Did he try rocking it back and forth? That usually works.That good Ole Kentucky Mud. This trainee took a wrong turn. Must have been from Florida.
Did he try rocking it back and forth? That usually works.That good Ole Kentucky Mud. This trainee took a wrong turn. Must have been from Florida.
Yes, when I was younger we would wade out into Tampa Bay from the Pinellas County side and net shrimp. 90% of the ones we netted were used for bait. The area we netted was Allen's Creek which runs into Tampa Bay on the west shore of the bay.All this talk of shrimp reminds me of when I was a kid of 21 in the late 1970s, living in Pompano Beach, Fla.
There was a pier that stretched out a ways, and twice a year as I recall (not clear on that part), the shrimp would run up the coast, and come in at night close enough that you could go out, hang a lantern on a rope just above the water, and scoop them with a long pole with a net on the end.
Anyone else ever do that? The young woman I was living with in those days was a native of South Florida and her brother had the gear and we'd get enough to boil them up and have them with a sauce she made.
The Director was going to retire last December…….except she had a year left on her license……. so, now she is saying she has 13 CEU,s towards her license renewal….so now she is saying she is going to renew………just in case she decides to work part time…….I told her to do what makes her happy………my bet is on she doesn’t retireWe are the same way awf, Mrs. M is getting ready to call it quits(when they ask her when she is going to retire, she says in less than 52 weeks) I am the only one who knows!
She is very conservative (Berg slang for cheap), but we are ok, we don't need, but we buy what we want. She has gone over everything and says we are going to be ok, I trust her with that! I am looking forward to her quitting. Her only problem is she has no hobbies, I am hoping to get her to help me with my stained glass. I wish I could send my D friends a Christmas ornament.
The Director is allergic to shell fish……..I think it is because she was born so far up in the mountains that shell fish were alien…..itIm just the opposite...I'll eat shrimp just about anyway it can be prepared.
Holy Dominican Republic ca. 1965. How many more times must we babysit Hispaniola?Breaking News: Haiti asks for US troops. Can we just send Black Lives Matter instead?
Joe Biden is dumb enough to get sucked into this by the Congressional Black Caucus. And -- like last time when I was there in 1994 -- the US troops will have rules of engagement that prohibit them from doing anything but standing around.
The Americans sat inside Sheridan light tanks at intersections while murderous gangs of FRAPH paramilitaries gunned down Lavalas protestors with surplus US M1 Garands from five feet. I talked with soldiers who were frustrated to tears to be there, but unable to do anything because of the ROE.
As seen in that photo I posted the other day, journalists were caught in the middle of the cross fire, and it was left to us to try to get the wounded and dying to a hospital.
I stuck an M113 about as bad at Hohenfels MTA once. Called in an M88. Easy recovery for those beasts.That good Ole Kentucky Mud. This trainee took a wrong turn. Must have been from Florida.
Now Hiring signs posted at nearly every business I passed this trip to Middlesboro. Smithfield meat processing advertising at $14/hr.We went out to eat today. Businesses everywhere had "now hiring" signs. We saw a man holding up a "hungry for two" sign. I saw the same man a few days ago at a traffic light. I was about 4 cars back, but the lead car was caught at the red light. The man was in the street waving his arms and screaming at the car. I had the air on and the windows up, so I couldn't hear what he was saying. Maybe someone told him where he could find a job?
Top three places I’ve reported on US Troops that the US should never set foot in again, but probably will: 1. Somalia 2. Afghanistan 3. HaitiHoly Dominican Republic ca. 1965. How many more times must we babysit Hispaniola?
My former SGM years ago deployed there during the '65 intervention. I recall he said things became fairly intense at times. He redeployed to Vietnam within a year after.
By the way, US also occupied Haiti between 1915-1934.
A chicken processing plant here is paying more than that AND a two dollar an hour bonus for each week with perfect attendance. Times sure have changed.Now Hiring signs posted at nearly every business I passed this trip to Middlesboro. Smithfield meat processing advertising at $14/hr.
They hired some temp-to-hire workers at my job 2 weeks ago, one has already quit, and the other has a foot out the door. Sitting home and drawing unemployment all these months has made people lazier than ever.Now Hiring signs posted at nearly every business I passed this trip to Middlesboro. Smithfield meat processing advertising at $14/hr.
If the Americans don't win I'll be pulling for the Germans.I'm not too old to be a fan of the German Olympic team. Alica Schmidt will run the women's 4x400.
She wins no matter what. Publicity will have her on TV and sponsorships.I'm not too old to be a fan of the German Olympic team. Alica Schmidt will run the women's 4x400.
Last year you couldn't find canning supplies. We don't can a lot, but the Mrs always wants to...especially now that she's retired. It took her forever last year to find jars and lids. The panic I guess caused a lot of people to start gardens.Something that is getting to be a thing of the past is canning. People would can corn, green beans, pickles, hot green tomato kraut, tomato juice, blackberry jelly/jam, etc. One of my favorites was, pickled corn. Fix some soup beans, fried potatoes, and pickled corn, and you had a good country supper. Pickled beans were also good also, but not nearly as good as pickled corn.
Had to be pulled into battle by an M88 during our trek across Iraq. I was on the top of the M88 as we crossed the Saudi-Iraq border. The fan tower on my M110A1 Howitzer froze up in route because of sand. Quickly got it replaced in our first position. Amazing how quickly maintenance can work when you really need to move. Below is my howitzer awaiting maintenance.I stuck an M113 about as bad at Hohenfels MTA once. Called in an M88. Easy recovery for those beasts.
Yeah, sand is always a scourge. Maintenance during Desert Storm was a constant challenge. I TC'd an M577 command track. As luck would have it, our fan tower froze shortly after cease fire. What a mess.Had to be pulled into battle by an M88 during our trek across Iraq. I was on the top of the M88 as we crossed the Saudi-Iraq border. The fan tower on my M110A1 Howitzer froze up in route because of sand. Quickly got it replaced in our first position. Amazing how quickly maintenance can work when you really need to move. Below is my howitzer awaiting maintenance.
I transferred from 2AD FWD to 1AD in 1992 during drawdown/realignment. A Stars and Stripes Europe headline from 1993 mentioned my unit might receive alert for deployment to Somalia. Glad I missed that one.Top three places I’ve reported on US Troops that the US should never set foot in again, but probably will: 1. Somalia 2. Afghanistan 3. Haiti
It was brutal. I went into Mogadishu with a couple other guys about a month before the Marines came in. The clans spent that time in constant firefights trying to control as much of the city as they could before forced to cease fire when the UN intervened. We had no clean water, power, or plumbing and were eating rancid camel meat. I got dysentery and lost 38 pounds. In short, you didn’t miss a thing.I transferred from 2AD FWD to 1AD in 1992 during drawdown/realignment. A Stars and Stripes Europe headline from 1993 mentioned my unit might receive alert for deployment to Somalia. Glad I missed that one.
I'm with you on the shrimp scampi Bert. For a fast food restaurant, Long John Silver's has pretty good scampi.
All this talk of shrimp reminds me of when I was a kid of 21 in the late 1970s, living in Pompano Beach, Fla.
There was a pier that stretched out a ways, and twice a year as I recall (not clear on that part), the shrimp would run up the coast, and come in at night close enough that you could go out, hang a lantern on a rope just above the water, and scoop them with a long pole with a net on the end.
Anyone else ever do that? The young woman I was living with in those days was a native of South Florida and her brother had the gear and we'd get enough to boil them up and have them with a sauce she made.
My Dad was like that. He made very good money, but his whole career he did that...get a raise and he would save it. Philosophy of we lived OK before it....so we don't need it now.
He also dealt in mostly cash. Of course back in his time very, very few people had credit cards. Some had 'store cards' but even when credit cards became more popular, 60s, 70s, he may have had one and that's it. And no balance.
We had quite a lot (material things)...but no debt.
Same here. Don't owe a penny to anyone or anything. Great feeling.
We put up a lot of food in jars.......I was doing an inventory on our canning jars yesterday.......we have a mountain of jars......and three pressure cookers.....two for quarts and one for half gallons......in a two season period we put up over 1,300 jars of food..........most of our grandchildren don't even know green beans come in tin cans.....Something that is getting to be a thing of the past is canning. People would can corn, green beans, pickles, hot green tomato kraut, tomato juice, blackberry jelly/jam, etc. One of my favorites was, pickled corn. Fix some soup beans, fried potatoes, and pickled corn, and you had a good country supper. Pickled beans were also good also, but not nearly as good as pickled corn.
With credit cards that give you 1-3% cash back.......we keep two cards......we learned a good lesson one time in England.....we only had one credit card and someone at London Gatwick airport stole our number and our card was locked the next day......we was at a very nice restaurant and I tried to pay for a large bill.......for 14 people.....my daughter saved the day and our vacation with a loan..........it still cast a pall over our vacation.....I owe some but I could pay it all off so I am good. We have credit cards but never carry a balance, pay them as we go. We keep some assets liquid to assist our kids or buy another property if the opportunity comes around that we like. (Just made an offer on a piece of property a few minutes ago. I hope we get it.)
A number of years ago during the Winter months I was bored so I thought I would start a project on a room in the basement that is closed off with a door....back in the day it was a root cellar. Knew that there were a lot of old canning jars there...some even had 'something' in them (who knows what and how old)...but the old root cellar was mostly a junk room. Found a bunch of very old, very neat things. Her family history, 1800s newspapers, etc. But there were probably a couple thousand jars. So I started taking the ones that looked the oldest and cleaning them up. Got online and found a number of sites where you could date them, and even how much they may be worth today. So now the Mrs has a number of them displayed around the house.....quite a few are supposedly worth more than $2000 each..I was doing an inventory on our canning jars yesterday.......we have a mountain of jars......
Hopefully finished or at least stops for a few by the time I drive by in a couple hours.Good morning D, read Jeremiah 42.
Bert it's headed your way! We are under a flood watch, warning until tomorrow, 2-4" possible!!!!
Have a great day D!!! Prayers!!!
Be careful ATX, hydro-plaining!!!!Hopefully finished or at least stops for a few by the time I drive by in a couple hours.
I have never seen an ugly yown before. But, to be honest, I have never seen a yown.It's a cool upper 50s this morning and clear. Heading up to about 80. They say a chance of showers but when I look at the weather app and the hourly forecasts...it shows about 10-15% every hour so go figure.
Not much going on today. The Mrs is meeting up with some other ladies who have started a yown beautification committee....so I guess they're working on a project this morning beatifying something. Who knows, but she'll enjoy it...gives her something else to do....and maybe it will benefit the town.
Mowed about all day yesterday so may do some trimming today. Or straighten up the garage (a project I could do everyday...how does it get so messy?...who leaves all my tools laying around?)
Y'all have a good Saturday.
Whew! Good thing it was not pick your nose day.Good morning from Shawanee, TN. Currently 66°F and partly cloudy.
Planning on accompanying daughter to Ellis Tires in Middlesboro at 9 am. Her car needs a new tire. Leaving SE KY area at 11 am EST. Plan on arriving at Bert's around 2 pm. I may return here on Tuesday, but doubtful. Probably stay in central KY until Wednesday morning.
Been a good visit. Gonna miss it as always.
Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.