
There is a giant Krispy Kreme facility in W. Chicago......when you go into the front door, they have a lady with two drum sticks handing fresh glazed she is picking off of the line......just as they get the glaze bath......fluffy, hot........damn things disappear like cotton candy........absolutely wonderful......
I was listening to a show today and they were discussing Donut Day. One of the donuts discussed was a Maple Bacon Bourbon Donut. Now I have not had one of these but I sure would give it a try

My oldest daughter passed her driver's exam today. I told her when she was young, I would treat her accordingly to her grades. Well going into her Senior year, she is ranked #1 in her class. She's taking 5 college level classes next year, and has already scored an 26 on the ACT. So you know what dad got to do? Buy her a car to honor my promise (worth every bit of it too) I've already made the same deal with my youngest daughter.
Congrats to her on her outstanding achievement. We are proud of the young lady. Please tell her to drive safely and defensively. The other driver often is the danger on the highway.
I was listening to a show today and they were discussing Donut Day. One of the donuts discussed was a Maple Bacon Bourbon Donut. Now I have not had one of these but I sure would give it a try

Back in Spring, we finally got around to trying some donuts like that. I figured, donuts and bacon, what could be wrong. They were great, probably one of my favorites now.
Congrats to her on her outstanding achievement. We are proud of the young lady. Please tell her to drive safely and defensively. The other driver often is the danger on the highway.
Thanks Sawnee. That's the part that worries me. I use to love driving, but now that I've gotten older, not so much. Too many people thinking they own the road for my liking.
Blue Boar Cafeteria...I miss those days as a youngster in Lexington.
That is where I proposed to my wife. I was stationed at Fort Knox and she lived in Lexington. I got a weekend pass and took her to the Blue Boar which was located in "Eastland" and ask her to marry me. She accepted my proposal and we walked over to a jewelry store in Eastland Shopping Center and I bought her a ring. The year was 1966

Simple times.

Oh, I DO hope all of your days today were real good days! It was my regular day off. I got up a little later than normal, made what is becoming my usual biscuits but this time I used my White Lily Flour I just received! (There is a difference!) Had a couple over-easy eggs with pepper and three of my biscuits. (My daughters both hit them hard and my Darling had her usual one with coffee.) My darling and I hit the road and stopped by the PX and Commissary on Fort Belvoir, made a few other stops and came home. I am thankful...

God Bless you all and may your evening be restful, peaceful, and pleasurable to you all.
Got an unexpected visitor in my glass of wine tonight. A damn cicada. Bastard!

All I can think of..... That was better than a gizzard... 😅 😅 😁 😁 🤣 🤣 🤣 ROTFLCGU 🤣🤣🤣 (As I sit here in my office nursing a Yuengling and watching for low flying gizzards...)(I kill me...)("Ain't" got the sense God gave a goose!!!)🤣
I have an update on the cancer that was cut out my care taker dog (6 years old). Vet contacted us yesterday and said it is a very aggressive cancer and moves through the system fast. Said that they did not and could not get it all. Gives her maybe 6 months to a year. OKC being the closest place for radiation or whatever we would have to treat everyday for a month or two and he said that he doubts they could stop it so, we are just going to make her life as good as we can until she is uncomfortable or in pain.

Sorry to hear that. It is a serious pain to go through what your dog and you and your family are going through. Bless you and your family.
I see an occasional mask wearer and almost always it is an out of state visitor. I guess we need a sign at the state line "NO MASK REQUIRED"

Yesterday kicked off the Python Removable Challenge in the Everglades. It runs for 10 days in July. Awards will be given for the most pythons caught and the largest.

BBUK is headed down with his crew and is determined he is going to win this thing. GO BBUK, get that snake.


I have watched those snake wrangler shows on the internet. I sure have wanted to attend those and participate as I'd really enjoy the chase and the extermination of those... creatures.... Heck, I'd be doing good too.... (Some of those dudes make some dough.)
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Oh, I DO hope all of your days today were real good days! It was my regular day off. I got up a little later than normal, made what is becoming my usual biscuits but this time I used my White Lily Flour I just received! (There is a difference!) Had a couple over-easy eggs with pepper and three of my biscuits. (My daughters both hit them hard and my Darling had her usual one with coffee.) My darling and I hit the road and stopped by the PX and Commissary on Fort Belvoir, made a few other stops and came home. I am thankful...

God Bless you all and may your evening be restful, peaceful, and pleasurable to you all.
The other 49% are probably the younger ones who have not been there long enough yet. Give them time.
Is that the Rt. 127 yard sale.......the 127 yard sale goes from Michigan almost to the southern daughter...(English Flare Interiors) and myself traveled it a few years back........we only went about 75 miles of it south of daughter is into the re-purposed funiture and signs.......she started the furniture deal while living in England and added the signs after moving back to KY....she's got a good gig going on.......she's got crafty hands.......
This one runs the length of KY east to west, on 68.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 68°F and cloudy. Chance for showers around 2 pm or so. Today's high may reach 82°F or so. Heat returns around middle of next week.

Ground is very saturated from all the rain we've received lately. Mosquitos also coming out, some carrying West Nile virus.

Plan on walking in a few. It's early.

Belmont Stakes today.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

My oldest daughter passed her driver's exam today. I told her when she was young, I would treat her accordingly to her grades. Well going into her Senior year, she is ranked #1 in her class. She's taking 5 college level classes next year, and has already scored an 26 on the ACT. So you know what dad got to do? Buy her a car to honor my promise (worth every bit of it too) I've already made the same deal with my youngest daughter.
That is wonderful. Gongrats to her.
I have an update on the cancer that was cut out my care taker dog (6 years old). Vet contacted us yesterday and said it is a very aggressive cancer and moves through the system fast. Said that they did not and could not get it all. Gives her maybe 6 months to a year. OKC being the closest place for radiation or whatever we would have to treat everyday for a month or two and he said that he doubts they could stop it so, we are just going to make her life as good as we can until she is uncomfortable or in pain.
That's tough. We went through a similar situation about 20+ years ago with our Cocker Spaniel. Had a lump and took him to the vet. Vet gave the Mrs the option of removing the lump and hopefully getting all the cancer or removing the (hind) leg. She just couldn't give the OK on the leg....and hoped/prayed that just removal would work. It didn't. Later they had to remove the leg. Worked for a few better...then worse. Had to put him down. He was a good dog.
Just doing a Fly By in my "sport model" alien space craft. We're headed out to Montana to check out Glacier NP for a few days. Hopefully the Good Lord will bless us with good weather and health so we can check this NP off of our list. Be GOOD BBN! And keep an eye on those skies! 👽👽

Morning folks. It is 63.0°F and sunny.

Glacier National Park is wonderful country. Idaho on the West side is nice also.
Looks like a really nice day shaping up here in the Buckeye State. Sunny and warm....heading to the mid-80s.

Tough night sleeping. Spent almost the entire day mowing (still not done). Even though my riding mower is comfortable (Husquvarna 52 inch cut) if I spend a lot of time on it my back pays the consequences. Probably was on it for 3-4 hours straight. When I went to bed it was one of those aches/pains where it was a struggle to lay still, roll over, etc. Kept waking up. Finally around 2:30 I finally was able to stay asleep till 6:30. Maybe being on that rider for long periods of time makes the muscles in the back tense up...and finally around 2:30 they started to relax. Don't know. Not as much 'achy' this it will be back out at it to finish one of the fields....then a few other things in the yard.

Y'all have a good, safe day.
Huh? I couldn't read what you typed. Something distracted me...
I have an update on the cancer that was cut out my care taker dog (6 years old). Vet contacted us yesterday and said it is a very aggressive cancer and moves through the system fast. Said that they did not and could not get it all. Gives her maybe 6 months to a year. OKC being the closest place for radiation or whatever we would have to treat everyday for a month or two and he said that he doubts they could stop it so, we are just going to make her life as good as we can until she is uncomfortable or in pain.
Sorry to hear that sad news.
Good Saturday Morning

Our temperature is 68° at my house and we got a nice heavy downpour yesterday. First in a long time. We have a 44% chance of more this afternoon around 4:00 PM. Until then we will have bright sunshine with a high of 84°.

Lots to do today but I have not figured out what I am going to do yet. I just might jump in my pickup and take her deep into the swamps. That is always a fun thing to do. We have a nice nature trail close by. My wife is headed down to Tarpon Springs to have her hair done by her hairdresser. We have known her since she was a little girl playing with our kids. She has quite a business going and did very well for herself as a small business owner. She built it from the ground up and now owns the building it is in as well as other things. A self made woman, they are the best.

Don't forget D Day. Most people have

That's tough. We went through a similar situation about 20+ years ago with our Cocker Spaniel. Had a lump and took him to the vet. Vet gave the Mrs the option of removing the lump and hopefully getting all the cancer or removing the (hind) leg. She just couldn't give the OK on the leg....and hoped/prayed that just removal would work. It didn't. Later they had to remove the leg. Worked for a few better...then worse. Had to put him down. He was a good dog.
He is waiting for you all at Rainbow Bridge. It is so sad.
Good Saturday Morning

Our temperature is 68° at my house and we got a nice heavy downpour yesterday. First in a long time. We have a 44% chance of more this afternoon around 4:00 PM. Until then we will have bright sunshine with a high of 84°.

Lots to do today but I have not figured out what I am going to do yet. I just might jump in my pickup and take her deep into the swamps. That is always a fun thing to do. We have a nice nature trail close by. My wife is headed down to Tarpon Springs to have her hair done by her hairdresser. We have known her since she was a little girl playing with our kids. She has quite a business going and did very well for herself as a small business owner. She built it from the ground up and now owns the building it is in as well as other things. A self made woman, they are the best.

Don't forget D Day. Most people have

Thanks for the reminder.
  • We've got 73º right now in Cumming. Rain this afternoon. Overcast.
  • Sweet little Lola asleep at my feet.
  • #3 will be returning to U.S. soil on or about 06/22. Anxious. He's moving to Ft. Bragg.
  • Nothing going on here.
  • Ready for some Kentucky Football. They will open camp next month.
  • As you were.
  • Carry on.
  • Be carefulul out there.
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Good Saturday Morning

. . . . .

Don't forget D Day. Most people have
I had several relatives at D Day. My cousin Bill Sittley was one of my favored.

He landed on Omaha beach on June 6, 1944, D-Day. He was one of only three men in his Higgins boat that survived the landing. He was shot in the knee and in the face (the 8mm round went through both his cheeks and missed all of his teeth as he was running with his mouth open). They told him he had a million dollar wound and would be going home. 4 weeks latter he was back in Normandy and got his jaw broken in hand to hand combat with a German. They told him he had a million dollar wound and would be going home. 6 weeks later he was back in combat. They sent him to Belgium for R & R and he got to participate in the “Battle of the Bulge”. He ended up in Germany when the Germans surrendered. Bill and his buddies got drunk and Bill rolled down a mountain to sustain his last wound!

He hung around the Army and was a combat vet of the Korean war also.

He always told the funny stories not the sad ones. He knew how lucky he was.