
]sitting on my backside mostly.
]trying to not fall down.
]I suppose that I have gotten out of the habit.
]Playing with our great grandchild one a week sometimes.
]Don't go anywhere much.
]Waiting on UK football to begin.
]It is the slow time of the year.
]Dad loved buttermilk. I never cared for it myself.
]You guys. take care of yourselves.
Mr. Don, I am sorry but I think you really need some anger management classes!!!!
I don't know why the SEC needs those two schools.

Texas and Oklahoma have not been forces since we have college championship playoffs.

The SEC teams have dominated.

The Big 12 (?), the Big 10 (?) ain't won much and the ACC got lucky with Clemson and FSU. Outside of that it has been the SEC.

Why do we need to add two also rans added to the SEC (Texas and Okla)?

All those bad conferences that used to win titles without playing a decent team now want to restructure the playoffs so that the SEC will quit winning. They are bastards and I don't want Texas and Oklahoma in the SEC.

Sorry for being so nasty but screw those phonies. Those conferences are part of the past and they want more titles so they have to invent a system to screw the better teams (SEC).
I didn't take it as you being nasty, just being passionate. Personally, I liked the conferences the way they were before expansion. What good is having 16 teams, when you won't even play half in football? I would rather see conferences go back to having 10-12 teams.
I drink it and use it in recipes.

Oh I thought you stated in the recipe..

Interesting. Stupid me thought that the 'organic' in 'organic milk' was where the cows were allowed to graze free in the fields. Think that's what the organic in organic eggs or meat is about. Personally I pay no attention to organic myself....just think some of it is just another gimmick to increase price.

Had an uncle when I was young who had a large dairy farm in S. Ky. Remember when he had the automatic milkers (or whatever they're called) put in. Used to love going there to visit.



Oh, I thought you stated Organist... sigh, got to clean my spectacles.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 75°F and cloudy. We received a quick passing shower yesterday evening. Today's high should hit 95°F.

I've been invited for free breakfast tacos later this morning at a local food truck near the shopping center. Nice lady extended an invitation for around 6:30 am. Stay tuned.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Happy Friday D-League. It is a cool, clear morning here in the east.

I’m out strolling in the woods, listening to a fairly detailed podcast about the Constitutional Convention of 1787. It’s a pretty remarkable historical moment.

In any case, I’m inspired to take another trip to Philly soon. We were there for a three-day weekend in March, 2020 - the weekend before Covid shut down everything. It’ll be nice to get back before I have to return to the office.

I hope it’s a good day for everyone.
I didn't take it as you being nasty, just being passionate. Personally, I liked the conferences the way they were before expansion. What good is having 16 teams, when you won't even play half in football? I would rather see conferences go back to having 10-12 teams.
Well, we do play 1/2+, but in general agree we should play more. Instead of 8/14, 9. If going to play 9/16 as I hear, it ought to be 10.
Just carried on a nice discussion with a local food truck owner. Angie is 50 y/o and formerly lived in McAllen area. She knows a few people who dealt with my father down there back during the 70s and 80s.

Crazy discussion point: Her father lives right on the border. She told me that on a slow night, at least 20 illegals cross the border between 11 pm - 3 am, tear stuff up in her father's yard and steal from the property. Her father has witnessed as many as 100 illegals come through overnight. That's insane.
I didn't take it as you being nasty, just being passionate. Personally, I liked the conferences the way they were before expansion. What good is having 16 teams, when you won't even play half in football? I would rather see conferences go back to having 10-12 teams.
Yep, Arkansas, South Carolina, A&M and Missouri gave us a blanket of states for TV coverage which helps bring in the TV revenue; however, Texas and Arkansas would not add much in coverage.
It is an already sunny and a warm 74.5°F on my back porch. We are supposed to get to 88.

I need to mow the yard, I just have to talk myself into it.

I plan on setting outside this afternoon with some friends, so I hope the allergies leave me alone.

You all have a good weekend.
Good Morning D League

I am back in Dixie Land after having been out of state for a couple of weeks. I tell you things sure are different up there.

Our weather is a typical July day. We had a nice down pour with lighting and thunder. Got knocked off of the internet when we lost power. We are currently 79° with winds WNW at 8 mph. We will reach 87°.

I LOVE BUTTERMILK AND IT IS ONE THING WE ALWAYS HAVE IN THE REFRIGERATOR. I drink a very large glass every night before I go to bed and sleep like a baby.

I read Hosea 5

Good morning D, read Hosea 5, beautiful day here in thee Berg.

Mr. Don while I was reading you post I was trying to think of whose voice I was reading it in.

Our new smart TV is a lot smarter than me!!!!

I hope the D has a great day and Prayers!!!

Olympics are on, just can't get interested!!
This is the first time in my life that i will not be watching or caring one iota about the Olympics. The U.S.A. made it political for the first time since Hitler and I want no part of that. So bye Olympics bye
Just carried on a nice discussion with a local food truck owner. Angie is 50 y/o and formerly lived in McAllen area. She knows a few people who dealt with my father down there back during the 70s and 80s.

Crazy discussion point: Her father lives right on the border. She told me that on a slow night, at least 20 illegals cross the border between 11 pm - 3 am, tear stuff up in her father's yard and steal from the property. Her father has witnessed as many as 100 illegals come through overnight. That's insane.

Can they not be shot for trespassing or destroying property? I'd be booby-trapping that place.
This is the first time in my life that i will not be watching or caring one iota about the Olympics. The U.S.A. made it political for the first time since Hitler and I want no part of that. So bye Olympics bye

Other than womens soccer 2 Olympics/8 years? ago, I'm trying to remember when I've watched the games the past 12 years... maybe curling while at a bar one night.

Cord, a little tune for you as you pray and seek the Lord. I have known these four boys all of my life and for a period of time their father, Vep Ellis was my pastor in Clearwater, Florida. Vep Ellis is in the Gospel Music Hall of Fame and was probably the best gospel music writer of the 1950's. Here is one of my favorites he wrote.

The redhead on the left is a tenor and does a real good job on this tune. Hope you enjoy Southern Gospel Quartet music.

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I don't know why the SEC needs those two schools.

Texas and Oklahoma have not been forces since we have college championship playoffs.

The SEC teams have dominated.

The Big 12 (?), the Big 10 (?) ain't won much and the ACC got lucky with Clemson and FSU. Outside of that it has been the SEC.

Why do we need to add two also rans added to the SEC (Texas and Okla)?

All those bad conferences that used to win titles without playing a decent team now want to restructure the playoffs so that the SEC will quit winning. They are bastards and I don't want Texas and Oklahoma in the SEC.

Sorry for being so nasty but screw those phonies. Those conferences are part of the past and they want more titles so they have to invent a system to screw the better teams (SEC).

They'll say ratings (OK) and money. When it comes to the SEC office "need" means "greed"

Cord, a little tune for you as you pray and seek the Lord. I have known these four boys all of my life and for a period of time their father, Vep Ellis was my pastor in Clearwater, Florida. Vep Ellis is in the Gospel Music Hall of Fame and was probably the best gospel music writer of the 1950's. Here is one of my favorites he wrote.

The redhead on the left is a tenor and sang at the Seattle Seahawks basketball games. He does a real good job on this tune. Hope you enjoy Southern Gospel Quartet music.

Thanks SC, I heard this song for the first time not long ago and it is one of my favorites!!!!!!
Thanks SC, I heard this song for the first time not long ago and it is one of my favorites!!!!!!
When I hear it Cord it reminds me of your faith. God hears your prayers. The writer of the song, Vep Ellis was a giant in gospel music.

RCA records offered him a huge contract to sing secular music if he would leave the ministry. They wanted to make him into the "next Bing Crosby" and he refused. He said he was called to the ministry and no amount of money could ever change that.

Cord, a little tune for you as you pray and seek the Lord. I have known these four boys all of my life and for a period of time their father, Vep Ellis was my pastor in Clearwater, Florida. Vep Ellis is in the Gospel Music Hall of Fame and was probably the best gospel music writer of the 1950's. Here is one of my favorites he wrote.

The redhead on the left is a tenor and sang at the Seattle Seahawks basketball games. He does a real good job on this tune. Hope you enjoy Southern Gospel Quartet music.

My brother and one of our cousins used to meet up in Louisville every year for the Gospel Quartet convention. Then they moved it to Pigeon Forge and I think it kind of peetered out some, plus I guess they started letting other type acts in/perform other than quartets.
Seems I heard they were trying to start up a quartet only convention again in Memphis...but don't know if they have or not.
This is the first time in my life that i will not be watching or caring one iota about the Olympics. The U.S.A. made it political for the first time since Hitler and I want no part of that. So bye Olympics bye

I frown because it is a crying shame what Communists have been allowed to do to this country with MANY spouting like they like it so very much. I have other opinions but I will stop!
I may end up finding a few bright spots in the Olympics -- there are always some intrepid Americans who love the country and seek to honor it through hard work and talent in their event.

But like some of you, my interest level is very low. I won't shed a tear if and when the kneeling, LGBTQ Dominated Women's Soccer team gets eliminated. I won't care much if USA Basketball flops, as it looks like it might, though I'd like to see a team with three former Wildcats do well.

Bottom line: I predict the ratings for this COVID and WOKE saturated circus are in the toilet. And that won't bother me at all.
I may end up finding a few bright spots in the Olympics -- there are always some intrepid Americans who love the country and seek to honor it through hard work and talent in their event.

But like some of you, my interest level is very low. I won't shed a tear if and when the kneeling, LGBTQ Dominated Women's Soccer team gets eliminated. I won't care much if USA Basketball flops, as it looks like it might, though I'd like to see a team with three former Wildcats do well.

Bottom line: I predict the ratings for this COVID and WOKE saturated circus are in the toilet. And that won't bother me at all.
Here's one I'll definitely be watching. Excellent role model.,546px,1898px,994px&resize=1200,628&strip
Kirk Bohls writes for Austin American Statesman. According to local talk radio (KLBJ - Ladybird Johnson's former station), Texas A&M athletic director caught wind about the possible OU/UTexas move from Big XII to SEC and leaked to TAMU Aggie beat-writer with Houston Chronicle. He believes Longhorns should remain in Big XII. After the ugly split 10 years ago, I can't say I blame him.