The visit by the FIL was a lot better than the last one of 1999. He brought me a new Bible, The Warriors Bible (fitting

). He has one too since he is a Vietnam Vet (has a 100% disability rating). He wore his Vietnam Viet hat during his visit I guess to break the ice. He did some talking about his time on LRP's (Long Range Patrols) and eating LRPS (Long Range Patrol Supplements). I told him I was not a fan of LRP's because of them being dehydrated and requiring water to reconstitute. They were perfect however for LRPS because of being dehydrated and light.
Found out he is a very staunch conservative and hated what is going on in this country. That sparked a good conversation as well and we traded information on the state of affairs of the country. He lives in Florida and says it is much better there. He also like many of the same old movies as me and was surprised how much I know about the actors and who played in these old movies and shows. Don't think it registered that I am only 11 years younger than him.
Overall a pretty good visit. If he had of taken the time in 99 he would have found that out too. The most promising part is that he is asking his X (my MIL) to go back to live with him in Florida and his son as well. Offered to buy his son a Chevy Silverado (Which he wants) if he would. So far his son says no but, I hope he changes his mind. MIL says she will not go unless son goes and then I am not sure she will anyway. The house with all of those cats will have to be cleaned up and turned back over to the owners to either demolish and rebuild or try to salvage it. Fingers Crossed and locked in place.