
A quick story about my Greece trip. We visited the Isle of Patmos, a small Greek island on the Aegean Sea and best known as the place of exile for the Apostle John. This is where he received his "revelation"

When we arrived I asked a man where the grave of John was and he said it is not here. I had always thought for some reason John was exiled and died on the island. I imagined him in chains in a dungeon. Nothing was further from the truth.. John had one of the most beautiful scenes on earth. He also had a servant who assisted him who the monks said actually wrote the words John recorded from his revelation. His lifestyle in exile is what some people today would pay millions for. So God protected John and he was not martyred as were other disciples.

After 18 months on the island Rome changed leadership and became friendlier to Christians. John was released from exile and returned to Ephesus (present day Turkey) where he passed away after a long and fulfilling life.

So bottom line, if you are going to exile me send me to Patmos.


Wow! Thank you for that. Great to hear he had a better ending after they attempted to boil/fry him in oil unsuccessfully. Guess if you can't kill em, might as well give him a nice place far away. God is awesome!
It's amazing that there's not more pictures of the original Tolly Ho in Lexington. Sorry for bringing this topic up again. Good God the late nights I spent at that place back in 1978-1982 after a night of parties. This is one of the few I can find:


Damn shame it's gone, but such is "progress"

Excellent menu and convenient location. So many good times finished at The Ho. I actually stopped going out near campus 90% as often after they moved.
There is a slight chance that a seat belt can be the direct cause of death in an accident, but for the vast majority of accidents it will keep you safer than not wearing one.

Anecdotal stories about the vaccine are fairly useless.

There's a slight chance tuberculosis will kill you but 1.5 million people died of it the last year they have stats for it. There's a slight chance the flu will kill you outside of 2020. There's a slight chance the vaccine will prevent anything.

Anecdotal stories about a vaccine's efficacy are fairly useless. It works both ways
Good morning D-League. Fabulous day in the east. Sunny and cool with no humidity.

I enjoyed that story about the Apostle John's exile Sawnee. It is always mind blowing to walk in the steps of people you remember from Sunday School days. I got to see the site in Nineveh, across the river from Mosul in Iraq, considered the tomb of the prophet Jonah, who, of course, went there on God's orders after first trying to skip out, and being swallowed by the whale.

ISIS leveled the tomb a few years later, as I read somewhere.
My bro' called me a while ago. They have a son who lives in Boston, so when they go see him...instead of flying they always drive to make a trip out of it...stop at favorite eating spots and visit friends/family along the way. Has been an Enterprise customer for years (like Austin, they rent to keep the miles and wear/tear off their car). Guess he checked today for a trip they're going to make in early June. Said that the rental at Enterprise, same type car as last year.....the price had doubled from last year!
My bro' called me a while ago. They have a son who lives in Boston, so when they go see him...instead of flying they always drive to make a trip out of it...stop at favorite eating spots and visit friends/family along the way. Has been an Enterprise customer for years (like Austin, they rent to keep the miles and wear/tear off their car). Guess he checked today for a trip they're going to make in early June. Said that the rental at Enterprise, same type car as last year.....the price had doubled from last year!
Finding a rental car is a big issue down here. I was told car rental companies sold off their inventory last year because no one was going anywhere. So they sold the cars, many for wholesale prices.

Now one thing we have plenty of down here are U-Haul trucks and trailers. So many people are flocking down here rental trucks and trailers are over abundant. You can rent one at a reduced price if you are taking it out of state. They just want them off of their lots.
Good morning D-League. Fabulous day in the east. Sunny and cool with no humidity.

I enjoyed that story about the Apostle John's exile Sawnee. It is always mind blowing to walk in the steps of people you remember from Sunday School days. I got to see the site in Nineveh, across the river from Mosul in Iraq, considered the tomb of the prophet Jonah, who, of course, went there on God's orders after first trying to skip out, and being swallowed by the whale.

ISIS leveled the tomb a few years later, as I read somewhere.
Muslims love wiping out any Christian or Jewish history (witness the Al-Aqsa Mosque built on top of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem).

Mo really screwed up a billion folks.
Muslims love wiping out any Christian or Jewish history (witness the Al-Aqsa Mosque built on top of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem).

Mo really screwed up a billion folks.
They aren't so bad at wiping out their own history either, especially when its Sunni versus Shia or even some sect versus another. This is me in Samarra, Iraq in 1992 out in front of the Al-Askari Golden Mosque built by the Shias in 944 AD. It was quite beautiful. This photo barely gives a hint of its grandeur. The Sunnis leveled it about a dozen years later...
They aren't so bad at wiping out their own history either, especially when its Sunni versus Shia or even some sect versus another. This is me in Samarra, Iraq in 1992 out in front of the Al-Askari Golden Mosque built by the Shias in 944 AD. It was quite beautiful. This photo barely gives a hint of its grandeur. The Sunnis leveled it about a dozen years later...
As I said Mo screwed up about a billion people. 1400 years later his grandsons are still at war.

A friend of mine wrote this about Mo:

In case we forget....

Mohammed the Prophet was a lovely man. He only went to war a few times, and yes - he did take wives of war captives as booty to be handed round as sex slaves to his followers, and yes, he did raid caravans and he committed acts of antisemitic genocide against the Banu Qurayza tribe in Medina, beheading all the males in the community and consigning the women and children to lives of slavery, and yes, he did mutilate people who offended him and he did order women to be murdered for insulting him, and yes, he did have sex with a nine year old girl, who was still playing on her swing and owning dolls when he raped her, and yes he advocated beating disobedient wives, and according to his wife (Aisha the former child bride) she had to scrape the dry encrusted sperm stains off his robes before he would go off to the mosque - BUT - apart from all that - he was still the "most perfect man who ever lived." And though he hated dogs, he DID like cats. What's not to respect about him?
Yogi said it better: "When you come to a fork in the road, take it."
For you baseball fans, Yogi and Joe Garagiola (sp?) both grew up in the same neighborhood in St Louis and wanted to play for the Cardinals. St Louis offered Joe a signing bonus of a few hundred dollars (I forget exactly how much). Yogi said he had played baseball with Joe for many years and knew he was better than Joe, so he insisted the Cardinals give him the same offer. They refused, so he signed with the Yankees. You all know the rest of the story.
Good evening! Shot a 77 today. 5 over on the front and even par on the back. Played with the young guns today and it's a different world with those dudes. They can each carry the ball over 300 yards. Tomorrow it's back to the old dudes and I'll be the long knocker.

Wife brought home Chinese food tonight. Might as well get used to it because it will ALL be Chinese food before long.
Good evening! Shot a 77 today. 5 over on the front and even par on the back. Played with the young guns today and it's a different world with those dudes. They can each carry the ball over 300 yards. Tomorrow it's back to the old dudes and I'll be the long knocker.

Wife brought home Chinese food tonight. Might as well get used to it because it will ALL be Chinese food before long.

Dog or Cat?