We are the same way awf, Mrs. M is getting ready to call it quits(when they ask her when she is going to retire, she says in less than 52 weeks) I am the only one who knows!Cord the first twenty years my wife was a respiratory therapist she put the limit into the 401K + the 5K make up.......it has done very well......we always saved for the "rainy day"........we still do.......it is a habit that is hard to break.......hell......I have friends my age that don't even have life insurance........but the always have the latest phone and a new vehicle every two years........we have been financially liquid for about twenty yrs now.......but we still stretch our money out......a couple of yrs back the Director got a substransial raise...($11.50 an hour)....we save the whole raise.......a couple of the people that she works with bought new cars or moved........we have save our's for what if..........there is no shame to live a low keyed life style.......I have a friend that makes several hundred thousand dollars a year from his businesses.......he has a debit card and nothing else.......no savings....nothing........he is a great guy and very intelligent........and very successful........but I feel sorry for him.......
She is very conservative (Berg slang for cheap), but we are ok, we don't need, but we buy what we want. She has gone over everything and says we are going to be ok, I trust her with that! I am looking forward to her quitting. Her only problem is she has no hobbies, I am hoping to get her to help me with my stained glass. I wish I could send my D friends a Christmas ornament.