
It is a sunny 45.5°F and it may be time to turn the heat back on. I mowed yesterday as this time of the year with the good rain it is needed every third day.

Tuesday we ended up with 3.21" of rain and yesterday we got another .18, so that is nearly 3 and 1/2". The cool wet weather get my grass growing.

On sea food: Davy's Locker, now closed, in New Bedford, MA was one of the best seafood places I ever enjoyed. I used to go there every time we visited Cape Cod. It is missed. The menu could vary based on the catch that day. I am not fond of lobster but it was available and cheap, scrod (young cod) was wonderful and cheap. The place was always packed.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 64°F, clear and calm. 87°F may be our high for today. We could see some precious, beautiful rain beginning Sunday.

Happy Friday!

Mother's Day is day after tomorrow. Ensure you remind the kids.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 64°F, clear and calm. 87°F may be our high for today. We could see some precious, beautiful rain beginning Sunday.

Happy Friday!

Mother's Day is day after tomorrow. Ensure you remind the kids.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Our daughter and her husband took us out to dinner for our anniversary one time...they took us to a place called Tuddenham Mill......everything on the menu came from the farm operation there.....It was my first visit to England so I ordered something that sounded familiar.......roast Leg of Lamb....when they brought our food to the table my food was on a big had a whole leg of lamb surrounded by potatoes, carrots and was enough food for several people......biggest damn doggie bag I ever carried out of a restaurant...
Good morning D-League. Nice cool morning for my ritual walk today.

Good things happening on the basketball front. I've always held this opinion, but it is being reinforced: Last year was an outlier, and we'll have a much different experience this coming season. I'm not ready to predict how different til we see the entire roster, but it is getting interesting.

Glad Friday is here. Hope everyone has an enjoyable day.
Good Friday Morning from way down South in Dixie.

We will have another nice day with our current temperature at 64°. We have clear skies and winds are NW at 15 mph. Our high will reach 78° at 1:00 PM and remain until the sun goes down. We will have full sun all day and no chance of rain. Great day for the beach or fishing. Take you pick or do both.

There is a pot of grits on, thick sliced bacon is a frying and the coffee is extra good. Fry some eggs. get the biscuits out of the oven and it is time for breakfast. I hear somebody calling now. I trust all have a great day.

Below is a very old picture of Tampa Stadium taken on May 7, 1973. On this day in '73 Led Zeppelin, on the second day of their '73 US Summer tour, had a record of 56,800 people in the stadium. This broke the Beatles record that had been set in Shea Stadium, New York. Those were the days my friend, I thought they would never end.

And, I liked Mary Hopkins, too.
I've been away for a couple of days while I was competing in a dance competition in Punta del Gunto. These are some of the guys I was up against. Call me old school, but some of these dudes look like a lady...

Good pick me up this morning. Love the song, but love the video even more. Miss seeing the dance cats live. This helps fill the void
Haven't been on Rafters much lately but, went this morning to overwhelming excitement for TyTy Washington even though he has not committed. Most act as if he is coming because most "experts" seem to think he is. How many times in the past have we seen this only to be disappointed over and over again. Also, they were going gaga over the mix tape of him. He will still be a freshman if he comes and the talent he will be playing against is far better than what he is used to.

I have become a bit of a skeptic in recent years on UK basketball and have taken the let's wait and see approach. I used to follow it all with great anticipation now, eh I will wait to see the movie.
I've been away for a couple of days while I was competing in a dance competition in Punta del Gunto. These are some of the guys I was up against. Call me old school, but some of these dudes look like a lady...

Got me started on an ELO kick this morning and I just can't stop it. Haven't listened to music much this year, but this was the right stuff to jump start my heart
Haven't been on Rafters much lately but, went this morning to overwhelming excitement for TyTy Washington even though he has not committed. Most act as if he is coming because most "experts" seem to think he is. How many times in the past have we seen this only to be disappointed over and over again. Also, they were going gaga over the mix tape of him. He will still be a freshman if he comes and the talent he will be playing against is far better than what he is used to.

I have become a bit of a skeptic in recent years on UK basketball and have taken the let's wait and see approach. I used to follow it all with great anticipation now, eh I will wait to see the movie.
That's what always get me too WC, an excellent player is NOT always playing against the BEST players, then when they get to college they are playing against guys that are just as good if not better!!! That's like a guy at the golf course where I played, he always won everything, then decided to try and go pro. He played in some tournaments to try and get his card, never even made a cut, guess where he is at, back at the home course!!!!
That's what always get me too WC, an excellent player is NOT always playing against the BEST players, then when they get to college they are playing against guys that are just as good if not better!!! That's like a guy at the golf course where I played, he always won everything, then decided to try and go pro. He played in some tournaments to try and get his card, never even made a cut, guess where he is at, back at the home course!!!!

State dependent learning perhaps? Maybe he knows his local courses too well and didnt get around to the big courses....

Golf shouldn't be like that. You're playing against yourself no matter where you play. If you play the course extremely well, well enough to win a tourney, it shouldn't matter who's on the course with you.
Haven't been on Rafters much lately but, went this morning to overwhelming excitement for TyTy Washington even though he has not committed. Most act as if he is coming because most "experts" seem to think he is. How many times in the past have we seen this only to be disappointed over and over again. Also, they were going gaga over the mix tape of him. He will still be a freshman if he comes and the talent he will be playing against is far better than what he is used to.

I have become a bit of a skeptic in recent years on UK basketball and have taken the let's wait and see approach. I used to follow it all with great anticipation now, eh I will wait to see the movie.

Same here. Miss the excitement of the live moment at times, because I've been spoiled watching the 3 finals run in the 90s and the final fours since Cal. Those were great times but the early grinds of the last 7-8 years have worn my interest very thin.
Good morning D, beautiful day here in the Berg! Bert we got 4 1/4" of rain Monday, Greenville got 7.1", we are about 8 miles apart!!!!

Going for a walk in a bit, walked 2.6 yesterday. I envy you guys that can walk 5-10 miles at a time, but I guess with two new hips, I should be happy that I can do that, I am happy I can!!!!

Not a lot going on today, I do have to weed eat sometime today, so have a great day and PRAYERS for the D!!!
State dependent learning perhaps? Maybe he knows his local courses too well and didnt get around to the big courses....

Golf shouldn't be like that. You're playing against yourself no matter where you play. If you play the course extremely well, well enough to win a tourney, it shouldn't matter who's on the course with you.
When I started playing my best friend told me, don't try to beat anybody else, you are not going to do it, just try to better yourself each time you play. don't play anymore, after 5 surgeries the old body just couldn't handle it anymore, anyway like fishing and metal detecting better!!!
Someone should call Maricopa county and have them try that
I live and vote in Maricopa county. Many, many Arizonans believe elections over the last decade or two have become increasingly fraudulent. Not all but you can sense the opinion. The facts that state election laws were not followed feed the suspicion. This transparent audit is expected to follow Arizona law to the letter. Agenda driven political pressure will only grow. Voting modifications seem designed to create an environment susceptible to fraudulent intent. As cheating became sleazy easy good hardworking complacent people see change, the community impacts, want answers and will get them.

Good morning D-League. Nice cool morning for my ritual walk today.

Good things happening on the basketball front. I've always held this opinion, but it is being reinforced: Last year was an outlier, and we'll have a much different experience this coming season. I'm not ready to predict how different til we see the entire roster, but it is getting interesting.

Glad Friday is here. Hope everyone has an enjoyable day.

Good pick me up this morning. Love the song, but love the video even more.
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites and Lurkers.
  • We had 45º this morning, Brrrrrrrrrr.
  • My fingers get numb real easy. Like today. This blood thinner has that side effect.
  • I read and liked all of the posts.
  • Listened to Tom Leach, skipped KSR. They are way too silly. A radio show not for old men.
  • Nobody knows whether or not Tyty is great.
  • College Basketball is ****ed up.
  • No White Tails so far today.
  • I wish they'd stop improving this site.
  • Dinner Deck, all you can eat of Fiddlers and Fried Chicken for $15 bucks.
  • That's it.
  • Get well soon.
  • As you were.
  • Carry on.
I just received notice some one purchased a ticker for me and my wife for the Final Tour of the Monkees in the fall. The concert we will go to is Oct 13 in Clearwater., Now am I a Monkees fan, not really. but heck why not go to their final tour.

Also I received tickets to Ricky Skaggs at the same location. He had cancelled the concert last fall due to COVID.

I think only two of the original group are still alive. Like I said I was more into Johnny Cash and country but why not?

How long do you boil them, which do you like best?
I prefer them boiled but the rest of my family likes them roasted. I boil until I can stick a fork through them. Probably 9 to 10 minutes. Bring your water to a boil, add salt to taste and put them in boiling water.

Here is a nice video of roasting them. Enjoy

Found these boxes behind 7/11 during my noon walk. Ran home, grabbed our truck and loaded up the first box. Contains oatmeal, 3 packs corn muffin mix, bag of onions, bag of potatoes, cans of tuna, other canned goods. Left 2nd box there. Cheese came from US Gov. Came from an ATX charity, Central Texas Food Bank. Some folks are seriously wasteful scum.


Any of the D, fix Brussel Sprouts, if so how do you cook them?
Yes, we have them often. Two ways. 1) roast in the oven with olive oil and a few spices. 2) boil them in water with a little salt and seasons to taste. This is one of my favorite vegetables and I like all vegetables.
Ineresting, I too like them roasted, I prefer to Sautee in cast iron with a lemon slice or 2. Same reasons to caramelize for favor and soften the cellulose for chewing and and digestion. Been known to add a sprinkle graded cheese over finished product.
When I started playing my best friend told me, don't try to beat anybody else, you are not going to do it, just try to better yourself each time you play. don't play anymore, after 5 surgeries the old body just couldn't handle it anymore, anyway like fishing and metal detecting better!!!

May be my last year, too. The back surgery was successful and I don't have any pain just leading a normal life, but the golf is bothering me some. If I give it up, I will play 3-4 times a year, but not play on a regular basis. Well, I went to my youngest daughter's house and cut her grass, then came home and cut the 3 acres of mine, that I mow. Didn't want to do it all today, but it is still really wet, and the monsoon is heading in. If I didn't get it done today, it may have been June.
May be my last year, too. The back surgery was successful and I don't have any pain just leading a normal life, but the golf is bothering me some. If I give it up, I will play 3-4 times a year, but not play on a regular basis. Well, I went to my youngest daughter's house and cut her grass, then came home and cut the 3 acres of mine, that I mow. Didn't want to do it all today, but it is still really wet, and the monsoon is heading in. If I didn't get it done today, it may have been June.
Be careful Mr. Ben, some times we just have to realize, I just can't do this anymore, that's what I did with golf!!! Not being worth a crap helped too!!!! LOL
I just received notice some one purchased a ticker for me and my wife for the Final Tour of the Monkees in the fall. The concert we will go to is Oct 13 in Clearwater., Now am I a Monkees fan, not really. but heck why not go to their final tour.

Also I received tickets to Ricky Skaggs at the same location. He had cancelled the concert last fall due to COVID.

I think only two of the original group are still alive. Like I said I was more into Johnny Cash and country but why not?

Two of them are dead, and I heard that Nesmith wasn't performing anymore. If that's true, it would just leave Mickey Dolenz. Maybe Nesmith has rejoined.
Be careful Mr. Ben, some times we just have to realize, I just can't do this anymore, that's what I did with golf!!! Not being worth a crap helped too!!!! LOL

Hard to give up. Been playing since 1962, and still an 8 hdcp even with the bad back and almost 70. But, all things come to an end, and this may be the case with my golf.
LOL I can see it now, Hey D, any of you ever fix a dog turd? hey yes Cord, get a cast iron skillet, throw in some bacon grease and yada, yada and yada!!!!!LOL!!!!

No sir but Ole Girth sir may like those chocolate juju bees or the gargantuan hamster pellets.... sauteed may work .. (For him...) ;) (Very probably still better than gizzards...)

My Darling got her second vaccine this morning. We've been together all day. Taking a sit down now...

Oh, may your day be pleasant and enjoyable to where you can glow from being happy. God Bless you all...
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No sir but Ole Girth sir likes those chocolate juju bees or the gargantuan hamster pellets.... sauteed may work .. (For him...) ;) (Very probably still better than gizzards...)
There is nothing finer than a cast iron skillet full of fried gizzards and then milk gravy to smother them and sop up with biscuits. If heaven doesn't have fried gizzards I don't know what I am going to do.

Well, I went to my youngest daughter's house and cut her grass, then came home and cut the 3 acres of mine, that I mow. Didn't want to do it all today, but it is still really wet, and the monsoon is heading in. If I didn't get it done today, it may have been June.

Just kidding folks, there is no way I would attempt to pull a stunt like that on my daddy. He was Old School before Old School was Old School.