
Good morning D, starting to get humid out there, just got in from a good 1.9mile walk.

Nothing going on today.

I started the D league cookbook this morning, I booked marked the Lasagna recipe, so if anyone asks hey do you remember posting that recipe I know where it is.

Is it ok with the D, if I start putting some more of them here? May do the Southwest Chicken or Squash Casserole again, then just put one on each day for a while. Yes or no?

I hope the D has a great day, Prayers for the D!!!!
Please do!
Good morning from ATX. Currently 75°F, clear and calm. Somewhat humid. Dryer heat. Expecting 99°F for today's high. We topped out at 98°F yesterday. I could tell a slight difference during my afternoon walk.

Our power grid under stress. Dog days of summer are not even here yet. Shaking my head.

Happy Hump Day!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 75°F, clear and calm. Somewhat humid. Dryer heat. Expecting 99°F for today's high. We topped out at 98°F yesterday. I could tell a slight difference during my afternoon walk.

Our power grid under stress. Dog days of summer are not even here yet. Shaking my head.

Happy Hump Day!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

It will be topped off with a dessert of chocolate fudge.

Morning Legionnaires!

Headed for the Medicine Park creek walk in that rustic old town with in laws. Temp today will approach 100° but, that area has some trees along the walkway over the shops that will afford some cover. Getting out early too (around 10am) and will eat lunch there before heading back to my house for whatever they want to do until evening where me, my wife and daughter will head to Red Lobster. Not sure they want to go but, FIL will have to pay if he goes. We have been paying for everything so far and he has made it clear he wants to pay for something so, the anniversary dinner should make up for most of it.

It has been a staycation for me and the family since the FIL has come. Originally my wife was hesitant to take the week off thinking it would be a waste but said yesterday that she has actually enjoyed the resting days in between the days her father comes over. No fishing for me this week :( because the days they come over are between the days that I teach my one and only Karate student so, no time. I would have normally canceled a week like this with family visiting but, she is preparing for her first ever tournament happening next Saturday so...I must help her prepare.

Hope the day finds all well and for the hurting, God's hands be on you.
Happy 21st!!!

Thank you. I will have my National Lobster Day today.
You guys have helped to remind me to not forget that in about 3 weeks my baby girl has her 20th.
Great guy...3 great, very smart kids (oldest just graduated H.S.). So I've put the date on my alerts so I don't forget to email/text her a gift card for a nice dinner as well.

Congrats @warrior-cat
Watching the Elite Eight game of 1984 tonight on a very crisp DVD thanks to Ritchie Curtis.

Last time a team got to play a Regional Final on their home court - and the Cats needed every break they could get to beat Illinois.

But what a team. Melvin Turpin was very underrated as an offensive player. With Bowie and Kenny Walker and freshman Winston Bennett it was maybe the greatest front court in Kentucky history - at least in the conversation. And Beal and Master were more than adequate at guard.

It’ll always be a shame that fluke collapse in the second half against Georgetown keeps that team from being fully appreciated.
I was at that game and it was a nail biter. We beat UL in the first game of the regionals for the second time that season and as you said, Illinois was a handful. Our home court was the advantage in that game, no doubt.

I will never understand what happened against Georgetown until the day I die. It was one of the strangest performances in my life for our Cats. The 84' team may have been one of the most talented teams in UK history.

Any news on several posters I have not seen post in several days. (Seems it's been a week or more now.) That is not common, I know people have their lives too but what I am seeing has never been normal here since I have been posting... (I showered and washed my hands before posting to be sure it wasn't BO PO (Post Odor.))

Oh, May God's protection be your armor and shield in all your journey's. God Bless you all...
Thank you. I will have my National Lobster Day today.
Happy 21st

Speaking of lobster reminds me of a story about my poor wife cooking her first lobsters. I was assigned to work in Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard for about 6 weeks and when I was flying back home out of Logan Airport in Boston I picked up a couple of live lobsters at Legal Seafood in the terminal. They pack them in a container designed to hand carry on the plane.

So I get home and was ready to treat the wife to a lobster dinner. My wife had never cooked live lobsters and she put them in a turkey roaster which was really too shallow to cook lobsters. When she dropped them in the boiling water they tried to crawl out and she screamed and ran out of the house. I came running into the kitchen and saw one had actually got out onto the counter top and the second was about to. I put them back in the pot and put a lid on it and finished the job. She refused to eat hers because it was staring at her and she just couldn't do it. Live and learn.

That was early in our marriage and I told her to get over that because I would be bringing home a sack of blue crabs often and she better learn how to cook them live. Here they are and they were really good. I ate both of them.

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Any news on several posters I have not seen post in several days. (Seems it's been a week or more now.) That is not common, I know people have their lives too but what I am seeing has never been normal here since I have been posting... (I showered and washed my hands before posting to be sure it wasn't BO PO (Post Odor.))

Oh, May God's protection be your armor and shield in all your journey's. God Bless you all...
I don't have a clue. Austin is in touch with a few of them and he may have some information. I trust it is not health issues.

I just finished reading Jeremiah Chapter 10. I need scriptures to cope with what is happening in the world today.

Our weather pattern is the same as it was yesterday and the day before so I will just say "ditto".

Morning Legionnaires!

Took in laws to the Wichita Wild Life Refuge yesterday and visited the Holy City there. Below is a link with a bio and picture replicas of the actual Holy City of the days of Jesus. Local Indian legend has it that Jesus visited this area but not sure when. Also pictured below is wife and daughter selfie at the Holy City.

Tomorrow, we are taking them to Mount Scott and then to Medicine Park which is a local historical area with a rustic setting and antique shops and restaurants. One restaurant sits next to a large creek which has a large balcony eating area where you can also feed the fish in the creek with left overs which people do. It sits up higher where you can look down in to the creek.

Oh and by the way, FIL is paying for this day. It will me be and my wife's 21st Wedding Anniversary tomorrow.
Happy Anniversary. Wishing y'all many, many more.

Any news on several posters I have not seen post in several days. (Seems it's been a week or more now.) That is not common, I know people have their lives too but what I am seeing has never been normal here since I have been posting... (I showered and washed my hands before posting to be sure it wasn't BO PO (Post Odor.))

Oh, May God's protection be your armor and shield in all your journey's. God Bless you all...
I don't have a clue. Austin is in touch with a few of them and he may have some information. I trust it is not health issues.

I just finished reading Jeremiah Chapter 10. I need scriptures to cope with what is happening in the world today.

Our weather pattern is the same as it was yesterday and the day before so I will just say "ditto".
Bert and family currently visiting Gatlinburg.
I was at that game and it was a nail biter. We beat UL in the first game of the regionals for the second time that season and as you said, Illinois was a handful. Our home court was the advantage in that game, no doubt.

I will never understand what happened against Georgetown until the day I die. It was one of the strangest performances in my life for our Cats. The 84' team may have been one of the most talented teams in UK history.
That one is one of my most disappointing UK games ever. I believe we ended the 1st half with a 12 point lead (if memory serves) and I really liked that team. Heartbreaking for me how it ended.
I was at that game and it was a nail biter. We beat UL in the first game of the regionals for the second time that season and as you said, Illinois was a handful. Our home court was the advantage in that game, no doubt.

I will never understand what happened against Georgetown until the day I die. It was one of the strangest performances in my life for our Cats. The 84' team may have been one of the most talented teams in UK history.
Sawnee -- That must have been a terrific experience. You could feel the energy watching the DVD. That Georgetown game was tough for everyone, but for me living in DC then (on Capitol Hill, right in the midst of the city) it was excruciating. It seemed to me that the Cats got intimidated, not so much by Patrick Ewing as by that giant thuggish freshman Michael Graham.

The irony: He didn't much as a freshman until very late in the year -- then immediately got a reputation as an intimidating brawler. He was in two or three fights, instantly considered a dirty player. But no denying he was a force in the tournament. He was part of the reason Kentucky absolutely couldn't score inside, and he was dominant in the Finals against Houston -- then never played college ball again! Yes, the Kentucky game was the next to last in his career.

Just bad luck for the Cats that the very narrow window of his college "career" -- really just a few weeks -- coincided with that game.
Happy 21st

Speaking of lobster reminds me of a story about my poor wife cooking her first lobsters. I was assigned to work in Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard for about 6 weeks and when I was flying back home out of Logan Airport in Boston I picked up a couple of live lobsters at Legal Seafood in the terminal. They pack them in a container designed to hand carry on the plane.

So I get home and was ready to treat the wife to a lobster dinner. My wife had never cooked live lobsters and she put them in a turkey roaster which was really too shallow to cook lobsters. When she dropped them in the boiling water they tried to crawl out and she screamed and ran out of the house. I came running into the kitchen and saw on had actually got out onto the counter top and the second was about to. I put them back in the pot and put a lid on it and finished the job. She refused to eat hers because it was staring at her and she just couldn't do it. Live and learn.

That was early in our marriage and I told her to get over that because I would be bringing home a sack of blue crabs often and she better learn how to cook them live. Here they are and they were really good. I ate both of them.

My first lobster ever was in Panama (Feb 81 or 82) just after graduating Jungle Training School. That was our graduation dinner.
Sawnee -- That must have been a terrific experience. You could feel the energy watching the DVD. That Georgetown game was tough for everyone, but for me living in DC then (on Capitol Hill, right in the midst of the city) it was excruciating. It seemed to me that the Cats got intimidated, not so much by Patrick Ewing as by that giant thuggish freshman Michael Graham.

The irony: He didn't much as a freshman until very late in the year -- then immediately got a reputation as an intimidating brawler. He was in two or three fights, instantly considered a dirty player. But no denying he was a force in the tournament. He was part of the reason Kentucky absolutely couldn't score inside, and he was dominant in the Finals against Houston -- then never played college ball again! Yes, the Kentucky game was the next to last in his career.

Just bad luck for the Cats that the very narrow window of his college "career" -- really just a few weeks -- coincided with that game.
Exactly, Michael Graham was the intimidator in that game. Patrick Ewing was Patrick Ewing but Graham was the difference. It was a nightmare.

And oh yes, Rupp Arena was at it's prime in those days and you could cut the tension with a knife. I wonder if that feeling will ever return to Rupp. If it does the students will have to get more involved. The students during that period were the best spectators on earth.
Watching the Elite Eight game of 1984 tonight on a very crisp DVD thanks to Ritchie Curtis.

Last time a team got to play a Regional Final on their home court - and the Cats needed every break they could get to beat Illinois.

But what a team. Melvin Turpin was very underrated as an offensive player. With Bowie and Kenny Walker and freshman Winston Bennett it was maybe the greatest front court in Kentucky history - at least in the conversation. And Beal and Master were more than adequate at guard.

It’ll always be a shame that fluke collapse in the second half against Georgetown keeps that team from being fully appreciated.
Of all the heartbreak losses, Georgetown was the toughest for me. Even tougher than the Laettner and Wisconsin games. I graduated 2 years earlier and had both Bowie and Turpin in a few classes. Turpin dated my roommate's girlfriend's roommate (confused?) so he got to know him well. Turpin sat out most of the 2nd half while the team shot a paltry 3 for 33 from the field. They were shut out completely for the first 10 minutes. Unfortunately most UK faithful know these stats all too well. It took me forever to get over that defeat.
Exactly, Michael Graham was the intimidator in that game. Patrick Ewing was Patrick Ewing but Graham was the difference. It was a nightmare.

And oh yes, Rupp Arena was at it's prime in those days and you could cut the tension with a knife. I wonder if that feeling will ever return to Rupp. If it does the students will have to get more involved. The students during that period were the best spectators on earth.
Sawnee -- Graham was a bizarre character, who has led a tormented and strange life. He was kicked off Georgetown after the 1984 tournament, rumor has it for drugs and, or insubordination. He never played college ball again.

He played in the CBA for on-the-way up Phil Jackson, who eventually kicked him off the team, saying, "I tried everything. Nothing could reach him." That from the coach who got Dennis Rodman to function as a disciplined team member. Graham played overseas at a low level for a few years, but was finished with basketball by the early 1990s.

After that, he bounced around in odd jobs for years. I remember going to a meeting at a swanky hotel in DC back in the early 1990s, and there he was in some crazy, ornate dove-colored tuxedo and top hat -- the world's hugest door man! He later worked for years at a rental car company, between scrapes with the law.

Then, I remember reading in 2013 that he won a million dollar lottery prize. There were a round of stories on him then, including this long one in a DC magazine if anyone is interested in one of the Wildcat's classic villains. He's vanished again since then.
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I don't have a clue. Austin is in touch with a few of them and he may have some information. I trust it is not health issues.

I just finished reading Jeremiah Chapter 10. I need scriptures to cope with what is happening in the world today.

Our weather pattern is the same as it was yesterday and the day before so I will just say "ditto".
Sorry SC I hit the wrong number, read 10 yesterday 11 this morning. It's like he is talking to us today, same stuff going on!!!
On that Georgetown team:

I used to run with Joe B. Hall some. He was recruiting Pat Ewing. On our way to an AAU tourney Joe told me that Pat would not play division one basketball as he did not have the grades.

A while later he announced he was going to Georgetown. I mention it to Joe once and he refused to discuss it.