
That word sounds so much better, and sophisticated than 'cheap'. The Mrs just says CHEAP.
Get it from my parents I guess...that Depression mentality Even though Dad did very well, he watched his $$$
With being brought up that way, then going to Business School, then running a fairly large company....I over analyze a lot of things.
I was taught to be neither cheap or stingy........I was taught that you leaned to live on less than you was within our means as we call it.......working in non union construction teaches you to think about tomorrow or next week.......I was fortunate to never have drawn unemployment my whole career as a carpenter..........I saw everyone but myself laid off several times......they always found something to keep me busy in the shop.......a few times I would have liked a week or two off....
I was taught to be neither cheap or stingy........I was taught that you leaned to live on less than you was within our means as we call it.......working in non union construction teaches you to think about tomorrow or next week.......I was fortunate to never have drawn unemployment my whole career as a carpenter..........I saw everyone but myself laid off several times......they always found something to keep me busy in the shop.......a few times I would have liked a week or two off....
awf, when I was working at Dyno Nobel I made good money, put back 24% of my check into my 401K(when ever we got a raise I upped my % wish i could have gotten more than 10 years) I left with a good 401k. What amazed me was there was so many that worked there that just lived from pay-check-pay check!!!!! One of the guys there was a top mechanic making close to $30 an hour with all the overtime , he had filed bankruptcy twice and again after I left, NEVER could convince him to save!!!!! GOD sure did bless me there!!! Left in one piece!!!!
So......Camp Paw is officially over for is hard having people around all of the time......everyone got shopping trips with Gran for clothes.......the oldest got a laptop to start school at EKU.......signed up for the criminal justice program....we tried the whole gang at one time (10)
...........that only happened we break them up into groups....we pull all the stops out when they is still much cheaper than flying to England once a the end of camp I am wore out..........and lighter in the wallet........I told the Director that this way we can see them enjoy our money.....other wise they'll get it when we die.......
awf, when I was working at Dyno Nobel I made good money, put back 24% of my check into my 401K(when ever we got a raise I upped my % wish i could have gotten more than 10 years) I left with a good 401k. What amazed me was there was so many that worked there that just lived from pay-check-pay check!!!!! One of the guys there was a top mechanic making close to $30 an hour with all the overtime , he had filed bankruptcy twice and again after I left, NEVER could convince him to save!!!!! GOD sure did bless me there!!! Left in one piece!!!!
Cord the first twenty years my wife was a respiratory therapist she put the limit into the 401K + the 5K make has done very well......we always saved for the "rainy day"........we still is a habit that is hard to break.......hell......I have friends my age that don't even have life insurance........but the always have the latest phone and a new vehicle every two years........we have been financially liquid for about twenty yrs now.......but we still stretch our money out......a couple of yrs back the Director got a substransial raise...($11.50 an hour)....we save the whole raise.......a couple of the people that she works with bought new cars or moved........we have save our's for what if..........there is no shame to live a low keyed life style.......I have a friend that makes several hundred thousand dollars a year from his businesses.......he has a debit card and nothing savings....nothing........he is a great guy and very intelligent........and very successful........but I feel sorry for him.......
Cord the first twenty years my wife was a respiratory therapist she put the limit into the 401K + the 5K make has done very well......we always saved for the "rainy day"........we still is a habit that is hard to break.......hell......I have friends my age that don't even have life insurance........but the always have the latest phone and a new vehicle every two years........we have been financially liquid for about twenty yrs now.......but we still stretch our money out......a couple of yrs back the Director got a substransial raise...($11.50 an hour)....we save the whole raise.......a couple of the people that she works with bought new cars or moved........we have save our's for what if..........there is no shame to live a low keyed life style.......I have a friend that makes several hundred thousand dollars a year from his businesses.......he has a debit card and nothing savings....nothing........he is a great guy and very intelligent........and very successful........but I feel sorry for him.......
I don't consider myself wealthy, but I don't owe anyone a single penny. I own my home, the building my business is in, my vehicles, a little land, and some savings. I've never been one to make payments. My tastes are simple, and if I can't pay for it outright, then I don't want it.
Cord the first twenty years my wife was a respiratory therapist she put the limit into the 401K + the 5K make has done very well......we always saved for the "rainy day"........we still is a habit that is hard to break.......hell......I have friends my age that don't even have life insurance........but the always have the latest phone and a new vehicle every two years........we have been financially liquid for about twenty yrs now.......but we still stretch our money out......a couple of yrs back the Director got a substransial raise...($11.50 an hour)....we save the whole raise.......a couple of the people that she works with bought new cars or moved........we have save our's for what if..........there is no shame to live a low keyed life style.......I have a friend that makes several hundred thousand dollars a year from his businesses.......he has a debit card and nothing savings....nothing........he is a great guy and very intelligent........and very successful........but I feel sorry for him.......
We are the same way awf, Mrs. M is getting ready to call it quits(when they ask her when she is going to retire, she says in less than 52 weeks) I am the only one who knows!

She is very conservative (Berg slang for cheap), but we are ok, we don't need, but we buy what we want. She has gone over everything and says we are going to be ok, I trust her with that! I am looking forward to her quitting. Her only problem is she has no hobbies, I am hoping to get her to help me with my stained glass. I wish I could send my D friends a Christmas ornament.
Shrimp scampi. I am now fixing it.

Butter (3 tablespoons), extra olive oil (3 tablespoons), five or six cloves of garlic minced or all you want, a lot of black pepper, a couple teaspoons of salt. Cook this in a large skillet for a few minutes at a robust heat; until you want to eat anything that smells as good as garlic.

Pour in .75 cup of dry white wine, the juice of one large lemon, and red pepper if you like it. Cook the wine and lemon juice down to 1/2 it original size. Add 2 or 2 1/2 pounds of cooked shrimp with tails on, or off if you so choose. Warm up the shrimp, or if the shriimp is not cooked cook put them in as you cook down the wine and lemon juice, until the shrimp turns pink. Sprinkle parsley all over it, if you like parsley.

It is done. Quick easy and wonderful.

Serve over pasta, bread or rice; that is all up to you. I prefer rice my wife like pasta. We both like it over bread.

Shrimp scampi is good stuff. I just hope that I did not leave out some good stuff because I am typing this off my memory; however, that is usually the way I cook.

Very few things are better than shrimp scampi. It is so simple that you can't understand why it is so easy to fix.

Shrimp scampi is like women; God perfected a few things, and those two were perfected. 😁
I'm with you on the shrimp scampi Bert. For a fast food restaurant, Long John Silver's has pretty good scampi.
Shrimp scampi. I am now fixing it.
Wow! So are we. The Mrs about an hour ago asked if I wanted it for dinner tonight. That was a big 'yes'.
I love foods from the gulf. Cajuns were dumped into the swamps and were supposed to die. Instead they invented some of the best food known to man.
Used to travel to New Orleans twice a month. People in the office knew all the good local restaurants to go to....and the 'tourist traps' that were good (some aren't). Absolutely loved the food. Best city I think for eating.
All this talk of shrimp reminds me of when I was a kid of 21 in the late 1970s, living in Pompano Beach, Fla.

There was a pier that stretched out a ways, and twice a year as I recall (not clear on that part), the shrimp would run up the coast, and come in at night close enough that you could go out, hang a lantern on a rope just above the water, and scoop them with a long pole with a net on the end.

Anyone else ever do that? The young woman I was living with in those days was a native of South Florida and her brother had the gear and we'd get enough to boil them up and have them with a sauce she made.
...a couple of yrs back the Director got a substransial raise...($11.50 an hour)....we save the whole raise.
My Dad was like that. He made very good money, but his whole career he did that...get a raise and he would save it. Philosophy of we lived OK before we don't need it now.
He also dealt in mostly cash. Of course back in his time very, very few people had credit cards. Some had 'store cards' but even when credit cards became more popular, 60s, 70s, he may have had one and that's it. And no balance.
We had quite a lot (material things)...but no debt.
I don't owe anyone a single penny. I own my home, the building my business is in, my vehicles, a little land, and some savings. I've never been one to make payments
Same here. Don't owe a penny to anyone or anything. Great feeling.
Breaking News: Haiti asks for US troops. Can we just send Black Lives Matter instead?

Joe Biden is dumb enough to get sucked into this by the Congressional Black Caucus. And -- like last time when I was there in 1994 -- the US troops will have rules of engagement that prohibit them from doing anything but standing around.

The Americans sat inside Sheridan light tanks at intersections while murderous gangs of FRAPH paramilitaries gunned down Lavalas protestors with surplus US M1 Garands from five feet. I talked with soldiers who were frustrated to tears to be there, but unable to do anything because of the ROE.

As seen in that photo I posted the other day, journalists were caught in the middle of the cross fire, and it was left to us to try to get the wounded and dying to a hospital.
That good Ole Kentucky Mud. This trainee took a wrong turn. Must have been from Florida.

All this talk of shrimp reminds me of when I was a kid of 21 in the late 1970s, living in Pompano Beach, Fla.

There was a pier that stretched out a ways, and twice a year as I recall (not clear on that part), the shrimp would run up the coast, and come in at night close enough that you could go out, hang a lantern on a rope just above the water, and scoop them with a long pole with a net on the end.

Anyone else ever do that? The young woman I was living with in those days was a native of South Florida and her brother had the gear and we'd get enough to boil them up and have them with a sauce she made.
Yes, when I was younger we would wade out into Tampa Bay from the Pinellas County side and net shrimp. 90% of the ones we netted were used for bait. The area we netted was Allen's Creek which runs into Tampa Bay on the west shore of the bay.

Very few people knew of the place unless they were natives. Another hidden secret where the oyster beds that were under the U.S. 19 bridge over Allen's Creek. The oysters were delicious and only harvested by individuals who knew about them and they were very few of them. No commercial.

I went to the internet to try to find a net like the one we used. This was very close to it. This one can be used for blue crabs, crayfish and shrimp.

I know we all can/do make mistakes. But you would think a reporter, editor would review their work multiple times before publishing....quite the headline....wrong building.....

We went out to eat today. Businesses everywhere had "now hiring" signs. We saw a man holding up a "hungry for two" sign. I saw the same man a few days ago at a traffic light. I was about 4 cars back, but the lead car was caught at the red light. The man was in the street waving his arms and screaming at the car. I had the air on and the windows up, so I couldn't hear what he was saying. Maybe someone told him where he could find a job?
We are the same way awf, Mrs. M is getting ready to call it quits(when they ask her when she is going to retire, she says in less than 52 weeks) I am the only one who knows!

She is very conservative (Berg slang for cheap), but we are ok, we don't need, but we buy what we want. She has gone over everything and says we are going to be ok, I trust her with that! I am looking forward to her quitting. Her only problem is she has no hobbies, I am hoping to get her to help me with my stained glass. I wish I could send my D friends a Christmas ornament.
The Director was going to retire last December…….except she had a year left on her license……. so, now she is saying she has 13 CEU,s towards her license renewal….so now she is saying she is going to renew………just in case she decides to work part time…….I told her to do what makes her happy………my bet is on she doesn’t retire
Breaking News: Haiti asks for US troops. Can we just send Black Lives Matter instead?

Joe Biden is dumb enough to get sucked into this by the Congressional Black Caucus. And -- like last time when I was there in 1994 -- the US troops will have rules of engagement that prohibit them from doing anything but standing around.

The Americans sat inside Sheridan light tanks at intersections while murderous gangs of FRAPH paramilitaries gunned down Lavalas protestors with surplus US M1 Garands from five feet. I talked with soldiers who were frustrated to tears to be there, but unable to do anything because of the ROE.

As seen in that photo I posted the other day, journalists were caught in the middle of the cross fire, and it was left to us to try to get the wounded and dying to a hospital.
Holy Dominican Republic ca. 1965. How many more times must we babysit Hispaniola?

My former SGM years ago deployed there during the '65 intervention. I recall he said things became fairly intense at times. He redeployed to Vietnam within a year after.

By the way, US also occupied Haiti between 1915-1934.
We went out to eat today. Businesses everywhere had "now hiring" signs. We saw a man holding up a "hungry for two" sign. I saw the same man a few days ago at a traffic light. I was about 4 cars back, but the lead car was caught at the red light. The man was in the street waving his arms and screaming at the car. I had the air on and the windows up, so I couldn't hear what he was saying. Maybe someone told him where he could find a job?
Now Hiring signs posted at nearly every business I passed this trip to Middlesboro. Smithfield meat processing advertising at $14/hr.
Holy Dominican Republic ca. 1965. How many more times must we babysit Hispaniola?

My former SGM years ago deployed there during the '65 intervention. I recall he said things became fairly intense at times. He redeployed to Vietnam within a year after.

By the way, US also occupied Haiti between 1915-1934.
Top three places I’ve reported on US Troops that the US should never set foot in again, but probably will: 1. Somalia 2. Afghanistan 3. Haiti
Now Hiring signs posted at nearly every business I passed this trip to Middlesboro. Smithfield meat processing advertising at $14/hr.
They hired some temp-to-hire workers at my job 2 weeks ago, one has already quit, and the other has a foot out the door. Sitting home and drawing unemployment all these months has made people lazier than ever.
Something that is getting to be a thing of the past is canning. People would can corn, green beans, pickles, hot green tomato kraut, tomato juice, blackberry jelly/jam, etc. One of my favorites was, pickled corn. Fix some soup beans, fried potatoes, and pickled corn, and you had a good country supper. Pickled beans were also good also, but not nearly as good as pickled corn.
I'm not too old to be a fan of the German Olympic team. Alica Schmidt will run the women's 4x400.
If the Americans don't win I'll be pulling for the Germans.

On an Olympic note, my junior year roommate was on UK's swim and water polo team. Hell of an athlete. His brother broke the world record for the 100 meter butterfly and I believe it stood for over a year. He was on the 1980 Olympic team that boycotted the Moscow Olympics and swam for the 1984 Olympic team (no medals). Sadly he died in 2004 in a head on car crash.
I interviewed once for a job that would have been Haiti related. Was a ministry (don't recall the name) that worked in Haiti...had a fleet of planes...don't remember now exactly what they did. Ship in supplies, fly in missionaries, etc I think. It was for a National Director of donations....visit deep pocket people to try to get them to donate, etc. Didn't get the job and was glad of it, even then. Wasn't looking forward to many, many trips there.
But I did get a nice vacation out of it. For the final interview they wanted to visit with both me and my wife. So they flew us to L.A. The company was on a retreat in the San Bernardino Mountains up fairly close to Big Bear Lake. Were there a week...couple of of the time was ours to do what we wanted. All expenses paid so it was nice all around.
Something that is getting to be a thing of the past is canning. People would can corn, green beans, pickles, hot green tomato kraut, tomato juice, blackberry jelly/jam, etc. One of my favorites was, pickled corn. Fix some soup beans, fried potatoes, and pickled corn, and you had a good country supper. Pickled beans were also good also, but not nearly as good as pickled corn.
Last year you couldn't find canning supplies. We don't can a lot, but the Mrs always wants to...especially now that she's retired. It took her forever last year to find jars and lids. The panic I guess caused a lot of people to start gardens.