my in-"accu" weather is wrong. It is now 93.7°F on my back porch. So much for 90°. It may beat 93.7.

Good afternoon D, Bert We have 95 right now with the heat index at 102, so I am doing nothing and I really think I am doing a good job at it!!!!!

I played golf today with my BIL. Teed off at was a sweat fest. We ended up playing only 12 holes. Thank goodness it was free golf!
I stayed indoors, and ......

Okay folks, my in-"accu" weather is wrong. It is now 93.7°F on my back porch. So much for 90°. It may beat 93.7.
Good afternoon D, Bert We have 95 right now with the heat index at 102, so I am doing nothing and I really think I am doing a good job at it!!!!!

Waiting for the grandsons to get here!

Read Hosea 8 and it sounds like He is writing to the US!!!!

Update 97!

I hope the D has a great rest of the day and Prayers!!!!
I just finished at 2-mile hike. Temp = 98°F with 104°F heat index. We may break 100°F again today.