
Reserved the rental car this morning: $931 for 14 days. Insane. Doubled in price from last year.
Getting to the point that it would almost be cheaper to buy a car....take the trip....sell used 14 days later when you return.

As I posted a couple weeks ago, same thing happened to my bro. Rental car to Boston and back doubled from last year. So now he's taking his car next week for the trip. I'll tell him about this Austin...we were wondering when he first priced/found out about it if it was an anomoly just for a rental from Ohio-Boston....or if car rentals had just gone up that much.
No, I know that there are still cattle ranches in Florida. What I meant (didn't make it clear) is that is the picture staged in that they are rounding up wild cattle in the 'glades, etc. That wild cattle still live in the 'glades.
But I didn't realize that in the 80s that there was that much cattle production there.
As an aside, I knew a guy years ago up here who told me that his parents sold their farm to Disney. As I recall, at the time they sold no one knew what all the buying up of land was for.
Disney changed everything and most people think for the worst.

I had a close friend, Larry Sharp whose family owned a very large ranch in Polk County. They sold out and moved the entire ranch operation to Alabama. This was in the mid 1970's. I remember going over there and watching the government inspect each cow and mark them to allow them to cross state lines. It was a huge operation that took several weeks.
Getting to the point that it would almost be cheaper to buy a car....take the trip....sell used 14 days later when you return.

As I posted a couple weeks ago, same thing happened to my bro. Rental car to Boston and back doubled from last year. So now he's taking his car next week for the trip. I'll tell him about this Austin...we were wondering when he first priced/found out about it if it was an anomaly just for a rental from Ohio-Boston....or if car rentals had just gone up that much.

Yeah, we haven't driven much in two years and will take the wife's Camry. My daughter offered to let us take her Rav4 but I seriously doubt we will do that. (I already cleaned that sucker very well and do not want to have to again. I plan to detail my Darlings car this weekend for the drive though I just changed the oil and wiper blades. It is not real dirty and should be in decent shape... Heck, I'd just about take my commuter car (Mazda 3)(All I'd do with it is clean the windows and check the tire pressures.) rather than pay that dough but that is me and I don't have the miles on our car.
Getting to the point that it would almost be cheaper to buy a car....take the trip....sell used 14 days later when you return.

As I posted a couple weeks ago, same thing happened to my bro. Rental car to Boston and back doubled from last year. So now he's taking his car next week for the trip. I'll tell him about this Austin...we were wondering when he first priced/found out about it if it was an anomoly just for a rental from Ohio-Boston....or if car rentals had just gone up that much.
I'll discuss with the wife, but I may indeed drive our truck out and back this time. We just obtained a new warranty until 2028. Currently 31K miles on odometer. Might be the best and cheapest course of action.
An add on to Austin's National Brisket Day....I just saw where today is National Burger Day as well.
Makes sense....brisket...burger....all beef.
Had a burger for lunch as we were out running. Now I wish I'd seen this article earlier and I could have either gotten a freebie, or a much better burger than my McD's $1 $2 $3 Dollar Menu McDouble.
Well you can grow beef on a lot of hillsides that you can't grow much else on except trees.
Wow, that is an insult.

My area of Kentucky is far more productive than 99 percent of the worlds surface.

Go to Kansas, Colorado, Alberta, Montana and report back to me on how verdant it is out there and then start to knock Kentucky.

Go to Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and tell us how great it is when it comes to raising cattle. The reason you could raise cattle in Texas and the Southwest is because of it vast expanses. They were vast but anything but verdant.

Geeze! where in hell in Arizona can you raise a cow per acre, don't look for an area were you can raise 10 per acre, because it does not exit out west.
Go to Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and tell us how great it is when it comes to raising cattle. The reason you could raise cattle in Texas and the Southwest is because of it vast expanses. They were vast but anything but verdant.

Geeze! where in hell in Arizona can you raise a cow per acre, don't look for an area were you can raise 10 per acre, because it does not exit out west.
My brother and I were talking about this very thing a few weeks ago.
The ten states with the highest number of beef cows are:

  1. Texas - 4,685,000
  2. Oklahoma - 2,189,000
  3. Missouri - 2,035,000
  4. Nebraska - 1,900,000
  5. South Dakota - 1,799,000
  6. Kansas - 1,447,000
  7. Montana - 1,419,000
  8. Kentucky - 983,000
  9. North Dakota - 975,000
  10. Florida - 929,000
Now look at how many acres of land are required to raise beef and Kentucky blows them all away. My area raises grain, cows (milk and beef) and many other things that are hard to match simply because God gave us good soil and blessed rain.

Plus we grow Corvettes.

Sorry about bragging.
I just sold my crop of Corvettes, but I may indulge again before too long.
No, I know that there are still cattle ranches in Florida. What I meant (didn't make it clear) is that is the picture staged in that they are rounding up wild cattle in the 'glades, etc. That wild cattle still live in the 'glades.
But I didn't realize that in the 80s that there was that much cattle production there.
As an aside, I knew a guy years ago up here who told me that his parents sold their farm to Disney. As I recall, at the time they sold no one knew what all the buying up of land was for.
Disney had their purchasers incorporate many different companies to secretly buy land. A bunch of it sold really cheaply, especially that which was marshy area. Once the word got out that Disney was moving in the prices soared.
Wow, that is an insult.

My area of Kentucky is far more productive than 99 percent of the worlds surface.

Go to Kansas, Colorado, Alberta, Montana and report back to me on how verdant it is out there and then start to knock Kentucky.

Go to Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and tell us how great it is when it comes to raising cattle. The reason you could raise cattle in Texas and the Southwest is because of it vast expanses. They were vast but anything but verdant.

Geeze! where in hell in Arizona can you raise a cow per acre, don't look for an area were you can raise 10 per acre, because it does not exit out west.
Agree. Granted that far Eastern Kentucky has hillsides, but I would say that only accounts for 15% to 20% of Kentucky’s geography. Most of the cattle are raised in other parts of the state. There is cattle raised in E. Ky, put probably not as much, per acre, as the rest of the state. The varying geography of Kentucky is one of its largest assets.
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Here is Cordmakers photo.

I was supposed to do this last night but I had unplanned company and it never got done.
Bar clamps will be perfect for the piece........the joints will only fit as good as they are cut........are you going to stain that oak or is it going to be natural? Darn nice looking glass work also......When I make a window sash....I like to cut my dado for the glass about 1/8" deep.....then I take little pcs of rubber and use it as spacers between the glass and the frame.........and I don't even remember who showed me this.....but it makes for a great fit without creating wood to glass pressure.....
There are cattle in the wilds of Kentucky. The lady that cuts my hair is a cow girl and she helps going out and giving cow medical attention. The cattle are basically let go and then they check on them and keep them healthy.

Here are some pictures that she allowed me to show.

This is Johnny. Note he is western broke and you guide him with your legs. I have loved on Johnny. What a fine fellow.
We also grow the largest elk in the country.
Bar clamps will be perfect for the piece........the joints will only fit as good as they are cut........are you going to stain that oak or is it going to be natural? Darn nice looking glass work also......When I make a window sash....I like to cut my dado for the glass about 1/8" deep.....then I take little pcs of rubber and use it as spacers between the glass and the frame.........and I don't even remember who showed me this.....but it makes for a great fit without creating wood to glass pressure.....
Thanks awf, I designed this piece for my twisted sister, it went inside one of her cabinet doors. After she divorce the A$$HOLE we went to the house and took them back out. I stored them away for her, then forgot all about them. She called me one day and ask about them, then she ask if I could put this one in a frame for her. As for staining it, that is up to her, I like stain but we'll see what se wants. I bought the wood from one of the companies I deal with, but there is another company, Northern Hard Woods that has special made wood for glass too!
Will be leaving soon to go get my brisket from Billy Sims. Wife came home from work at 1400 and we had to go pick up the big girl form the vet. They operated today to remove outer cancerous growth and removed an inner lump that was there to. She has a very big scar on her stomach and is uncomfortable but dealing. We have to watch her for at least the next 7 days to ensure she does not lick or scratch the area plus, keep the other 3 dogs off of her. Hard with the 6 1/2 year old puppy. She just wants to be in and around everything.
Good morning D-League - Needed to get an early start on the work day.

I hope everyone is looking forward to the long weekend.

We'll make our way over to Arlington Cemetery at some point. Because of COVID, and that these things take a while, we haven't seen the plaque at the spot where my father-in-law's cremated remains are entombed. His widow went last weekend and took a photo.

According to her, he actually made corporal, but got in a brawl with some sailors and was busted back to PFC, which remained his official rank. I can believe it.
This linked Irish Catholic family I assume?

You're a pro.... 😅 An honor to interact with you!

Oh, May God be God to you, he is God but some cannot fathom his deity. May you always come to the realization that God is God but he values you so much that he gave his son that you may live and live eternally with him. Choose wisely. God Bless you all...
I learned to read and had 1 Book. The Bible
Then Book of Science, Book of Knowledge
A Dictionary Student Handbook
Field guides for everything.
Hunting, fishing, and sports left no time for Jesus. Then a long-time 6 yr bestest of friend told 12 yr old me if I didn't come to church Sunday, I'd better not come to school Monday because they had a game Tuesday night and had lost 4 straight. I had 4 singles he had 4 home runs and we won 8-7. I was the big winner as within 6 months was saved and baptized the following Easter and biology didn't change at all. It still took 250 years to grow a 250 year old tree. I was still addicted to eating carbon-based life forms. Had interesting discussions and my first experience being canceled. I became an evil 13 year old threat.
Have a nice visit to Arlington Cemetery. If by chance you get close to the grave of my mother's first cousin, please do me a favor and leave a penny on his headstone.

Bill, Jr was a West Point grad in the class of 1944 and was sent to Normandy. He never got out of Normandy alive. Notice the error on his tombstone. WWI. He died in Normandy on July 5, 1944. World War II. The 83rd Infantry saw some heavy fighting in Europe.


He was given a Silver Star for Gallantry Appendix No.2 Page 6 of linked *.pdf 2nd Lt.


Of course I believe you brother... Darn that's a chunk...

My brother and I were talking about this very thing a few weeks ago.
There were desert grasslands that when over grazed were replaced with thorn scrub as the poor soils got washed away. The Cattle -Elk-Deer forage equation for basic forest management approximately 1 AUM (animal unit month) for a steer equates to ≈2 bison/elk to ≈5 deer. So you're likely correct. The value of the wildlife higher in western mountain fire climax plant communities. You rarely see people taking pictures of the cattle. Still people love the romantic illusion of the cowboy. Mountain boys and rodeos draw decent crowds to see local fire fighting heroes (hot shots) take on the pro bull riders.
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A question for all you smart guys. if I may? Jan has a CanonIPF6450 inkjet printer that she hooks up to a computer and prints on lamp shade material. I barely know how to make a post, so I'm clueless. She has a fair knowledge about computers, but had no schooling on it, so it's just what she picks up by trial and error. Anyhow, hard drives on the computers keep going out. She bought a new HP at Costco about 6 months ago and now the hard drive went out. That's 4 in the last 2 or 3 years. Is this common for printers? Any ideas?
A question for all you smart guys. if I may? Jan has a CanonIPF6450 inkjet printer that she hooks up to a computer and prints on lamp shade material. I barely know how to make a post, so I'm clueless. She has a fair knowledge about computers, but had no schooling on it, so it's just what she picks up by trial and error. Anyhow, hard drives on the computers keep going out. She bought a new HP at Costco about 6 months ago and now the hard drive went out. That's 4 in the last 2 or 3 years. Is this common for printers? Any ideas?
The printer, it seems, makes the hard drive in the computer go out?
Who 'rates' movies on these streaming platforms? The rating like G, R, etc?
Here's one for @BBUK , and I've noticed this before....clicked on an old John Wayne a little while ago for some background noise while doing something else, in that I've seen this movie many times. Rio Grande. 1950.
Was rated a 13+ for violence (OK), foul language and drug usage. What a joke! I assume the 'drug usage' is for smoking and 'foul language' is for calling an Indian a redskin or the like.
Yet these same people (lib Hollywood/high tech) think there's more than __(put in a number) genders, grass/hard drugs is OK, and movies full of F-bombs is OK.
Thanks awf, I designed this piece for my twisted sister, it went inside one of her cabinet doors. After she divorce the A$$HOLE we went to the house and took them back out. I stored them away for her, then forgot all about them. She called me one day and ask about them, then she ask if I could put this one in a frame for her. As for staining it, that is up to her, I like stain but we'll see what se wants. I bought the wood from one of the companies I deal with, but there is another company, Northern Hard Woods that has special made wood for glass too!
Cord you are an artist. You don't know it but you are.
A question for all you smart guys. if I may? Jan has a CanonIPF6450 inkjet printer that she hooks up to a computer and prints on lamp shade material. I barely know how to make a post, so I'm clueless. She has a fair knowledge about computers, but had no schooling on it, so it's just what she picks up by trial and error. Anyhow, hard drives on the computers keep going out. She bought a new HP at Costco about 6 months ago and now the hard drive went out. That's 4 in the last 2 or 3 years. Is this common for printers? Any ideas?
Looked up that printer. Quite a printer. I wonder, based on a PDF that came up when I put in hard drive in the FAQ for this model (on it's product page for this model)....looks like the printer itself has a hard drive. And maybe that's what is going out? I could be all wet. @AustinTXCat probably know much more then me. Here's the PDF....
Will be leaving soon to go get my brisket from Billy Sims. Wife came home from work at 1400 and we had to go pick up the big girl form the vet. They operated today to remove outer cancerous growth and removed an inner lump that was there to. She has a very big scar on her stomach and is uncomfortable but dealing. We have to watch her for at least the next 7 days to ensure she does not lick or scratch the area plus, keep the other 3 dogs off of her. Hard with the 6 1/2 year old puppy. She just wants to be in and around everything.
Below is the picture of my girl and her cancerous skin tumor and then, the after picture with the big scar.

Looked up that printer. Quite a printer. I wonder, based on a PDF that came up when I put in hard drive in the FAQ for this model (on it's product page for this model)....looks like the printer itself has a hard drive. And maybe that's what is going out? I could be all wet. @AustinTXCat probably know much more then me. Here's the PDF....
Thanks, I'll show Jan, but the computer is definitely crashing.
Looked up that printer. Quite a printer. I wonder, based on a PDF that came up when I put in hard drive in the FAQ for this model (on it's product page for this model)....looks like the printer itself has a hard drive. And maybe that's what is going out? I could be all wet. @AustinTXCat probably know much more then me. Here's the PDF....
She just said the printer works with a different computer.
My cousin shot two elk that field dressed out over 600 pounds and they were cows. In fact one week ago today I cooked a four pound roast.

I am a proud Kentuckian and I will defend her loudly.
Does Kentucky still have a lottery, or something like that, for elk hunting? One of my nephews is a big hunter. Goes to Maine and Alaska for moose hunting and every year for at least 20 years he's gone to Idaho (or maybe Utah, but I think Idaho) elk hunting. Seems he looked into elk hunting in Ky at one time and it was some type lottery with few permits. I think that was a number of years maybe it's changed?
Good luck.
Yeah, the other three are investigating the wound but, we have to keep them away too. They don't understand that, especially the puppy because she plays with the puppy a lot outside and when we went out the puppy tried and we had to stop her. She was obviously confused and unhappy.
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