
As I said Mo screwed up about a billion people. 1400 years later his grandsons are still at war.

A friend of mine wrote this about Mo:

In case we forget....

Mohammed the Prophet was a lovely man. He only went to war a few times, and yes - he did take wives of war captives as booty to be handed round as sex slaves to his followers, and yes, he did raid caravans and he committed acts of antisemitic genocide against the Banu Qurayza tribe in Medina, beheading all the males in the community and consigning the women and children to lives of slavery, and yes, he did mutilate people who offended him and he did order women to be murdered for insulting him, and yes, he did have sex with a nine year old girl, who was still playing on her swing and owning dolls when he raped her, and yes he advocated beating disobedient wives, and according to his wife (Aisha the former child bride) she had to scrape the dry encrusted sperm stains off his robes before he would go off to the mosque - BUT - apart from all that - he was still the "most perfect man who ever lived." And though he hated dogs, he DID like cats. What's not to respect about him?
And his visions in which are spoke of in the Quran were drug induced. He did a lot of drugs to enhance his dreams.
Good evening! Shot a 77 today. 5 over on the front and even par on the back. Played with the young guns today and it's a different world with those dudes. They can each carry the ball over 300 yards. Tomorrow it's back to the old dudes and I'll be the long knocker.

Wife brought home Chinese food tonight. Might as well get used to it because it will ALL be Chinese food before long.
Speaking of Knockers!

Good morning from ATX. Currently 63°F and cloudy. Humid. We're under flash flood watch until 1 pm tomorrow. More rain expected. Tornado sightings yesterday. Possible high of 74°F.

My German ex brother in-law pinged me yesterday from Gran Canaria off the coast of Africa. He's there with friends on a 4-week vacation. Good for him.

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 63°F and cloudy. Humid. We're under flash flood watch until 1 pm tomorrow. More rain expected. Tornado sightings yesterday. Possible high of 74°F.

My German ex brother in-law pinged me yesterday from Gran Canaria off the coast of Africa. He's there with friends on a 4-week vacation. Good for him.

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

A lot of Germans go to the Gran Canaria's for vacation. I have a German friend I have known since 1977 and she went there this past summer. Sent me some pictures in an email. Nice place.
Warrior, you got me started down a rabbit hole with that video and I found this one. I remember laughing out loud the first time I saw this and I just laughed out loud again. Jim Ignatowski is right up there with Barney and Cramer for me.

Since the 'D' has some well educated/informed members....I'm sure you guys know of Marilu Henner....
'Has been confirmed to be one of a rare group of persons, who possess "hyperthymesia" (Superior Autobiographical Memory) which allows her to recall almost every day of her life'
Good morning D League. It’s an absolutely beautiful morning in the east. I’m out on my walk, dodging cicadas and the nuisance of dozens of Canadian Geese who are trying to protect goslings along the narrow path I have to use to get around a small lake.

Any fans of Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History podcast? I’ve just finished the 18 hours or so on the period from the Assyrians to Alexander the Great. Now I’m starting the 25 or so hours on the rise and fall of Japan from the late 19th century through 1945. Grim but fascinating.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning folks. Have a blessed day!!

The preacher man says it's the end of time
And the Mississippi River, she's a-goin' dry
The interest is up and the stock market's down
And you only get mugged if you go downtown

I live back in the woods you see
My woman and the kids and the dogs and me
I got a shotgun, a rifle and a four-wheel drive
And a country boy can survive
Country folks can survive
Beautiful morning in the Buckeye State. Heading up to the high 70s today....can you believe it? 80+ in the long range forecast so like Ben101er's neck of the woods.....winter may be in the rear view mirror.

So, it looks like a day in the garden fighting with the tiller. Figure I'll get it tilled today and then get the tomatoes in the ground tomorrow.
Speaking of tillers, I had bought the Mrs an electric tiller a number of years ago. Didn't think it would be able to do much, but actually it's a great little tiller. Her Mantis spent as much time in the shop as it did the flower gardens, so I decided to ditch it. Anyway, she took it over to her Moms Saturday to plant flowers around the front porch. We do it every year for Mother's Day...a little late this year. Don't know what she did....pulled something....but she's been in terrible pain/hard to breathe since Monday morning. Had to go to the doctors office yesterday morning to see about it. Got 3 scrips, so hopefully nothing more than something pulled.....but she is really in a lot of pain. God willing, she'll heal here in the next day or so. Was kidding her this morning that since she's such an expert at tilling, I was hoping she would do the veggie garden today with my big 'ol Husquvarna. She said that's a big no.
Good morning folks. Have a blessed day!!

The preacher man says it's the end of time
And the Mississippi River, she's a-goin' dry
The interest is up and the stock market's down
And you only get mugged if you go downtown

I live back in the woods you see
My woman and the kids and the dogs and me
I got a shotgun, a rifle and a four-wheel drive
And a country boy can survive
Country folks can survive
I love Ole Hank, Jr.
Good morning D League

A nice day is in store for today with a current temperature 69° with sunny skies and no rain. I can't tell you the last time we had a rainy day. It has been awhile. We need it bad. Our high is expected to reach 86°.

Not much happening today on my schedule other than some Cat scans of my abdominal area. I can't eat until this is over so no sausage, no eggs and grits this morning. I don't like missing breakfast. But you do what you have to do.

Trust all are well and if not we pray you get better.

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Muslims love wiping out any Christian or Jewish history (witness the Al-Aqsa Mosque built on top of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem).

Mo really screwed up a billion folks.

It wasn't always that way, but everything that is against God is turning completely away from Him these days as lines are drawn. China, Canada, the left here, and sponsored terrorists worldwide are all choosing their goats.

Building the mosque on top of that plateau was more about the holy Roman empire than anything to do with the temple, which was likely somewhere else close by. The "temple mount" is the size of a typical Roman fort to house the numbers and facilities claimed to have been placed there. Fort Antonia I believe was the name of it.

The site they say was the fort is way way too small for anything but a smaller garrison rather than a significant, ruling presence. Others in my extended family had been there more than once and said they were surprised at how small the fort was compared to the area claimed to be the temple mount, and that the gihon(?) spring was a good walk from the temple mount, but was supposed to be directly under the temple...
It's also surprising to me, given their history, that the Romans didn't set up shop where the spring was and just destroy the temple to do so. They nearly always set up their camps and forts at the water source rather than near it.
Since the 'D' has some well educated/informed members....I'm sure you guys know of Marilu Henner....
'Has been confirmed to be one of a rare group of persons, who possess "hyperthymesia" (Superior Autobiographical Memory) which allows her to recall almost every day of her life'

Elaine? On taxi. I recall something being said about that somewhere. Gotta look up those shows. Thought of them last year but forgot to follow up. Thought they were funny when I was younger. Reminded me a lot of barney miller

Don't know that I'd want that hyperthymesia. Got quite a bit I'm comfortable not recalling.
Warrior, you got me started down a rabbit hole with that video and I found this one. I remember laughing out loud the first time I saw this and I just laughed out loud again. Jim Ignatowski is right up there with Barney and Cramer for me.


"What dooooeess a yellooow light mean?"

Don't even have to watch. One of my all time favorite scenes. When my little girl was little and learning about traffic lights she loved it when I did this skit with her while driving

Some of the people that have cracked me up the most- jim ignatowski, tim Conway in his many characters, wkrp whole cast, jack soo? on Barney miller, Bob newhart...
Good morning D, cool 66 with rain, I was going to help my S-I-L on his deck today, but we may have to pass on it.

We went to our grandson's preschool graduation last night, lots of laughs!!!! They are so innocent at that age, he got the "Jack-In -the-Box award if that says anything about him!!!!!

I hope the D, has a great day!!! Prayers for the D!!!!

"What dooooeess a yellooow light mean?"

Don't even have to watch. One of my all time favorite scenes. When my little girl was little and learning about traffic lights she loved it when I did this skit with her while driving

Some of the people that have cracked me up the most- jim ignatowski, tim Conway in his many characters, wkrp whole cast, jack soo? on Barney miller, Bob newhart...
Tim Conway and Don Knotts are 2 of my favorites and can always make me laugh no matter what kind of mood I am in.
Morning folks. It is a cloudy 68.9°F. I have been praying for rain and it just will not do it. We are try, there are good clouds but no rain. These clouds don't know what they are supposed to do!

Must be Woke clouds Sir or deciding if they rain up or down... (That's a thing now...)(climate "change")

Oh, I do hope you are all well and do also hope you receive what you need and what you want if your desires are in God's will for your lives. God Bless you all...
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Tim Conway and Don Knotts are 2 of my favorites and can always make me laugh no matter what kind of mood I am in.
Had a guy who rented our commercial building a number of years back whose nephew (as I recall) owned a farm in West Central Ohio. His nephew either built or remodeled a garage that looked just like Gomer/Goobers garage in Mayberry....down to the smallest detail. He started having a special Mayberrry reunion weekend that ran for maybe 5-7 years, and he would have the old stars of the Andy Griffith Show in. (I think only Andy and Gomer never came to it....and Opie). The year that Don Knotts was there, he was sick...maybe a year or two before he died....and he had a personal nurse with him. According to Bill's nephew, Don stayed in the house almost the whole day rather than meet & greet outside with fans who came. Said he really was quite ill, but nevertheless came to Ohio and fulfilled a commitment he had made a year earlier to be there. Said that he was really a nice guy.
We took a trip to Mt Airy NC back in April to take my youngest daughter. She loves the Andy Griffith show and has wanted to go to Mayberry for a couple of years. We did a tour in a show era cop car and the driver was telling us that Thelma Lou lives there now and before Covid would go to the Andy Griffith Museum once per month to meet fans. He said she always meets with fans when they have their annual Andy Griffith festival as well. He said when she signs something for fans it isn't just her name she ask your name and writes a personal note. He said she was an outstanding lady.