
Sitting by the pool last night we had some beautiful colors as the sun set over the Gulf. We get these about every night in the summer, especially if we have a late afternoon thunderstorm. It is relaxing.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and cloudy. Rain coming later tonight or early tomorrow. Today's high could reach 92°F. We'll take it.

Pup seems constipated now. We go from one extreme to another.

Paypal increasing fees. No biggie as I rarely take advantage of the instant services.

Usual routine today. First a walk followed by straightening up around here. Grocery shopping around noon. Zaxby's later.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Jan has studied (on her own, not regular schooling) quite a bit. She says pumpkin (not pie filling) can work on both diarrhea and constipation depending on how much you give them. She said if it was her dog, she would give him one table spoon of pumpkin (again not pie filling).
Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and cloudy. Rain coming later tonight or early tomorrow. Today's high could reach 92°F. We'll take it.

Pup seems constipated now. We go from one extreme to another.

Paypal increasing fees. No biggie as I rarely take advantage of the instant services.

Usual routine today. First a walk followed by straightening up around here. Grocery shopping around noon. Zaxby's later.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Oooo. I was craving ice cream cake a few days ago. Looks like it may have been ordained from below (dang tastebuds)
Jan has studied (on her own, not regular schooling) quite a bit. She says pumpkin (not pie filling) can work on both diarrhea and constipation depending on how much you give them. She said if it was her dog, she would give him one table spoon of pumpkin (again not pie filling).
Was going to say this. Worked for most of our dogs over the years
Facebook is a wonderful idea and platform but it is a crying shame the people who run it are so political. Because of this I have many friends and relatives who will not go on it. It is a wonderful way to keep in touch with loved ones and friends if not for the "fact checkers" and political slants. They even fact check jokes.
What kind of psycho fact checks jokes? Lol. It's rhetorical (JenP's doppleganger) ...
It's about 110° in this bath. Should get down to 90° before I drag my itchy ask out of it. Got in a hurry and didn't do what I usually do... Chiggers got me really bad.

God is good, hope He blesses you today and this week, and may whatever fish you're trying to land bring some big friends along to make the quota!
Florida is not for everybody. There are many places you would never catch me living or visiting in Florida. Namely Ft Lauderdale, Miami or Orlando. I prefer a more laid back lifestyle like this front porch and rocking chair


Laid back is what I'm looking for in a home base. We've got a creek and a few acres here, but I'd like a better year round temp and just a couple hours to the ocean at most with less humidity

Sunday is fried chicken day and my wife has agreed to fry me a mess of chicken gizzards. We are going to try to fry them up in an air fryer. We have never done that before but a chicken gizzard is hard to mess up. You just cook them and enjoy. They should turn out like the picture below.

I looked up a recipe and it suggested boiling the gizzards for about a half hour before you air fry them up. Makes them very tender they say. So I will boil them, then roll them in flour with salt and black pepper. A little milk gravy on the side and I have a meal fit for a king.


Sunday is fried chicken day and my wife has agreed to fry me a mess of chicken gizzards. We are going to try to fry them up in an air fryer. We have never done that before but a chicken gizzard is hard to mess up. You just cook them and enjoy. They should turn out like the picture below.

I looked up a recipe and it suggested boiling the gizzards for about a half hour before you air fry them up. Makes them very tender they say. So I will boil them, then roll them in flour with salt and black pepper. A little milk gravy on the side and I have a meal fit for a king.


Want some!!
Jan has studied (on her own, not regular schooling) quite a bit. She says pumpkin (not pie filling) can work on both diarrhea and constipation depending on how much you give them. She said if it was her dog, she would give him one table spoon of pumpkin (again not pie filling).
My kids feed their dogs green bean straight from the can daily. They love them.
My kids feed their dogs green bean straight from the can daily. They love them.
Just don't feed them corn. Dogs can't digest corn very well and it gives them diarrhia. I've seen neighbors do it when people let their dogs roam to much. Look at the dog food labels, if it's a cheap food, corn will be high on the list of ingredients. By law, the first 5 ingredients in a dog food must be in order of the quantity in the food. Your dog won't crap as much when fed foods they digest better.

I'm leaning towards relocating to FL. Wife is not on board with that
I spent 15 years of my life in Jacksonville, FL. October thru May is wonderful. The rest is hot, humid and full of bugs. Mowing your yard is a labor. I have jumped into the pool with glasses, hat, shorts, shoes just to keep from having heat stroke. Also we are not going to discuss the "can't see ums". They are really small terrorists that can drive anyone crazy trying to trim the shrubs.

Of course Sawnee Cat is going to protest, but what does a darned drill instructor know. He liked to inflect pain! o_O I love him, but he was a "drill instructor"! At the least he was smart enough to marry a good Kentucky girl.

But Florida, come winter, is good because you can go outside by the pool and enjoy thanksgiving dinner. Winter in Florida is wonderful. Summer in Florida is a labor.

I have lived in Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Texas, Maryland and I have visited 45 of the 50 states. In my book South Central Kentucky has the best climate in the U.S. and Canada. We get some cold, we get some hot and we get some bad weather; however, we get less bad shit than the other places that I have lived and visited. In my life (75 years) I have never lived through a forest fire in Kentucky. I have lived though them in other areas. I spent a year in Texas when I did not see a cloud. I spent two weeks in North Carolina when it was fog.

Bottom line: in 2000 I retired. I could have moved to anywhere in the U.S. I chose Kentucky? Why, other than it being my ancestral home? Taxes are low (total taxes are the 4th lowest in the U.S.). I just came back from a vacation in Tennessee and I was shocked at the 11% sales taxes and it applied on food and everything. Property taxes are low in Kentucky and higher than hell in Texas, Tennessee, Florida, California, Kentucky state taxes are 6% but you get all the standard deductions from the federal taxes. In 21 years I have had to pay Kentucky taxes two years. Utilities are some of the lowest in the U.S.

Anyway, this is just my biased opinions, but my opinions are based on facts.
Just don't feed them corn. Dogs can't digest corn very well and it gives them diarrhia. I've seen neighbors do it when people let their dogs roam to much. Look at the dog food labels, if it's a cheap food, corn will be high on the list of ingredients. By law, the first 5 ingredients in a dog food must be in order of the quantity in the food. Your dog won't crap as much when fed foods they digest better.
The green bean were based on the vet.
The green bean were based on the vet.
Not to downgrade vets or the green beans, but most vets have very little training in the area of nutrition. Certain dog food companies are noted for donations to vet schools and vet associations. Those foods are often pushed by vets. Hill's Science Diet is one and much of their food is trash. Jan has a cat with cancer and we were making monthly visits to the Nashville area to the nearest vet who did chemo. I did some research on them. I can't recall the name, but it was owned by the company who makes the Mars candy bars. They own the BluePearl vet hospital chain. They also make pet food and donate tons of money to vet schools. Like in most things, follow the money. Just checked and Mars owns six vet hospital chains. They make Whisk as, Pedigree, and Royal Canin.
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Sunday is fried chicken day and my wife has agreed to fry me a mess of chicken gizzards. We are going to try to fry them up in an air fryer. We have never done that before but a chicken gizzard is hard to mess up. You just cook them and enjoy. They should turn out like the picture below.

I looked up a recipe and it suggested boiling the gizzards for about a half hour before you air fry them up. Makes them very tender they say. So I will boil them, then roll them in flour with salt and black pepper. A little milk gravy on the side and I have a meal fit for a king.


Yes Sir,

All you can ask for is a food you love. Good food... I won't doubt it. I won't eat it....yet... but I won't doubt it...

On that note: I wonder if Solomon ever ate a gizzard.....

😁 (You knew it was coming...)

Oh, I hope this Lord's day was comforting to your soul's. God Bless you all....
In case you want to delete or alter later, I won't quote you. Good luck with your quandary.

Thanks, I did delete it, not that anything wasn't what I stated but in venting I "type" too much. I still feel the same way but what's a man to do... deal with it... Pick your battles...

What it does probably mean if my daughters purchase is the wife and I will make this our final stop. (May buy another home, that is almost a certainty.) I don't want that. Maybe what I want isn't what God wants. I will trust that God will supply my needs. I know if God supplies my needs, my families needs will be supplied. I know that without a doubt! That has happened too many times, right on time I may add. Thanks again, you and ATX who I think also read my post.
Our little yorkiepoo, Ace, loves green beans. He even knows them by name. I had no idea other dogs loved them as well.
With the two of you mentioning it, I looked up green beans and dogs. The AKC says they can be a healthy substitute for treats and can help a dog lose weight. However, The beans if cooked with added salt, garlic, onions, some oils and spices can be a problem. Also whole green beans can be a choking hazard.
Hell of a playoff going on at the Traveler's. Harris and Hickok going to the 6th extra hole. Longest tournament in years.
My son and I are really enjoying it. For a tournament where I don't think I had heard of either's been entertaining.
(Other than the constant CBS 'pride' commercial....that I have NOT enjoyed)
My kids feed their dogs green bean straight from the can daily. They love them.
Vet recommended we feed our dog green beans. Main reason is low calories. I believe she got sick off seedless watermelon last week. Getting better now. Opened a can of green beans, washed them and gave her a few. She likes 'em.
Vet recommended we feed our dog green beans. Main reason is low calories. I believe she got sick off seedless watermelon last week. Getting better now. Opened a can of green beans, washed them and gave her a few. She likes 'em.
Good chance you are correct on watermelon. Its ok for them in small amounts, but to much can cause the problems you described.
Lots of companies are adding peanut hulls to their food as filler. A little is ok for a dog, but sometimes there is a mold in the hulls and there's a protein that's hard for them to digest. Its cheap and makes the dog fill full.

Fillers for us and fillers for them. You're right always a mold in the shells. Real tired of companies dkn around with the products they sell cuttin corners to make the CEOs richer.
Knew a guy in college who worked a Summer job at a meat processing plant somewhere around Louisville. Said that they would sweep the floor between shifts and it would go into the hot dogs.

Girl I knew and/or her boyfriend worked at one in Dubuque IA while going to college. YEP! Sweep and shovel... this was back in the late 80s. I'd already stopped eating much in the way of hotdogs unless they were all beef "kosher" dogs (supposedly those don't use the floor scrapings) or I was at a Cubs or Bears game.
Not to downgrade vets or the green beans, but most vets have very little training in the area of nutrition. Certain dog food companies are noted for donations to vet schools and vet associations. Those foods are often pushed by vets. Hill's Science Diet is one and much of their food is trash. Jan has a cat with cancer and we were making monthly visits to the Nashville area to the nearest vet who did chemo. I did some research on them. I can't recall the name, but it was owned by the company who makes the Mars candy bars. They own the BluePearl vet hospital chain. They also make pet food and donate tons of money to vet schools. Like in most things, follow the money. Just checked and Mars owns six vet hospital chains. They make Whisk as, Pedigree, and Royal Canin.

Buddy of mine worked at a grocery warehouse and told me the wild cats that would sneak in, eat, and have their babies WOULD NOT touch science diet. No matter how hungry and how little their was of anything else, they wouldn't go near it. They tried to use it in traps for months with not even a nibble.
Interesting side note (maybe)- several meat processing companies were bought by middle eastern interests just before bad meat products started showing up in massive dog food recalls.

In the years since I've never seen so many dogs sick or made sick by their food. They've found euthanasia drugs in the food from cattle that were put down with it that were sold as food grade to the dog food producers.