
Morning Legionnaires!

98° or so on tap for today. Good chance of rain possible for the next 7 days or so. So, even though it is not really cutting time, I will cut the grass this afternoon so as to at least shorten it enough that it will not be really long by the time I get to cut it again.

Taking the puppy to the vet this morning to get spayed. Because of the virus, the normal 5-6 month time frame they wanted to do it did not happen. The vet I use is so behind on normal pet visits that we had to wait until now. She will be 8 months on 9 July. The vet here in my area is very good and does not try to break the bank. Husband and wife team own the business with another husband and wife team (good friends) that also work with them so, the local ranchers take their live stock there too. I played ball for a few years with the husband of one of the vets so, I know the type of people they are.
I have a male Goldendoodle that will be 3 yrs old in August and a female that will be 3 yrs old in October.......I have wrestled with the spay/neuter thing.......I have decided to leave them is only 12 days every six months.......I wouldn't want anyone clipping me.........they do very well when the female is in season.....they take turns in the cage like it has been per-determined who's turn it is....the male doesn't really try to get to the female so.........besides that.......I don't trust the clowns around my area..........I take them to a clinic for rabies shots and I give them everything else......
striped potato beetles and the Japanese beetles.......the Director says that her father used lime on their potato patch.....(about 2 acres)........she said that is the only thing he used it on.......I spread it on seems to be working...other than most of it got washed off in the rain on Monday........I will have to get out in the morning while the dew is still on and re-coat.....

I have never put it on when the leaves are wet. Is that ok to do? I've always put it on when they're dry....
We've been seeing some really sick birds in our backyard lately. I didn't know there was a problem until my neighbor clued me in.

New Mexico began to get their 5G in September of last year. It was a blended system with 4G and 5G provided over the same band. Seems a lot of the states listed in this article had the same blended system to start with if not currently active.
Good morning D, Read Jeremiah 23 this morning.

I hope the D has a great day.

I want to ask the D to pray for a friend of mine, he is trying to get his daughter home from california. She has been in a coma since December, They have a special flight set up for Tuesday to bring her home, the last one was cancelled due to problems with the plane. Please pray that they can get her home!!
Praying now
How about this incentive, they can choose to work or sit in the dark, listening to their gut growl?

I have always been of the adage that if an able-bodied man didn't work, he shouldn't eat. I feel that way still. A man would go hungry rather than to beg. (Yes I can say that with complete certainty.) In this age of the "demented" family, who knows what or where a woman or an "it" falls into that category. I will leave my statement about the man in tact and pause some on the other.... I'd do about anything for a child or an elderly person in need.

I am thankful that I can state my children ate my food growing up through to their adult-hood. Heck my 30 and 37 year old are continuously trying to freeload a free meal and they have no need to do it. (Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they don't... ;))
New Mexico began to get their 5G in September of last year. It was a blended system with 4G and 5G provided over the same band. Seems a lot of the states listed in this article had the same blended system to start with if not currently active.

Interesting, I'd consider that but I am not sold (Doesn't really matter what I am sold on.) on that drastic of visible damage associated with those signals. (It may very well be something that happened/ happens over a longer period of time but deformities relatively quickly?) It would almost have to be something of an emission in an area that couldn't be easily escaped.

What I do know is that if you put out poison bird seed once a bird dies other birds won't normally eat it. What you have to do is pre-bait for a while and then switch hoping for a large kill all at once if you are looking for a good kill. I have to think it would be that way with an area if birds were dying from a certain area. (Just thinking out loud.)
Tried to watch that Jeremiah movie, but had a real hard time with the changes to the story and the inaccurate timeline. I'm kinda funny that way. Same reason I can no longer watch The Ten Commandments even though I loved it as a kid.

Still very much appreciate people mentioning it here. Made me reread Kings, Chronicles, and Jeremiah, which I enjoyed revisiting.
Good morning D, Read Jeremiah 23 this morning.

I hope the D has a great day.

I want to ask the D to pray for a friend of mine, he is trying to get his daughter home from california. She has been in a coma since December, They have a special flight set up for Tuesday to bring her home, the last one was cancelled due to problems with the plane. Please pray that they can get her home!!
Prayer sent and a tear. Thought about my daughter and how it has to be devastating. I pray that God help her and her family (your friend at this time)
Good morning from ATX. Currently 78°F and mostly cloudy. Expect 97°F for today's high.

Pup feels better. She no longer messes in the house. Glad she poops outside again. We feed her rice and eggs on vet's orders.

Today I'll cash-out at the credit union. Found so much change over the past 365 days, I began running out of empty containers. Looking at a possible record year (06/26/2020 - 06/25/2021). Stay tuned.


Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Morning folks. It is 78.3°F on our way to 88.

The wedding is at 2pm and I have not come up with a good reason to skip it. Dang.

The concept that the microwaves are killing the birds in certain areas is intriguing; however, I doubt it. BBUK nailed it. Here is an article backing him up:

Facebook is wonderful but you must be very, very skeptical.
New Mexico began to get their 5G in September of last year. It was a blended system with 4G and 5G provided over the same band. Seems a lot of the states listed in this article had the same blended system to start with if not currently active.

Interesting, I'd consider that but I am not sold (Doesn't really matter what I am sold on.) on that drastic of visible damage associated with those signals. (It may very well be something that happened/ happens over a longer period of time but deformities relatively quickly?)

The concept that the microwaves are killing the birds in certain areas is intriguing; however, I doubt it. BBUK nailed it.
Spent a lot of time in the late 70s, early 80s talking with R&D engineers who were working on the cell phone technology (it was Dick Tracy like back then). A couple different high tech companies...Nokia in particular I remember was one. Plus a lab at Georgia Tech. They were ALL concerned about the microwaves....not with birds, but with we would have the phone up against our head talking. Was very worried about brain cancer/tumors.

But agree with Bert and BBUK....not enough time I would think. But you never know.
Just got back from the Karate tournament. It is still going on but my only student is finished with her portion. The tournament started about 0800 and is still on going. there were over 100 competitors in different age ranges and belt ranges. She had about 10 competing in her age and belt range for Katas (forms) women. There were different types of competitions as well for different styles of competition. She took first in Katas (women's) in her age range and then took Grand Champion in Katas involving men's and women's in her belt range (White, yellow, and orange) all considered beginners. She then took first in fighting in her belt range and age for women. Single elimination and she had 4 fights.

Just got back from the Karate tournament. It is still going on but my only student is finished with her portion. The tournament started about 0800 and is still on going. there were over 100 competitors in different age ranges and belt ranges. She had about 10 competing in her age and belt range for Katas (forms) women. There were different types of competitions as well for different styles of competition. She took first in Katas (women's) in her age range and then took Grand Champion in Katas involving men's and women's in her belt range (White, yellow, and orange) all considered beginners. She then took first in fighting in her belt range and age for women. Single elimination and she had 4 fights.

She whumped your arms and legs off WC. Taught her a little too well.

Oh, I hope all your days were good today. May God's anointing fall on you and your families...
I have always been of the adage that if an able-bodied man didn't work, he shouldn't eat. I feel that way still. A man would go hungry rather than to beg. (Yes I can say that with complete certainty.) In this age of the "demented" family, who knows what or where a woman or an "it" falls into that category. I will leave my statement about the man in tact and pause some on the other.... I'd do about anything for a child or an elderly person in need.

I am thankful that I can state my children ate my food growing up through to their adult-hood. Heck my 30 and 37 year old are continuously trying to freeload a free meal and they have no need to do it. (Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they don't... ;))
Agree completely. I can't understand how anyone can live with themselves if they are only getting by through the effort of others. I have walked for as much as 2 hours rather than asking for a ride. Asking for help is terribly difficult for me. I fail to understand how people can just casually accept it.
Agree completely. I can't understand how anyone can live with themselves if they are only getting by through the effort of others. I have walked for as much as 2 hours rather than asking for a ride. Asking for help is terribly difficult for me. I fail to understand how people can just casually accept it.
We could be brothers. I'm exactly the same way.
Sitting here checking some posts by the D League. Kind of quiet but with the Summer weather there's more to do than sit behind a keyboard or refresh a tablet.
My son went to Eldora Speedway tonight to catch the SRX race (which is live on CBS). I've been kind of down in the back this week, so I decided to stay home in the air condiioning and watch on TV in the La-Z-Boy. He'll have fun.

Been a busy week. He was hoping to take another weeks vacation and stay thru the 4th, but he got a call yesterday that he's having a visitor at his office Tuesday and he has to go back. Will leave Monday morning. It's been good seeing him. Have spent a lot of time sitting on the porch (beautiful cool weather this week) talking....solving the world's problems.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 78°F and mostly cloudy. Expect 97°F for today's high.

Pup feels better. She no longer messes in the house. Glad she poops outside again. We feed her rice and eggs on vet's orders.

Today I'll cash-out at the credit union. Found so much change over the past 365 days, I began running out of empty containers. Looking at a possible record year (06/26/2020 - 06/25/2021). Stay tuned.


Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Amazing what one can do on a regular basis. I really like walking and looking for dough while walking. (I never added it up though.) I always seem to find unwanted cash of some sort BUT, while I was in Korea I did so much more walking and I NEVER found as much as a won anywhere over three years that I remember. (And I was looking, I always look for dough. Just a habit.)
Good Sunday Morning

Read through Chapter 26 of Jeremiah.

I am back in the house after spending some quality time with my cousins who live out of state. Both have husbands who work in Ohio and they vacation every year South of us in Anna Maria Island. One of my cousins husband is a police officer in Columbus, Ohio and he has some stories to tell. He has a small farm a long way South of Columbus and no way he lives near that city. His kids are too precious to be raised in Columbus. My other cousin who met us down there lives in Logan, Ohio which is a ways from Columbus also. She is a small town girl

We are settling into our summer pattern with sunshine until mid afternoon, then the clouds roll in to give us a nice thunderstorm with heavy rains for 30 minutes and then it clears back up and the sun comes back out. Last night gave us some brilliant colors in the sky which is common after a mid afternoon thunderstorm. Our current temperature is 74° and it will reach 87°. Winds are from the East at 9 mph and the UV Index will hit 10 of 10.

Trust all have a nice Sunday

Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and cloudy. Rain coming later tonight or early tomorrow. Today's high could reach 92°F. We'll take it.

Pup seems constipated now. We go from one extreme to another.

Paypal increasing fees. No biggie as I rarely take advantage of the instant services.

Usual routine today. First a walk followed by straightening up around here. Grocery shopping around noon. Zaxby's later.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Morning folks. It is 78.3°F on our way to 88.

The wedding is at 2pm and I have not come up with a good reason to skip it. Dang.

The concept that the microwaves are killing the birds in certain areas is intriguing; however, I doubt it. BBUK nailed it. Here is an article backing him up:

Facebook is wonderful but you must be very, very skeptical.
Facebook is a wonderful idea and platform but it is a crying shame the people who run it are so political. Because of this I have many friends and relatives who will not go on it. It is a wonderful way to keep in touch with loved ones and friends if not for the "fact checkers" and political slants. They even fact check jokes.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and cloudy. Rain coming later tonight or early tomorrow. Today's high could reach 92°F. We'll take it.

Pup seems constipated now. We go from one extreme to another.

Paypal increasing fees. No biggie as I rarely take advantage of the instant services.

Usual routine today. First a walk followed by straightening up around here. Grocery shopping around noon. Zaxby's later.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

I use Paypal a lot due to my selling on Ebay. So now I will have to adjust my selling prices to accommodate this increase. Another example of inflation.

I am afraid our future will see more and more increase in prices in every aspect of our lives. Groceries are steadily going up as is everything else. That ice cream cake sure looks good.
Amazing what one can do on a regular basis. I really like walking and looking for dough while walking. (I never added it up though.) I always seem to find unwanted cash of some sort BUT, while I was in Korea I did so much more walking and I NEVER found as much as a won anywhere over three years that I remember. (And I was looking, I always look for dough. Just a habit.)
Keeping track of finds is part of the fun. Honestly, I can't believe how wasteful people are these days. Our specific area demographics are an exception. It seems more local folks use cash than credit/debit cards.

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