
Went out to help my twisted sister with her garden, I am amazed at how fast a snake can crawl, but I am even more amazed at how fast I can run at 69 just seeing a snake!!!!!
You sound like my wife Cord. Today I was in the pool and I asked her to go by the pool filter system and turn on the water fountain. It is on the ground. She went to the garage and got a hoe. i asked her what the heck? Snakes, she just knew she would see a snake. I got so tickled I almost drowned. The girl has a snake phobia and often dreams about them,. One of her dreams turned out to be a nightmare. I may share it someday

Finally got into to see the doctor about my wrist. They did x-rays and said everything was good. They said I had De Quervain's Tenosynovitis, which is inflammation of the tendons at the base of the thumb. I have to wear a splint and take 800mg Motrin to see if it gets better. If not, I'll have to get a cortisone shot.
Hope it helps. I'm sure it's painful.
Good morning D-League. I hope all is well.

Thanks for the reminder of early Jimmy Buffet Bertfan.

The day I got out of college in the spring of 1977 I made a bold move down to Ft. Lauderdale to be with a girl and try to find a job. We'd met at spring break the year before, and visited a couple times. She was from West Palm Beach, and already a big Jimmy Buffet fan. I don't think I'd ever heard of him at that time. But we started going to small clubs in Coconut Grove in Miami where he was playing. He must have hit nationally around that time, because within a year we were back to see him opening for the Eagles at the Orange Bowl.

Somewhere along the way to the whole "Margaritaville and Parrott Heads" schtick he lost me. But his early music -- A1A and Living and Dying in 3/4 Time albums especially -- can still remind me of being 21, with a hot girl and living away from home for the first time in a place that was exotic for a Kentucky boy.
I've seen him several times in concert. You're right, his earliest music is his best. He really hasn't put out anything memorable since the early 80's.
Man I feel like I did the day after I had a match back in High School. My body aches. Just took a Tylenol to see how that helps. I went to bed without any dope. It was a rough night for me.

To add to it I was back at the VA this morning to drop a pint.

Yeah it burns me to no end when I see that so-called PPE laying all around. Just ridiculous people can't pick up after themselves. Just nasty. I find a used mask in my driveway sometimes. It is not the ones we use and this is a halfway decent neighborhood too.
I am dropping a pint also. It is good stuff! 🤣
I probably doesn't really have a whole lot of sentimental value to the person you returned it to other than it belonged to their dad.........If it was me I would just say, "this ring means a lot to me and if I had it, I would give you a handsome reward....but.....sadly I am a working stiff here's a $20 for your time......thank you from the bottom of my heart." If I was the finder I would just smile and hand them the $20 back and tell them that I was glad to be able to reunite them with their fathers ring.......$20 won't change gives the finder a chance to do a good deed.......that's what I would another gentleman on this site would probably say....."pray over will make the right decision" Huh...BBUK?
Here is the ring that Cord found.

I've seen him several times in concert. You're right, his earliest music is his best. He really hasn't put out anything memorable since the early 80's.
82, my take is that he had a very specific, regional talent that captured a mood and place in his early albums. They were drenched in the Florida and Caribbean feel, and in the sensibility of people who were letting their lives, in some cases their goals and ambitions, float away while they got immersed into that seductive culture.

Then Margaritaville (a song I like, to be clear) was a mega-hit in pop, country and every other genre. And he saw the money-minting potential in selling a Disneyworld version of that -- a vacation you could take from reality for awhile, not a reality itself.

I'm probably overthinking it. And, by the way, no criticism intended of the choices he made, which turned him into a giant, very rich star. But like you, I lost interest in his music before he hit it big.
The Conch Republic, Key West, is an interesting part of history. I had an uncle who was a proud Conch. His family had migrated to Key West from Spain in the 1700's. Key West and Monroe county was once the most populated area of Florida. If someone called him a Cuban he would break them in half. He was Spanish and wanted nothing to do with Cuban blood. I could never understand that because he and my aunt cooked the best Cuban food I ever ate.

The D League enjoys cemetery and graves sites and Key West Cemetery is one of the best in America to tour. Some graves have 3 or 4 generations in one because of the limited space. It is similar to New Orleans as many are buried above ground because of the low water table.

Key West is different and you are going to either like it or hate it. I would not take my Sunday School class there but you can do a lot of things to have fun other than debouchery.

They became "Independent" in 1982. The idea behind their secession was "Since the U.S, was treating them like a foreign country they may as well be one." The Conchs were mad and weren't going to take it anymore. I was talking to a native Conch bar tender down there once and he said the worse thing to happen to Key West was becoming a part of the U.S. In his mind he still thought Florida was a part of the Confederacy and Key West was Independent. Old dogs never die they just go to Conch Heaven

Sawnee -- Great stuff. Thanks for sharing. I first went to Key West in 1977. And even then, people were already saying, "man, if you could have seen this place 15 years ago. Paradise." They are probably saying that today. But I loved the place in the mid-late 1970s. A buddy of mine was dating a woman who grew up there, and her father was a shrimper. We'd go down and he showed us a bit about that, let us fumble around working on his boat, then would boil up some fresh shrimp and a few of those small rock lobsters. Fantastic.
The new
Is it new moon or full moon right now? Heard the coyotes howling last night so I was thinking it was close to full....
it is the full moon.....right now.........we usually target the day the moon is supposed to rain the next two MIL says a couple of days either side of the change is acceptable.......this is what happens when I try to put my brain in gear before I have been up a while.......
AWF, when I found it, it happened just like you said, they offered, I refused!!!! That ring not only had sentimental value to them, but to me too!!! He was a deacon at our church, friends with my parents and my best friends DAD!!!! Not ashamed to admit it, but I shed a tear when I popped it out of the ground!!!! I have one more item to find and that is a Tennis bracelet lost 18 years ago, her husband bought it for her when their first daughter was born, I will probably bawl with this one if I find it!!!! I had a dream that I did!!!!
Riches will come to you in other ways......Karma works in strange will find it Cord.........
The new

it is the full moon.....right now.........we usually target the day the moon is supposed to rain the next two MIL says a couple of days either side of the change is acceptable.......this is what happens when I try to put my brain in gear before I have been up a while.......

Riches will come to you in other ways......Karma works in strange will find it Cord.........
Scared me there awf, I thought you said Kamala works in strange ways!!!!!
The one I saw was a Rattlemoccasin!!!!
OK, my snake story with my fraidy cat snake hating wife. It is about 3:00 AM and I am in a deep, very deep sleep. My wife whispers into my ear. "Don't move, don't move". I moan and groan and say what??? Still half a sleep. She says a little louder than a whisper, there is a snake in the bed. A big red snake. DON'T MOVE. She is having a dream and still was not awake herself. I freeze.

A snake in the bed, I think. A snake in the bed. A big red one. ??? I jump straight up out of the bed. There is a light on the bed stand that you can touch and the light comes on. I hit it so hard it broke into pieces. Then I start banging on the bed with both hands trying to kill something in my wife's dreams. Then she yells out "what are you doing" Why aren't you in bed, why are you banging on the bed sheets?

Women. Wives. Trouble
Finally got into to see the doctor about my wrist. They did x-rays and said everything was good. They said I had De Quervain's Tenosynovitis, which is inflammation of the tendons at the base of the thumb. I have to wear a splint and take 800mg Motrin to see if it gets better. If not, I'll have to get a cortisone shot.
About 10 years ago I had a trigger finger syndrome associated with arthritis symptoms. Then reading blog comments from the afflicted and there was one post of hundred stating "It's the Vitamin C stupid" about an overdose of vitamin C contribution to the swelling of tendons causing a nodule to jam inside the tubular sheath. I could press on the nodule and release the locked tendon. I slowed the ingestion of vitamin C and the trigger finger went away. I preferred that to the cortisone injections or invasive recommended surgery. It worked for me and didn't think it should be a secret. I'm not a physician and cannot explain the why behind the relationship between vitamin C and the tendon swelling but that seemed irrelevant when the syndrome went away.
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Moo Baby

Much better than bad air.

Of course not.

If those are Silver Maples I'd consider replacing them.

I'm that way because, folks want a conformation narrative more than truth.

Identify your enemy. It's not termites in the yard being termites. It's termites eating wood products in your house. Termites are animals requiring nourishment and shelter. Investigate, target then eliminate. Targeted toxins are a tool not evil. Ecosystem sterility is shortsighted stupidity. You're a natural born killer, be a smart one.

True then, now finding quality is more difficult because things made to last a lifetime are generally repairable requiring an accompanying supply chain. Today's convenience is measured in frogskin ($) time means that replacement supply chain has disappeared faster than a hog in a sinkhole. Repair/recycling was much greener and efficient than our the throw away society that's been bought and sold. That ecology and economy are the same word thing.
Today po-folks are losing their human options in a rush from an age of labor saving mechanizations towards age of robotic assimilation via deceptive digital algorithms that devalues man to trained ape ignoring the divinity manifested in accent of man.​
We brought back two pines and a white dogwood from North gave my wife a piece of her folk's farm........the pine was maybe 60-70 foot cousin and myselp put almost 5,000 of the little Christmas lights on it for a couple of years till it got so tall we got scared to climb it.......the wind blew it over one night in a storm.......termites had went up through the core of that tree...they were up probably 20 foot or so......they had a six or eight inch column where it was completely ate up........I was really surprised to see them in a live tree......they bad around here......this clay is very suportive of their existence.......

we had an old garage when we first moved here.....there were cracks in the concrete that if you sat a box over the crack the next morning the little buggers would be eating on it.......I raised canaries for 25 years......kept all of my breeding records in spiral note books......the wife laid the note book on some 4 x 4 lights I had cabbages and was going to put up......them rascals tunneled up between two of those lights and demolished that record laid there maybe a weeks......I ran ads and sold the canary business.........I had lost three or four years of breeding records..........the most pertinent ones......
I had a oak whiskey barrel I drilled holds in it for the Director to plant hens and chick plants in a strawberry pot only on a large scale........we went out to go to work and the barrel was splayed out.....the termites ate it.....they bad around here......
They are all Cobra's Sir, they are all Cobra's... (Trust me...)
You could still see people doing this for tips in Rawalpindi, Pakistan back in the early 2000s. A buddy of mine snapped this while we watched. The trick is simple enough to figure out -- the snakes are curled in the baskets in a way that restricts them from striking. But I wouldn't want to do it myself.
About 10 years I had a trigger finger syndrome associated with arthritis symptoms. Then reading blog comments from the afflicted and there was one post of hundred stating "It's the Vitamin C stupid" about an overdose of vitamin C contribution to the swelling of tendons causing a nodule to jam inside the tubular sheath. I could press on the nodule and release the locked tendon. I slowed the ingestion of vitamin C and the trigger finger went away. I preferred that to the cortisone injections or invasive recommended surgery. It worked for me and didn't think it should be a secret. I'm not a physician and cannot explain and why the relationship between vtamin C and the tendon swelling but that seemed irrelevant when the syndrome went a

Scared me there awf, I thought you said Kamala works in strange ways!!!!!
She does sir..........That is the problem........
You could still see people doing this for tips in Rawalpindi, Pakistan back in the early 2000s. A buddy of mine snapped this while we watched. The trick is simple enough to figure out -- the snakes are curled in the baskets in a way that restricts them from striking. But I wouldn't want to do it myself.
So that is the trick. Makes sense and as you say simple enough. I am with you, I wouldn't do it, strike or no strike. I stay as far away as possible from poisonous snakes. Non poison no problem.
The new

it is the full moon.....right now.........we usually target the day the moon is supposed to rain the next two MIL says a couple of days either side of the change is acceptable.......this is what happens when I try to put my brain in gear before I have been up a while.......

Riches will come to you in other ways......Karma works in strange will find it Cord.........
Sounds like it might rain a lot too. We'll be under a flash flood watch beginning tomorrow afternoon and ending Thursday night.
We brought back two pines and a white dogwood from North gave my wife a piece of her folk's farm........the pine was maybe 60-70 foot cousin and myselp put almost 5,000 of the little Christmas lights on it for a couple of years till it got so tall we got scared to climb it.......the wind blew it over one night in a storm.......termites had went up through the core of that tree...they were up probably 20 foot or so......they had a six or eight inch column where it was completely ate up........I was really surprised to see them in a live tree......they bad around here......this clay is very suportive of their existence.......

we had an old garage when we first moved here.....there were cracks in the concrete that if you sat a box over the crack the next morning the little buggers would be eating on it.......I raised canaries for 25 years......kept all of my breeding records in spiral note books......the wife laid the note book on some 4 x 4 lights I had cabbages and was going to put up......them rascals tunneled up between two of those lights and demolished that record laid there maybe a weeks......I ran ads and sold the canary business.........I had lost three or four years of breeding records..........the most pertinent ones......
I had a oak whiskey barrel I drilled holds in it for the Director to plant hens and chick plants in a strawberry pot only on a large scale........we went out to go to work and the barrel was splayed out.....the termites ate it.....they bad around here......
Harboring cellulose digesting bacteria in their gut, termites are a pest everywhere there are carbon assimilating plants on God's earth yet remain a valuable part of our ecosystem that are destructive to our domiciles.
82, my take is that he had a very specific, regional talent that captured a mood and place in his early albums. They were drenched in the Florida and Caribbean feel, and in the sensibility of people who were letting their lives, in some cases their goals and ambitions, float away while they got immersed into that seductive culture.

Then Margaritaville (a song I like, to be clear) was a mega-hit in pop, country and every other genre. And he saw the money-minting potential in selling a Disneyworld version of that -- a vacation you could take from reality for awhile, not a reality itself.

I'm probably overthinking it. And, by the way, no criticism intended of the choices he made, which turned him into a giant, very rich star. But like you, I lost interest in his music before he hit it big.
He definitely had a knack for setting the mood in the early days. His last really good album was Son Of A Son Of A Sailor in 1978. The following year he released Volcano and it sounded like he sold out and lost his way. It was a decent album just not up to his usual good feeling, lost in the Keys sound.
OK, my snake story with my fraidy cat snake hating wife. It is about 3:00 AM and I am in a deep, very deep sleep. My wife whispers into my ear. "Don't move, don't move". I moan and groan and say what??? Still half a sleep. She says a little louder than a whisper, there is a snake in the bed. A big red snake. DON'T MOVE. She is having a dream and still was not awake herself. I freeze.

A snake in the bed, I think. A snake in the bed. A big red one. ??? I jump straight up out of the bed. There is a light on the bed stand that you can touch and the light comes on. I hit it so hard it broke into pieces. Then I start banging on the bed with both hands trying to kill something in my wife's dreams. Then she yells out "what are you doing" Why aren't you in bed, why are you banging on the bed sheets?

Women. Wives. Trouble

I don't see the problem.😉
OK, my snake story with my fraidy cat snake hating wife. It is about 3:00 AM and I am in a deep, very deep sleep. My wife whispers into my ear. "Don't move, don't move". I moan and groan and say what??? Still half a sleep. She says a little louder than a whisper, there is a snake in the bed. A big red snake. DON'T MOVE. She is having a dream and still was not awake herself. I freeze.

A snake in the bed, I think. A snake in the bed. A big red one. ??? I jump straight up out of the bed. There is a light on the bed stand that you can touch and the light comes on. I hit it so hard it broke into pieces. Then I start banging on the bed with both hands trying to kill something in my wife's dreams. Then she yells out "what are you doing" Why aren't you in bed, why are you banging on the bed sheets?

Women. Wives. Trouble
Many years ago in our old house I was on the couch watching a show when my wife lets out a blood curdling scream. I ran to the bathroom expecting to find someone there who broke into the house figuring I was going to have to fight. When I got there there was a wolf spider in the tub and she was just getting ready to shower. My heart was racing and when I saw the spider she yelled "Kill it!" Frustrated, I just turned around and walked away while saying "It's just a spider" (She hates them with a passion). She wound up using her house shoe to kill it and was mad at me the rest of the night.
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They call it progress.
The older I get the less I like progress. Or is it just me?
You describe a nice scene for Miami back in that era. Oh, how I wish I could have experienced it back in those simpler times. I imagine it to be such an idyllic area back then. I need a time machine to go back.....
I've said the same thing a few times while in Miami. I've said every time I've been in Vegas or L.A.
And you could still find places like Dirty Ernie's in Fort Lauderdale where you could get good conch chowder and Bimini Bread, or Captain Tony's in Key West
Use to go quarterly to corporate meetings in Ft. Lauderdale. At one meeting we had the neatest excursion...but for the life of me I've never known the name of the place. Got on a boat somewhere in Ft. L'dale, (maybe 15 of us) and took the intercoastal waterways. Probably for an hour. Got to the destination, which seemed like an island but in reality was probably just behind a WalMart or something. But it seemed remote. Decorated like an island bbq (speaking of Jimmy Buffet). Had a show and the dinner as I recall was really good. Wish I could remember the name of it but I imagine it's gone now like so many places.
You could still see people doing this for tips in Rawalpindi, Pakistan back in the early 2000s. A buddy of mine snapped this while we watched. The trick is simple enough to figure out -- the snakes are curled in the baskets in a way that restricts them from striking. But I wouldn't want to do it myself.
I thought he was playing paper, rock, scissors with them.
Many years ago in our old house I was on the couch watching a show when my wife lets out a blood curdling scream. I ran to the bathroom expecting to find someone there who broke into the house figuring I was going to have to fight. When I got there there was a wolf spider in the tub and she was just getting ready to shower. My heart was racing and when I saw the spider she yelled "Kill it!" Frustrated, I just turned around walked while saying "It's just a spider" (She hates them with a passion). She wound up using her house shoe to kill it and was mad at me the rest of the night.
The Mrs is like that. She doesn't hate spiders, bugs....but I'm the one who has to track them down and do the dirty deed. The big thing the last few years has been stink bugs. Now she does hate them...not scared....just good old fashion hate.
Dang! You guys have been busy today. Took over 5 hours to play a round today. Way too slow for me and my game suffered. Shot an 84 and didn't make one putt of any consequence. Oh well, maybe tomorrow won't be so bad.

Sounds like it might rain a lot too. We'll be under a flash flood watch beginning tomorrow afternoon and ending Thursday night.
Alexa gave me an alert to tell me about the flash flood warning. I told her we don't live in a flash flood area but she doesn't seem to listen.
The Mrs is like that. She doesn't hate spiders, bugs....but I'm the one who has to track them down and do the dirty deed. The big thing the last few years has been stink bugs. Now she does hate them...not scared....just good old fashion hate.
Yeah, I told my wife about the snake in the bed story and she laughed and I also told her I posted the spider story and she says "Did you also tell them how big it was and that you just walked away and made me have to kill it?" I said "yes" Then she says "I'll bet all those guys in the D league take care of their wives and kill spiders for them" I said "probably but, they're better men than I am if they do." She agreed with that as I was walking away again laughing.
Dang! You guys have been busy today. Took over 5 hours to play a round today. Way too slow for me and my game suffered. Shot an 84 and didn't make one putt of any consequence. Oh well, maybe tomorrow won't be so bad.

Alexa gave me an alert to tell me about the flash flood warning. I told her we don't live in a flash flood area but she doesn't seem to listen.
I'm assuming that if it floods your house then we're all screwed. "Cats and dogs living together. Mass hysteria!".
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You could still see people doing this for tips in Rawalpindi, Pakistan back in the early 2000s. A buddy of mine snapped this while we watched. The trick is simple enough to figure out -- the snakes are curled in the baskets in a way that restricts them from striking. But I wouldn't want to do it myself.
I make a motion that NO ONE ever post any nasty pictures like this again........Do I hear a second?
Sounds like it might rain a lot too. We'll be under a flash flood watch beginning tomorrow afternoon and ending Thursday night.
Yes sir, and my garden wouldn't be dry enough to plant before it would be too late.......that puts me at the end of May......I want them to grow so I can plant something else in that spot late summer.......besides I have to have a good interval of time between planting things so my back recovers........I don't have much bend over left.......
Yeah, I told my wife about the snake in the bed story and she laughed and I also told her I posted the spider story and she says "Did you also tell them how big it was and that you just walked away and made me have to kill it?" I said "yes" Then she says "I'll bet all those guys in the D league take care of their wives and kill spiders for them" I said "probably but, they're better men than I am if they do." She agreed with that as I was walking away again laughing.
Except for a black widow or brown recluse, mine expects me to catch it and take it outside instead of killing it.