
We took a trip to Mt Airy NC back in April to take my youngest daughter. She loves the Andy Griffith show and has wanted to go to Mayberry for a couple of years. We did a tour in a show era cop car and the driver was telling us that Thelma Lou lives there now and before Covid would go to the Andy Griffith Museum once per month to meet fans. He said she always meets with fans when they have their annual Andy Griffith festival as well. He said when she signs something for fans it isn't just her name she ask your name and writes a personal note. He said she was an outstanding lady.
Was it Mt Airy where Aunt Bee retired to and became a recluse with a house full of cats? Think it was.
Didn't know Thelma Lou lives there. Guess they're looking for a 'little piece of Mayberry'.

Just because...
Tim Conway and Don Knotts are 2 of my favorites and can always make me laugh no matter what kind of mood I am in.
I was a Don Knotts fan at one time..........a friend of mine was playing banjo for the Dillards after Rodney stepped away from the band.......on their summer festival tour....Barney was billed as apperaring with the band on stage...he would get up and tell a few corny jokes......three appearances into the summer he reason just buddy lost about a third of his income for the year because Barney was a dick.......
I was a Don Knotts fan at one time..........a friend of mine was playing banjo for the Dillards after Rodney stepped away from the band.......on their summer festival tour....Barney was billed as apperaring with the band on stage...he would get up and tell a few corny jokes......three appearances into the summer he reason just buddy lost about a third of his income for the year because Barney was a dick.......
I have always heard that you never want to meet your hero's and when you hear of an experience like that you understand why. I had a similar experience with Dale Earnhardt Jr. 20 or so years ago. He was still young and immature then. It seems he maybe grew out of it.
Good morning all. It seems like we can finally see winter in the rear view mirror, here in Kentucky. So glad that warm weather has finally arrived, to stay. Everyone have a great day, and enjoy the newest trouble
that UofL is in. It comes and goes, just like the seasons.
When it's all said and done, Louisville could write a book titled, "101 ways to get in trouble with the NCAA".
We had our annual air conditioning maintenance this afternoon. Haven't turned it on yet this year but that won't last long. Wife can't stand being hot.
I can't stand being hot either. I usually have the AC set for 68° of a night, any warmer than that and I have trouble sleeping. I guess it's the Scottish ancestry in me.
Warrior, you got me started down a rabbit hole with that video and I found this one. I remember laughing out loud the first time I saw this and I just laughed out loud again. Jim Ignatowski is right up there with Barney and Cramer for me.

Anyone remember the taxi episode where the crew finds out his dad's last name isn't Ignatowsky? I think it's the episode where he goes home for the first time. Freakin hilarious episode..

"For the last time, who is this?"
I have always heard that you never want to meet your hero's and when you hear of an experience like that you understand why. I had a similar experience with Dale Earnhardt Jr. 20 or so years ago. He was still young and immature then. It seems he maybe grew out of it.

Johnny Bench was a disappointment. Jim McMahon went from a great guy early in the day to an angry elf by day's end. Charlize Theron was a head case.

Best ones I've met so far have been Steve Zahn and Robin Zander. Rob Zombie was pretty cool too. None were really what I'd call my heros though.
Jim was the best character on that show.
Jim was the best character on any show. Ever. Might have been some just as good, but none were better. Yes, I took Festus into consideration.
I hope we stay away from the activities that have gotten so many programs in trouble over the years. Seems to come with success so many other places
Does the trouble stem from success, or lack thereof? Louisville didn't cheat because they were burning down the barn. They cheated because their barn had been burned.

UNC, on the other hand, cheated despite their success. It was an innate NEED to cheat that drove them.

One coin. Two sides.

I'm pretty sure we need to throw up the Roosterman signal on this one.

"What dooooeess a yellooow light mean?"

Don't even have to watch. One of my all time favorite scenes. When my little girl was little and learning about traffic lights she loved it when I did this skit with her while driving

Some of the people that have cracked me up the most- jim ignatowski, tim Conway in his many characters, wkrp whole cast, jack soo? on Barney miller, Bob newhart...
All those shows had multiple scene stealers. None of the title characters was the funniest person on the their show. Just like every other show. Except Lucy.
Good morning D, cool 66 with rain, I was going to help my S-I-L on his deck today, but we may have to pass on it.

We went to our grandson's preschool graduation last night, lots of laughs!!!! They are so innocent at that age, he got the "Jack-In -the-Box award if that says anything about him!!!!!

I hope the D, has a great day!!! Prayers for the D!!!!
I am a straight, white, male, and my pronouns are he, his, him. Until I die S-I-L will mean SISTER IN LAW. What does it mean to you?
I was a Don Knotts fan at one time..........a friend of mine was playing banjo for the Dillards after Rodney stepped away from the band.......on their summer festival tour....Barney was billed as apperaring with the band on stage...he would get up and tell a few corny jokes......three appearances into the summer he reason just buddy lost about a third of his income for the year because Barney was a dick.......
OBJECTION!!! Hearsay your Honor!

Sustained: The jury will disregard the previous testimony and not consider it in your verdict.
The biggest one I ever saw.
When it's all said and done, Louisville could write a book titled, "101 ways to get in trouble with the NCAA".
So, just what do you suggest they leave out? I know "101" is a trendy term for your generation, but let's just have the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Might be 187 or 203. Numbers lose meaning after a certain point but deeds remain pertinent forever.
I shot an 86 today and I have already had guys telling me that I should start playing with the top players because I play better with them. Bullshit! I play with the guys that I do because they are my friends. I try to help them. I keep an eye on their ball, I give them swing, chipping, putting advice if they ask for it. They often do. I want them to get better because I know how much it means to them.

I'm cool with shooting in the 70's or low 80's. That's better than 95% of the world and I have a good time regardless of my score. Ben will tell you that I handle a bad shot with grace. I'm just damn happy.. to be there and the score is not nearly the whole story.

Dry your eyes and read this...I came home today and there was a mole laying dead on my sidewalk. Attababy you little feral cat bastards. I feed you to make sure he doesn't eat. Earn your keep and you and I no longer have a problem.

I like squirrels though, they don't come around no more since the cats thought I didn't like them.

Can't blame em though. I've eaten more squirrels than all these cats combined.

Was supposed to mow the grass when I got home, but, bourbon. Don't get me wrong. Bourbon didn't keep me from mowing the grass. Nope. Bourbon allowed me to realize that the grass would be fine until tomorrow. See the difference?

Friend of mine at the course caught me off guard yesterday and starting talking about UK basketball and how it had turned around. The more we talked, the better I felt. He brought up some points I hadn't considered and I brought up some thoughts that I hadn't had until the moment.

Good talk. Also it led to the conversation about the football team. Both of us decided we were more excited about UK football than we were basketball. Reason is simple. We are usually good at basketball. Historically speaking. We are usually bad at football. Historically speaking.

We turned a corner a while back in football and we are now heading down the stretch. Expect good things this year and for it to just get better. Success breeds success.
Jim was the best character on any show. Ever. Might have been some just as good, but none were better. Yes, I took Festus into consideration.

Does the trouble stem from success, or lack thereof? Louisville didn't cheat because they were burning down the barn. They cheated because their barn had been burned.

UNC, on the other hand, cheated despite their success. It was an innate NEED to cheat that drove them.

One coin. Two sides.

I'm pretty sure we need to throw up the Roosterman signal on this one.

All those shows had multiple scene stealers. None of the title characters was the funniest person on the their show. Just like every other show. Except Lucy.

I am a straight, white, male, and my pronouns are he, his, him. Until I die S-I-L will mean SISTER IN LAW. What does it mean to you?

OBJECTION!!! Hearsay your Honor!

Sustained: The jury will disregard the previous testimony and not consider it in your verdict.


So, just what do you suggest they leave out? I know "101" is a trendy term for your generation, but let's just have the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Might be 187 or 203. Numbers lose meaning after a certain point but deeds remain pertinent forever.

Hey, I'm a trendy term for any generation.
Hey, I'm a trendy term for any generation.
Ha Ha, yes you are my friend! Yes. You. Are.

Sooo close to having this driver working right. I hit it hard and any shortcoming is amplified quite a bit. I'm starting to think that I let my wrists get more involved than I used to. If I stiffen my wrists I can feel the flex of the club. Is that what I should feel?

I've got about 3 or 14 driver swings to choose from. Help me narrow it down.
I have always heard that you never want to meet your hero's and when you hear of an experience like that you understand why. I had a similar experience with Dale Earnhardt Jr. 20 or so years ago. He was still young and immature then. It seems he maybe grew out of it.
I attended several Foster Brooks Pro/Am tournaments at Hurstbourne Country Club here in Louisville. The guy that really played to the crowd and was probably the nicest was Ernest Borgnine. Kenny Rogers was a bit of an ass.
I attended several Foster Brooks Pro/Am tournaments at Hurstbourne Country Club here in Louisville. The guy that really played to the crowd and was probably the nicest was Ernest Borgnine. Kenny Rogers was a bit of an ass.
I used to go to Branson now and then. Most stars seem pretty nice, but Kenny Rogers acted like he was doing you a favor by letting you buy an expensive ticket to see him. It didn't set right with me. Arrived at the Jim Stafford show early and his wife sat with us and chatted for 15 minutes.
I used to go to Branson now and then. Most stars seem pretty nice, but Kenny Rogers acted like he was doing you a favor by letting you buy an expensive ticket to see him. It didn't set right with me. Arrived at the Jim Stafford show early and his wife sat with us and chatted for 15 minutes.
Spot on. The celebrities were asked not to sign autographs during play but most ignored that request. Kenny didn't and to see the look on people's faces, especially kids, when he declined was disheartening. He kept a good distance from the crowd.
Anyone remember the taxi episode where the crew finds out his dad's last name isn't Ignatowsky? I think it's the episode where he goes home for the first time. Freakin hilarious episode..

"For the last time, who is this?"
Another good one is when they are in a courtroom and the dude asks Jim if he was in court before for drugs. Jim says NO, I already had drugs!
Johnny Bench was a disappointment. Jim McMahon went from a great guy early in the day to an angry elf by day's end. Charlize Theron was a head case.

Best ones I've met so far have been Steve Zahn and Robin Zander. Rob Zombie was pretty cool too. None were really what I'd call my heros though.
I drank beers for a couple of hours across the street from Detroit Stadium with Reggie Jackson.

Sang every song he knew with Charlie Daniels at a motel pool in Florida.

I attended several Foster Brooks Pro/Am tournaments at Hurstbourne Country Club here in Louisville. The guy that really played to the crowd and was probably the nicest was Ernest Borgnine. Kenny Rogers was a bit of an ass.

I was playing Seneca one day and they announced our names for the first tee along with Randy Atcher. Yep, that one.

My UL neighbors have been really quiet for the past few years. Wonder why?
Was talking to dude today at the golf course about how quiet a former ul loudmouth had been.
I used to go to Branson now and then. Most stars seem pretty nice, but Kenny Rogers acted like he was doing you a favor by letting you buy an expensive ticket to see him. It didn't set right with me. Arrived at the Jim Stafford show early and his wife sat with us and chatted for 15 minutes.
Jim Stafford was always an underrated talent.
Cumberland Falls last Saturday (May 15) morning. Looking good.

Kinda cool, but what if you've seen Niagra, or Angel falls? After a big rain I can outdo that within 5 minutes of my house.

edit: just joking. Would really be 7 minutes.
Last edited:
Jim was the best character on any show. Ever. Might have been some just as good, but none were better. Yes, I took Festus into consideration.

Does the trouble stem from success, or lack thereof? Louisville didn't cheat because they were burning down the barn. They cheated because their barn had been burned.

UNC, on the other hand, cheated despite their success. It was an innate NEED to cheat that drove them.

One coin. Two sides.

I'm pretty sure we need to throw up the Roosterman signal on this one.

All those shows had multiple scene stealers. None of the title characters was the funniest person on the their show. Just like every other show. Except Lucy.

I am a straight, white, male, and my pronouns are he, his, him. Until I die S-I-L will mean SISTER IN LAW. What does it mean to you?

OBJECTION!!! Hearsay your Honor!

Sustained: The jury will disregard the previous testimony and not consider it in your verdict.


So, just what do you suggest they leave out? I know "101" is a trendy term for your generation, but let's just have the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Might be 187 or 203. Numbers lose meaning after a certain point but deeds remain pertinent forever.
I can probably take you to a particular used instrument shop and let said banjo picker relay the story........
Another good one is when they are in a courtroom and the dude asks Jim if he was in court before for drugs. Jim says NO, I already had drugs!

I drank beers for a couple of hours across the street from Detroit Stadium with Reggie Jackson.

Sang every song he knew with Charlie Daniels at a motel pool in Florida.

I was playing Seneca one day and they announced our names for the first tee along with Randy Atcher. Yep, that one.

Was talking to dude today at the golf course about how quiet a former ul loudmouth had been.

Jim Stafford was always an underrated talent.

Kinda cool, but what if you've seen Niagra, or Angel falls? After a big rain I can outdo that within 5 minutes of my house.

edit: just joking. Would really be 7 minutes.

I've seen Niagara, Horse Tail, Bridal Veil, and a few others I can't remember. Cumberland Falls is still beautiful