
Sigourney Weaver wouldn't do Aliens 3 if there were guns in the picture. Go figure. I think she was a co-producer.

Seriously? Had never heard that. Wondered what happened to her after these movies because I don't remember seeing her much. She sure doesn't mind picking one up in a role now. Her and Liam Neeson and their gun hypocrisy. Tired of all of it
The Big Blue Heron has been joined by his white egret friends. When we have a nice rain it provides a feeding grounds for our feathered friends. The Blue Heron is a regular visitor during the summer months.


We had a nesting pair on our property until the most recent flooding. Haven't seen them since and miss em
The Big Blue Heron has been joined by his white egret friends. When we have a nice rain it provides a feeding grounds for our feathered friends. The Blue Heron is a regular visitor during the summer months.

I had a sat dish to watch Kentucky games in Jacksonville and it had to be covered up so it would not look like a large dish, so it was "undercover" and looked like a patio umbrella. My blue heron loved to sit on top of it and poop. I had to clean it ever day or so. He would not even fly off when I went running at him. I guess he felt he was too elevated for me to hurt him.
I had a sat dish to watch Kentucky games in Jacksonville and it had to be covered up so it would not look like a large dish, so it was "undercover" and looked like a patio umbrella. My blue heron loved to sit on top of it and poop. I had to clean it ever day or so. He would not even fly off when I went running at him. I guess he felt he was too elevated for me to hurt him.
Bert, for some reason I can see you "judging" this one during your times in Jacksonville. It was held down at the Gulf station. LOL

Good morning D-League. It's currently 80° and overcast. This is will bring a mix of sun and clouds, with a thunderstorm possible, and a high of 88°.

Everyone stay safe out there today.

The Brooklyn Bridge's older, smaller brother in Cincinnati, the Roebling Bridge. John Roebling built both, the one in Cincy is roughly two-thirds as long.
The Brooklyn Bridge's older, smaller brother in Cincinnati, the Roebling Bridge. John Roebling built both, the one in Cincy is roughly two-thirds as long.
Yep. BB is also double-arched & 3-4 lanes in each direction vs. Roebling's 2 lanes total. And much higher over the water to allow steamships under it. Mass of the BB piers might be 10x those of RB. RB is cool nonetheless.

Growing up, no one called it the Roebling Bridge but just the Suspension Bridge. I still do. Some time (1990?), somewhere people got woke on the Roebling name. Suppose it was for tourism purposes. But when you look at RB, sure looks like the prototype for BB.

RB would have been completed several years earlier than it was in 1867 if not for Civil War. There are Civil War photos of the piers only just sitting there in the water/on shore. In a short time, a streetcar company started running cars (horse-drawn initially) between Cincy & Covington on it, then between Covington & Newport on a Licking RIver bridge. Continued till early 1950's (Did switch to electric.) . One grandpa was a conductor from early 1900's till late 1930's. So his family with my Mom always lived within a few blocks of the streetcar barn in Newport so it was simple for him to walk to work. There were lines out to Ft. Mitchell, Ludlow & Latonia Race Track in Kenton County & to Ft. Thomas & Dayton in Campbell. They were each around 3 miles except Ft. Mitchell might have been 5.

Oh, and I've walked across both.
Good morning D, read 39.
I've caught up. And watched the movie too.
The Big Blue Heron has been joined by his white egret friends. When we have a nice rain it provides a feeding grounds for our feathered friends. The Blue Heron is a regular visitor during the summer months.

Those white mud sucking ditch pigeons look very ibisey. The dark feathered Glossies here are better than your worthless white ones.

Glad all seems to have "weathered the storm". I am thankful. Do you get any of those four-legged walking long-tailed, big-toothed gizzards, I mean lizards coming into your domain (Property)? (Just curious.)

Gators are indeed Big-tooth gizzard lizards and like their glorified feathered contemporaries, swaller rocks into them to grind up items they gulp down.
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Glad all seems to have "weathered the storm". I am thankful. Do you get any of those four-legged walking long-tailed, big-toothed gizzards, I mean lizards coming into your domain (Property)? (Just curious.)
No, but I tell you what, when those biguns do come around let's call Chief Jim Billie and his boy Micco to take care of them. Big Alligator

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Anyone else shocked that things are off the rails again in Haiti? Didn't think so. Bad scene, and I genuinely feel bad for some of the people. I've been there. Many deserve a better fate than they'll ever receive.

That said, what an opportunity for Black Lives Matter. Haiti - now that's a place where you could elevate the worth of black lives pretty dramatically.
Anyone else shocked that things are off the rails again in Haiti? Didn't think so. Bad scene, and I genuinely feel bad for some of the people. I've been there. Many deserve a better fate than they'll ever receive.

That said, what an opportunity for Black Lives Matter. Haiti - now that's a place where you could elevate the worth of black lives pretty dramatically.
This is a nation where "civil rights" leaders and workers should flock to. If any nation needs that it is Haiti. It has been this way all of my life and is one of the very few Caribbean countries I have stayed away from. I have not been to Cuba or Haiti but I have been about ever where else down there.

I was very uncomfortable working in Jamaica. I had to go into the interior of the nation and Kingston and my white skin was not welcome. If you stay in the resorts I think it is pretty safe but I was not on vacation. I was working Hurricane Gilbert.
This is a nation where "civil rights" leaders and workers should flock to. If any nation needs that it is Haiti. It has been this way all of my life and is one of the very few Caribbean countries I have stayed away from. I have not been to Cuba or Haiti but I have been about ever where else down there.

I was very uncomfortable working in Jamaica. I had to go into the interior of the nation and Kingston and my white skin was not welcome. If you stay in the resorts I think it is pretty safe but I was not on vacation. I was working Hurricane Gilbert.
Sawnee, Haiti has some lovely people, and a weird, colorful culture that fascinated me. But it is incredibly violent. I was there in 1994 and witnessed people killed with everything from grenades to machetes -- and I mean eye-witnessed.

This photo of me and a couple other journalists trying to help a Haitian protester gunned down by thugs with M1-Garands ran in Newsweek that fall (that's me in the vest and blue shirt on the right...he died before we could load him in our SUV.)
Cool story. arrogant knucklehead becomes a hero.

when Smith was notified that he was awarded the Medal of Honor, he was on KP duty as a punishment. Nothing could be more illustrative of his military career.”
The Brooklyn Bridge's older, smaller brother in Cincinnati, the Roebling Bridge. John Roebling built both, the one in Cincy is roughly two-thirds as long.
Sadly on our visit to NYC, we didn't get to see the Brooklyn Bridge. We were planning on going back this year, and seeing it, but decided to postpone it due to the uptick in crime.
Sadly on our visit to NYC, we didn't get to see the Brooklyn Bridge. We were planning on going back this year, and seeing it, but decided to postpone it due to the uptick in crime.
Well, I hope you get the chance after things settle down, assuming they do. My wife's extended family is from up that way so we get there fairly often. I'd never want to stay more than a week, but no denying NYC is a fascinating place. I've crossed the Brooklyn Bridge by car. It's a terrific traffic mess most of the time, but is the fastest way coming from DC to get to where her favorite cousin lives.
Well, I hope you get the chance after things settle down, assuming they do. My wife's extended family is from up that way so we get there fairly often. I'd never want to stay more than a week, but no denying NYC is a fascinating place. I've crossed the Brooklyn Bridge by car. It's a terrific traffic mess most of the time, but is the fastest way coming from DC to get to where her favorite cousin lives.
When we went over to see the Empire State Building, they had 6th Avenue blocked off with a crowd gathered on both sides. Curious as to what was going on, we asked someone and they told us it was for a Korean Parade. We probably stayed close to an hour watching it. My youngest daughter fully enjoyed it.

Good morning D, read 40 this morning.

Cloudy here in the Berg this morning, I hope the wind keeps blowing, drying the grass out so I can mow before it starts raining!!!!

Our preacher is doing a study, do Angels exist, very interesting. A couple weeks ago he talked about GOD and satan meeting, had never thought about it, but it's there twice in the Bible about them meeting !

I hope the D, has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!!!
Good morning D

What a difference a day makes. Beautiful this morning with cool temperatures and sunshine today.

We are a pleasant 72° with the suns rising. Today will bring our normal pattern of scattered thunderstorms and sunshine as we reach 82°. Winds are a mild 4 MPH. Today I will start putting things back in their place that I moved to protect them. All in all it was a very mild "storm" and brought us some welcomed rain. Unfortunately one person was killed in Jacksonville by a fallen tree. Since little to no power was lost it reduced the need for generators. Over the past several years improper use of generators has led to more deaths than the storm itself.

Read Jeremiah 40. They are celebrating down in Tampa as the Bolts won back to back Stanley Cups. Trust all have a nice day.
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Sawnee, Haiti has some lovely people, and a weird, colorful culture that fascinated me. But it is incredibly violent. I was there in 1994 and witnessed people killed with everything from grenades to machetes -- and I mean eye-witnessed.

This photo of me and a couple other journalists trying to help a Haitian protester gunned down by thugs with M1-Garands ran in Newsweek that fall (that's me in the vest and blue shirt on the right...he died before we could load him in our SUV.)
55, I thought about you last night, I watched a documentary about Ernest Hemingway, very interesting, talked about him and his experience in WW1, his career in journalism and his writings. It also talked about the story or book he wrote "Up in Michigan" didn't go over well at that time!!!!
55, I thought about you last night, I watched a documentary about Ernest Hemingway, very interesting, talked about him and his experience in WW1, his career in journalism and his writings. It also talked about the story or book he wrote "Up in Michigan" didn't go over well at that time!!!!
Hey Cord: Thanks for that mention. I appreciate the kind thoughts.

I saw that documentary and thought it was terrific. Certainly as an adolescent my two heros were the two Ernies -- Ernest Hemingway and Ernie Pyle -- who were correspondents during WW2. Very, very different men with totally different styles. During my career I got to work where Pyle was based -- the Scripps Howard Washington Bureau -- and was surrounded by lots of his WW2 memorabilia. He wrote a famous column about a KIA named Captain Waskow which I recommend and can be found online. The original typewritten manuscript was hanging in that office in the 1990s when I worked there.
The Big Blue Heron has been joined by his white egret friends. When we have a nice rain it provides a feeding grounds for our feathered friends. The Blue Heron is a regular visitor during the summer months.

We have a BB Heron (At least I think it's same one. Never see two.) that regularly visits the pond up the street. Saw it last evening.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 70° and humid. This afternoon will bring more of same, a mix of sun and clouds, with thunderstorms possible and a high of 82°.

Everyone stay safe out there today.

Manarola in the Cinque Terre. Have stayed in two of the five towns, but not there. All good, but think Vernazza is the best.