
Exactly how Communism works...Kind of wondering when that started....(Been a long slow methodical process converting this once great country to Communistic principals.

Oh, God is still in control. God Bless you all and may your days be engulfed in God's love and kept from evil and their traps.
States have to take back public education. Our children will know the truth with this newest action by the governor and legislature.

TALLAHASSEE — Saying he wants Florida to be the “number-one state for civic literacy,” Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday signed bills aimed at boosting civics education in public schools and gauging “intellectual freedom” on college campuses.

During a bill-signing event at a Fort Myers middle-school library, DeSantis capped some of his priorities from the legislative session that ended April 30 — emphasizing patriotism in civics instruction and fighting “indoctrination” in education.

“Ultimately, these kids will probably all do different pathways in life,” DeSantis said, flanked by students and Republican bill sponsors. “All of those people are going to be citizens, they’re all going to be part of making sure that our country is able to preserve the freedoms that we possess.”

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I am taking care of my sisters garden while she is on vacation, so I check on it this morning and she has lots of tater bugs. As I was picking them off it reminded me of when we were young, our DAD would give us a coffee can with some gas in it and send us to the tater patch to pick them off! He raised Kennebec taters.
When I was a kid, dad raised a HUGE garden, enough for us, the neighbors and other assorted kin. I got the privilege of tending the garden. I hate gardens. I like grocery stores.
Hey folks...taking a little break. Even though my son is here, the grass keeps growing, etc. So while he relaxes in the house, the old man is out mowing the back yard. Tilled a new section of the garden the other day so while I had the garden tractor out I put the wagon/trailer on it so I could dispose of a bunch of sod/weeds/dirt. The Mrs is wanting to plant another section of sweet corn so she can (hopefully) get two harvests. Don't know if its too late for a second batch of corn here in Ohio or not.

Later this morning I am headed to Anna Maria Island for a few days
Found out yesterday that one of my nephews just bought a house there last week. Sounds like it's right on the beach with a pool. Guess they're planning on renting it out when they're not using it.
Congress should be asking themselves what it is they are doing that they think their countrymen want to "hang them."

They know they're doing it wrong or they wouldn't be askeert in the first place. The only time Mitch doesn't look like a turtle in the headlights is when the cameras are off and he and PNancy are high fiving.
German folks are wonderful. How did Hitler corrupt a large country?

That is the question.

Hitler had the media co-opted. He had backers in the US and all around the world. Most people then, JUST LIKE today, just want to be left alone to do what they want to do when they wa t to do it. When good people don't want to and can't advance into politics that creates a vacuum, and those suckers are robbing the people blind
Not to disagree with you, but Stalin threw his men away. Penal troops to clear minefields by forcing them to walk through them. He caused millions of his countrymen to die needlessly and I think the son of a bitch liked it. The Soviet troops were incredibly cruel to the Germans also with total disregard for life.

It was a horrible thing what Hitler and Stalin did; two insane dictators.
Cruel, yes. War is cruel. If you don't have minesweeping equipment & you have to clear the field to survive as an army & country, what are the most expEndable resources you have to do it?

Yes, he killed millions with collectivization. And he saved Britain & USA maybe a million troops with the war he fought. He's no hero. His people were.
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Cruel, yes. War is cruel. If you don't have minesweeping equipment & you have to clear the field to survive as an army & country, what are the most expandable resources you have to do it?

Yes, he killed millions with collectivization. And he saved Britain & USA maybe a million troops with the war he fought. He's no hero. His people were.
I was stationed at one cold weather base where we had K-9 patrols. Once it got below a certain temp, the dogs were not allowed to patrol, but the men were. LOL. Men were less valuable than dogs.
Both things can be true. Stalin was a psychopath as much as Hitler, and wasted the lives of millions of his troops and citizens.

And it is also true that between 80 and 90 percent of ALL German losses in the war were on the Eastern Front. One example: We think of D-Day as a massive operation, and so it was. But the same month, June 1944, the Soviet Army launched Operation Bagration on the Eastern Front with 2.5 million troops, that ultimately caused far more German dead than Normandy, and had more of an impact on ending the war.

Stalingrad, in late 1942, effectively ended the German chance to win the war and cost the Wehrmacht 600,000 killed and captured. America was barely beginning to fight a relatively small campaign in North Africa by that time (November, 1942.)

We can't pick and choose which means more. If it weren't for BOTH launching offensives against Germany at the same time and continuing that offensive strategy, neither on their own would have been as successful against Germany.

The reason why the US didn't kill as many is that they didn't use their troops like cannon fodder in order to overwhelm the opponent. Russia did that very thing. How many losses did they sustain per fascist soldier killed?

How many people would have died in WWII if the rich didn't supply and fund Hitler's growth and blitzkrieg? How many fewer if they refused to fund both sides of "the war effort" while citizens donated their raw materials?

I'm thankful for the efforts of patriots preserving our way of life in my family and yours.

I also wondered as a young man if we would have by now gone the way of Germany if Hitler and Stalin hadn't existed or we didn't know about them, and the answer is becoming evident in our country today. We're on that path now. Those who aren't tolerant preach "tolerance" while those who have tolerated for too long are now the victims of fascism and intolerance. It's easier to fight an enemy you recognize because they are obviously dressed in a uniform. Much harder to fight those you thought you were helping live their lives.
I am taking care of my sisters garden while she is on vacation, so I check on it this morning and she has lots of tater bugs. As I was picking them off it reminded me of when we were young, our DAD would give us a coffee can with some gas in it and send us to the tater patch to pick them off! He raised Kennebec taters.
I tried the lime dust like someone on here (I think girt) and the bugs were gone.....
General George Patton hated the Soviets and Communism and was totally against FDR getting in bed with them. He spoke out and the first thing you know he was dead. Funny how these things work out.
The U.S. getting in bed with the Soviets was a case of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" At the time, the Soviets were the lesser of two evils.
We can't pick and choose which means more. If it weren't for BOTH launching offensives against Germany at the same time and continuing that offensive strategy, neither on their own would have been as successful against Germany.

The reason why the US didn't kill as many is that they didn't use their troops like cannon fodder in order to overwhelm the opponent. Russia did that very thing. How many losses did they sustain per fascist soldier killed?
And the Germans weren't sieging & starving NYC & DC
Good morning from ATX. Currently 78°F and mostly cloudy. Today's high expected around 96°F.

According to the news, a 12-story tower with more than 100 apartments partially collapsed in Miami early this morning. More than rescue 80 units have responded. Wow. Hope casualties are few, if any.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Morning Legionnaires!

For those reading the Bible daily, I am caught up from yesterday to today. Jeremiah 19-23. Opened the Warriors Bible my FIL brought during his visit. To all no matter what, God Bless.

Supposed to get up around 100° today so, training my only student will be rough. The large facility they have for their gymnastics business has no air because the owner will not pay the money to have them installed. It used to be just a warehouse for another business converted to a gymnastics gym. Large bay doors with large fans around the top walls and large fans on the floor helps move the air but, it only blows heat around.

Work with her 1230-1330/1400 Tuesdays and Thursdays and this past Tuesday it was only 75° so it was not so bad. She is going to her first Karate tournament Saturday morning at the Hilton in Lawton OK and we have spent the last 2 weeks preparing. Since she is my only student, she has only one sparring partner. Me. I let her work her combinations of punches and kicks a lot but, peppered her pretty good Tuesday to let her get the feel of what the competition will be like. Not sure what they will allow at this tourney, will find out at the black belts meeting at 0730 Saturday. Have not been to one in a while myself but, they used to allow groin kicks, take downs, but not facial contact for belts lower than brown. Protective gear for everyone below brown belts was required. Stay tuned.
Good Morning all,

God's grace to you all....

Realize first that GOD is still in control. I forget that sometimes with my rants but I know who holds tomorrow and I know who holds my hand. God Bless you all...

A Sweet Sweet Spirit....

Bill Engvall

Just some comic relief...
Morning folks. It is warming up here. Already up to 71.8°F on our way to 88°. I just about bet that we make it to 90, alter all it is June 24th.

One more thing about Germany and the USSR; Stalin went along with Hitler's invasion of Poland and invaded from the East the next day. Stalin was willing to split up Europe with Germany. He just trusted Hitler not to turn on him.
Morning folks. It is warming up here. Already up to 71.8°F on our way to 88°. I just about bet that we make it to 90, alter all it is June 24th.

One more thing about Germany and the USSR; Stalin went along with Hitler's invasion of Poland and invaded from the East the next day. Stalin was willing to split up Europe with Germany. He just trusted Hitler not to turn on him.

Stalin knew that Hitler was going to turn on him but thought it would not happen as quickly as it did.
Awesome to hear it worked for you, too.

Curious what were the bugs you had that it worked against..? Japanese beetles or something else?
striped potato beetles and the Japanese beetles.......the Director says that her father used lime on their potato patch.....(about 2 acres)........she said that is the only thing he used it on.......I spread it on seems to be working...other than most of it got washed off in the rain on Monday........I will have to get out in the morning while the dew is still on and re-coat.....
striped potato beetles and the Japanese beetles.......the Director says that her father used lime on their potato patch.....(about 2 acres)........she said that is the only thing he used it on.......I spread it on seems to be working...other than most of it got washed off in the rain on Monday........I will have to get out in the morning while the dew is still on and re-coat.....

I always liked "lime" tasting french fries.... 😁
We've been seeing some really sick birds in our backyard lately. I didn't know there was a problem until my neighbor clued me in.

May very well be a rash of pesticide poisonings. Not in the business any longer but many misuse pesticides regularly and contaminate much. Untold what the commercial agricultural industries have induced to curb the hoard....(The thought of just the runoff is scary to imagine.)
😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥

God Bless America...

May very well be a rash of pesticide poisonings. Not in the business any longer but many misuse pesticides regularly and contaminate much. Untold what the commercial agricultural industries have induced to curb the hoard....(The thought of just the runoff is scary to imagine.)
It's definitely way out of my field of expertise but it's sad to watch. 2 blue jays and a ? bird. Keeping the dog away from such easy prey is a bit of a challenge.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 78°F and cloudy. Clearing later for a high of 97°F. Heat is on.

Our pup is sick. She's been throwing up around the house and pooping in the kitchen. We're not feeding her for a bit in the hope this sickness clears up.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 78°F and cloudy. Clearing later for a high of 97°F. Heat is on.

Our pup is sick. She's been throwing up around the house and pooping in the kitchen. We're not feeding her for a bit in the hope this sickness clears up.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Sorry to hear about your Dog, I hope he gets better soon.

Oh, May all your days today be well tuned to your lives in Christ. God Bless you all...
Good morning D, Read Jeremiah 23 this morning.

I hope the D has a great day.

I want to ask the D to pray for a friend of mine, he is trying to get his daughter home from california. She has been in a coma since December, They have a special flight set up for Tuesday to bring her home, the last one was cancelled due to problems with the plane. Please pray that they can get her home!!