Survived MIL yesterday. Had a couple of moments but, I stayed away for the most part. She was blocking the frig when I needed to get in it and when ask if she could move she just turned sideways and then I said I need to open the door. She took a step forward just enough where I could open it. She does that sort of thing all of the time. She does not like for people to "tell her" anything. She was talking to my daughter about her first and last name being mispronounced all of the time. With a Mc as a starter, most get that part wrong as they do the latter half. She says she does not know why, if you read it it clearly is pronounced like it sounds. She proceeded to mispronounce it and when I told her that is not how it is pronounced she proceeded to tell me I was wrong. She was saying Mac instead of Mic for Mc so I told her to reference Mcdonalds and she said that is pronounced Macdonalds so...I just told her she was wrong and I know how to pronounce my own name and then proceeded to leave the contrarian alone. My wife argues with her every time they (her and BIL) come over. She tries to get her brother by himself but, their mother lives with her brother so, anywhere he goes she imposes herself on him to go with. He just can't say no. He did it once and she shamed him and actually cried about it.