
I have never seen an ugly yown before. But, to be honest, I have never seen a yown.

What the hell is a yown?

'The Mrs is meeting up with some other ladies who have started a yown beautification committee....'

Must have got my right index finger mixed up with my left....should be 'town' 😄
They hired some temp-to-hire workers at my job 2 weeks ago, one has already quit, and the other has a foot out the door. Sitting home and drawing unemployment all these months has made people lazier than ever.
I guess it is just pure ego, but I could not do that.

Doing shit like that would really piss my dad off in heaven. Lazy is horrible and inexcusable.
. . . .
Mowed about all day yesterday so may do some trimming today. Or straighten up the garage (a project I could do does it get so messy?...who leaves all my tools laying around?)

Y'all have a good Saturday.
When you go inside the house, tools move around. Grass falls off the weed whacker and mower. Cardboard boxes float through the air and land every where.
Good morning from Shawanee, TN. Currently 66°F and partly cloudy.

Planning on accompanying daughter to Ellis Tires in Middlesboro at 9 am. Her car needs a new tire. Leaving SE KY area at 11 am EST. Plan on arriving at Bert's around 2 pm. I may return here on Tuesday, but doubtful. Probably stay in central KY until Wednesday morning.

Been a good visit. Gonna miss it as always.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


It is a cloudy 76.6°F here with a high of 85°F and a 70 percent chance of rain.

Be safe Austin.
Hopefully finished or at least stops for a few by the time I drive by in a couple hours.

Give the brother Sir a hug for me. (That's how I'd do it.)

May your travel be safe. I could not make my trip. I'd be on the road now to Michigan. The wife and I both are down with something and I will miss my brothers 70th birthday. I am near despondent as it has been too long since I have seen my family. The disrespect I feel I showed my brother is what is hurting me bad by me not being there. The wife and I have had the China Virus shots. My Brother and his wife have not and they were not concerned but my Darling and I made a decision not to chance it. We are both not well. We are still thankful but hurt a bunch. We will make the trip as soon as we are able.

Oh, May God's love encompass you all today to where you can actually feel it. God's love is a powerful touch of true love. May you feel God's touch today! God Bless you all...
Had to be pulled into battle by an M88 during our trek across Iraq. I was on the top of the M88 as we crossed the Saudi-Iraq border. The fan tower on my M110A1 Howitzer froze up in route because of sand. Quickly got it replaced in our first position. Amazing how quickly maintenance can work when you really need to move. Below is my howitzer awaiting maintenance.

Where are all the trees?
I guess it is just pure ego, but I could not do that.

Doing shit like that would really piss my dad off in heaven. Lazy is horrible and inexcusable.

Yes Sir, when I just got my driver's license I got a job selling filter Queen vacuum cleaners (Part time, as I already had a job welding on Boxcars making good money working nights. (The pitch to get you into selling vacuum cleaners was real good, selling a 1200.00 vacuum cleaner back in 1975 or so was not so much good but...(This was in Detroit)

Anyway, after I completed their "training" I already knew I didn't like it and couldn't/ didn't want to sell them (They have a great product but not at the price. In my mind anyway.) I would not stop until I sold one. I worked at that for I think three or so months before a man walked up to me and asked if I knew where he could buy a Filter Queen vacuum cleaner. (Out of the Blue)... Well, I fixed him up, got my hundred or hundred and fifty or so commission and left that life in the rear-view mirror. God has ALWAYS taken care of me. I went back to my night job full time until I decided to join the Army.
I guess it is just pure ego, but I could not do that.

Doing shit like that would really piss my dad off in heaven. Lazy is horrible and inexcusable.

My dad would say, "He's sorriener cyarn (carrion)." I never realized how hard a worker my dad was until I got to thinking about it long after he was gone. He was a coal miner back in the mule and pick and shovel days. He wouldn't even take the commodities all the neighbors got even though he was entitled to them. Black lung finally got him. Died strapped to an oxygen tank.
Didn't we have a short discussion on this board a few days ago about angels?

So I make sure anyone knows, I have my own or several Angels that my Father in Heaven assigned to me or either my Father intercedes for me directly! I can name so many times I have been saved and right on time. I try my best not to tempt the Lord in my living, I always have but I have been in too many situations that were the Lord not intervening for me I'd have left this world long ago. My Praise goes to him who is worthy to be praised. (If I was in a crowd, I'd be noticed for some reason. I rarely speed because I get caught.)

One time I just got out of the Army I was in my apartment and had the door kicked in by three people/ men that new me and didn't like me (In Bella Garden Apartments in Middlesboro) 1985 or so. (There reason was a girl they liked, liked me. I never even dated or hardly talked to her.) The first man through the door was slashing at me with a large Bowie type knife. He had already kicked my hand against the corner of the door way and broke my knuckle (The finger below). I had a very small cheap knife I carried in my pocket with a blade about an inch and a half long. The guy with the knife lunged at me blade first and stumbled or it would have stuck me in the heart. He missed completely but I didn't. The other two took one blow from me each before the police arrived as they beat and banged on my door for a while real hard. (Neighbors got involved) They took me to jail for 1st degree assault but never cuffed me. I was released in about an hour with no charges after they investigated... How many times, right on time has the Lord intervened on my behalf. I can name and explain so many more.



That is as straight as that finger will go on it's own.

Yes, I am thankful...
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Austin got here in the dry and left in the dry. In the middle of the drys it rained like crazy. While we were grilling out we got 1.63 inches of rain and one lightening bolt could not have been very far away.

Finally cordmaker let go some of some rain. He has been hording it.

It is good to see good cyber friends.
On the Olympic note, I'm not so sure I'm looking forward to watching this year. The crowds will be limited and evidently they'll be prohibited from cheering or even talking loud during the events. My greatest concern is seeing American medal winners kneeling during the National Anthem. You know it's going to happen. I've always loved, loved, loved the Olympics but that's one scenario I can't stomach, and on a worldwide stage. 1968 all over again.

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On the Olympic note, I'm not so sure I'm looking forward to watching this year. The crowds will be limited and evidently they'll be prohibited from cheering or even talking loud during the events. My greatest concern is seeing American medal winners kneeling during the National Anthem. You know it's going to happen. I've always loved, loved, loved the Olympics but that's one scenario I can't stomach, and on a worldwide stage. 1968 all over again.

The ones that kneel, well, they will be forgotten soon enough. That stuff ain’t gonna fly here. It’s the ones that don’t kneel, that will be remembered as true Americans. That’s what I’m looking forward to.
On the Olympic note, I'm not so sure I'm looking forward to watching this year. The crowds will be limited and evidently they'll be prohibited from cheering or even talking loud during the events. My greatest concern is seeing American medal winners kneeling during the National Anthem. You know it's going to happen. I've always loved, loved, loved the Olympics but that's one scenario I can't stomach, and on a worldwide stage. 1968 all over again.

I won't be watching. Can find better ways to spend my time.
On the Olympic note, I'm not so sure I'm looking forward to watching this year. The crowds will be limited and evidently they'll be prohibited from cheering or even talking loud during the events. My greatest concern is seeing American medal winners kneeling during the National Anthem. You know it's going to happen. I've always loved, loved, loved the Olympics but that's one scenario I can't stomach, and on a worldwide stage. 1968 all over again.

I'll probably watch until the political bs starts.
Austin got here in the dry and left in the dry. In the middle of the drys it rained like crazy. While we were grilling out we got 1.63 inches of rain and one lightening bolt could not have been very far away.

Finally cordmaker let go some of some rain. He has been hording it.

It is good to see good cyber friends.

But did he hug you for me Sir! ;)
You wouldn’t want to see my hands my good man. It might put you off your feed. Farming does that to a man. But it’s a good life. At least has been for me. About had enough though 😔

Yeah my hands have done tough time too in most jobs I ever had until about the day before 9/11 when I started in my new field. When I was crawling under houses for a living I regularly carried concrete and cinder blocks to either brace up a home underneath or for some other reason. I never wore gloves and very rarely if ever blistered. My hands were my gloves for a lot of years. They still work well. I am thankful to have no issues so far. They are more soft now but worn and tattered but I am thankful. I always was religious about wearing ear plugs when running drills or loud equipment. I still wear ear plugs when vacuuming. Always wore knee pads too. Still do if crawling on anything but carpet around the house. It has helped so far as I have some health issues but none that I know that are too severe. I again am thankful.