
Austin, it would be a hoot to try and link up with you if possible.
Same here. We might make it happen.

Cuz lives off Dickey's Mill Rd east of Anneta Fire Department. I visit the area 2-3 times per year. If you're up there July 9-13, then please let me know. I plan on visiting Bert and Sherry on Friday, July 9.
Masks are soon to be past tense.

I went to Publix today and not a single employee had on a mask. In fact it is strange now to see someone wearing a mask. There was a scattering of older men and women in a mask but they were in the minority. Some of these old coggers might be buried in them.

I think we are past it now and you are going to see larger crowds at games. The professional teams control the crowd size but there are no restrictions by the state or local governments. Play Ball

Well, rough week coming to a close tomorrow. Had to put down one of my dogs on Wednesday (Old and was not eating or moving much). Held him when he went, was shaking at first but, I calmed him down. Had to take another one to get checked out at 1330 today because she has a growth that has been getting larger. It was small last time the vet saw it and said if it starts growing (it is) to come back. They took some samples to see what kind of cancer (they think it's cancer) and we have an appointment next Friday to have it removed. On top of that MIL and BIL (The vegans) are coming over again this weekend. Oh the horror! So, I went fishing this morning before taking Brandy (my dog) to the vet.

Fishing report: Warrior-cat 6---Largemouth Bass-2. Hooked 8 and 2 got away. Kept 5 because that is the daily limit at FT. Sill. Damn Vegans.

Well, rough week coming to a close tomorrow. Had to put down one of my dogs on Wednesday (Old and was not eating or moving much). Held him when he went, was shaking at first but, I calmed him down. Had to take another one to get checked out at 1330 today because she has a growth that has been getting larger. It was small last time the vet saw it and said if it starts growing (it is) to come back. They took some samples to see what kind of cancer (they think it's cancer) and we have an appointment next Friday to have it removed. On top of that MIL and BIL (The vegans) are coming over again this weekend. Oh the horror! So, I went fishing this morning before taking Brandy (my dog) to the vet.

Fishing report: Warrior-cat 6---Largemouth Bass-2. Hooked 8 and 2 got away. Kept 5 because that is the daily limit at FT. Sill. Damn Vegans.

Jan is very knowledgeable about some of the holistic things. You might consider cbd oil. She gave it to a cat that was going through chemo. The cat is cancer free now. It's supposed to help slow the cancer growth and it helps the animal calm down. We had a dog we were giving cbd oil to and it really helped her deal with issues she had. Also turmeric is supposed to help slow cancer growth. Jan said there's users groups on facebook for both where people talk about their pet issues.
Same here. We might make it happen.

Cuz lives off Dickey's Mill Rd east of Anneta Fire Department. I visit the area 2-3 times per year. If you're up there July 9-13, then please let me know. I plan on visiting Bert and Sherry on Friday, July 9.
My uncle's place is right down the road from your Cuz......his place was on Lake Shore Drive.....
Jan is very knowledgeable about some of the holistic things. You might consider cbd oil. She gave it to a cat that was going through chemo. The cat is cancer free now. It's supposed to help slow the cancer growth and it helps the animal calm down. We had a dog we were giving cbd oil to and it really helped her deal with issues she had. Also turmeric is supposed to help slow cancer growth. Jan said there's users groups on facebook for both where people talk about their pet issues.
Thanks, probably try cbd oil. Not on Facebook so...
Well, rough week coming to a close tomorrow. Had to put down one of my dogs on Wednesday (Old and was not eating or moving much). Held him when he went, was shaking at first but, I calmed him down. Had to take another one to get checked out at 1330 today because she has a growth that has been getting larger. It was small last time the vet saw it and said if it starts growing (it is) to come back. They took some samples to see what kind of cancer (they think it's cancer) and we have an appointment next Friday to have it removed. On top of that MIL and BIL (The vegans) are coming over again this weekend. Oh the horror! So, I went fishing this morning before taking Brandy (my dog) to the vet.

Fishing report: Warrior-cat 6---Largemouth Bass-2. Hooked 8 and 2 got away. Kept 5 because that is the daily limit at FT. Sill. Damn Vegans.

Sorry to hear about your dog, and hopefully the other one will have a good report when you check back with the vet. It's tough losing your dog....a family member. The kind that gives you unconditional love no matter what.
Well, rough week coming to a close tomorrow. Had to put down one of my dogs on Wednesday (Old and was not eating or moving much). Held him when he went, was shaking at first but, I calmed him down. Had to take another one to get checked out at 1330 today because she has a growth that has been getting larger. It was small last time the vet saw it and said if it starts growing (it is) to come back. They took some samples to see what kind of cancer (they think it's cancer) and we have an appointment next Friday to have it removed. On top of that MIL and BIL (The vegans) are coming over again this weekend. Oh the horror! So, I went fishing this morning before taking Brandy (my dog) to the vet.

Fishing report: Warrior-cat 6---Largemouth Bass-2. Hooked 8 and 2 got away. Kept 5 because that is the daily limit at FT. Sill. Damn Vegans.

Really sorry Warrior. We've had to put down several dogs and it never gets easier. Harder actually. It really pisses me off when people say that it's only a dog. No! It's a family member. More family than most. Best prayers for your other dog.
Well, rough week coming to a close tomorrow. Had to put down one of my dogs on Wednesday (Old and was not eating or moving much). Held him when he went, was shaking at first but, I calmed him down. Had to take another one to get checked out at 1330 today because she has a growth that has been getting larger. It was small last time the vet saw it and said if it starts growing (it is) to come back. They took some samples to see what kind of cancer (they think it's cancer) and we have an appointment next Friday to have it removed. On top of that MIL and BIL (The vegans) are coming over again this weekend. Oh the horror! So, I went fishing this morning before taking Brandy (my dog) to the vet.

Fishing report: Warrior-cat 6---Largemouth Bass-2. Hooked 8 and 2 got away. Kept 5 because that is the daily limit at FT. Sill. Damn Vegans.

Real sorry to hear about your Dog. I had a real similar experience with my Guard Dog a few years ago. I held him in my arms on the floor as he passed away after a few hours.
Feeling the spirit leave the body when they pass is a tearing/ripping that tells you more than some people can or want to comprehend. I will never again not be there for that most difficult moment, if I have anything to say about it. Being there for them when they go is very important for them and for us, imo.

Very sorry for your loss warrior-cat
Good Saturday Morning D League

Lots of weather issues around here but still no rain. Chances today are 1%. We do have a Red Flag Warning for our area. The is because of 20 MPH winds and humidity at 30%. With the swamps so dry fires are a hazard. Nothing like California but still a nuisance if they happen.

We also have the first Named Storm of the season in the Atlantic, Ana. Hurricane season starts June 1 but it is not unusual to have a named storm in May. They are forecasting about 20 named storms for the season. Just give us the rain and keep the wind.

At the present we are 64° and winds are from the East North East. The humidity is dropping. Our high will hit 86° with partly cloudy skies by late afternoon. We also have a small craft advisory. Take care and I trust your day is blessed.

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Well, rough week coming to a close tomorrow. Had to put down one of my dogs on Wednesday (Old and was not eating or moving much). Held him when he went, was shaking at first but, I calmed him down. Had to take another one to get checked out at 1330 today because she has a growth that has been getting larger. It was small last time the vet saw it and said if it starts growing (it is) to come back. They took some samples to see what kind of cancer (they think it's cancer) and we have an appointment next Friday to have it removed. On top of that MIL and BIL (The vegans) are coming over again this weekend. Oh the horror! So, I went fishing this morning before taking Brandy (my dog) to the vet.

So sorry to hear. They are indeed like family. Unfortunately, we're only around them for a comparatively brief period within our lives. RIP, little buddy.
Well, rough week coming to a close tomorrow. Had to put down one of my dogs on Wednesday (Old and was not eating or moving much). Held him when he went, was shaking at first but, I calmed him down. Had to take another one to get checked out at 1330 today because she has a growth that has been getting larger. It was small last time the vet saw it and said if it starts growing (it is) to come back. They took some samples to see what kind of cancer (they think it's cancer) and we have an appointment next Friday to have it removed. On top of that MIL and BIL (The vegans) are coming over again this weekend. Oh the horror! So, I went fishing this morning before taking Brandy (my dog) to the vet.

Fishing report: Warrior-cat 6---Largemouth Bass-2. Hooked 8 and 2 got away. Kept 5 because that is the daily limit at FT. Sill. Damn Vegans.

Sorry to hear about your dog @warrior-cat. I've had dogs that I thought more of than some people. They really are"Man's best friend".
Good morning from ATX. Currently 72°F, cloudy, windy and a bit wet. Expecting some more rain between now and later this afternoon. We'll take it.

Called my little brother in FL. We talked for quite a while. Middlesboro house may sell soon. Medicare finally accepted a settlement from mom's estate. Found out brother also owns three houses in Lakeland plus one in Plant City. Proud of him.

NASCAR racing comes to Austin this weekend at Circuit of the Americas. I might watch.

Chores on the agenda for later on today.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 72°F, cloudy, windy and a bit wet. Expecting some more rain between now and later this afternoon. We'll take it.

Called my little brother in FL. We talked for quite a while. Middlesboro house may sell soon. Medicare finally accepted a settlement from mom's estate. Found out brother also owns three houses in Lakeland plus one in Plant City. Proud of him.

NASCAR racing comes to Austin this weekend at Circuit of the Americas. I might watch.

Chores on the agenda for later on today.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Well, my wife does not have to worry about this one, vanilla pudding not high on my list of Homer type reponses.
This is an old fashioned swimming hole that once were very common around these parts. Before towns built swimming pools and everybody had their own pool. This one was located in Longwood, FL. near Orlando

It is Sanlando Springs and was damned up in 1926 to form the swimming hole. It lasted until 1970 when developers bought the land and made it private. It is now behind a gated community of expensive homes. The lake behind my house was similar. It was deep in the woods and comes from a natural spring and was once a community swimming getaway.

I remember the days when you would tell your mama you were headed to the swimming hole and she would say, "be back for supper". Now parents freak out if their child doesn't check in every 10 minutes on their cell phones. Give me the simple life

It is already 74.1°F and sunny on its way to 87°. No hope of rain and we could sure use some. We are into our summer weather pattern apparently.

I must mow today.

I smoked a 3.5 lb. elk steak given to me by my hunter cousin. I was not that pleased with the results, especially when I worked my butt off getting it ready.
Dogs are part of the family but, just as important is that we are part of their pack as well. Yes, they are only here for a short time but well worth it.
Years ago I had a couple of dogs that were rejects someone had messed wasn't a pleasant 40 yrs later.......I have two Goldendoodle mutts......the male is a fb2 and my female is a fb1.......they are very smart.......very easy to train........I have found out that raising your own dog is much more rewarding than to try to re-hab a dog from the can you not love something that is so excited to see you every morning or every time you leave the house and return........
Years ago I had a couple of dogs that were rejects someone had messed wasn't a pleasant 40 yrs later.......I have two Goldendoodle mutts......the male is a fb2 and my female is a fb1.......they are very smart.......very easy to train........I have found out that raising your own dog is much more rewarding than to try to re-hab a dog from the can you not love something that is so excited to see you every morning or every time you leave the house and return........

We have three dogs. When my wife returns from the mailbox about a block away, you would think she had been gone a month or two from all the barking and howling.
I hope all are well. Got up with the chickens. My grandson crowed. Been going hard ever since. Made a good pan of biscuits. Had a couple of overeasy eggs with black pepper. Had me coffee.

Took my daughter's car to Costco for a fill-up, been cleaning on that car ever since. The carpets and mats are completed. I just chugged a yuengling. This will be at least a three yuengling day. May be four but we will see. I scrubbed her tires, aired them up. I am going to clean the interior trim and that will be enough for today. I will clean the glass and outside tomorrow. She even paid me.....


Oh may your day be fulfilling to where you look back and say...this was a good day. God Bless you all...

Edit; It was a two Yuengling day...
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This is an old fashioned swimming hole that once were very common around these parts. Before towns built swimming pools and everybody had their own pool. This one was located in Longwood, FL. near Orlando

It is Sanlando Springs and was damned up in 1926 to form the swimming hole. It lasted until 1970 when developers bought the land and made it private. It is now behind a gated community of expensive homes. The lake behind my house was similar. It was deep in the woods and comes from a natural spring and was once a community swimming getaway.

I remember the days when you would tell your mama you were headed to the swimming hole and she would say, "be back for supper". Now parents freak out if their child doesn't check in every 10 minutes on their cell phones. Give me the simple life

Where are the gators?
Well, rough week coming to a close tomorrow. Had to put down one of my dogs on Wednesday (Old and was not eating or moving much). Held him when he went, was shaking at first but, I calmed him down. Had to take another one to get checked out at 1330 today because she has a growth that has been getting larger. It was small last time the vet saw it and said if it starts growing (it is) to come back. They took some samples to see what kind of cancer (they think it's cancer) and we have an appointment next Friday to have it removed. On top of that MIL and BIL (The vegans) are coming over again this weekend. Oh the horror! So, I went fishing this morning before taking Brandy (my dog) to the vet.
Condolences on having to put one of yours dogs down. That's a tough one.