
A good Lord's Day to all.

Sad that so many people have no idea what today is the anniversary of. But as time marches on, the younger don't keep up or aren't taught, or the significance of what happened becomes less and less in the scheme of things. If I'm not mistaken, Obama was the first President to not mention D-day on June 6th. No surprise there. Hopefully Trump did...but don't remember.

Beautiful morning in the Buckeye State...heading up to the low 80s. But long range forecast for the week is the chance of rain/T storms/showers every day. Looking at the radar it looks like pockets of storms all the way down to and in the Gulf...all moving North. So I guess Kentucky gets them too.
Normally don't do much of anything work wise outside on Sundays (was always taught that it is the Lord's of rest) but with the next 4,5,6 days with a chance of rain, I'll probably get out and do a few things.

Y'all have a safe, healthy, productive day that the Lord has made.

Yes Sir, he did....

God Bless you all on this Lord's Day. I pray your day is fruitful and lived in the spirit of love. God Bless you all and your families...

Yes again.... President Trump delivered a speech...
Always better when native or fluent speakers get involved. Our other French trip back then included a week scuba diving on Giens peninsula near Toulon the week 1986 World Cup final was played. All the French assholes cheering for Argentina over Germany were annoying as heck.

During the 90s, after border checkpoints disappeared and my location in Baumholder was so close, I made several day-trips into France and Luxembourg. Metz and Lux were pretty cool.
Been to the rock many times.

Rooting for Argentina is like rooting for a German step child.
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Well, I want to announce my triumph over the deer who take pleasure in eating everything in my yard. These hibiscus were planted outside in a flower garden and deer ate them down to the roots. I dug them up and was going to throw them away but decided to put them in a pot and bring them inside the screen. Two weeks later and they are blooming and adding a lot of color to the area

Object of this lesson: Do not put food out for deer to devour. This was like a gourmet dinner for Bambi running loose through our property.


Next time be polite and butter those biscuits.
I noticed Slovik was from Detroit, Michigan which was interesting because during my 21 months as a Drill Sgt in a basic training unit we only had one "deserter" and he was from Detroit. We had a few go AWOL but they just went to Louisville where they got drunk and ended up with some girl they picked up on Market Street. The MP's would pick them up bring them back to our Company and the First Sgt would take it from there.

But our true deserter went back to the streets of Detroit and had no plans of ever returning to the Army. After he had been gone about four months, the Detroit Riots broke out right where he was, 12th Street in Detroit. We found out later a .50 caliber machine gun was fired into an apartment he was living in and totally destroyed it. He was picked up and returned to Fort Knox then sentenced to Leavenworth. I had to give a statement he had deserted from Company A and identify him as he came off of the plane in Louisville, escorted by the MP's.

Never had any successful AWOL/deserters during my time as a DI but we had a couple try. I brought one back with trainees actually handling him so he could not claim I was hurting him and I found a second hiding in the latrine after several hours (about 8) of him being missing. After I went to teach at the Drill Sergeant School they had one go AWOL and he was running across interstate 44 when he was hit by a semi. Needless to say he was killed instantly.
One time in Turkey, one of the guys got drunk at the NCO club and took the stage over from the band because they wouldn't play Frank Sinatra songs. The shift commander sent me and another guy that knew him well to take care of it. We walked on stage as he was singing My Way and we did it our way. Each of us grabbed an arm and walked him off stage with him claiming he could walk without our help. We got him outside to the truck, looked at each other, and both let go of his arms. He fell to the ground passed out. We threw him in the back of the truck, took him to the barracks, carried him upstairs and threw him on his bed where he slept it off.
One time in Turkey, one of the guys got drunk at the NCO club and took the stage over from the band because they wouldn't play Frank Sinatra songs. The shift commander sent me and another guy that knew him well to take care of it. We walked on stage as he was singing My Way and we did it our way. Each of us grabbed an arm and walked him off stage with him claiming he could walk without our help. We got him outside to the truck, looked at each other, and both let go of his arms. He fell to the ground passed out. We threw him in the back of the truck, took him to the barracks, carried him upstairs and threw him on his bed where he slept it off.
We must take care of our friends!
I noticed Slovik was from Detroit, Michigan which was interesting because during my 21 months as a Drill Sgt in a basic training unit we only had one "deserter" and he was from Detroit. We had a few go AWOL but they just went to Louisville where they got drunk and ended up with some girl they picked up on Market Street. The MP's would pick them up bring them back to our Company and the First Sgt would take it from there.

But our true deserter went back to the streets of Detroit and had no plans of ever returning to the Army. After he had been gone about four months, the Detroit Riots broke out right where he was, 12th Street in Detroit. We found out later a .50 caliber machine gun was fired into an apartment he was living in and totally destroyed it. He was picked up and returned to Fort Knox then sentenced to Leavenworth. I had to give a statement he had deserted from Company A and identify him as he came off of the plane in Louisville, escorted by the MP's.

Yes Sir but I am a Michigander who grew up in the slums of Detroit and didn't run. Had a few I knew from the streets that never ran too. That thing just happened to be from Detroit though I DO have to admit, there are some real sorry people from that area. Most do what they do when the odds are ten to one or better. One to one they are the nicest most respectful people you ever want to meet. yeah real chickenschmidts... worthy of any punishment...
Had that for dinner last night with MIL and BIL (vegans) so, she (wife) made sauce with meat and sauce without. Fishing did not go well this week or yesterday. BIL ate the sauce with meat. He quit the vegan thing this week.

Fishing report for yesterday: Warrior-Cat 1---Largemouth Bass 2. Hooked 3 bass and only landed one. Caught a channel cat with a white fluke which of course was a fluke. Heh, heh, he,.
What weight rod do you use? I lived with a medium-heavy to mentor Carl Lambert took one of my reels to the reel doctor near him for some work.......when we fished next he had it on a MX7 Graphite rod just like my was a medium.........after I landed my first two strikes he told me that I had been missing so many fish was because I wasn't feeling them soon was crazy the difference it made in my fishing that doesn't seem like much but it was.......when we was about done fishing for the day I asked him how much for the rod........he said it wasn't for sale.........when we got back to his place I proceeded to take my reel off his rod........he stopped me.....told me it wasn't for sale.......because he was giving it to made a world of difference in my bite/catch for thought.......
Never went to Paris, did the French Riviera for a week once. We moved our way through St. Tropez, Cannes, Nice, on our way to Monte Carlo. Never made Monte Carlo, ran out of money and went back to the 4th USAFAD in Werl Germany. Had a soldier who's girl friend was Belgian and she spoke about 4 or 5 languages 2 of which were English and French. She set everything up for us and did most of the talking. We got better service when she was handling the orders.
We are luckier than lucky.......buddy passes for business class round trip Louisville International to London, Gatwick $549.........our daughter lived in the Cambridge area...........we took one hop over and back in four days.........the longest trip was almost 6 months.......I only had about two days to get out of the country.....we figured that being so close to would have been silly to not poke around a little......Scotland, Belgium and France are so close......The Euro Train can get to Paris Gare De Nord from London Saint Pancras in a couple of hours....from Ely a overnight trip to easy peasy.....we were just a bit over a mile to the Ely Train Station......we became known to the ticket people at Ely train station.......I guess I probably don't remember every where we visited in England......a lot of places in the Paris area and a friend in Brussels showed us around some there........a lot of sights for a boy from the Portland neighborhood in Louisville.....
What weight rod do you use? I lived with a medium-heavy to mentor Carl Lambert took one of my reels to the reel doctor near him for some work.......when we fished next he had it on a MX7 Graphite rod just like my was a medium.........after I landed my first two strikes he told me that I had been missing so many fish was because I wasn't feeling them soon was crazy the difference it made in my fishing that doesn't seem like much but it was.......when we was about done fishing for the day I asked him how much for the rod........he said it wasn't for sale.........when we got back to his place I proceeded to take my reel off his rod........he stopped me.....told me it wasn't for sale.......because he was giving it to made a world of difference in my bite/catch for thought.......
I have medium for this but part of my problem is there is so much grass that when running my lures weed less I have to bury the hook a little deeper to avoid it coming out too soon.

Cut mine yesterday and used the weed eater to finish. 3 hours tops which normally takes me a little over 2. Marshy area in the back in my part of the easement where there is an underground spring that flows up during spring rains. If left alone and just cut around the area, cat tails will appear. So rubber boots and slow going to help keep in down. Neighbor to the back of me has that problem with about a quarter of his back yard during the spring.
Harrier habitat

Anyone else see where Darwins Arch in the Galapagos fell?
Natural erosion.....or the hand of God?

Tool in hand
a lot of sights for a boy from the Portland neighborhood in Louisville.....
26th & Selvin St. 1st house I remember. 1954.
Up early with thunder storms and golf ball size hail. One window on house broken so far. Will have to go out at first light for damage assessment. Truck is outside as well. Was not expecting the hail but, rain predicted.
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We are luckier than lucky.......buddy passes for business class round trip Louisville International to London, Gatwick $549.........our daughter lived in the Cambridge area...........we took one hop over and back in four days.........the longest trip was almost 6 months.......I only had about two days to get out of the country.....we figured that being so close to would have been silly to not poke around a little......Scotland, Belgium and France are so close......The Euro Train can get to Paris Gare De Nord from London Saint Pancras in a couple of hours....from Ely a overnight trip to easy peasy.....we were just a bit over a mile to the Ely Train Station......we became known to the ticket people at Ely train station.......I guess I probably don't remember every where we visited in England......a lot of places in the Paris area and a friend in Brussels showed us around some there........a lot of sights for a boy from the Portland neighborhood in Louisville.....
Very lucky. I flew round-trip 4x from US to Germany between 2010 and 2013. Condor cost only $780 in 2010, and I stayed two months, but those 3 round-trips on United cost $1200-1400 ea during 2012 and 2013. Great side benefit: earned enough air miles on United for free round-trip between ATX and Knoxville, which I flew in 2013.

Bob and James... (I do not remember ever seeing this. It is about 3:50 in length.) Very enjoyable...

Oh, I pray this day is a day that gives you joy to be a part of in being a light to someone in darkness. God Bless you all...
Good Monday morning

Currently 72° and partly cloudy. We had a nice loud and hard thunderstorm last evening and sit outside and enjoyed the fireworks. That is until it got to close so we came back inside. Don't mess with lightning. We have a 42% chance of rain this afternoon and our high will hit 87°. Summer will be here in two weeks.

I trust all have a great day and are in good health. Jeremiah 2. The apostasy of Israel.

Good Monday morning

Currently 72° and partly cloudy. We had a nice loud and hard thunderstorm last evening and sit outside and enjoyed the fireworks. That is until it got to close so we came back inside. Don't mess with lightning. We have a 42% chance of rain this afternoon and our high will hit 87°. Summer will be here in two weeks.

I trust all have a great day and are in good health.

SC, I think I have ask before, but what kind of trees are those?
SC, I think I have ask before, but what kind of trees are those?
Sabal palms. This is Florida's state tree. I have 32 in my yard and it is a job to keep them trimmed. They thrive in sandy soil and are salt tolerant so you will see them next to the coast and in marshes. Another name for them is the cabbage palm. They are edible and the source of Swamp Cabbage. Swamp cabbage was a favorite of the Seminole and old pioneers. You can buy it in stores as "Heart of Palms". It makes a nice salad.

Here is a video of making it. I watched my grandpa do this a 100 times

Morning all. May have some rain today....sounds like it's all over the place....OK, TX, KY....

Always thought the Condor was much more expensive than others.

Y'all have a good day.
Condor is budget option over Lufthansa.

Back in 2010, I flew out of Fort Lauderdale direct into Frankfurt. Arrived about 3 pm Central European Time that day.

Condor formerly flew into Austin twice a week for a few years, but stopped. Lufthansa flies here now out of Frankfurt. KLM starts service between ATX and Amsterdam next year.
Good morning D, I really enjoyed this past week with Mrs. M being on vacation, I hope our health holds up so she can retire and we can enjoy our retirement together! I guess that's what I get for marrying a LADY 10 years younger than me!!

Beautiful day here right now, Mrs. M says this is Florida weather this week, hot, humid and storms in the evening!!

Getting ready to go walk, but got to get rid of the coffee or I'll be back in a few minutes!!!!

We have a couple missing (AWOP) absent without permission, hope they are ok, OEC and Ybertfan! And of course Bev!

I hope the D, has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!!
I went detecting last Tuesday and was in a lot of thick stuff, didn't pay much attention about anything that got on me, but Wednesday we kept the granddaughter and the later it got the worse I felt, didn't go to church I felt so bad and began to think, I may need to go to Urgent Care, looked myself over real good but didn't see anything, I was thinking ticks. I felt a little better Thursday, but on my right side my right forearm, right shoulder and a place on the right side of my back, 3 places larger than a half dollar had become real red and itchy, it looks like they were spider bites, each one had two places in it!! This morning they are a lot smaller, but still has those little spots where it bit me.
Good morning D-League. Hope things are going well this weekend.

For those interested in reading and listening to some things about D-Day, here's some content I produced for AARP on the 75th anniversary a couple years ago, with the help of historian Alex Kershaw. It includes a few short video clips that are narrated by Breaking Bad's Bryan Cranston reading letters of D-Day participants.

Sorry, I'll have nothing to do with AARP. Dim front organization that preys on the weak.
Sorry, I'll have nothing to do with AARP. Dim front organization that preys on the weak.
It's not for everybody, though 40 million people from a fairly broad perspective seem to find what they do useful. From my perspective they do a fair amount of good for older folks, of which I am one. But I'm not looking to use this forum for that debate. It was some content I thought people might enjoy so I linked it -- take it or leave it.

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