
Sad news. I've always liked him....

Sad news. I've always liked him....

That makes 2 of us. He sent me an autograph picture years ago.
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My Tanker Buddy is still at it God Bless him....


I took a break from posting for a few days except for a few items. Been here liking posts and reading. Contemplating the way forward...

Oh, may your evening be filled with a peace beyond all understanding and may you wake refreshed with a new way to sing praise and have joy in the morning...

God Bless you all and your families...
Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and clear. 40% rain chance. Today's high may reach 92°F. More temps in the mid-to-high 90s on the way beginning this weekend.

Austin reverted back to stage-4 COVID status because infections are rising. We'll start wearing masks indoors again. Stay tuned on how this new status affects our return to the office.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning D-League. Another eerie sunrise, I suppose influenced by western fires.

But all is well here. We’re supposed to have some cooler, less humid days.

As with Austin, I’m starting to hear rumors that our return to downtown DC offices will be postponed. That’s more than fine with me. No interest in resuming a subway commute.

I hope it’s a good day for everyone.
That is a good coined word Cordmaker. Now we need to come up with a coined word that will include Oregon and Washington, you know those states were everyone is a left wing, tree hugging, nut job who look down on stupid folks down south.
Reminds me of the word smog from the Beverly Hillbillies movie with Jim Varney. When talking about California the questions arises: What's a smog? They all start thinking about it and after the Jeopardy music quits playing Jethro says: "I guess it's a small hog".
Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and clear. 40% rain chance. Today's high may reach 92°F. More temps in the mid-to-high 90s on the way beginning this weekend.

Austin reverted back to stage-4 COVID status because infections are rising. We'll start wearing masks indoors again. Stay tuned on how this new status affects our return to the office.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Looks more like peanut butter fudge. I think I will substitute peanut butter fudge for that French confection.
Good morning all.

After three straight days of mowing, trimming grass, trimming bushes, cutting down a couple bushes, and so forth...I'm beat. Too old for this %@#*. And to think...give it a few days and it will all be back to where it started, except for the two bushes that I cut down. Then I'll have to do it all over again.

Y'all have a good day.
Lowfat buttermilk sux. big time.
Whole milk buttermilk is true buttermilk.
Kroger brand whole is excellent, been drinking it and using it in recipes for many years. can’t beat it. $1.79 half gallon forever, then two weeks ago jumps to $2.99. thanks cho.

I make my own using organic whole milk. Organic whole lasts on average about 18-21 days past the expiration on the carton. They were recently just $3.39 each. Haven't purchased any this month to know if the price has changed. The flavor of the organic was better, imo. More like what milk tasted like when I was a kid. Jfyi. Prices on that will probably go up as well.
Long term, I expect the conference model to break down and make way for a league setup similar to the NeFL.

4 divisions in each conference made up of the remaining/surviving school teams from the old conferences. SEC East and West split between the conferences, plus ACC's 2, and the Eastern BIG10 and BIG 12 teams make up the other. Maybe ND and one other are added.

In the Western conference, SEC West, PAC12 2, and Leftwestern BIG10 combines with Western Big 12 for the other. Maybe BYU and TCU added somewhere.

The bad thing is that some may not be included in the expansion uninvited to the party so to speak. Maybe they'll add a 5th division to each conference made up of the rest of the best competitors from the WAC, MAC, etc...

I don't know why I am posting this will go this way. I'm caring less and less about sports as the days go on. Just thought this would be the model so someday someone can say, "You DID NOT call this." ....because no one will remember I posted this. Lol
I make my own using organic whole milk. Organic whole lasts on average about 18-21 days past the expiration on the carton. They were recently just $3.39 each. Haven't purchased any this month to know if the price has changed. The flavor of the organic was better, imo. More like what milk tasted like when I was a kid. Jfyi. Prices on that will probably go up as well.
Do you churn it?
Sorry. Couldn't help myself.

Sort of churn it. Had planned on buying an antique churn from my sister, but she passed unexpectedly and her dk husband sold all of her stuff or burned it within weeks of her passing. So, I mix it a different way, powered by pure and undiminished spite (not really, but I could) either slowly or if needed in a hurry for a recipe, through low temp cooking to speed up the reaction.

I use lemon juice to initiate the reaction.
I make my own using organic whole milk. Organic whole lasts on average about 18-21 days past the expiration on the carton. They were recently just $3.39 each. Haven't purchased any this month to know if the price has changed. The flavor of the organic was better, imo. More like what milk tasted like when I was a kid. Jfyi. Prices on that will probably go up as well.
This post got me thinking "What is the actual difference between "Organic" milk and regular milk"? So I googled it:

The only thing that I found was that it is heated a lot higher which would make it more intensely processed, so the term "organic" is misleading. But it would also explain why the shelf life is longer. But at 280˚F you are going to change some of its structure so again the term "organic" is misleading.

One of my friends has a massive milking operation and all the cows do is eat grass and grain and get milked. I guess the local distributor just does the standard pasteurization and homogenization.

I checked the price at WalMart in Bowling Green for "Organic" milk and it is $5.87; so you are getting a real bargain.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and clear. 40% rain chance. Today's high may reach 92°F. More temps in the mid-to-high 90s on the way beginning this weekend.

Austin reverted back to stage-4 COVID status because infections are rising. We'll start wearing masks indoors again. Stay tuned on how this new status affects our return to the office.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Time to turn the tables and quarantine the big cities run by the left. If we isolate the people that don't believe in gendered bathroom, secure voting, and deodorant, and let everyone else use antivirals to fight (wait for it)..... viruses..., leave their house maskless to get sunshine and fresh air, and visit their loved ones so that they live or die in the company of the same, I think it may be a win/win.

True conservatives, true constitutionalists and issues based moderates with any common sense and logical thinking, please quietly leave these cities in an orderly fashion and join us in the country for a few months. Once the cities realize all they have is gov employees, retail customer service, and servers to run things, with only rooftop gardens to feed the disenfranchised masses, maybe they'll come to their senses.

Of course this isn't going to happen. The left needs everyone else to pay for the left's agenda. They need conservatives to feed the poor and put food on their table (which will be destroyed and wasted once the left gets its way). Country after country. Fascism after fascism. Devolution after devolution....

At least our immigration problems will end, because no one will want to come here once the rest of the country looks like Portlanezuela.
This post got me thinking "What is the actual difference between "Organic" milk and regular milk"? So I googled it:

The only thing that I found was that it is heated a lot higher which would make it not more intensely processed, so the term "organic" is misleading. But it would also explain why the shelf life is longer. But at 280˚F you are going to change some of its structure so again the term "organic" is misleading.

One of my friends has a massive milking operation and all the cows do is eat grass and grain and get milked. I guess the local distributor just does the standard pasteurization and homogenization.

I checked the price at WalMart in Bowling Green for "Organic" milk and it is $5.87; so you are getting a real bargain.
Interesting. Stupid me thought that the 'organic' in 'organic milk' was where the cows were allowed to graze free in the fields. Think that's what the organic in organic eggs or meat is about. Personally I pay no attention to organic myself....just think some of it is just another gimmick to increase price.

Had an uncle when I was young who had a large dairy farm in S. Ky. Remember when he had the automatic milkers (or whatever they're called) put in. Used to love going there to visit.
Good afternoon D, just got done mowing and it is hot!!!! Still have the calfsmog here in the Berg!

Bert for the life of me I cannot think of any more names, only one for washington, is wasshiton.

Still thinking about my tank COMMANDER, a funny story about him, we were at Fort Hood out one night for training and it was a cool night so of course Griff being the TC he got top pick to where he was going to sleep and of course he got in the tank where it was warmer. Later on one of our crew members decided he was going in the tank and knocked a tow pin off and hit Griff in the head, the funny part was it had already hit him, then he yells look out!!!

Hope the D has a great day!!! Prayers
This post got me thinking "What is the actual difference between "Organic" milk and regular milk"? So I googled it:

The only thing that I found was that it is heated a lot higher which would make it not more intensely processed, so the term "organic" is misleading. But it would also explain why the shelf life is longer. But at 280˚F you are going to change some of its structure so again the term "organic" is misleading.

One of my friends has a massive milking operation and all the cows do is eat grass and grain and get milked. I guess the local distributor just does the standard pasteurization and homogenization.

I checked the price at WalMart in Bowling Green for "Organic" milk and it is $5.87; so you are getting a real bargain.

I went on a mission to find me some whole milk that was unprocessed (straight from the cow). I found some at a small grocery store. It was $12 a gallon. Had to pass.
Interesting. Stupid me thought that the 'organic' in 'organic milk' was where the cows were allowed to graze free in the fields. Think that's what the organic in organic eggs or meat is about. Personally I pay no attention to organic myself....just think some of it is just another gimmick to increase price.

Had an uncle when I was young who had a large dairy farm in S. Ky. Remember when he had the automatic milkers (or whatever they're called) put in. Used to love going there to visit.
Yeap, the tree huggers like to drink milk and eat beef that has never been given a shot of antibiotics. I always questioned why you would want to eat "infected" meat.

The milk cows around here roam hundreds of acres. They are never restricted to the barn as someone would then have to go out and cut the grass, bale it or some how get it back to the barn. The cows will go out on their own and will come back exactly when the farmer is ready to milk them.

Cows are herd animals and are easily trained. Our cows would always line up and go to the same stall to get milked. We milked ours twice a day at 6 am and 6 pm. If you got the schedule mixed up they would be pissed off.
Us old guys' parents tried to warn us back in the 50s. But did we listen? Noooooo. And look at how things have turned out today. We allowed the camel to get its nose in the tent.

That's great stuff Chief. I was thinking that song Dave Edmunds performed reminded my of Bruce Springsteen's Open All Night -- but had no idea until I looked it up that Springsteen wrote it and has performed it as well.

At the risk of sinking us all even deeper into the ruinous throes of Communism, here's that version.
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@wildcatdonf where have you been?
]sitting on my backside mostly.
]trying to not fall down.
]I suppose that I have gotten out of the habit.
]Playing with our great grandchild once a week sometimes.
]Don't go anywhere much.
]Waiting on UK football to begin.
]It is the slow time of the year.
]Dad loved buttermilk. I never cared for it myself.
]You guys. take care of yourselves.
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If it happens, and someone goes undefeated in the SEC, they should just crown them National Champions.
I don't know why the SEC needs those two schools.

Texas and Oklahoma have not been forces since we have college championship playoffs.

The SEC teams have dominated.

The Big 12 (?), the Big 10 (?) ain't won much and the ACC got lucky with Clemson and FSU. Outside of that it has been the SEC.

Why do we need to add two also rans added to the SEC (Texas and Okla)?

All those bad conferences that used to win titles without playing a decent team now want to restructure the playoffs so that the SEC will quit winning. They are bastards and I don't want Texas and Oklahoma in the SEC.

Sorry for being so nasty but screw those phonies. Those conferences are part of the past and they want more titles so they have to invent a system to screw the better teams (SEC).
]sitting on my backside mostly.
]trying to not fall down.

]I suppose that I have gotten out of the habit.
]Playing with our great grandchild one a week sometimes.
]Don't go anywhere much.
]Waiting on UK football to begin.
]It is the slow time of the year.
]Dad loved buttermilk. I never cared for it myself.
]You guys. take care of yourselves.

My hero.
Not much going on today.
Sittin' in the mornin' sun
I'll be sittin' when the evenin' comes
Watching the ships roll in
Then I watch 'em roll away again, yeah
I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay
Watchin' the tide roll away, ooh
I'm just sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time