Good morning D-League. I hope all is well.
It occurred to me today that it is the 80th Anniversary of the German invasion of the Soviet Union - Operation Barbarossa. I know there are some other military history buffs on this board.
The scale of the Russo-German war has always fascinated me. The Germans attacked along a front stretching almost 2,000 miles - that's nearly as far as from Maine to the Southern Tip of Florida.
The German Army that launched the initial invasion, with assorted allies like the Romanians and Italians, was 3 million men -- that's more than six times today's active duty US Army. By 1945, the Germans would lose 5.5 million soldiers dead and another four million captured, which ended up being a death sentence for many. The Soviets would lose 10 million soldiers dead and another 25 million civilians.
Before the tide turned, the Germans controlled an area equal to the US from the Atlantic Coast to the Mississippi River. There will never be another conventional war on that scale. Even if two nations could muster armies of that size, before it played out as it did in 41-45, one side or the other would go to nukes, and it'd be a holocaust.