Met Charlie at a Holiday Inn pool one night. He had played in Ft. Pierce earlier that night. A couple of my friends showed up and he ended up sending for a guitar. We drank beers and sang songs for quite a while. Nice guy.Back in the day I knew Charlie Daniels a bit...not friends, but met him a number of times. Asked him one time what his favorite performer/group was. Thought he would give the standard answer....Elvis, Beatles, etc. He said LRB. Said they had just perfect voices together, melody, etc. Seems that he said that the first time they came to the states they were either an opening act for him, when the first time he heard them...or they were opening up for someone else and he went to the show. Can't remember now. Been a number of years.
Ooops, I
thought I
was replying to
I knew what you meant to do.BBUK.