Good Sunday morning D-League
It's currently 73°, with a 73% chance of rain and thunderstorm later this afternoon and evening. We should reach a high of 84° with partly cloudy skies with sunshine mixed in. We are into our rainy season now and have a lot of making up to do from a very dry Spring.
I read the first chapter of Jeremiah this morning. It is not a long chapter and I went to chapter 2 after I finished. Looking forward to church services and a day of rest. It is good for the soul.
I trust you have smooth sailing today. Stay safe
It's currently 73°, with a 73% chance of rain and thunderstorm later this afternoon and evening. We should reach a high of 84° with partly cloudy skies with sunshine mixed in. We are into our rainy season now and have a lot of making up to do from a very dry Spring.
I read the first chapter of Jeremiah this morning. It is not a long chapter and I went to chapter 2 after I finished. Looking forward to church services and a day of rest. It is good for the soul.
I trust you have smooth sailing today. Stay safe