
Morning folks. It is 77.7°F here and mostly sunny on our way to 90°. Yesterday got higher than predicted. I bet we beat 90° today.

Swanee batten down the hatches and enjoy the benefits of the good rain. I hope some of it comes our way.

On mules: I never plowed with a mule as we used our tractor, but dad always used an old mule to till the garden and tobacco patch. We always borrowed Dalfus Garrett's old blind mule. She totaled trusted what you directed her to do as she was blind to the point that you had to direct her away from a hole or something like that as she would trip. Still on mules: my dad was a Baptist Deacon in our church. Another deacon in the same church raised Belgian draft mules. They were big. Mainly anymore, they do not use them in the field but they are strong.
I drove over to the Gulf and it is a brewing down yonder South of us. It will be here soon.

Sticking on the subject of mules, I saw a bunch of mules growing up when I visited my Pike County grandpa in the 40's and 50's. . During my childhood they out numbered tractors about 10 -1 in those hills.

One of my grandpa's vices was horse trading. Men would gather on the "trading grounds" and drink moonshine and swap horses and mules. Sometimes he would let me tag along. I've seen someone get so crazy they traded all of their living room furniture (including their wife's TV) for a floppy eared mule. But mules and country boys are fading fast away .

I drove over to the Gulf and it is a brewing down yonder South of us. It will be here soon.

Sticking on the subject of mules, I saw a bunch of mules growing up when I visited my Pike County grandpa in the 40's and 50's. . During my childhood they out numbered tractors about 10 -1 in those hills.

One of my grandpa's vices was horse trading. Men would gather on the "trading grounds" and drink moonshine and swap horses and mules. Sometimes he would let me tag along. I've seen someone get so crazy they traded all of their living room furniture (including their wife's TV) for a floppy eared mule. But mules and country boys are fading fast away .

You need to copyright that last story and sell it to a country legend for their next great hit. That song nearly writes itself
Rooster - thanks for that link. I’m looking forward to studying what’s there. I’ve relied pretty exclusively on what my cousin researched and posted online for family history. At a glance, this looks like it fits into that narrative pretty well, with some differences.
Perfect! That's how this works. Sourced evidence matters!
To the D, that are reading with me, I am going to start reading just one chapter a day, because the ladies I am reading with are saying they can't keep up with me reading more than one. I have started reading Daniel, so I am reading one then going to Daniel. You watch, a short chapter will come up and I will get a message that says I read 99&100!!!!!!
I'm behind but not worried in the oasis.
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She is coming. Elsa will be paying a visit so I made preparations for her. We are up to "Hurricane Warning" now and the storm is projected to land in my county, about 60 miles North of Tampa She is going to hug the Gulf Coast from the Keys to the Big Bend.

There is a light rain currently and wind gusts were strong earlier but clamed down. It should be an interesting evening as they pick up again and are sustained. All of the action will be during the night. They just mentioned winds should top out at 75 mph .

When the forecast is for 100 mph or greater winds I put these metal storm shutters up. Elsa is not getting anywhere near that so I didn't mess with them . These metal panels slide into the slots above the window and are bolted down. By having your house "hurricane proof" you save a bunch on your home insurance..

I few weeks ago when it was dry and no rain in sight I said it is coming and now she is here. Batten down the hatches boys



Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison Lyrics​

I hear the train a comin'
It's rollin' 'round the bend
And I ain't seen the sunshine
Since, I don't know when

I'm stuck in Folsom Prison
And time keeps draggin' on
But that train keeps a-rollin'
On down to San Antone

When I was just a baby
My Mama told me, "Son
Always be a good boy
Don't ever play with guns"

But I shot a man in Reno
Just to watch him die
When I hear that whistle blowin'
I hang my head and cry

I bet there's rich folks eatin'
From a fancy dining car
They're probably drinkin' coffee
And smokin' big cigars

Well, I know I had it comin'
I know I can't be free
But those people keep a-movin'
And that's what tortures me

Well, if they freed me from this prison
If that railroad train was mine
I bet I'd move it a little
Farther down the line

Far from Folsom Prison
That's where I want to stay
And I'd let that lonesome whistle
Blow my blues away
Johnny is and forever will be my favorite. I must have every recording he made. I bought the first one in 1955. I might just listen to him all night long as we ride out the coming storm.
I met Johnny and June in the Atlanta airport back in the eighties. The oldest kid was about 12 and the youngest about 4. Johnny and June went in to the VIP lounge and created quite a buzz in the boarding area. The oldest didn't know who he was, but knew he was a significant person, so she wanted his autograph. She literally sat in the doorway so she wouldn't miss him when he came out. When he came out, she was awestruck and couldn't speak or move. He had to step over her. By the time we rounded up the three kids, we were the last people to board the plane. Johnny and June loaded with us. Johnny was nice, but quiet. June was a real chatter box. Seemed like good people.
She is coming. Elsa will be paying a visit so I made preparations for her. We are up to "Hurricane Warning" now and the storm is projected to land in my county, about 60 miles North of Tampa She is going to hug the Gulf Coast from the Keys to the Big Bend.

There is a light rain currently and wind gusts were strong earlier but clamed down. It should be an interesting evening as they pick up again and are sustained. All of the action will be during the night. They just mentioned winds should top out at 75 mph .

When the forecast is for 100 mph or greater winds I put these metal storm shutters up. Elsa is not getting anywhere near that so I didn't mess with them . These metal panels slide into the slots above the window and are bolted down. By having your house "hurricane proof" you save a bunch on your home insurance..

I few weeks ago when it was dry and no rain in sight I said it is coming and now she is here. Batten down the hatches boys


In places like Portland and Minneapolis, they call these riot shutters.
Some, not all, 50s and 60s architecture I still like. Probably because my Dad and Mom, when I was going into the 4th grade, bought a house that was a State of Ohio show home in cooperation with the power company in the late 50s. Couldn't be sold for a year in that is was an open house everyday. Really neat house with a lot of bells and whistles that were either not available yet, or were in very few homes. I remember one time shortly after moving in, the garage door was open and a delivery man or somebody came into the garage and you could hear him yelling. We thought someone had died or were injured. Ran to the garage and the guy was in total shock. The garage door opener button was next to the door leading to the house and he thought it was a door when he hit it he had a shock with the garage door going down. I'll never forget that.
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Absolutely no comparison (that is one beautiful golf course cord) but the course at Stone Mtn Park outside Atlanta has some beautiful holes with the mountain as a drop back.....


One reason I absolutely loved golf when I was younger. The beauty of just about any course...the quiet...the birds chirping....just loved the whole experience.