
I always force Austin to hug me. I told him you ask me to do it, so yesterday it was your fault.

Austin got here on time. We ended up grilling in a thunder storm. Paul held the umbrella (I know we are not too bright, but the umbrella's handle is fibreglass. 🤣 ) while I flipped the food.

Thanks to Cordmaker we finally got rain.

We ended up so far getting 3.26 inches:
This is the one I bought. I am anxious to start playing around with it. Especially when a Cat 5 hits us. LOL
On the Olympic note, I'm not so sure I'm looking forward to watching this year. The crowds will be limited and evidently they'll be prohibited from cheering or even talking loud during the events. My greatest concern is seeing American medal winners kneeling during the National Anthem. You know it's going to happen. I've always loved, loved, loved the Olympics but that's one scenario I can't stomach, and on a worldwide stage. 1968 all over again.

I like the running events. Probably all I'll watch. Maybe some swimming. Events that are judged are useless to me.
I always force Austin to hug me. I told him you ask me to do it, so yesterday it was your fault.

Austin got here on time. We ended up grilling in a thunder storm. Paul held the umbrella (I know we are not too bright, but the umbrella's handle is fibreglass. 🤣 ) while I flipped the food.

Thanks to Cordmaker we finally got rain.

We ended up so far getting 3.26 inches:

Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Had two of our infamous monsoons pass through here two night in a row. Got through the first one with no tree damage. Whew. I had heard that a second one was coming so I spent a couple of hours yesterday in this ungodly heat bracing up limbs of the most vulnerable one. To no avail. I lost a 25' tree completely last night in my back yard. I usually bite the bullet and take care of this stuff myself but I'm gonna hire somebody this time.

FCC. Sad and tragic story. i hadn't heard. But not a surprising end. Sounds like an act of mercy almost.

Prayers for his family.
Rode to Louisville (Hillview) after stopping for donuts in Shepherdsville today. Traveled from there out Gene Snyder to Fairdale. Worked on a 31-foot Paradise Point camper trailer. Those things are fairly involved.


Ate lunch at Moby Dicks. Good cod sandwich. Awesome hush-puppies. Left there and drove 31W all the way down to E-Town. Noted this world famous landmark between West Point and Radcliff below:


Back on Nolin Lake. Life is good.
Rode to Louisville (Hillview) after stopping for donuts in Shepherdsville today. Traveled from there out Gene Snyder to Fairdale. Worked on a 31-foot Paradise Point camper trailer. Those things are fairly involved.


Ate lunch at Moby Dicks. Good cod sandwich. Awesome hush-puppies. Left there and drove 31W all the way down to E-Town. Noted this world famous landmark between West Point and Radcliff below:


Back on Nolin Lake. Life is good.

Couldn't see that vault, something blocking my view. (I've been there.) jk jk... ;)

Oh, I hope all's day went well. Been out and about. Too much out and too much about but what can we do. God Bless you all and may your evening be peaceful...
Another Monday, of another week, in another month. In the mid-60s heading up to 80.
Been a weird Spring/Summer weather wise. Dry wet May....Summer has been up and down, a stretch of hot weather then it cools off. Haven't had the A/C on nearly as much this year as normal. Maybe I'll head out to the climate change conference where all the billionaires are dumping all that nasty killer carbon in the air with all their private jets and see what the heck is going on.

Y'all have a good day.
Morning D Leaguers

Read Jeremiah 44

The weather is normal for this time of year. We have 72° and the high will be 86°. We should have plenty of sunshine this morning and our regular chance of thunderstorms late this afternoon. We had a nice one last night.

Today the Stanley Cup winning Bolts will have their big boat parade. Always fun and it should draw a big crowd.

I am headed out of town tomorrow for about 2 weeks so I will spend today packing and preparing for that. I trust all are well.

Good morning from Anneta, KY on Nolin Lake. Currently 72°F and cloudy. Increased rain chances roughly late afternoon. Expecting 81°F for today's high.

Really enjoyed our trip to Louisville area yesterday. I learned much about RV camper trailers. We literally figured out how one expands sides manually and with battery power. Also leveled the trailer out. Cuz drove. Heh, it was nice playing passenger for a change.

We plan on getting into something today. Definitely running up to Leitchfield for a few things.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Morning D Leaguers

Read Jeremiah 44

The weather is normal for this time of year. We have 72° and the high will be 86°. We should have plenty of sunshine this morning and our regular chance of thunderstorms late this afternoon. We had a nice one last night.

Today the Stanley Cup winning Bolts will have their big boat parade. Always fun and it should draw a big crowd.

I am headed out of town tomorrow for about 2 weeks so I will spend today packing and preparing for that. I trust all are well.

Save travels Sawnee.
Good afternoon D, I had to take care of my grandson while his dad had to go to court today, nothing he did, being a police officer he has to do stuff on his day off.

Bert yawl still getting rain?

Tonight is pizza night with our friends, hope the rain holds off, we enjoy having our pizza out on the deck!!!!

I hope the D has a great rest of the day and prayers for the D especially the ones traveling!!!!!
One of the greatest sporting events ever. Broke the record by nearly 2 feet. Olympic week at the D.

I remember it well. Just wow. Looking at that tape, it's amazing to watch how long he floated at the end. Thanks.

I was surprised that that record lasted only 23 years. I thought it might take a century. Even so, it's only been surpassed one time - by 4 inches.
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Anyone have any kind of update on FCC?
The last time he called me he had just got out of rehab and said he felt great. He didn't ask for anything and said he felt great. He thanked me for "all my help" as he put it and then said he had to go. I have't heard a thing since. I am not sure how long ago that was though!
Good afternoon D, I had to take care of my grandson while his dad had to go to court today, nothing he did, being a police officer he has to do stuff on his day off.

Bert yawl still getting rain?

Tonight is pizza night with our friends, hope the rain holds off, we enjoy having our pizza out on the deck!!!!

I hope the D has a great rest of the day and prayers for the D especially the ones traveling!!!!!
Nope. It topped out at 3.63 inches. We have a good chance for more at 4 pm cdt.
The last time he called me he had just got out of rehab and said he felt great. He didn't ask for anything and said he felt great. He thanked me for "all my help" as he put it and then said he had to go. I have't heard a thing since. I am not sure how long ago that was though!
FFC to on the wrong road. I tried, but in our conversations he got really hostile. God rest his soul.

Also tapemaster Congratulations on your anniversary. She must be a wonderful person. 😁
Good afternoon D, I had to take care of my grandson while his dad had to go to court today, nothing he did, being a police officer he has to do stuff on his day off.

Bert yawl still getting rain?

Tonight is pizza night with our friends, hope the rain holds off, we enjoy having our pizza out on the deck!!!!

I hope the D has a great rest of the day and prayers for the D especially the ones traveling!!!!!
I always try and thank police officers or military for their service. I've circled around a gas station so I could park at a pump beside policemen as I filled up, just so I could speak to them in a friendly manner to show some of us appreciate their efforts. Thank him for me.
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Davtay do You know the cause of death? I am sure sorry that I didn't know about it living 20 minutes away from Gary.

Gentlemen, I have been a longtime lurker here. I met FCC back when he worked at Dollar General by his posts on here. I only talked to him a couple of times but, he was a good man. I am sorry to be the one who brings bad news, but he passed away back in May. Some of you may have known, but since no one else had mentioned, I didn't think to post it. I didn't know for a couple of weeks.

FFC to on the wrong road. I tried, but in our conversations he got really hostile. God rest his soul.

Also tapemaster Congratulations on your anniversary. She must be a wonderful person. 😁
She is Bert! We ate at Cracker Barrel for lunch, that is all she thought necessary for our 52 years of marriage!
Good afternoon D, I had to take care of my grandson while his dad had to go to court today, nothing he did, being a police officer he has to do stuff on his day off.

Bert yawl still getting rain?

Tonight is pizza night with our friends, hope the rain holds off, we enjoy having our pizza out on the deck!!!!

I hope the D has a great rest of the day and prayers for the D especially the ones traveling!!!!!
All of my grandchildren live out of state, three in Kentucky. One of them is currently away on the Kentucky Governor Scholars Program and we just got a card from her today. They are assigned to one of three colleges. Bellarmine in Louisville, Centre in Danville and Morehead State. A couple of years ago her brother got Morehead and she was assigned to Bellarmine. Their young sister is aiming for Centre. LOL

She made us proud because very few young folks bother to write letters anymore. She built a telescope for astronomy class and is anxious to show it to us. God has been good to our family and given them the opportunity to excel. That is all we can ask in life. The opportunity and if we have that it is up to the individual to make the best of it. Good parenting usually assures that.

It is still pouring the rain in Dixie Land
All of my grandchildren live out of state, three in Kentucky. One of them is currently away on the Kentucky Governor Scholars Program and we just got a card from her today. They are assigned to one of three colleges. Bellarmine in Louisville, Centre in Danville and Morehead State. A couple of years ago her brother got Morehead and she was assigned to Bellarmine. Their young sister is aiming for Centre. LOL

She made us proud because very few young folks bother to write letters anymore. She built a telescope for astronomy class and is anxious to show it to us. God has been good to our family and given them the opportunity to excel. That is all we can ask in life. The opportunity and if we have that it is up to the individual to make the best of it. Good parenting usually assures that.

It is still pouring the rain in Dixie Land

can I get an AMEN!


Can I get a witness on the Opportunity!!!

I remember it well. Just wow. Looking at that tape, it's amazing to watch how long he floated at the end. Thanks.

I was surprised that that record lasted only 23 years. I thought it might take a century. Even so, it's only been surpassed one time - by 4 inches.
What's surprising is that he never got anywhere close to that record again for the remainder of his competitive career.
I always try and thank police officers or military for their service. I've circled around a gas station so I could park at a pump beside policemen as I filled up, just so I could speak to them in a friendly manner to show some of us appreciate their efforts. Thank him for me.
Thank you for that Mr. Carbo!!!!! I am proud and scared for him! He had pictures on FB couple days ago of some officers that they met a little boy maybe 7, he told me later the little boy has been raised to hate cops!!!! The mother sure had some kind words for the officers!!!! THEY ARE NOT THANKED ENOUGH!!!!!!!
Thank you for that Mr. Carbo!!!!! I am proud and scared for him! He had pictures on FB couple days ago of some officers that they met a little boy maybe 7, he told me later the little boy has been raised to hate cops!!!! The mother sure had some kind words for the officers!!!! THEY ARE NOT THANKED ENOUGH!!!!!!!
I have two family members, by marriage, who are police officers. One in Louisville and one in Columbus, Ohio. The one in Columbus has two children and they can not mention their daddy is a police officer because of the threat of harm to them or loss of life.

It is that bad in Columbus, Ohio. So yes, we should appreciate them and show them respect because their life is on the line every day they leave their home to go to work.
Thank you for that Mr. Carbo!!!!! I am proud and scared for him! He had pictures on FB couple days ago of some officers that they met a little boy maybe 7, he told me later the little boy has been raised to hate cops!!!! The mother sure had some kind words for the officers!!!! THEY ARE NOT THANKED ENOUGH!!!!!!!
I was a military policeman, but 99% was in security. When you walk out the door, you never know what is in store for you. The haters should have to do a few ride alongs on patrol and go on a few calls.