
I am a huge Gram Parsons fan and I am glad I am not alone and someone else remembers him. I was crushed when he died. He was a local kid down here and lived a troubled life of drugs but man he was talented. He actually kicked off the career of Emmylou. What a harmony they produced.

Another of my favorites with them. I wish he could have had a long career, he would have gone down as one of the greatest in music history. What a voice

He's one of my all-time favorites Sawnee. I was still a teenage kid when I stumbled onto his music - just before he died, alas. And it was dazzling to me. For whatever reason, I can't open the link you posted of another duet with Emmylou. IF it was this one, sorry for the repeat...
Do not do those since way before computers... No speaka filth...
Back in the day I would go to the CES Show in Vegas every year right after the holidays. Consumer Electronics Show. VCRs were running strong and the show had an entirely separate display/show for the VCR 'adult entertainment industry'. It was off site at one of the older hotels...maybe the Sands. Buddy of mine wanted to walk over there and I had an hour or two free so I went with him. Man. lie...felt like I had to hold my breath afraid that I might catch something in the air. Place was packed and there were probably 150-200 booths of all kinds. Different porn celebs in different booths. Only one I had ever heard of was Ron Jeremy. Got an autographed 8x11 that he made out to my wife (ex now). Can't remember exactly what he wrote on it now...but it was funny....along the lines of I miss you, etc, etc.

The actress Sandra Berhard was in one of the booths...loud and carrying on. Couldn't figure out if she dabbled in porn early in her career or was hanging with friends. Probably just hanging...Wiki makes a note 'Bernhard is bisexual and a strong supporter of gay rights' ... so it makes sense that she would hang with that type of crowd. Convention hall was full of weirdos.
Back in the day I would go to the CES Show in Vegas every year right after the holidays. Consumer Electronics Show. VCRs were running strong and the show had an entirely separate display/show for the VCR 'adult entertainment industry'. It was off site at one of the older hotels...maybe the Sands. Buddy of mine wanted to walk over there and I had an hour or two free so I went with him. Man. lie...felt like I had to hold my breath afraid that I might catch something in the air. Place was packed and there were probably 150-200 booths of all kinds. Different porn celebs in different booths. Only one I had ever heard of was Ron Jeremy. Got an autographed 8x11 that he made out to my wife (ex now). Can't remember exactly what he wrote on it now...but it was funny....along the lines of I miss you, etc, etc.

The actress Sandra Berhard was in one of the booths...loud and carrying on. Couldn't figure out if she dabbled in porn early in her career or was hanging with friends. Probably just hanging...Wiki makes a note 'Bernhard is bisexual and a strong supporter of gay rights' ... so it makes sense that she would hang with that type of crowd. Convention hall was full of weirdos.

I am all male but what I did and what I do, I do in the privacy of my home. It used to be that deviants did the same thing but now they must force feed it to "the children".
Back in the day I would go to the CES Show in Vegas every year right after the holidays. Consumer Electronics Show. VCRs were running strong and the show had an entirely separate display/show for the VCR 'adult entertainment industry'. It was off site at one of the older hotels...maybe the Sands. Buddy of mine wanted to walk over there and I had an hour or two free so I went with him. Man. lie...felt like I had to hold my breath afraid that I might catch something in the air. Place was packed and there were probably 150-200 booths of all kinds. Different porn celebs in different booths. Only one I had ever heard of was Ron Jeremy. Got an autographed 8x11 that he made out to my wife (ex now). Can't remember exactly what he wrote on it now...but it was funny....along the lines of I miss you, etc, etc.

The actress Sandra Berhard was in one of the booths...loud and carrying on. Couldn't figure out if she dabbled in porn early in her career or was hanging with friends. Probably just hanging...Wiki makes a note 'Bernhard is bisexual and a strong supporter of gay rights' ... so it makes sense that she would hang with that type of crowd. Convention hall was full of weirdos.
I attended CES in 2002 on my company's dime. Wife and I drove from Austin to Vegas. Got stranded in a snowstorm on I-40 in New Mexico coming back. I'd only been retired from US Army less than a year. Back then, Microsoft Messenger and..... wait for it..... flat screen monitors, were all the rage. Ha ha, awesome memories.
I attended CES in 2002 on my company's dime. Wife and I drove from Austin to Vegas. Got stranded in a snowstorm on I-40 in New Mexico coming back. I'd only been retired from US Army less than a year. Back then, Microsoft Messenger and..... wait for it..... flat screen monitors, were all the rage. Ha ha, awesome memories.
First time I ever saw a flat screen TV (monitor) was at a CES in the late 80s or early 90s. Motorola (I think) had a huge booth and one of the things they were featuring were flat screens. Still in the developmental stage. They were all about 20 inch monitors and were all stacked together (like the old scoreboards) to make a 20 foot wide and 12-15 foot high (approximates) screen. I asked one of their reps....if this 20 inch TV was available on the market...what would it go for. He answered 20-25K. Now it's a 100 bucks....or less.
Good morning D-League. Beautiful day in the east after a wicked round of thunderstorms. If any of you Reds fans watched the game from Nats park, you saw those freaky black clouds.

Today is the day I'm officially sick of cicadas. Took a long walk today through some close set trees and the damn things were really agitated -- i guess its now or never on the mating front. They were flying into my hair and attaching to my clothes.

Bugs have always freaked me out. I can take snakes, lizards, rodents, even scorpions, which I've encountered quite a bit in my travels. But I'm most creeped out by bugs. I can't say why.

I hope you all have a great, cicada-free day.
Can you imagine how loud it will get after the mating. "Why didn't you flap your wings more during the act" "Where are you going?" Who's going to dig the hole to put these eggs in?" " Are you listening to me?"
First time I ever saw a flat screen TV (monitor) was at a CES in the late 80s or early 90s. Motorola (I think) had a huge booth and one of the things they were featuring were flat screens. Still in the developmental stage. They were all about 20 inch monitors and were all stacked together (like the old scoreboards) to make a 20 foot wide and 12-15 foot high (approximates) screen. I asked one of their reps....if this 20 inch TV was available on the market...what would it go for. He answered 20-25K. Now it's a 100 bucks....or less.
Wife and I still going fairly decent with our side-business back in '02. I sold a Dell laptop modem to a customer in Vegas during that time. Told him, heck, we'll deliver it to you when we travel out for CES. No problem. He met us at the hotel. Turned out he was in charge of the lightshow at Bellagio. Gave us a tour. Too cool. He required this Dell laptop modem so he could connect offline outside the LAN and connect when not on site.
Can you imagine how loud it will get after the mating. "Why didn't you flap your wings more during the act" "Where are you going?" Who's going to dig the hole to put these eggs in?" " Are you listening to me?"
I have heard one of these buggers...........about three days I went to Lowe's which is about three miles away......they were loud over there.........
I have heard one of these buggers...........about three days I went to Lowe's which is about three miles away......they were loud over there.........
Need some of them for bait. Just put a hook through their back right behind the head and eyes and then cast it out. When their wings start flapping the bass start zapping and get hooked. Used them a lot when I was younger.
Hello, D. It’s been awhile, hope y’all are good.

I tried to intervene with nature tonight, and failed. I failed Rooster’s people - the birds, and I need to know that momma bird will forgive me.

Momma Bird Dove birthed two big beautiful babies right on my kitchen window sill. They were more than my neighbors, they were part of my family at this point. I saw em every day, watched em hatch, and grow big enough to fly. Then I failed them.

I arrived home at 10, walk in the kitchen, turn on some lights to peek through the window at my bird family, and to my dismay a big fat ass serpent was right up in the nest. Momma Dove is there. Everyone is still. The snake bastard is just waiting for his opportunity.

Well my dumbass decides to play hero. I’m not gonna let this snake kill these two babies. So, I get my shovel, make my way to the nest....Momma flys off, snake strikes one bird. Genius move on my part. I’m sad and pissed. Snake is killed.

Ok, at least one baby actually flew about 20 feet out in the yard....into my dog’s mouth.

So, I tried to intervene with nature and made things way worse. Maybe both babies were doomed anyway, but at least the snake would have lived. But that huge slithering bastard crossed a line.

Rooster, what I need to know is will this Momma Bird quickly forget this horrific incident? Do birds remember?
Hello, D. It’s been awhile, hope y’all are good.

I tried to intervene with nature tonight, and failed. I failed Rooster’s people - the birds, and I need to know that momma bird will forgive me.

Momma Bird Dove birthed two big beautiful babies right on my kitchen window sill. They were more than my neighbors, they were part of my family at this point. I saw em every day, watched em hatch, and grow big enough to fly. Then I failed them.

I arrived home at 10, walk in the kitchen, turn on some lights to peek through the window at my bird family, and to my dismay a big fat ass serpent was right up in the nest. Momma Dove is there. Everyone is still. The snake bastard is just waiting for his opportunity.

Well my dumbass decides to play hero. I’m not gonna let this snake kill these two babies. So, I get my shovel, make my way to the nest....Momma flys off, snake strikes one bird. Genius move on my part. I’m sad and pissed. Snake is killed.

Ok, at least one baby actually flew about 20 feet out in the yard....into my dog’s mouth.

So, I tried to intervene with nature and made things way worse. Maybe both babies were doomed anyway, but at least the snake would have lived. But that huge slithering bastard crossed a line.

Rooster, what I need to know is will this Momma Bird quickly forget this horrific incident? Do birds remember?

They are all Cobra's...
The only thing that matters to me when picking out a sofa, is the armrest. The higher the armrest is, the more likely I'll wind up with a stiff neck.
I fell asleep watching TV sitting and the neck injury took months to heal. Still scares me.
Rooster, what I need to know is will this Momma Bird quickly forget this horrific incident? Do birds remember?
Good to see you.

With the caveat that all birds are not created equal they do have good memories. I had a imprint Raven for a while and it was very smart and played games. If you had something, anything that could be stolen and hidden it would be. Would play keep away until bribed. Just loved hot dogs. Doves have relatively short lives and don't worry much. Don't have time. If they have time to sit around they'll lay an egg. They're relatively low on the food chain as you observed with the cobra and the dog. Immature birds do often nest without the benefit of fully mature hormone production to drive their nesting behaviors and in this case was a failure and if she lives long enough to renest she be fine and smarter.
Birds, being little dinosaurs, also eat one another. Some owls are indeterminate nesters They'll lay an egg every couple of days until they start to hatch. Then feed them as best they can. If there are enough mice to eat and everything is fine. If the food supply runs a little low the smaller owlets may be fed to the larger ones. Every thing is still fine, there will be as many owls fledge as there are prey items to feed them. Same with cobras. If you didn't have those pigeons in the window they'd simply slither on over to visit BB.​
Doves have relatively short lives and don't worry much

Well, that’s good.

If this 4ft cobra death machine didn’t get them, the neighbor cats would have.

I’m used to lil robins around. They seem smarter than doves.

My dog will kill anything small and furry/feathery. She lives for squirrels and rabbits like they’re crack cocaine. After she killed her bird, she saw the cobra and NOPE NOPE NOPE, went and hunkered down by the patio door. Useless.

Thanks for the bird talk. Be well, Rooster and The D.
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Good morning D-League - Needed to get an early start on the work day.

I hope everyone is looking forward to the long weekend.

We'll make our way over to Arlington Cemetery at some point. Because of COVID, and that these things take a while, we haven't seen the plaque at the spot where my father-in-law's cremated remains are entombed. His widow went last weekend and took a photo.

According to her, he actually made corporal, but got in a brawl with some sailors and was busted back to PFC, which remained his official rank. I can believe it.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 76°F and cloudy. Chance for rain late this afternoon. Bring it on. Our high may reach 90°F again today.

Hopefully not busy today. We're at minimum staffing.

Happy Friday! 3-day weekend coming.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Billy Sims, here I come.
I fell asleep watching TV sitting and the neck injury took months to heal. Still scares me.

Good to see you.

With the caveat that all birds are not created equal they do have good memories. I had a imprint Raven for a while and it was very smart and played games. If you had something, anything that could be stolen and hidden it would be. Would play keep away until bribed. Just loved hot dogs. Doves have relatively short lives and don't worry much. Don't have time. If they have time to sit around they'll lay an egg. They're relatively low on the food chain as you observed with the cobra and the dog. Immature birds do often nest without the benefit of fully mature hormone production to drive their nesting behaviors and in this case was a failure and if she lives long enough to renest she be fine and smarter.
Birds, being little dinosaurs, also eat one another. Some owls are indeterminate nesters They'll lay an egg every couple of days until they start to hatch. Then feed them as best they can. If there are enough mice to eat and everything is fine. If the food supply runs a little low the smaller owlets may be fed to the larger ones. Every thing is still fine, there will be as many owls fledge as there are prey items to feed them. Same with cobras. If you didn't have those pigeons in the window they'd simply slither on over to visit BB.​

You're a pro.... 😅 An honor to interact with you!

Oh, May God be God to you, he is God but some cannot fathom his deity. May you always come to the realization that God is God but he values you so much that he gave his son that you may live and live eternally with him. Choose wisely. God Bless you all...
Good morning D-League - Needed to get an early start on the work day.

I hope everyone is looking forward to the long weekend.

We'll make our way over to Arlington Cemetery at some point. Because of COVID, and that these things take a while, we haven't seen the plaque at the spot where my father-in-law's cremated remains are entombed. His widow went last weekend and took a photo.

According to her, he actually made corporal, but got in a brawl with some sailors and was busted back to PFC, which remained his official rank. I can believe it.
Have a nice visit to Arlington Cemetery. If by chance you get close to the grave of my mother's first cousin, please do me a favor and leave a penny on his headstone.

Bill, Jr was a West Point grad in the class of 1944 and was sent to Normandy. He never got out of Normandy alive. Notice the error on his tombstone. WWI. He died in Normandy on July 5, 1944. World War II. The 83rd Infantry saw some heavy fighting in Europe.


Good Morning D League

Another fine day is in store but still no rain. In less than a week Hurricane Season will be here and that means rain as one tropical disturbance after an other will show up about 4:00 every afternoon and give us a good shower. We do need it.

I am eyeing that beef brisket Austin posted. I do love that stuff and I might head up to Sonny's and load up on it.

This big un better be worried. LoL I trust all have a blessed day.

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