
Coconut is the best in my book. My wife's favored is pecan pie. I can't stand pumpkin, but my wife loves it.
When it comes to pumpkin pie, this is by far my favorite. My wife used to hate pumpkin pie until we discovered it.

Good morning from Anneta, KY. Currently 71°F, cloudy and humid. We caught a few showers last night. High today may reach 80°F.

Yesterday, we drove into Leitchfield for shopping and vehicle registration. Had no idea, but Kentucky vehicle registration system has been down for nearly a week. From there, we drove out to Clarkson and visited a gunsmith. Saw a few Amish young men at gun-shop and Walmart..

I'm heading down to Cookeville, TN so I can meet up with another cousin. Leaving here around 6 am. Plan on arriving around 8:30 am or so. Returning around 3 or 4 pm today.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Morning D Leaguers

Read Jeremiah 44

The weather is normal for this time of year. We have 72° and the high will be 86°. We should have plenty of sunshine this morning and our regular chance of thunderstorms late this afternoon. We had a nice one last night.

Today the Stanley Cup winning Bolts will have their big boat parade. Always fun and it should draw a big crowd.

I am headed out of town tomorrow for about 2 weeks so I will spend today packing and preparing for that. I trust all are well.

Safe travels. Enjoy.
Morning D, read Jeremiah 45, the whole chapter! Also Daniel 9

Got a kidney appointment in Owensboro this morning, just a follow-up to see how they are doing and to see if that stone is still in there!

I hope the D has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!
I read the short chapter of Jeremiah 45. Prayers that all is well with your kidney.
Morning D, read Jeremiah 45, the whole chapter! Also Daniel 9

Got a kidney appointment in Owensboro this morning, just a follow-up to see how they are doing and to see if that stone is still in there!

I hope the D has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!
I've had 2 surgeries for stones. The first was emergency at 2 in the morning. They said I was almost totally blocked and it could've killed me. I try and drink plenty of water and I put a little lemonade in the water for taste, but I think the lemonade may help dissolve the stones. Anyhow the stone situation has been better since I started doing that. Good luck.
I've had 2 surgeries for stones. The first was emergency at 2 in the morning. They said I was almost totally blocked and it could've killed me. I try and drink plenty of water and I put a little lemonade in the water for taste, but I think the lemonade may help dissolve the stones. Anyhow the stone situation has been better since I started doing that. Good luck.
I drink lots of water too, maybe one glass of tea once every two months, it helps. We spent our anniversary in the hospital 3 years ago with my last stone, it finally moved away from my kidney just enough so they could bust it up. I am hoping that the one they said was still in my kidney is gone, we'll see today after the x-ray!!!!
I drink lots of water too, maybe one glass of tea once every two months, it helps. We spent our anniversary in the hospital 3 years ago with my last stone, it finally moved away from my kidney just enough so they could bust it up. I am hoping that the one they said was still in my kidney is gone, we'll see today after the x-ray!!!!
During the first surgery, I had so many in me, he couldn't get them all out. The surgeon lodged 2 of them in so deep he couldn't get them out. I had an appt right before the china flu stuff started that they canceled and they have never called me back. I suppose I should call them.
We (my very small business) got a call yesterday evening from StyleCraft. They were among the first in the lighting industry to import from china. They sell to Costco, Macys, Home Depot,and Target among others. I'm guessing they are having trouble getting product. Screw them, I'm not even going to call them back. I don't have enough people to make for them even if I wanted to and I'm old enough that piddling with it is all I want these days anyhow.
It could be worse, you could be having to buy a watermelon in Korea....


Oh, may this day end on a note that will leave you pleased. God Bless you all...

Some of the "Real" True Grit snippets... "Being around you, pleases me." (Thanks D-League!)

Grabbed some Kentucky Beer Cheese at Scottsville Rd. Kroger (Bowling Green) earlier this afternoon. Hauling back to Texas. Also scarfed several Kentucky-brewed beers. Preparing for football season.


Been real busy myself these last several days. Am "scarfing" (My kind of lingo!) down a Yuengling Black and Tan.... I forgot how good those were as a change of pace and even as a pace. You be careful my brother...
Hello All,
A busy day again... I am multitasking to the max but I actually feel decent about it as I was stagnating just a little...

I go back to the George Burns "Oh God II" movie when the little girl said; "Think God"....

Oh, My hope for you today is that you come across someone who needs your interaction to help them keep on keeping on with a purpose in Christ. God Bless you all...
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Good morning D-League. It's currently 70° and overcast here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring scattered thunderstorms and a high of 84°.

Everyone stay safe on this hump day.

USA Germany Embassy is a couple of buildings to the foreground on left. Massive. There are lines in the pavement maybe 50 yards behind/thru the gate that show where theEast/West Berlin division was.
Morning D, read Jeremiah 46 this morning with coffee!!!!

I got a great report yesterday, kidneys are in good shape. I either misunderstood or wasn't paying attention with my last scan I had done , but there are no more stones in my kidneys.

I hope the D has a great day and prayers for the D!!!!! Mrs. M is on vacation, another trial run for when she retires, so later D!!!!
Morning D, read Jeremiah 46 this morning with coffee!!!!

I got a great report yesterday, kidneys are in good shape. I either misunderstood or wasn't paying attention with my last scan I had done , but there are no more stones in my kidneys.

I hope the D has a great day and prayers for the D!!!!! Mrs. M is on vacation, another trial run for when she retires, so later D!!!!

Hallelujah! I am thankful!
Morning D, read Jeremiah 46 this morning with coffee!!!!

I got a great report yesterday, kidneys are in good shape. I either misunderstood or wasn't paying attention with my last scan I had done , but there are no more stones in my kidneys.

I hope the D has a great day and prayers for the D!!!!! Mrs. M is on vacation, another trial run for when she retires, so later D!!!!
Good news Cord.
Hey folks. I hope you are all doing well. I got sidelined for a few days by a moderator. Don't ask me why because I honestly don't know, but I can tell you it wasn't for any attacks on other posters.

I considered giving this board a permanent rest, but I'd miss all you D-League Cats.
Hey folks. I hope you are all doing well. I got sidelined for a few days by a moderator. Don't ask me why because I honestly don't know, but I can tell you it wasn't for any attacks on other posters.

I considered giving this board a permanent rest, but I'd miss all you D-League Cats.

Forgive me if I find this "hillary"larious... rotflcgu!!! 🤭 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

where is this country going to by silencing....................................... The Media!!!....



;) sorry that caught me extremely funny somewhat knowing who you are and what you do...

You "is" human after all....

Forgive me, I've been there exactly with the thought process you are having now...

You've been around this joint just slightly less than I have. Seniority should mean something... but...

You have to laugh.... I point blank asked Jason to make me a moderator. He never so much as blinked or responded.

The D-League saved me...
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Forgive me if I find this "hillary"larious... rotflcgu!!! 🤭 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

where is this country going to by silencing....................................... The Media!!!....



;) sorry that caught me extremely funny somewhat knowing who you are and what you do...

You "is" human after all....

Forgive me, I've been there exactly with the thought process you are having now...

You have to laugh.... I point blank asked Jason to make me a moderator. He never so much as blinked or responded.

The D-League saved me...

Glad to serve the cause of a good laugh, BBUK. If I told you why I apparently was suspended you'd laugh all the louder. But I don't want to violate any rules and that might be one.
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Glad to serve the cause of a good laugh, BBUK. If I told you why I apparently was suspended you'd laugh all the louder. But I don't want to violate any rules and that might be one.

I will tell mine. I put up a picture of a hut that was presumably in Africa and it was labeled a certain president's presidential library.. No other verbiage or anything. Just that picture. I can tell you who too..