
Goooooooood morning, Venezuela!

Dam spell check is now using permanent marker so I can't delete it... oh well. It's a little brisk in the foggy bottom this morning. Will have to wait til after noon to mow (which means I won't be able to do so til 6pm or later) cause the sun needs to bake the moisture off a bit.

Friend of a close friend, but an acquaintance of mine really, had a miscarriage after her shots, so I'm trying to think of something appropriate to send to the family from our family to lift their spirits. Any thoughts? Should we refrain?

Never know what to say or do in social situations like these. My parents never passed on such information
Good morning D-League. Hope everyone is getting off to a good start.

I was glad to see the commitment of CJ Frederick. In the world of the transfer portal I think it is going to be harder to get pieces like him -- a guy who is good enough to play real minutes and probably understands he isn't going to start. The Cats need a starting point guard now -- I'd be happy with any one of Carr, Alvarado or TyTy Washington -- and one more backup player. Mintz returning would be nice. If Brooks stays I think that's essentially the team. Not a vintage Cal team, but one with a decent chance to make some noise.

A couple people mentioned the Maryland flag. I've been here more than 30 years now, and my wife came here as a teenager from NYC, and I honestly never noticed that people are overbearing about it. I'd say people from Kentucky, and definitely people from my wife's home state of New York, are more likely to attach significance to where they are from than people from Maryland.

It's just that the flag is so damn gaudy its like waving a massive Hawaiian shirt around when it is displayed.

It just occurred to me for the first time: The Maryland flag is the visual depiction of the old Sunday School song: "Red and Yellow, Black and White, they are precious in his sight." But it is an eyesore.
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Goooooooood morning, Venezuela!

Dam spell check is now using permanent marker so I can't delete it... oh well. It's a little brisk in the foggy bottom this morning. Will have to wait til after noon to mow (which means I won't be able to do so til 6pm or later) cause the sun needs to bake the moisture off a bit.

Friend of a close friend, but an acquaintance of mine really, had a miscarriage after her shots, so I'm trying to think of something appropriate to send to the family from our family to lift their spirits. Any thoughts? Should we refrain?

Never know what to say or do in social situations like these. My parents never passed on such information

Just me but anything bringing up a hurt should be left unsaid. A deliberate regular visit or a deliberate regular interaction will be more meaningful later. No need to bring up the hurt, just be there.

Oh, I do hope this day shields you from hurt to where your beliefs are challenged. Be diligent in knowing and be confident that God cares for you.
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Goooooooood morning, Venezuela!

Dam spell check is now using permanent marker so I can't delete it... oh well. It's a little brisk in the foggy bottom this morning. Will have to wait til after noon to mow (which means I won't be able to do so til 6pm or later) cause the sun needs to bake the moisture off a bit.

Friend of a close friend, but an acquaintance of mine really, had a miscarriage after her shots, so I'm trying to think of something appropriate to send to the family from our family to lift their spirits. Any thoughts? Should we refrain?

Never know what to say or do in social situations like these. My parents never passed on such information
Don't bring it up!!! My D-I-L and son had one, if you are a praying man, pray for them. My daughter was there visiting them when it happened and it has effected her too, Give them time! Not much else to say!!!
Listening to the radio and there is a "Panther Alert" for Citrus and Hernando Counties. If you have a dog in the yard they recommend taking it inside. If you are outside with a small child keep a close eye on them. There are only 150 panthers left in the state and they are protected.

I have only seen a half a dozen or so in the wild in my entire life. . One chased a wild boar through the area a few years ago. I did not see it but it was captured on a rancher's security camera. (below) There is never a dull minute in these parts. Nature is everywhere you look. Some good and some dangerous. Just Walk Like A Man and you will be OK


Cats are perfect killers both large and small. They were created to kill.

Just me but anything bringing up a hurt should be left unsaid. A deliberate regular visit or a deliberate regular interaction will be more meaningful later. No need to bring up the hurt, just be there.

Oh, I do hope this day shields you from hurt to where your beliefs are challenged. Be diligent in knowing and have confident that God cares for you.
Just a regular visit......let them talk about what they want to talk about......
Whatever happened to the month of May? Springtime? Can remember turning on the A/C in mid, late May (of course I lived in Atlanta at the time) 38 degrees this morning in the Buckeye State....freeze warning for tonight I hear.

Always thought global warming was a hoax...and climate change the same. Just a new name since the old one you could shoot holes in pretty easy. But I do wonder about the seasons some. Seems as a kid it would warm up nicely in April and be nice and warm in May. Now sometimes it takes till June to warm up. Same in the Fall. Can remember October being cool/cold...occasional snow on Halloween. Now, it's warm in October, even into November (some years not all). Like everything's shifting about a month. Could be my imagination and faulty memories from childhood. Who knows.

Hopefully can mow some of the jungle later today...if/when it warms up.
Y'all have a good day.
Whatever happened to the month of May? Springtime? Can remember turning on the A/C in mid, late May (of course I lived in Atlanta at the time) 38 degrees this morning in the Buckeye State....freeze warning for tonight I hear.

Always thought global warming was a hoax...and climate change the same. Just a new name since the old one you could shoot holes in pretty easy. But I do wonder about the seasons some. Seems as a kid it would warm up nicely in April and be nice and warm in May. Now sometimes it takes till June to warm up. Same in the Fall. Can remember October being cool/cold...occasional snow on Halloween. Now, it's warm in October, even into November (some years not all). Like everything's shifting about a month. Could be my imagination and faulty memories from childhood. Who knows.

Hopefully can mow some of the jungle later today...if/when it warms up.
Y'all have a good day.

It'll shift back and forth. I notice it more now than when I was younger, but it did it sometimes back then. Maybe it's weather modification... No idea what they use that for besides cloud seeding, but could be the application of something like that causing extremes. Could be solar minimums/maximums also.
Her bio sounds similar to a guy in Ohio, up in the Amish country.....
'... inspiration in the imagery of Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley, becoming captivated by the life and culture of the Amish and Mennonite people of the area. She embraced the local landscapes, lifestyles, and traditions and felt that the life and culture she was part of held an important message for modern society: live simply and enjoy every moment!'

His name is Billy Jacobs. We have a few of his originals hanging on the walls.

I like his work. Pat is a good friend of ours. We are having dinner with her, this Friday. We have several originals of hers and one oil that she painted back in the late 60's. She told us that she had not worked with oils since then, so she had us get it appraised and insured. She turns 87 this month, and still going strong.
I drive Honda's and have never bought nor needed the extended warranties. However, my sister bought a used KIA something with 70K+ miles. The transmission went out on on it along with some other things...and KIA covered it. Good on KIA.

My daughter had a Kia SUV and it had a 10 year, 100,000 mile warranty on the drive train. Plus, the dealer she bought it from was giving lifetime warranties on every new vehicle they sold. I guess they know that the chances of someone keeping a car for 15 years is slim and none.
Just a regular visit......let them talk about what they want to talk about......
That is what I was going to suggest to, awf, that is how it happened with my D-I-L and my daughter, they were the ones that brought it up, My D-I-L just brought it up one day saying she didn't know what would have happened if my daughter wasn't there, my son was at work.
Good morning D-League. Hope everyone is getting off to a good start.

I was glad to see the commitment of CJ Frederick. In the world of the transfer portal I think it is going to be harder to get pieces like him -- a guy who is good enough to play real minutes and probably understands he isn't going to start. The Cats need a starting point guard now -- I'd be happy with any one of Carr, Alvarado or TyTy Washington -- and one more backup player. Mintz returning would be nice. If Brooks stays I think that's essentially the team. Not a vintage Cal team, but one with a decent chance to make some noise.

A couple people mentioned the Maryland flag. I've been here more than 30 years now, and my wife came here as a teenager from NYC, and I honestly never noticed that people are overbearing about it. I'd say people from Kentucky, and definitely people from my wife's home state of New York, are more likely to attach significance to where they are from than people from Maryland.

It's just that the flag is so damn gaudy its like waving a massive Hawaiian shirt around when it is displayed.

It just occurred to me for the first time: The Maryland flag is the visual depiction of the old Sunday School song: "Red and Yellow, Black and White, they are precious in his sight." But it is a eyesore.
Jaden Hardy is still out there but he's likely to opt for the G-League or go overseas. A year ago he was almost a lock for wearing UK blue. We'll know within the next few weeks.
Whatever happened to the month of May? Springtime? Can remember turning on the A/C in mid, late May (of course I lived in Atlanta at the time) 38 degrees this morning in the Buckeye State....freeze warning for tonight I hear.

Always thought global warming was a hoax...and climate change the same. Just a new name since the old one you could shoot holes in pretty easy. But I do wonder about the seasons some. Seems as a kid it would warm up nicely in April and be nice and warm in May. Now sometimes it takes till June to warm up. Same in the Fall. Can remember October being cool/cold...occasional snow on Halloween. Now, it's warm in October, even into November (some years not all). Like everything's shifting about a month. Could be my imagination and faulty memories from childhood. Who knows.

Hopefully can mow some of the jungle later today...if/when it warms up.
Y'all have a good day.
Yeah I'm holding off on planting my tomatoes until the nighttime low is consistently above 50. If the forecast is right then that might not happen until the 15th.
Just me but anything bringing up a hurt should be left unsaid. A deliberate regular visit or a deliberate regular interaction will be more meaningful later. No need to bring up the hurt, just be there.

Oh, I do hope this day shields you from hurt to where your beliefs are challenged. Be diligent in knowing and have confident that God cares for you.

What wise and thoughtful advice. The people who know you in person must dearly love you.
Yeah I'm holding off on planting my tomatoes until the nighttime low is consistently above 50. If the forecast is right then that might not happen until the 15th.
With the rain...then having to mow when it dries out...and the chilly weather....I haven't even cranked up the tiller yet. Need to do it next week no matter what (excluding rain of course).
Jaden Hardy is still out there but he's likely to opt for the G-League or go overseas. A year ago he was almost a lock for wearing UK blue. We'll know within the next few weeks.
I don't hold out much hope for Hardy. And honestly I never felt he was a lock for Kentucky, or ever likely to play college ball.

We're in a new era. The G-League has become the preferred destination for players like Hardy. I guess we're lucky we got to see John Wall and Anthony Davis in Kentucky blue, because I doubt either would play in college today.

But wouldn't it be nice, as the Beach Boys sang...
Good morning D-League. Hope everyone is getting off to a good start.

I was glad to see the commitment of CJ Frederick. In the world of the transfer portal I think it is going to be harder to get pieces like him -- a guy who is good enough to play real minutes and probably understands he isn't going to start. The Cats need a starting point guard now -- I'd be happy with any one of Carr, Alvarado or TyTy Washington -- and one more backup player. Mintz returning would be nice. If Brooks stays I think that's essentially the team. Not a vintage Cal team, but one with a decent chance to make some noise.

A couple people mentioned the Maryland flag. I've been here more than 30 years now, and my wife came here as a teenager from NYC, and I honestly never noticed that people are overbearing about it. I'd say people from Kentucky, and definitely people from my wife's home state of New York, are more likely to attach significance to where they are from than people from Maryland.

It's just that the flag is so damn gaudy its like waving a massive Hawaiian shirt around when it is displayed.

It just occurred to me for the first time: The Maryland flag is the visual depiction of the old Sunday School song: "Red and Yellow, Black and White, they are precious in his sight." But it is a eyesore.

Never made that connection either. Interesting

I guess the reason I appreciate it is the historical aspect. That's def old school from back when heraldry was more important to authenticate a power/gov. It IS gaudy but many of the crests and flags were very much so. It also reminds me that we're never that far from the oppression which the pilgrims and others tried to leave behind. It followed them here, but wasn't able to exert it's full power as it did in Europe.
My daughter is graduating with Summa Cum Laude honors tomorrow with her Bachelor Degree in Elementary Education. Thanks goodness she gets her looks and smarts from her mother. 🤣
Wow! Congratulations to her and to her parents, whomever they may be... jk

I'm shocked and amazed at the things kids excel at when their parents have no inklings in the same direction. Pretty cool to see development
Wow! Congratulations to her and to her parents, whomever they may be... jk

I'm shocked and amazed at the things kids excel at when their parents have no inklings in the same direction. Pretty cool to see development
My wife is also an elementary school teacher so that probably helped but she is a very smart and determined young lady. I am very proud of her.
My wife is also an elementary school teacher so that probably helped but she is a very smart and determined young lady. I am very proud of her.

And rightfully so.

One of my nephews is so outside the spectrum of where his parents were that we talk about it on the regular. He's more like his aunt than either parent in some ways. His dad is proud of him, but neither parent can take credit much. Gifts from God really
Wow! Congratulations to her and to her parents, whomever they may be... jk

I'm shocked and amazed at the things kids excel at when their parents have no inklings in the same direction. Pretty cool to see development

Yeah all three of my children are in the medical field and my wife and I would have never thought that possible much less probable but they are doing well and we are thankful.
Really liked Dali as an artist until I saw his paintings in person. I was advised to see at least one actual painting up close by a friend who said he'd been to the museum, so I checked it out. He was a HORRIBLE painter from a technical perspective early on, bit got better over time. Concepts and composition were first rate much of the time

Glad y'all had a great time
I like Ray Harm. Dali and all those "expressionist" painters leave me dead in the cold. I guess I like reality.
Whatever happened to the month of May? Springtime? Can remember turning on the A/C in mid, late May (of course I lived in Atlanta at the time) 38 degrees this morning in the Buckeye State....freeze warning for tonight I hear.

Always thought global warming was a hoax...and climate change the same. Just a new name since the old one you could shoot holes in pretty easy. But I do wonder about the seasons some. Seems as a kid it would warm up nicely in April and be nice and warm in May. Now sometimes it takes till June to warm up. Same in the Fall. Can remember October being cool/cold...occasional snow on Halloween. Now, it's warm in October, even into November (some years not all). Like everything's shifting about a month. Could be my imagination and faulty memories from childhood. Who knows.

Hopefully can mow some of the jungle later today...if/when it warms up.
Y'all have a good day.

No one really knows this except maybe for @*CatinIL* but the world is moving slower, it is getting older by the day. ;)
Goooooooood morning, Venezuela!

Dam spell check is now using permanent marker so I can't delete it... oh well. It's a little brisk in the foggy bottom this morning. Will have to wait til after noon to mow (which means I won't be able to do so til 6pm or later) cause the sun needs to bake the moisture off a bit.

Friend of a close friend, but an acquaintance of mine really, had a miscarriage after her shots, so I'm trying to think of something appropriate to send to the family from our family to lift their spirits. Any thoughts? Should we refrain?

Never know what to say or do in social situations like these. My parents never passed on such information
Everyone is different. My wife lost a pregnancy and she just didn't want anyone to bring it up and remind her of it. We were lucky. Very quickly she got pregnant again, all went perfectly and our son is 21 now...
Everyone is different. My wife lost a pregnancy and she just didn't want anyone to bring it up and remind her of it. We were lucky. Very quickly she got pregnant again, all went perfectly and our son is 21 now...
Ditto for us.

We lost the middle pregnancy. It was early enough not to bother either of us much. Not all pregnancies will lead to birth. I always looked at it fatalistically as it was simply not mean to be.