Interesting point:Whatever happened to the month of May? Springtime? Can remember turning on the A/C in mid, late May (of course I lived in Atlanta at the time) 38 degrees this morning in the Buckeye State....freeze warning for tonight I hear.
Always thought global warming was a hoax...and climate change the same. Just a new name since the old one you could shoot holes in pretty easy. But I do wonder about the seasons some. Seems as a kid it would warm up nicely in April and be nice and warm in May. Now sometimes it takes till June to warm up. Same in the Fall. Can remember October being cool/cold...occasional snow on Halloween. Now, it's warm in October, even into November (some years not all). Like everything's shifting about a month. Could be my imagination and faulty memories from childhood. Who knows.
Hopefully can mow some of the jungle later today...if/when it warms up.
Y'all have a good day.
Northern Hemisphere snow mass an historic 700 gigatons above average
Interesting how this can happen during a period of 'global warming,' isn't it? You don't suppose we're being played do you? Northern Hemisphere snow mass is an historic 700 gigatons above average. (A gigaton is