
Good morning D, still dreary day here, but the rest of the week looks good!!!

Keeping the granddaughter was a delight yesterday!!! I have told the D she is autistic, but she is so smart!!! We are working with sign language with her, One funny thing, her dad taught her to sign daddy is beautiful, so her teacher taught her to sign stinky daddy!!!!! We kept her for over 6 hours yesterday, not a whimper from her. She does not like to eat hardly anything but McDonalds, but she loves Mrs. M grilled cheese and when she wants one she gets in a certain chair to let us know that she wants her grilled cheese!!!

Read 62&63 this morning.

I hope the D has a great day and always Prayers for the D!!!!
Had a real good time visiting the SIL and BIL... Sure glad the SIL is doing well. We thought we were going to lose her.
BOB (Big Ole Boy) was a blast to have with us and he sure got along well with his second Grandma and Grandpa.
I DO wish I could have met up with many of you though. It is a shame. My BIL and I had some serious time together and we understand a lot better where we were during our time estranged from each other. (Won't go into further details but this time together was needed. For posterity if anything else. I am thankful.)
The guy is a wizard in many areas. He gave me several items I was shocked to receive...

He buys his ammo in bulk and gave me these and a couple boxes of .380 shells. (I'd have shared had we been able to meet up.)
At a cross roads...

My youngest was born at Hardin Memorial and now it is named Baptist Health...

Stopped at a military memorial that was built since we lived there... (I didn't think to take a picture when my BIL showed me the replica of the Wall from the Vietnam war memorial...)

E'Town has sure grown a lot since we were there and it seems for the better. (Just a visual as our time was so short.)
My Darling was sure impressed again with the home sites there and the amenities the place was lacking from our time there. My grandson ran every inch a few times of my BIL's and SIL's approximately three acre lot. I have tons of video running after that boy. Just laughing and laughing...

(Edit: My youngest wasn't with us, just her son but when her cousin told her what nurses were making there and also as she was born there she was ready to move...)

My darling and daughter have the itch to move back but I will give them time to cool down and see how they feel then.
God Bless you all...
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Yes we have no cicadas, we have no cicadas today.

Here in Elgin OK we don't have any. We have a few each year (those not on the regular 17 year plan) but, none this year. Man, I wanted me some for my fishing bait.
The FDA put out a warning yesterday about not eating cicadas if you were allergic to shellfish. That shouldn't be a problem for most.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 65° and rainy, with thunderstorms and a high of 74° expected later today.

Everyone stay safe out there today.

One of America's beautiful walkways -- around the title basin, especially when the Cherry Trees are blossoming. But really any time. When I start doing my walks around DC again instead of out in the Maryland burbs, I suspect some scenes I've taken for granted will seem fresh to me, like this one.
Good morning D League

My devotions this morning included Isaiah 62 & 63. Isaiah is one of my favorite books of the Bible.

It is currently 78° with a 25% chance of thunderstorms this afternoon. Our high will be 84° this afternoon. Last night we got a hard rain with thunder and lightning which is a normal summer weather pattern for us. We need all of the rain we can get.

Yesterday I had my one year post operative doctor's visit for my spinal surgery. All was well and x-rays were very good. If I had it to do over again, I would do it 1,000 times. The doctor is brilliant. I will go back in a year for x-rays which is normal for this type of surgery. I can do anything my body allows me to now so I consider that a blessing. I could not do that a year ago.

Trust all are well and God's blessings to all.

Wild Cracker horses attack gator at Payne's Prairie . Don't mess with a wild horse Mr Gator

I rubbed the crystal ball and it looks like awf and family will be eating a lot of home grown veggies, fresh duck, fresh rabbit, squab and chicken......all organically grown.......
Yeah...the Mrs has been on me for a few years to expand the size of the garden, and with Joe she is really pushing it this year. She went over there the other day and spread a few big, huge tarps to kill the grass so I can then till up the land easier and make the garden much bigger for a late planting of corn.

Notice I said...'so I can till up the land'. Her idea.
Morning folks. It is a cloudy 70.0°F here. I am hoping to mow before any more rain. We ended up with 2.24" yesterday and last night. That is a good rain.
Don't know how much (think I'll get a wireless rain gauge) but it rained here all day...never stopped...and a little overnight. Just mowed Mon or Tues and it needs it again.

I've got one of those glass rain gauges...but I always forget to dump it. Plus, don't know how accurate they are.
Hello all,

Just returned from our trip to Radcliff. Good things happened, I will post more and some picks tomorrow. Sure wish we could have met each other.

May your rest this night bring you a renewed spirit to where you impact everyone's day you come in contact with tomorrow for the better. schedule flipped around and I sat at the house.....glad you folks had a good trip and are safely back home.....
Yeah...the Mrs has been on me for a few years to expand the size of the garden, and with Joe she is really pushing it this year. She went over there the other day and spread a few big, huge tarps to kill the grass so I can then till up the land easier and make the garden much bigger for a late planting of corn.

Notice I said...'so I can till up the land'. Her idea.
The Director grew up on a farm.......gardening and canning are just things we have always done.....once you get used to eating untainted food it's hard to go back to the store.....The Director takes care of the tomato plants and.........................and helps with canning.....
Don't know how much (think I'll get a wireless rain gauge) but it rained here all day...never stopped...and a little overnight. Just mowed Mon or Tues and it needs it again.

I've got one of those glass rain gauges...but I always forget to dump it. Plus, don't know how accurate they are.
I have an electronic one; however, the glass rain gauges are very accurate. (IF YOU EMPTY THEM!)
There are too many commercials (radio and TV).
  • Listened to Matt Jones explain his Blood Pressure problem. Too much on his plate. Feel sorry for him. Say a prayer for him.
  • Love that horse vs, alligator video. You have to love nature.
  • Did something dumb yesterday: dropped a toothpick/flosser on the floor yesterday and did not notice that I had done that. Lola got it and chewed it into little pieces. It made her sick (thank goodness.) QB knew what she was doing, but did not communicate what she knew. I missed the toothpick and looked for it, but couldn't find it. It was a debacle. Happy ending.
  • No White Tails.
  • No action.
  • A driving lightbulb costs $23.00.
  • As you were.
  • Carry on.
  • Be careful out there.
  • Don't fight with a policeman.
  • If he tells you to stop, do not run.
  • Be careful out there.
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On to a different theme. My old friend from High School that I see a couple times a week came by yesterday. This is what she brought Sherry and Bert.


Please note the weight of the cauliflower. 4 pounds. The onion was a disappointing 1/2 pound, I was hoping for more. The romaine is massive. Kentucky is productive.

Edible Sir!
You've seen gals carrying beer mugs at Oktoberfest in Germany. Here's a similar trick taken at a San Antonio bar in 1948. This man is awesome. Note the old beer cases left.

I see a case of Falstaff in the left corner of the picture. The first beer I drank in my life was Falstaff. Sitting on a railroad track in South Alabama. Dizzy Dean use to broadcast baseball games while drinking Falstaff beer. By the 6th inning he was singing Wabash Cannon Ball.

Speaking of Ty Cobb, this leaves me an opening to speak of my childhood sports hero. Ty Cobb once said that Stan Musial was the closest thing to a perfect baseball player he had ever seen.
BTW despite his reputation, in his later years, Cobb was a very nice person, often helping down on their luck former players. He had invested his money wisely and was a very wealthy man. He had invested in Coca Cola and GM on the ground floor.
SM was a great player & human being. TC in that picture is shaking hands with the best player ever imo.
That would be my guess, along with trying to get people excited once again about UK basketball, after the fiasco last year. They appeared at the hospital here because UK just bought a 49% interest in it, this past year.

It will be interesting to see if he interjects racial/political stuff preseason again.