
Hello, I read most of the reply's and real good input from them. I have a couple idea's too. Where the hard drive's are going bad is it the same power source/ plug-in where this happens? Has the computer been moved to a different outlet, or run an electric cord from another outlet for a while and see. (How old is the building?)

Power spikes or surges will zap a hard drive quicker than you could imagine. I think you mentioned that the printer works on other computers. Even a newer building could have a bad wall plug or plugs.

I may turn on a laptop computer in my home for a while sitting in my recliner but I have all my stationary and laptop computers on a UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply). That will ensure a decent electrical connection and if not it will allow for a graceful shutdown. It won't allow current that would harm your computer. (A consistent current is key to proper functionality. A UPS will make that happen.)

There are a lot of areas to check but if all is happening from or near the same power source, I'd try another power source for a while even if I had to run some 14 gauge electric cords to do it if I couldn't easily move my systems. The minimum would for sure be to use a surge protector but that is not a long term solution if your current is surging or spiking.

Also along the same line of electricity, I talked with an electrical engineer while I was inspecting his home one time in the Maryville area near Louisville. I took this to heart when he stated it at the time and have used it since (It doesn't cost anything and his credentials were displayed on his office walls from various institutions of higher learning.)

He stated to tie a loose knot in your electric line like the below picture. It was to stop certain surges of current. (It doesn't need to be at the connection, just along the line at some point.)(I will use a line used in Rooster Cogburn; "I ain't going to say if it's true or not, but it's comforting.")

Back in my working days we always tied extension cords together like that to prevent them from being pulled apart. i never knew we were also creating a surge protector. nice.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 67°F and partly cloudy. Today's high may reach 85°F.

After I wake up, must walk around the house and check damage. Plan on visiting up a couple gun stores today for ammo. Might purchase a revolver for wife if one is available. Got a few other chores on the agenda.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning D, cool 51 here in the Berg!!!

Read 54.

Mrs. M is on vacation next week.

Got the frame together, but wouldn't you know it, the last screw I put in broke right in between joints!!!!! Had to finish it with a good ole 6 finish nail!!!!

Yawl have a great day!!! Prayers for the D!!!!

We made Peanut Butter ice cream with Reese's cup cut up in it for the POLICE DEPT., going to deliver it to them this morning!!!!
Good morning D, cool 51 here in the Berg!!!

Read 54.

Mrs. M is on vacation next week.

Got the frame together, but wouldn't you know it, the last screw I put in broke right in between joints!!!!! Had to finish it with a good ole 6 finish nail!!!!

Yawl have a great day!!! Prayers for the D!!!!

We made Peanut Butter ice cream with Reese's cup cut up in it for the POLICE DEPT., going to deliver it to them this morning!!!!
Chapter 54 read

no weapon forged against you will prevail,
I use scientific methods to gage what our rain and wind does here.

If the wind is 10-15 MPH the garbage barrel is 1/4 way around the tree and over that the barrel is 1/2 way around! Direction left side of the tree out of the SE, right side of the tree NW!!!!

Amount of rain, by how much rain is puddled up in our neighbors driveway!!!!!
It is a cool 54.5°F on my back porch. It was a degree higher when I got up. It is supposed to make it up to 61° this afternoon but it is going in the wrong direction.

We are stuck on .28" of rain so far. I was hoping for a half inch, but maybe a little more today.

On the loop in a wire being a surge protector, I have my doubts.
Wow, that is an insult.

My area of Kentucky is far more productive than 99 percent of the worlds surface.

Go to Kansas, Colorado, Alberta, Montana and report back to me on how verdant it is out there and then start to knock Kentucky.

Go to Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and tell us how great it is when it comes to raising cattle. The reason you could raise cattle in Texas and the Southwest is because of it vast expanses. They were vast but anything but verdant.

Geeze! where in hell in Arizona can you raise a cow per acre, don't look for an area were you can raise 10 per acre, because it does not exit out west.
Just saying it's hard to farm crops on hillsides but cows are fine there. See it all the time here in NKy - hillsides with nothing but cows. I don't see the insult but OK.
A question for all you smart guys. if I may? Jan has a CanonIPF6450 inkjet printer that she hooks up to a computer and prints on lamp shade material. I barely know how to make a post, so I'm clueless. She has a fair knowledge about computers, but had no schooling on it, so it's just what she picks up by trial and error. Anyhow, hard drives on the computers keep going out. She bought a new HP at Costco about 6 months ago and now the hard drive went out. That's 4 in the last 2 or 3 years. Is this common for printers? Any ideas?
Don't know much, but I'd get a solid-state drive computer vs. hard drive one. More expensive some, but faster & more reliable.
Will be leaving soon to go get my brisket from Billy Sims. Wife came home from work at 1400 and we had to go pick up the big girl form the vet. They operated today to remove outer cancerous growth and removed an inner lump that was there to. She has a very big scar on her stomach and is uncomfortable but dealing. We have to watch her for at least the next 7 days to ensure she does not lick or scratch the area plus, keep the other 3 dogs off of her. Hard with the 6 1/2 year old puppy. She just wants to be in and around everything.
Poor baby.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 67°F and partly cloudy. Today's high may reach 85°F.

After I wake up, must walk around the house and check damage. Plan on visiting up a couple gun stores today for ammo. Might purchase a revolver for wife if one is available. Got a few other chores on the agenda.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


The .380 is a real good CC weapon. It fires easy and the defense rounds will stop an attacker. The ammo is somewhat scarce though.

Going to Kentucky with me...
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 67°F and partly cloudy. Today's high may reach 85°F.

After I wake up, must walk around the house and check damage. Plan on visiting up a couple gun stores today for ammo. Might purchase a revolver for wife if one is available. Got a few other chores on the agenda.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

National I can't pronounce it day.
Just saying it's hard to farm crops on hillsides but cows are fine there. See it all the time here in NKy - hillsides with nothing but cows. I don't see the insult but OK.
I was kidding. 😁

Some of those Kentucky hillsides are productive, just vertically challenging. I was raised in Barren county and it is hilly, but we sure raised some good cows.

California and Texas has more mountains that Kentucky and West Virginia can imagine. But Kentucky can raise crops and cows without irrigation. That was my point.
Good to catch up with the d-League. I got out before 6am today and went for a very long hike in the cold and light rain. Hard to believe we are closing in on June, felt more like the week after Thanksgiving. At least it has knocked the sass out of the cicadas. They are laying around in piles like the Romans after Hannibal sprung the double envelopment on them at Cannae (yes, I'm spending too much time with the Hardcore History podcasts these days.)
We have a number of large trees in our yard...and at the back of the property 2-3 acres of woods....haven't heard or seen a cicada. Strange. Remember in Atlanta when they came out, and I had woods at the back of that property, it was a constant roar.
Wonder why there seems to be none here? So far.
My sister lives 20 miles away from me and my niece less than 15. Neither have heard or seen them. It's deafening in my neighborhood. They are everywhere. Just as an example, there's at least 500 carcasses at the base of my sugar maple in the front yard.
Back in my working days we always tied extension cords together like that to prevent them from being pulled apart. i never knew we were also creating a surge protector. nice.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 67°F and partly cloudy. Today's high may reach 85°F.

After I wake up, must walk around the house and check damage. Plan on visiting up a couple gun stores today for ammo. Might purchase a revolver for wife if one is available. Got a few other chores on the agenda.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

First, thanks everybody for the replies. We got a big rush order she had to work on today, so I don't think she tried any of it yet.

Second, I love the idea of a revolver over a pistol for someone who won't put a lot of range time in. Less chance of an "accident". A year or two ago, I read about an FBI agent who was dancing. His pistol fell to the floor, discharged and hit someone in the leg. For cc, I got Jan a revolver 38 S@W Bodyguard. Actually I like it better than my 642. Really light and accurate for a small weapon. Also with a pistol, someone might be able to grab the slide at close range and most "encounters" are at close range.

My sister is scared of guns, so the last time I saw her, I gave her a tootsie roll pop and told her to keep it in her purse. Put the candy in your hand with the stick protruding from your fingers and you have a tool that can jab the neck and eyes nicely. Also told her even more important, take a couple of seconds and scope out the area you will be entering before you get there (be aware of your surroundings).
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Well, today I finally found some 20 ga. 00 buck. $28 for 20 rounds. Regular 20 ga. game loads go for only $11. Home defense costs. Plan on purchasing an S&W .38 small frame for wife. We'll visit gun shop next week so wife can check fit. Everybody around ATX out of shells for .38 cal.

Hope y'all having a good one.
We have a number of large trees in our yard...and at the back of the property 2-3 acres of woods....haven't heard or seen a cicada. Strange. Remember in Atlanta when they came out, and I had woods at the back of that property, it was a constant roar.
Wonder why there seems to be none here? So far.

They will eat and conjugate their way toward you....
Well, today I finally found some 20 ga. 00 buck. $28 for 20 rounds. Regular 20 ga. game loads go for only $11. Home defense costs. Plan on purchasing an S&W .38 small frame for wife. We'll visit gun shop next week so wife can check fit. Everybody around ATX out of shells for .38 cal.

Hope y'all having a good one.
Ammo is hard to find. Went to a local "trade day" event (flea market type deal) and found a box of 200 5.56 at a decent price (high but decent in today's world). Jan loves the S&W Bodyguard revolver.
We're considering an S&W Bodyguard or 642.
I have a 642. It's a good gun, but Jan was worried about the "kick", so we went with the Bodyguard. It's a little lighter than the 642, but even so kicks less. Since it's lighter, it's a little more comfortable for cc and she's more accurate with the B-guard than my 642. If I had it to do over, I'd probably go with the BG for myself.
Well, today I finally found some 20 ga. 00 buck. $28 for 20 rounds. Regular 20 ga. game loads go for only $11. Home defense costs. Plan on purchasing an S&W .38 small frame for wife. We'll visit gun shop next week so wife can check fit. Everybody around ATX out of shells for .38 cal.

Hope y'all having a good one.
My wife has this one. I would highly recommend it. .38 special. Very light and compact. She also has a .20 gauge coach shotgun by the bed. Again very light and easy to handle

Will be leaving soon to go get my brisket from Billy Sims. Wife came home from work at 1400 and we had to go pick up the big girl form the vet. They operated today to remove outer cancerous growth and removed an inner lump that was there to. She has a very big scar on her stomach and is uncomfortable but dealing. We have to watch her for at least the next 7 days to ensure she does not lick or scratch the area plus, keep the other 3 dogs off of her. Hard with the 6 1/2 year old puppy. She just wants to be in and around everything.
I remember watching Billy Sims play for the Lions. He was about all they had on offense too. It was a shame that his career was cut short by a knee injury. He got the nickname Kung Fu Billy Sims from the following play:

Rooster, the Dove parents are not stupid, and they don’t forget. They have been looking non stop for the babies.

What food do they like? I gotta at least feed them.

I left the dead babies outside all night, and most of the morning, then disposed of them. I figured Momma and Dad would have known.
Don't worry.......Doves and pigeons don't grieve..........usually after a couple of hours or so they are forgotten......they will lay back in about ten days......
The .380 is a real good CC weapon. It fires easy and the defense rounds will stop an attacker. The ammo is somewhat scarce though.

Going to Kentucky with me...
I bought the Director a Kel Tec .380 with a Crimsom Track laser.......that was last Oct...........I have only been able to scrounge a few bullets........I got 25 from a friend and the guy that we got the gun from gave us two boxes.........the archery shop in Radcliff sometimes has ammo.......I will have to look up the is about one mile south of the Joe Prather on the west side of 31W.........are you going to have time for lunch one day while you are down this way?
We have a number of large trees in our yard...and at the back of the property 2-3 acres of woods....haven't heard or seen a cicada. Strange. Remember in Atlanta when they came out, and I had woods at the back of that property, it was a constant roar.
Wonder why there seems to be none here? So far.
The brood that is hatching now is a different brood than the brood that will hatch in most of KY in 3 yrs.......