Hello, D. It’s been awhile, hope y’all are good.
I tried to intervene with nature tonight, and failed. I failed Rooster’s people - the birds, and I need to know that momma bird will forgive me.
Momma Bird Dove birthed two big beautiful babies right on my kitchen window sill. They were more than my neighbors, they were part of my family at this point. I saw em every day, watched em hatch, and grow big enough to fly. Then I failed them.
I arrived home at 10, walk in the kitchen, turn on some lights to peek through the window at my bird family, and to my dismay a big fat ass serpent was right up in the nest. Momma Dove is there. Everyone is still. The snake bastard is just waiting for his opportunity.
Well my dumbass decides to play hero. I’m not gonna let this snake kill these two babies. So, I get my shovel, make my way to the nest....Momma flys off, snake strikes one bird. Genius move on my part. I’m sad and pissed. Snake is killed.
Ok, at least one baby actually flew about 20 feet out in the yard....into my dog’s mouth.
So, I tried to intervene with nature and made things way worse. Maybe both babies were doomed anyway, but at least the snake would have lived. But that huge slithering bastard crossed a line.
Rooster, what I need to know is will this Momma Bird quickly forget this horrific incident? Do birds remember?