
I remember this Ben Simmons character/ player and glanced at some news where he seemingly coasted or worse. (I only glanced and would not waste the time to go back again to read anything further.) My only thought is will he be another Kolin Catintheafrohat or whatever nick his name is to where Nike pays him a ton to be.......him??? The poor and down-trodden...well down-trodden anyway......

Just a passing glance set of thoughts. Typing to only see myself type... Kind of sickening seeing attention garnered for these types...

Morning Legionnaires!

58° this morning, unusually cooler weather than normal around here. Wish I could go fishing this morning but too much going on today for me with softball games finishing off the night. Will go fishing tomorrow as it will still be a little cooler than normal over night tonight. Have not been fishing since 9 June. Yeah, I know, that is just not normal. When the weather gets too hot I don't go out unless it is a morning that has low 70's to start out with cloud cover or hints of rain for the morning. I guess for the summer I have to leave most of the fishing to my buddies the water snake and the snapping turtles.

Here's to hoping all have a safe and happy day.
Good morning D League

Just finished Jeremiah 18 KJV

The weather outside is not frightful, we have 73° and the sun is rising. We should have a very sunny day with an afternoon chance of rain. 56%. Our high is forecast for 85°.

I am hanging around the house today preparing to run down to Anna Maria Island for the rest of the week. I will meet a bunch of cousins down there and catch up on what is going on in their life. It is always great to get with family.

Trust all is well and your day is much better than Poor Beetle

Good morning D, read 18 this morning, really straight forward!!!!!!

Looks like we got 1.4" of rain, it was 87 at 1:00 yesterday when it started sprinkling, it was 51 at 5:30!!!!

I hope the D has a great day and prayers for the D!!!

Did any of the D mark the Blueberry dessert pie I put on here, if not I will post it again today!!!
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Morning folks. We ended up with .74" of rain yesterday and last night. It was needed. As Cordmaker stated it really cooled off with the front passing through. It is currently 63.7°F now but earlier it was 61°. Yesterday morning it stated out in the 70's.

I fixed shrimp scampi yesterday. Man I love that stuff over pasta or rice. Sherry prefers over pasta and I prefer over rice. I even like it over bread.

I may mow today if I can get in the mood.

You all have a good day.

Cordmaker I did not copy the Blueberry pie recipe as I don't like it. I did not tell Sherry about it because she loves it. That was a diplomatic way of not getting into trouble.
Blueberry Dessert- makes 2 pies

1/3 or 1/2 cup of granulated sugar
1- 8oz. Cream cheese - softened
1- 8oz. Cool Whip - thawed
2- 9' Graham Cracker pie shells
1- Can Blueberry Pie filling
2 or 3 Bananas

Mix sugar, cream cheese and cool whip in a bowl
Spread mixture into the pie shells
Cut bananas and place in a circle on top of the mixture
Here is where I put the mixture in the refrigerator for a while to let it firm up
After it has cooled for a while spread the can of Blueberry pie filling on top of the mixture and bananas
Keep both or give one away- Store in the fridge!!!
Enjoy Cord!!!

You can make your own crust by crushing up Pecan Sandie cookies and mixing it with butter
Graham cracker crusts are just easier!
Hello all, I heard some great words of wisdom this Monday evening. It stuck with me. As stated:

"I believe in Capital Punishment! Yes, they should Punish everybody in the Capital!" -F. G. Sanford

Congress should be asking themselves what it is they are doing that they think their countrymen want to "hang them."
Blueberry Dessert- makes 2 pies

1/3 or 1/2 cup of granulated sugar
1- 8oz. Cream cheese - softened
1- 8oz. Cool Whip - thawed
2- 9' Graham Cracker pie shells
1- Can Blueberry Pie filling
2 or 3 Bananas

Mix sugar, cream cheese and cool whip in a bowl
Spread mixture into the pie shells
Cut bananas and place in a circle on top of the mixture
Here is where I put the mixture in the refrigerator for a while to let it firm up
After it has cooled for a while spread the can of Blueberry pie filling on top of the mixture and bananas
Keep both or give one away- Store in the fridge!!!
Enjoy Cord!!!

You can make your own crust by crushing up Pecan Sandie cookies and mixing it with butter
Graham cracker crusts are just easier!

Good morning D-League. I hope all is well.

It occurred to me today that it is the 80th Anniversary of the German invasion of the Soviet Union - Operation Barbarossa. I know there are some other military history buffs on this board.

The scale of the Russo-German war has always fascinated me. The Germans attacked along a front stretching almost 2,000 miles - that's nearly as far as from Maine to the Southern Tip of Florida.

The German Army that launched the initial invasion, with assorted allies like the Romanians and Italians, was 3 million men -- that's more than six times today's active duty US Army. By 1945, the Germans would lose 5.5 million soldiers dead and another four million captured, which ended up being a death sentence for many. The Soviets would lose 10 million soldiers dead and another 25 million civilians.

Before the tide turned, the Germans controlled an area equal to the US from the Atlantic Coast to the Mississippi River. There will never be another conventional war on that scale. Even if two nations could muster armies of that size, before it played out as it did in 41-45, one side or the other would go to nukes, and it'd be a holocaust.
Blueberry Dessert- makes 2 pies

1/3 or 1/2 cup of granulated sugar
1- 8oz. Cream cheese - softened
1- 8oz. Cool Whip - thawed
2- 9' Graham Cracker pie shells
1- Can Blueberry Pie filling
2 or 3 Bananas

Mix sugar, cream cheese and cool whip in a bowl
Spread mixture into the pie shells
Cut bananas and place in a circle on top of the mixture
Here is where I put the mixture in the refrigerator for a while to let it firm up
After it has cooled for a while spread the can of Blueberry pie filling on top of the mixture and bananas
Keep both or give one away- Store in the fridge!!!
Enjoy Cord!!!

You can make your own crust by crushing up Pecan Sandie cookies and mixing it with butter
Graham cracker crusts are just easier!
Saved. I am at the age where I can eat anything and everything. What have I got to lose
Good morning D-League. I hope all is well.

It occurred to me today that it is the 80th Anniversary of the German invasion of the Soviet Union - Operation Barbarossa. I know there are some other military history buffs on this board.

The scale of the Russo-German war has always fascinated me. The Germans attacked along a front stretching almost 2,000 miles - that's nearly as far as from Maine to the Southern Tip of Florida.

The German Army that launched the initial invasion, with assorted allies like the Romanians and Italians, was 3 million men -- that's more than six times today's active duty US Army. By 1945, the Germans would lose 5.5 million soldiers dead and another four million captured, which ended up being a death sentence for many. The Soviets would lose 10 million soldiers dead and another 25 million civilians.

Before the tide turned, the Germans controlled an area equal to the US from the Atlantic Coast to the Mississippi River. There will never be another conventional war on that scale. Even if two nations could muster armies of that size, before it played out as it did in 41-45, one side or the other would go to nukes, and it'd be a holocaust.
I knew a guy who was in a WW2 POW camp. He said the German guards HATED the Russians. Russians were treated MUCH MUCH worse than Americans.
Wichita Lineman...

Not on FB so I don't get to see these.
Good morning D-League. I hope all is well.

It occurred to me today that it is the 80th Anniversary of the German invasion of the Soviet Union - Operation Barbarossa. I know there are some other military history buffs on this board.

The scale of the Russo-German war has always fascinated me. The Germans attacked along a front stretching almost 2,000 miles - that's nearly as far as from Maine to the Southern Tip of Florida.

The German Army that launched the initial invasion, with assorted allies like the Romanians and Italians, was 3 million men -- that's more than six times today's active duty US Army. By 1945, the Germans would lose 5.5 million soldiers dead and another four million captured, which ended up being a death sentence for many. The Soviets would lose 10 million soldiers dead and another 25 million civilians.

Before the tide turned, the Germans controlled an area equal to the US from the Atlantic Coast to the Mississippi River. There will never be another conventional war on that scale. Even if two nations could muster armies of that size, before it played out as it did in 41-45, one side or the other would go to nukes, and it'd be a holocaust.
I love WWII history.

Germany was cruel. They were unrelentingly cruel!

They killed just for the pleasure of killing. How do you teach people to be that cruel? I don't know, but Hitler taught them to be that. German folks are good and nice, but the indoctrination was total.

I know many German extracted folks that are wonderful people (I am Austrian Jew in part), but how do you "teach" cruelty? The Germans did. It is called fascism. A social program that teaches the "state" is superior and knows all. If you question it we will kill you.

One point that I want to make: my father in law was in the U.S. Navy in WWII. He dropped out of high school after his 17th birthday to join the war. He is one of my heroes. He survived the war and came home scared, really scared, but not by the Germans but by the Japanese.

He did not hate the Germans. He hated the Japanese. The reason is the German U-boat Captains would put up floatation gear after sicking of a ship. The Japanese were far more cruel. They would do ever thing to kill you. In the Navy in WWII the biggest loss of life was to the Japanese Kamikazes. They were total bastards. The only goal that they had was to kill.

He ended up wanting to kill any Japanese that he could meet. It was total hate. He never got to kill a Jap after the war but he really wanted to.
I love WWII history.

Germany was cruel. They were unrelentingly cruel!

They killed just for the pleasure of killing. How do you teach people to be that cruel? I don't know, but Hitler taught them to be that. German folks are good and nice, but the indoctrination was total.

I know many German extracted folks that are wonderful people (I am Austrian Jew in part), but how do you "teach" cruelty? The Germans did. It is called fascism. A social program that teaches the "state" is superior and knows all. If you question it we will kill you.

One point that I want to make: my father in law was in the U.S. Navy in WWII. He dropped out of high school after his 17th birthday to join the war. He is one of my heroes. He survived the war and came home scared, really scared, but not by the Germans but by the Japanese.

He did not hate the Germans. He hated the Japanese. The reason is the German U-boat Captains would put up floatation gear after sicking of a ship. The Japanese were far more cruel. They would do ever thing to kill you. In the Navy in WWII the biggest loss of life was to the Japanese Kamikazes. They were total bastards. The only goal that they had was to kill.

He ended up wanting to kill any Japanese that he could meet. It was total hate. He never got to kill a Jap after the war but he really wanted to.

Thanks for sharing that background, especially about your father-in-law. You probably are way ahead of me on this, but if not, and you want to hear a fascinating podcast about Japan from the late 19th Century through the end of WW2, I recommend Dan Carlin's Hardcore History: Six part series called Super Nova in the East. The whole six-part series runs about 24 hours or so, but it's a fascinating look at how and why the Japanese people became as cruel and vicious as they were during the war. It's free on my iPhone podcast app that came with the phone...
Heh, our high may reach 82°F today. Very nice. Quite a departure from yesterday's 96°F with heat index reaching 105°F. Crazy heat returns tomorrow.

Re: Operation Barbarossa 80th anniversary: Back during the 80s and 90s, I drank beer with many ex- Wehrmacht troops (mainly soldiers, but also a few sailors and even a former Luftwaffe fighter pilot). My ex sister in-law's father in-law fought at Stalingrad and survived Soviet captivity. He told me he weighed roughly 90 pounds upon release from prison camp. Gent stood over 6-foot tall.

One night, a friend of my former brother in-law named "Bubi" and I discussed his experiences fighting Soviet troops. He grabbed my hand and placed my index finger up against a deep indentation behind his ear. He'd survived a gunshot to his head.

I now really regret not recording their oral histories back then, both those Germans I knew as well as my own family members.
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Heh, our high may reach 82°F today. Very nice. Quite a departure from yesterday's 96°F with heat index reaching 105°F. Crazy heat returns tomorrow.

Re: Operation Barbarossa 80th anniversary: Back during the 80s and 90s, I drank beer with many ex- Wehrmacht troops (mainly soldiers, but also a few sailors and even a former Luftwaffe fighter pilot). My ex sister in-law's father in-law fought at Stalingrad and survived Soviet captivity. He told me he weighed roughly 90 pounds upon release from prison camp. Gent stood over 6-foot tall.

One night, a friend of my former brother in-law named "Bubi" and I discussed his experiences fighting Soviet troops. He grabbed my hand and placed my index finger up against a deep indentation behind his ear. He'd survived a gunshot wound to his head.

I now really regret not recording their oral histories back then, both those Germans I knew as well as my own family members.
It is sad that so many lives were wasted over stupid ideologies. Fascism, Shintoism, and communism came into conflict and neither knew when to quit. Even though the USSR was allied with the U.S. and Western European powers they were the same cut of cloth as the fascist and the Japanese.

Thank God the U.S. was strong enough to whip those three bastard ideologies. They all sucked. Harry Truman figured it all out. We MUST never forget the price paid. My family paid a remarkably high price for World War II.

I had a cousin who was in the 101st Airborne division and helped liberate Dachau. 25 years later (1970) he could not talk about what he saw. Shit like that should never happen. When an old D-Day veteran with 3 purple hearts can’t talk about something it must have been horrible.
How's everyone doing? Haven't posted for a few days....been busy with my oldest son here.

I love WWII history.

Germany was cruel. They were unrelentingly cruel!

They killed just for the pleasure of killing. How do you teach people to be that cruel? I don't know, but Hitler taught them to be that. German folks are good and nice, but the indoctrination was total.

I know many German extracted folks that are wonderful people (I am Austrian Jew in part), but how do you "teach" cruelty? The Germans did. It is called fascism. A social program that teaches the "state" is superior and knows all. If you question it we will kill you.

One point that I want to make: my father in law was in the U.S. Navy in WWII. He dropped out of high school after his 17th birthday to join the war. He is one of my heroes. He survived the war and came home scared, really scared, but not by the Germans but by the Japanese.

He did not hate the Germans. He hated the Japanese. The reason is the German U-boat Captains would put up floatation gear after sicking of a ship. The Japanese were far more cruel. They would do ever thing to kill you. In the Navy in WWII the biggest loss of life was to the Japanese Kamikazes. They were total bastards. The only goal that they had was to kill.

He ended up wanting to kill any Japanese that he could meet. It was total hate. He never got to kill a Jap after the war but he really wanted to.
An aunt of mine was German. My uncles met her and got married after the war. He was career Army and was in Germany a number of years (8, 10?) after the war. She used to talk some of the rise and fall of Hitler. Said that before the war the German people loved him. Things were so bad for so long after WWI that when he came around he not only turned around the economy but built up the German people's self esteem, etc.
Never got around, although I wanted to, talking to her about the holocaust and other German atrocities during the war.
She was a great person. Always laughing and having a good time....and quite the baker of German pastry and so forth.

Now I'll go back to my company...but I'll lurk some and lay down some 'likes'.
How's everyone doing? Haven't posted for a few days....been busy with my oldest son here.

An aunt of mine was German. My uncles met her and got married after the war. He was career Army and was in Germany a number of years (8, 10?) after the war. She used to talk some of the rise and fall of Hitler. Said that before the war the German people loved him. Things were so bad for so long after WWI that when he came around he not only turned around the economy but built up the German people's self esteem, etc.
Never got around, although I wanted to, talking to her about the holocaust and other German atrocities during the war.
She was a great person. Always laughing and having a good time....and quite the baker of German pastry and so forth.

Now I'll go back to my company...but I'll lurk some and lay down some 'likes'.
German folks are wonderful. How did Hitler corrupt a large country?

That is the question.
I love WWII history.

Germany was cruel. They were unrelentingly cruel!

They killed just for the pleasure of killing. How do you teach people to be that cruel? I don't know, but Hitler taught them to be that. German folks are good and nice, but the indoctrination was total.

I know many German extracted folks that are wonderful people (I am Austrian Jew in part), but how do you "teach" cruelty? The Germans did. It is called fascism. A social program that teaches the "state" is superior and knows all. If you question it we will kill you.

One point that I want to make: my father in law was in the U.S. Navy in WWII. He dropped out of high school after his 17th birthday to join the war. He is one of my heroes. He survived the war and came home scared, really scared, but not by the Germans but by the Japanese.

He did not hate the Germans. He hated the Japanese. The reason is the German U-boat Captains would put up floatation gear after sicking of a ship. The Japanese were far more cruel. They would do ever thing to kill you. In the Navy in WWII the biggest loss of life was to the Japanese Kamikazes. They were total bastards. The only goal that they had was to kill.

He ended up wanting to kill any Japanese that he could meet. It was total hate. He never got to kill a Jap after the war but he really wanted to.

Korean people have a very high hatred toward the Japanese as well.

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