
Late to the party. Still happy for you both.

Bert's chasing birds again.


Pretty People Privilege you bunch of ugly mothers.

You suckers lucky BKO keeps an eye on us.

Who you talking about Willis? I have a face for radio....

My Darling always says I have a good heart and a warm body! Good enough for me!

KR is -$2 / share since May 11. In fact, I'm strongly considering 100 shares if price drops any more.
"Legendary investor Warren Buffett’s company has increased its ownership stake in Kroger Co. by more than 50%.

Buffett’s Omaha, Neb.-based conglomerate Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (NYSE: BRK.A) has boosted his position in downtown Cincinnati-based supermarket giant Kroger (NYSE: KR) to 51.1 million shares during the first quarter from 33.5 million as of year-end, according to U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings.

That puts the value of Berkshire Hathaway’s stake in Kroger, the nation’s largest operator of traditional supermarkets, at about $1.9 billion. The company now owns 6.7% of Kroger shares, making it the third-largest shareholder of the grocery giant. Only investment firms BlackRock and Vanguard Group, both at 9.5%, own larger positions in Kroger.

The filing doesn't state when Berkshire Hathaway bought its Kroger stock during the first quarter or how much it paid for the shares. The stock ranged from $31.43 to $42.99 during the quarter. It closed Monday up a penny to $36.60.

Buffett has doubled his stake in Kroger in the last six months."

Good morning D, beautiful this morning. Had a cup of coffee out on the deck this morning, extra good!!!

Going to try to mow sometime today, supposed to be storms tonight and tomorrow, yawl must have done the war dance instead of the rain dance by mistake!!! Then get this, high Saturday is supposed to be 61!!! Weather in Kentucky!!!!

Have a great day D and Prayers!!!!

They are now forecasting our high to be 57 on Saturday.
Wife and I heading over to a furniture store in a few. We're shopping for a new sofa. Hopefully a quick trip, although I highly doubt it.

I'm a big Flexsteel guy but we haven't bought any of their furniture for several years. They're known for building furniture that lasts BUT I think they've sold out and now a lot is manufactured in China and Mexico. Not the same standards as before evidently given the customer complaints. Really sad. Furniture is one product that I'll gladly pay a premium for if it's high quality.
Listening to the radio and the Sheriff arrested a 21 year sex offender from California. His first offense there was in 2000. He got away with it for over 20 years in California and gets picked up by a little ole country sheriff down here. Sounds a lot like how they got Ted Bundy.

The man was a long way from home but if the locals can pin anything on him he ain't going back to be turned loose. We are not California

A 21 year old sex offender whose first offense was in 2000? Man, they start them young in California. Btw, so glad your scans came out well.
I'm a huge George Jones fan, but I'll be damn if I don't think I like this Gram Parsons and Emmylou Harris take on one of his songs better than his version...
I am a huge Gram Parsons fan and I am glad I am not alone and someone else remembers him. I was crushed when he died. He was a local kid down here and lived a troubled life of drugs but man he was talented. He actually kicked off the career of Emmylou. What a harmony they produced.

Another of my favorites with them. I wish he could have had a long career, he would have gone down as one of the greatest in music history. What a voice

I'm a big Flexsteel guy but we haven't bought any of their furniture for several years. They're known for building furniture that lasts BUT I think they've sold out and now a lot is manufactured in China and Mexico. Not the same standards as before evidently given the customer complaints. Really sad. Furniture is one product that I'll gladly pay a premium for if it's high quality.
We just returned from Austin Leather Gallery. Wife likes a sofa with Chaise in black. We measured after returning home. Should fit. Probably pull the trigger tomorrow or Saturday. Custom order. 10 weeks delivery.

Speaking of furniture, I'd really like models produced by England's in Tazewell, TN, but they offer nothing leather.
I am a huge Gram Parsons fan and I am glad I am not alone and someone else remembers him. I was crushed when he died. He was a local kid down here and lived a troubled life of drugs but man he was talented. He actually kicked off the career of Emmylou. What a harmony they produced.

Another of my favorites with them. I wish he could have had a long career, he would have gone down as one of the greatest in music history. What a voice

He's one of my all-time favorites Sawnee. I was still a teenage kid when I stumbled onto his music - just before he died, alas. And it was dazzling to me. For whatever reason, I can't open the link you posted of another duet with Emmylou. IF it was this one, sorry for the repeat...
Do not do those since way before computers... No speaka filth...
Back in the day I would go to the CES Show in Vegas every year right after the holidays. Consumer Electronics Show. VCRs were running strong and the show had an entirely separate display/show for the VCR 'adult entertainment industry'. It was off site at one of the older hotels...maybe the Sands. Buddy of mine wanted to walk over there and I had an hour or two free so I went with him. Man. lie...felt like I had to hold my breath afraid that I might catch something in the air. Place was packed and there were probably 150-200 booths of all kinds. Different porn celebs in different booths. Only one I had ever heard of was Ron Jeremy. Got an autographed 8x11 that he made out to my wife (ex now). Can't remember exactly what he wrote on it now...but it was funny....along the lines of I miss you, etc, etc.

The actress Sandra Berhard was in one of the booths...loud and carrying on. Couldn't figure out if she dabbled in porn early in her career or was hanging with friends. Probably just hanging...Wiki makes a note 'Bernhard is bisexual and a strong supporter of gay rights' ... so it makes sense that she would hang with that type of crowd. Convention hall was full of weirdos.
Back in the day I would go to the CES Show in Vegas every year right after the holidays. Consumer Electronics Show. VCRs were running strong and the show had an entirely separate display/show for the VCR 'adult entertainment industry'. It was off site at one of the older hotels...maybe the Sands. Buddy of mine wanted to walk over there and I had an hour or two free so I went with him. Man. lie...felt like I had to hold my breath afraid that I might catch something in the air. Place was packed and there were probably 150-200 booths of all kinds. Different porn celebs in different booths. Only one I had ever heard of was Ron Jeremy. Got an autographed 8x11 that he made out to my wife (ex now). Can't remember exactly what he wrote on it now...but it was funny....along the lines of I miss you, etc, etc.

The actress Sandra Berhard was in one of the booths...loud and carrying on. Couldn't figure out if she dabbled in porn early in her career or was hanging with friends. Probably just hanging...Wiki makes a note 'Bernhard is bisexual and a strong supporter of gay rights' ... so it makes sense that she would hang with that type of crowd. Convention hall was full of weirdos.

I am all male but what I did and what I do, I do in the privacy of my home. It used to be that deviants did the same thing but now they must force feed it to "the children".
Back in the day I would go to the CES Show in Vegas every year right after the holidays. Consumer Electronics Show. VCRs were running strong and the show had an entirely separate display/show for the VCR 'adult entertainment industry'. It was off site at one of the older hotels...maybe the Sands. Buddy of mine wanted to walk over there and I had an hour or two free so I went with him. Man. lie...felt like I had to hold my breath afraid that I might catch something in the air. Place was packed and there were probably 150-200 booths of all kinds. Different porn celebs in different booths. Only one I had ever heard of was Ron Jeremy. Got an autographed 8x11 that he made out to my wife (ex now). Can't remember exactly what he wrote on it now...but it was funny....along the lines of I miss you, etc, etc.

The actress Sandra Berhard was in one of the booths...loud and carrying on. Couldn't figure out if she dabbled in porn early in her career or was hanging with friends. Probably just hanging...Wiki makes a note 'Bernhard is bisexual and a strong supporter of gay rights' ... so it makes sense that she would hang with that type of crowd. Convention hall was full of weirdos.
I attended CES in 2002 on my company's dime. Wife and I drove from Austin to Vegas. Got stranded in a snowstorm on I-40 in New Mexico coming back. I'd only been retired from US Army less than a year. Back then, Microsoft Messenger and..... wait for it..... flat screen monitors, were all the rage. Ha ha, awesome memories.
I attended CES in 2002 on my company's dime. Wife and I drove from Austin to Vegas. Got stranded in a snowstorm on I-40 in New Mexico coming back. I'd only been retired from US Army less than a year. Back then, Microsoft Messenger and..... wait for it..... flat screen monitors, were all the rage. Ha ha, awesome memories.
First time I ever saw a flat screen TV (monitor) was at a CES in the late 80s or early 90s. Motorola (I think) had a huge booth and one of the things they were featuring were flat screens. Still in the developmental stage. They were all about 20 inch monitors and were all stacked together (like the old scoreboards) to make a 20 foot wide and 12-15 foot high (approximates) screen. I asked one of their reps....if this 20 inch TV was available on the market...what would it go for. He answered 20-25K. Now it's a 100 bucks....or less.
Good morning D-League. Beautiful day in the east after a wicked round of thunderstorms. If any of you Reds fans watched the game from Nats park, you saw those freaky black clouds.

Today is the day I'm officially sick of cicadas. Took a long walk today through some close set trees and the damn things were really agitated -- i guess its now or never on the mating front. They were flying into my hair and attaching to my clothes.

Bugs have always freaked me out. I can take snakes, lizards, rodents, even scorpions, which I've encountered quite a bit in my travels. But I'm most creeped out by bugs. I can't say why.

I hope you all have a great, cicada-free day.
Can you imagine how loud it will get after the mating. "Why didn't you flap your wings more during the act" "Where are you going?" Who's going to dig the hole to put these eggs in?" " Are you listening to me?"
First time I ever saw a flat screen TV (monitor) was at a CES in the late 80s or early 90s. Motorola (I think) had a huge booth and one of the things they were featuring were flat screens. Still in the developmental stage. They were all about 20 inch monitors and were all stacked together (like the old scoreboards) to make a 20 foot wide and 12-15 foot high (approximates) screen. I asked one of their reps....if this 20 inch TV was available on the market...what would it go for. He answered 20-25K. Now it's a 100 bucks....or less.
Wife and I still going fairly decent with our side-business back in '02. I sold a Dell laptop modem to a customer in Vegas during that time. Told him, heck, we'll deliver it to you when we travel out for CES. No problem. He met us at the hotel. Turned out he was in charge of the lightshow at Bellagio. Gave us a tour. Too cool. He required this Dell laptop modem so he could connect offline outside the LAN and connect when not on site.
Can you imagine how loud it will get after the mating. "Why didn't you flap your wings more during the act" "Where are you going?" Who's going to dig the hole to put these eggs in?" " Are you listening to me?"
I have heard one of these buggers...........about three days I went to Lowe's which is about three miles away......they were loud over there.........
I have heard one of these buggers...........about three days I went to Lowe's which is about three miles away......they were loud over there.........
Need some of them for bait. Just put a hook through their back right behind the head and eyes and then cast it out. When their wings start flapping the bass start zapping and get hooked. Used them a lot when I was younger.